"You can't really blame me for playing around, can you?"
Name: Janus Darrel Heathcliffe
Nicknames: Jan, Rel
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Student | Lab Rat
Personality: Janus is an energetic lad. Even before he tapped into the speed force, he was already a ball of pure energy. Always on the move, always itching to do something and always with a smile on his face, he can either be very annoying or very fun to be around with. He's a very active person in any event - be it in school, in sports or in the household. Due to his hyperactivity, getting him to agree to do things for you is very easy. He isn't gullible, but he likes helping people out.
He is a naturally curious person who wants to try anything and everything. When presented with a task that he hasn't learned yet, he would go above and beyond to learn about it and be able to execute it. Janus is hardworking when something begins to interest him but it also means that he can get a one-track mind. One can say that he can get a little too obsessed with something. This can lead to either a breakthrough for him or a completely devastating accident. For the case of his speed force, both.
Likes: Helping, Learning, Experiments, Games, Sports, Physical activity
Dislikes: Dishonesty, Disloyalty, Trickery, Silence, Isolation
Janus had led a relatively normal life. With both of his parents working, he usually spent his time alone in the house. This had led him to obsessively watch things over the internet, to hear about the superheroes and the supervillains as they battle. He was a big fan of the superheroes and even the vigilantes - so much so that he often begs for his parents to take him to places where they would appear. Sometimes it was at the museums dedicated to a certain superhero and sometimes it would be at interviews. He wanted to be just like them, but unfortunately, he was not born with any powers.
But his parents told him - if you want to be like them, then he should be a helpful and kind person. Even if he didn't have any powers, he could still change the world if he tried enough. So that's what Janus did. He began to help around to those who needed it and studied as hard as he can. It wasn't until Janus had begun to research into the Flash family. The speed force could apparently be gained artificially. There it was! An opportunity! And he started his research. His obsession. His parents had thought that it was entirely harmless. After all, what could an eleven-year-old do, right?
Well, many things when partnered up with someone just as curious. He met a young scientist by the name of Francis Redmoore. He was a family friend and the two had begun conversing about the speed force and how to possibly acquire it. Francis wanted to be able to recreate the Flash experiment and Janus was more than happy to participate in it. Janus was a smart kid and he was able to help Francis by giving a fresh perspective to the guy.
And they managed to recreate it. Unfortunately, it wasn't as successful. Janus managed to acquire the ability to use the speed force, but it was unstable. He couldn't last for as long as the Flash family could - nowhere close even. He would risk disappearing into who knows where, if he tried to use it for more than a few minutes. Francis apologized for it but Janus was content. He could work with this. He just needed to learn more about it.
And that's what he did. He worked and he trained until he was able to control a concentrated part of the speed force in increments. He didn't tell his parents about it at first, he didn't want them to worry. But they found out soon enough. They had chewed Francis out for allowing such a risky experiment to happen to a young teen, but eventually, let him off because Janus was happy.
It's been a three years since the incident and Janus has gone out to be a vigilante every now and then. Recently, he's caught the attention of the Flash group and he's talked to Barry Allen about the instability of his control over the speed force. He said that he'll look into fixing it and Janus was looking forward to maybe being able to control the speed force better. But for now, he was content with being able to do so much.
- Superhuman Speed - Utilizing the speed force, he can reach up to Mach 5 in only a few milliseconds. Due to the relatively instability of his control over the speed force, he is able to access such speed in bursts.
- Superhuman Strength - An application of the speed force, he's able to make himself achieve strength comparable to those of other heroes. Much like his speed, he can let it out in bursts.
- Electric Generation - Through the usage of the speed force, he can generate electricity to enhance his attacks. When he's experiencing emotional extremes, he accidentally creates electricity that dances across his skin.
- Superhuman Reaction - The only ability he has that is constantly activated, his senses are almost always on overdrive so that he can spot anything faster than any normal person. This allows him to react accordingly to what he perceives.
- Superhuman Stamina - To be able to keep up with the speed he goes on, the speed force has relegated for his stamina to be increased.
- Enhanced Durablity - Passively, he can withstand a few more hits than a normal human. He can also concentrate the speed force onto a certain part of him to act as a buffer to lessen the damage made on him.
- Fast Learner - Janus can pick up skills relatively quicker than other people due to how he spends a lot of time to become adequate in a certain task. One can call him a Jack of all Trades due to this skill.
- Photographic Memory - Janus can easily memorize what he sees even if he was only skimming it. This is very useful when it comes to studying for his tests.
- Strategy - He wouldn't be able to do much without the use of strategic positioning and attacks. With his ability to process things faster than normal, he's able to make strategies in mere seconds for him to execute.
- Sewing - He learned how to sew from his mother because he tends to rip a lot of his clothing. This leads him to be able to make his own sets of clothing as long as he has the supplies and the time to do so.
- Mixed Martial Arts Training - Janus had started out young in learning how to fight. While he is aware that most of the techniques are for non-lethal fighting, it has allowed him to physically train himself for the real deal. He knows how to take on opponents that are bigger and stronger than him.
- Unstable Power - Janus's control over the speed force is unstable, at best. He cannot continuously use it for more than five minute in real time. If he exceeds, he is liable to be sucked in by the speed force.
- Obsessions - Janus can develop tunnel vision whenver he's presented with something he is highly interested in. He will not stop until he's managed to sate his interest or if his body collapses under the stress.
- Range - Janus needs to be able to close the distance between himself and his opponent or else he's at an extreme disadvantage. Even his electricity cannot reach farther than one foot away from him.