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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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I was debating between going down the typical speedster route (accidentally discovering the speed force through an experiment inspired by the Flash family) or to make a gravity type character.

Are y'all looking for another one? 'Cause I'm interested.
Rena Kirizaki

Current form: Human
Location: Isamu Warehouse

"New squadmates?" Her ears had perked up in curiosity. Because of their unofficial position in the Isamu "family", they'd mostly been assigned to squads that needed help. Rena wasn't complaining if the arrangement meant that they'd have more missions on hand. Everything that they knew was simply fighting the monsters that dwelled in Zero Time so the position wouldn't be too bad.

She turned sharply towards Onassis - the so-called 'Father' or whatever that meant. Much like Rinishi, she didn't quite understand why they had called him that. And Rena didn't really find the need to question it before. She tilted her head downwards, apparently - it was a show of respect? - and then greeted back, "Good evening to you too... Nass." Rena also never got the chance to learn his name since they always just called him 'Father Nass'.

Well, if this was the squad Maylis was talking about, then she imagined she would get to know the man a bit more.

Rena turned back to the three that were continuing their argument but Maylis looked like she was putting an end to it by pulling out her superior card in terms of power. She was the leader of Isamu after all, and Rena imagined she didn't get that position without doing a lot of training and proving her worth.

She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one leg, waiting for the argument to finish. "As amusing as it sounds for you guys to be fighting with magic and all, time's ticking and I thought you guys wanted to get a jump on the other families to collect soul essence." And really, it was amusing to see them argue over whether Maylis could tag along or not. Butting in was certainly not something a normal person would do, but Rena was nowhere remotely near to what you would call 'normal'. Besides, she wanted to get into some action already.

@Lunarlord34 @Bartimaeus

Tarashima Forest
Hiroko agreed partly with Kaito - he still hadn't accepted Honami's reasoning but he'll come into terms with it soon enough - but the plan of seeing what they were or were not familiar with in this new world was a good one. Languages should come easy since Honami did explain that being summoned would mean that they would be able to understand the languages of the natives of this world, and they even experienced it firsthand with the inscriptions and the goblins.

She turned to Ipharia and gave her a nod. "Alright, let's head over there then. Let's not waste any more time yeah?" She told them. They were burning daylight and she'd really rather not traverse through the dark in some unfamiliar world. Even if they did have a native with them now and even if they would wake up to some mysterious power while in this world, she wanted them to be safe in a town rather than on a road. At least there, it was relatively assured that there would be helpful in arm's reach.

"Before we get to a town, can you tell us more about this... kingdom or whatever the hell we're in right now?" It would be better to have some form of background about their location than not. At least they won't seem too lost when someone approaches them. It would probably be enough for only Ipharia to know that they're from another world. Hiroko dreaded the idea of people being far too curious for their own good about their unique condition.
Rena Kirizaki

Current form: Cat -> Human
Location: Isamu Warehouse

Rena had only dreamed of it before - the freedom she now had. All those years spent inside the facility with only vague pictures and descriptions of the world outside... it paled in comparison to the real thing. But she still remembered what they had told her and Rinishi. Even if they had kept them in isolation for most of their life, they made sure to tell them all about the dangers of the outside world for when they were going to be "released". And she supposed that there was truth in their warnings.

Though in the two months that she and Rinishi had been living, Rena learned where she could and could not go. Rinishi also learned to hide some of his features. People tend to stare. Rena wasn't surprised, but it certainly wasn't a nice feeling. So she made a point to use her animal form when she wanted to get from one place to another without much bother.

She learned that a cat was the least likely to garner attention aside from the select few people who would stop to coo at her or shoo her away as they often think she's asking for food. Generally, however, they leave her alone. So she had come to prefer the feline form, though she did miss her vulpine form.

The feline wove her way through the crowds of Mahoukyo. Rena had just wanted to stretch her legs a bit and maybe get some food or money in the process and she did manage to snag a fish and some loose coins that had fallen onto the ground. There were still a few things she and Rinishi had so it's not like they were starving. Their work with Isamu during Zero Time earned a few wads of cash to be able to spend on their necessities and their wants. Still, it wasn't a bad thing to think about saving up whatever they can just in case one of them gets called out of commission.

She transformed back when she reached the warehouse. "Hey Rin." She called out, knowing fully well that if he was around, he'd be able to hear even if she didn't shout. "We need to get to the warehouse for the briefing. Let's go."


It wasn't like the warehouse was too far from where they had made temporary residence, thankfully enough. Getting there also didn't have to involve delving into thick crowds. To be fair, things weren't as busy during this time of the day but she'd really rather stick to the alleys where there are fewer people who use it. Of course, there was the occasional sleaze but it could be remedied by a simple change of appearance.

When she entered with Rinishi, she managed to recognize the three important people in Isamu - Maylis, Alister and Dieter. As far as she knew, they all played a key part in breaking into their facility so she gave them the benefit of the doubt. That for now, they wouldn't do them any harm. But it was still worrying, nonetheless. You couldn't be too careful. From what the scientists have claimed, younger Rena was gullible enough to trust a kind man. She can't afford to make the same mistake, for Rinishi's sake too.

"Fighting again eh? What is it this time? Squads? Maylis trying to do something stupid?" As per usual, she doesn't quite clearly understand that these three held a power above hers. Or technically, she did understand it but simply chose to ignore it because she was not going back to putting someone back onto a pestedal to control your every movement.

@Bartimaeus @Lunarlord34
Maya Dozier

Current contractor: Akechi family
Location: Akechi Meeting Area

"Do I make myself clear?"


Her relationship with her father was a good one, but it also subjected Maya to a lot of her father's warnings. As a mercenary, she had no assurances that she would have any allies. She would have temporary ones during Zero Time, especially when she would take up a contract with one of the families. When she doesn't get a contract, it would usually end up with flimsy alliances with other independent mages who may or may not stab her in the back.

Her father was only making sure that she held everything with the utmost care because he claimed that he wouldn't be able to stomach it if he lost any of his children. With how he was in the past, Maya honestly highly doubted that. You just stand up, accept and walk away. Nevertheless, the thought from her father was appreciated. It was nice to feel someone worried about her wellbeing - but she could never give any promises of coming back alive.

Such were the risks of Zero Time.

Her current contractors were the Akechi family. She had found herself working for the stingy family for quite a while now due to their professionalism. To them, a contract was a contract and nothing more. No loose ends. Her job was to aid in a squad's fight inside Zero Time and that was it. There was nothing else she needed to know and nothing else she needed to do.

Wasting no time as she leaped out of the top floor of the Dozier household, she placed her board under her feet and began to glide across the air with little to no resistance. She looked downwards to watch the stragglers rush back to their homes. While it wasn't a common occurrence, there were still civilians who should not have access to Zero Time and yet still find themselves lost within it. Hopefully, there was none of that this time around. She can't afford to get distracted.

She dismounted her board once she was close to the building, strapping it back to its position as she readied her temporary card which gave her very limited access of the building before her. The guard had stiffly pointed her in the right direction - it wasn't her first time there - and she made her way down to the meeting room. If she strayed any further than her current path, she was rather sure that the family would not take kindly to it and she would doubt that she would be able to leave this place alive if she snooped around. Besides, there weren't many interesting things in there, as far as she was concerned at least.

It seemed like she had just arrived in the nick of time as the squad had assembled themselves. As per usual, Maya positioned herself close to the wall where she was awaiting her orders.

Maya Dozier


Full Name: Maya Dozier

Nickname(s): Doz

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Birthday: June 15

Affiliation: None, yet

Written Appearance: Maya stands at a height of 5'6 with an athletic figure. Often seen holding herself with confidence, she seems much taller than she is. During casual situations, her red hair is usually let loose. However, when she is on her job, she ties it back so that it's less of a hindrance. Her body is filled with scars both monsters and accident inflicted, but she carries them with a certain amount of pride as well.


Personality: A thrill seeker through and through, Maya would risk both life and limb for a little excitement in her life. She takes many calculated risks that others would call reckless - and to a certain extent, they are reckless and could cause her death one of these days. However, she stands by them because where's the fun in safety?

She's relatively easygoing as a person and is rather friendly to most; as long as they don't attack her, she won't attack either. She's often called out for not being serious about Zero Time or anything of the sorts - but she does take it seriously, she just wants to have fun along the way. However, she harbors indecisiveness in her system which has cost her many things - such as not knowing which family to join or what to actually fight for. In the end, she fights to both sustain herself and to simply be able to help.

  • Fighting
  • Adventure
  • Magic
  • Knives
  • Blades

  • Needless confrontation
  • Aggression
  • ZT Monsters

  • Maya's magic makes it easier to overwhelm an opponent by attacking from multiple sides.
  • Resourceful to a fault, Maya can make almost anything into a weapon as long as she can lift it. The use of the environment around her is an integral part of her fighting style.
  • Agility and flexibility are things she can boast about but her ability on her board is what really catches the eyes of other people.

  • Due to her reckless nature, she finds no problems in taking on high risks which has cost her injuries in the past.
  • Maya's main line of defense are her items. Her body can only take so many hits before going down herself as it is woefully average.
  • Due to not having any loyalty to any of the Three Families, Maya doesn't have access to many allies or contacts.

  • Christopher Dozier [Father | Alive] - Current patriarch of the small Dozier family. He and Maya have a good standing relationship despite her being the only one in her family who hasn't chosen a side.
  • Isumi Dozier [Mother | Sick but alive] - Currently being treated at the local hospital, Isumi also has a good relationship with her daughter. However, her condition seems to only grow worse.
  • Yasuhiro Dozier [Older Brother | Alive] - The two of them go out for coffee sometimes and they rely on each other when worse comes to worse. He's currently part of the Akechi family.
  • Haruka Dozier [Older sister | Alive] - Haruka and Maya are rather close though, much like Yasuhiro, they don't meet up as frequently as before. Their siblings bonding time are scheduled every other week. She's currently in the Isamu family.

Backstory: Born into a small family of mages, a Dozier is trained to be able to utilize their soul into magic at a young age. The Dozier family had migrated to Mahoukyo to be closer to what was rumored to be the highest concentration of Soul in the entire world. However, they were quickly put into their place by the three families that monopolized the city for their own gain. Instead of retaliation or outright joining any of the three families, the Dozier family became an independent group of mages.

As the years passed, the family became more lenient in their study of Soul and allowed their members to disperse however they wanted. This led to the Dozier family being sectioned off and being inducted into one of the three Families. Maya was born in this time - bright eyed at the sight of magic being performed by both of her parents and her older siblings. She was quick to take on to the role of learning them.

Maya's life went by normally up until Yasuhiro decided to pack up and join the Akechi family after he was noticed in being useful. Haruka was not far behind in leaving for Isamu. Christopher expected for Maya to follow suit as well - choosing which side of the war she would be on. However, Maya could not choose and decided to follow the path her ancestors had done before - become independent. Though her father had warned her that it would be difficult, she soldiered on.

By 17, she was already venturing out herself to aid in Zero Time, using her father's hover board gift to be able to traverse the night city quickly and to respond even quicker. She found herself wanting to come back for more, if anything, so that she would be able to push back the monotonous life of not living on the edge of safety.

As the years pressed on and Maya became more well known for her skills as an independent, she had started to frequent the territories in search of mercenary work or to simply befriend anyone there. It usually wasn't ideal due ot the bad blood between the families but they treated her professionally or friendly enough. Maya simply helps with the eradications of monsters and the aid of people - which usually lands her with the Isamu family - and would never dip into sabotage of other families.


High | Intermediate | Talented

Maya's magic lies within the free control of objects within her range. Using magic, she can physically move objects without touching them and be able to either have fine control over them or to launch them at high speeds equivalent to that of a bullet - or even more if more soul is used. However, there is a necessary charge up sequence before she is able to shoot them out.

Her reach is a twenty meter radius but the further it is from her, the harder it is for her to control. The most she can do with an object at her furthest distance is a simple push or pull. It is also difficult for her to control an object that has a force already acting upon it - such as a bullet that has been shot or a sword that is being slashed. The most she can do with those are simply redirection unless she had ample time to charge up enough force to counteract it.


  • Over the years, she has amassed a few items - both magical and not - to aid her in her hunt which includes:
    • Tres - Shaped like a skateboard made of metal, a mana stone was inserted into it so that it would have the ability to fly. This is suplemented by Maya's telekinesis that allow her more advanced manuevers. The board can be strapped onto her back using magic.
    • Ammo pack - Something she had been saving up for years, the ammo pack is strapped onto her waste and contains an enchantment that allows for the storage of so much more things than what it is logically able to carry. She currently has forty knifes and six daggers inside.
    • Wand - Her actual magic item that she uses to be able to use her magic more finely than before.
    • Two Shields - Not magical by any means but certainly durable enough to sustain a couple of hits, it is one of her emergency defense objects.
    • Katana - One that she keeps around for emergency cases, she rarely uses magic when she begins relying on her katana. She has some background on proper technique.
  • Has been and will always be free to be hired so long as it isn't directionally sabotaging or harming a Family member.
  • Also has been seen working for the government as an independent fighter

Rena Kirizaki


Full Name: Rena Kirizaki

Nickname(s): Ren

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: October 14

Affiliation: Isamu

Written Appearance: Rena, unlike her brother, was not gifted in her height - merely reaching up to 5'1 and weighing only 105 lbs, she wasn't built to be intimidating. Her small frame is packed with muscle though due to her clothing, she is deceptively weak-looking. In terms of clothing, Rena just grabs whatever is available. She's often seen in long-sleeved shirts and jeans that aren't too restrictive. Unlike her brother, she prefers to display her animal parts proudly.


Personality: Rena is a cautious individual due to the circumstances surrounding her past. She doesn't trust people easily because the last time that had happened, she and her brother were locked in a facility. Her cautiousness can be too much, nearly even bordering paranoia in some cases. She's usually on alert for the most part and keeps an eye out on how people act - essentially being observing and trying to piece together how they work so she can predict how they would move and act.

Aggression comes naturally to her, easily agitated by anyone who seems remotely dangerous to her and her brother's welfare. She would be willing to throw hands with anyone. And this carries over to when she's forced into a fight. Preferring to always get up close and personal - shifting into a larger animal to fight. More often than not, Rena doesn't usually make any plans prior to when she attacks. This leads to some compromising situations that can be avoided if someone is there to control her. Usually, that falls on Rinishi.

When she's comfortable around people, Rena is a lot more easygoing. This is most evident when she's with her brother. She's a lot more mischevious than she lets on and relatively curious about anything and everything. Rena is very expressive during these times - giving bright smiles and laughs. She's very talkative and loves interaction.

Rena, much like her brother, does not have a stable morality. The only thing she knows is survival and would do anything to survive.

  • Animals
  • Nature
  • Safety
  • Silence
  • Sunlight
  • Napping
  • Talking

  • Crowded places
  • Loud noises
  • Scientists
  • Sterilized smell
  • Alcohol

  • Physically capable
  • Animal instincts
  • Keen observant
  • Capable fighter

  • Distrustful
  • Aggressive
  • Magic is purely physical
  • Still learning about how the world works

  • Rinishi Kirizaki [Brother | Alive] - The only person she truly trusts, Rena loves her brother very much and would fight anyone who tries to even think about harming him.

- Was told that she and her brother were orphans that they picked up from the streets
- Lived in an underground science facility for most of her life
- Doesn't remember the time from before the facility. Only vague recollections of faces and her name
- Scientists subjected her and her brother to multiple experiments, all with varying degrees of success
- At age 13, their animals parts had appeared after one experiment. It was deemed a success.
- Put into observation for two years before deeming them as stable.
- Subsequently trained for fighting with the goal of making an efficient and effective hunters for Zero Time
- Attempted to brainwash them into being loyal soldiers but failed
- Facility was raided by the Isamu family two months ago. None of the scientists were caught but left Rena and Rinishi behind
- Maylis decided to let them into Isamu territory while they decide who they will ally themselves to
- Currently homeless but squats at Isamu territory


Medium | Novice | Talented

Due to the results of the experimentation, she and her brother had manifested their magic in a rather strange way. To her, it manifested in the form of vulpine likeness - ears, tail and fox behavior are always present on her form and she has no way to hide them. Oddly enough, Rena could manifest more tails - akin to the mythical Kitsune.

Her vulpine likeness allows the passive enhanced senses that come with the animal. Even in her semi-human form, she retains the flexibility and agility of a fox - able to compare to the most skilled contortionists. She's also gifted in many activities that foxes are skilled at - such as sneaking, running and climbing. Like other foxes, she has a magnetic sense, able to locate North through a darkened spot in her vision. This allows her to gauge distance very easily.

Her true magic lies in her shapeshifting - the ability to be able to transform into other creatures. Unlike her brother, she is much more comfortable in her animal form - hence her ability to fully shift into another animal. This, however, restricts her to being only one animal at once until she finds out a way to be able to meld two or more animal forms together. She's been able to shift from one form to another in quick succession.


  • Due to her upbringing, Rena is proficient in martial arts. Whenever she is not using her magic, she heavily relies on both that and her more animalistic way of fighting.
  • Her proficiency in her magic allows her to be able to retain her clothing and weaponry when she shifts between forms.

I'm throwing in my hat for this too.

I am probably leaning more to a lone wolf character with some sick ass telekinetic magic (or maybe weapon summoning?) but instead of being the brooding lone wolf character, they're like this happy-go-lucky helping character who's open to being hired by any of the families.

They just want to go around fighting and helping along the way.
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