Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post

Artemis Rin
Elliot Silber
Ezekiel Abel O’Brien
Saori Asakura
Dunkas Marcos

Onassis Daisuke
Rinishi Kirizaki
Rena Kirizaki
Kazumi Isano

Jana Reid
Enishi Kizuna
Kurokami Takuto


Aruru Ishtar-Gamelat
Maya Dozier
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



FULL NAME: Jana Reid

NICKNAMES: Pigeon girl, Jana✰Star, mudblood

GENDER: Female

AGE: 17


AFFILIATION: Akechi Family

WRITTEN APPEARANCE: Though only 5'4 tall, red goggles on top of green hair make Jana easy to pick out of a crowd. She usually wears skirts and on occasion shorts, as she does not feel comfortable in jeans or long dresses. On the other hand, her tops vary from sweater vests to summer dresses. She prefers her colours soft over flashy and has a thing for plaid patterns.

Jana has a number of blemishes thanks to her reckless parkour hobby. Most are just small scratches on her hands and elbows, but one in particular is a scar that runs across the side of her thigh up to her hip.

Strips of her skin can light up as neon. This happens when she uses her powers, but the patterns also light up when she is blushing from embarrassment, exercise or intoxication. Jana is not in control of this trait.


PERSONALITY: Jana’s kind but needy, a people-pleaser and a thrillseeker at the same time. She comes off a lot more reserved than her flashy appearance would suggest, up until there’s something she wants to climb or tag, that is. Her shy demeanor then makes place for a bashful grin… But you’d have to be a good friend of hers to catch a glimpse of that. Or a Zero Time-dweller. That’s where things get crazy!

Within the Akechi, Jana’s a contradiction. She frets about the strict values and commonly cold interactions, her own feelings and values being the complete opposite. Knowledge and tradition is fly and all but… You could also not spit on people outside the family. Still, Jana (mostly) abides by their rules because the Akechi are the closest thing to a family she so desperately longs for. As well as them being the link to her long lost father.

Dancing with Myself: Jana has a need for physical expression. Doors shut, headphones on, now playing: her personal contemporary heaven.
Friendship(!): She may or may not be slightly (read: very) clingy but a friend means the world to Jana.
Royalties: There's certain... Perks, to belonging to powerful family.
Watch This: Coy as she may act about it, Jana loves to impress. "It's no big deal." She may brush off a compliment, but that ear-to-ear grin tells a different story.
Graffiti Art: Jana spends way too long in subways. The way these urban messages are delivered really resonates with her.

Throwaway Feelings: Despite being at odds with their hierarchical and exclusive attitudes, Jana knows she really needs the Akechi family. She is ashamed of this shallow emotional dependence.
Picking Sides: Whenever a friend or authority asks if she's with or against them, the Jana-train reaches nightmare-station.
Ice Cream: That cold sensation feels invasive and wrong to a girl who uses her body to generate extreme heat.
Confinement: Jana gets uncomfortable in tight spaces. She’ll take the stairs over the elevator any day. Crowds are smothering to Jana also. If you ever want to torture her; take Jana clubbing.

Breakneck Parkour: While most may not pay their environment much mind, there are two questions always prevalent in Jana's head; "Can I climb it?" and "How fast?"
Tuning In On You: Jana’s the sensitive type. She can often tell the way those around her are feeling.
Built-In Compass: Jana has a great sense of direction. Especially when the stars are out.

Handwriting: "No, I'm not fluent in ancient Egyptian, why do you ask?"
Bleeding Heart: If Jana’s heartstrings were an instrument, there’d be a lot more musicians in this world.
Rats: Jana was bitten by a rat at a young age, she’s anxious around mere signs of them.

Arthur Reid: Jana’s father and last living relative, or so she believes. Arthur Reid is a widower with a background in medical science and an aptitude for psychometry. He’s gone missing during a mission he was on for the Akechi family.
Aohara Mikune: A rude and headstrong girl who smoked herself out of her shot at competing in track and into sounding like a forty-year old soul singer. Jana’s best friend.
Hector Johnson: Jana’s squad leader may be a bit stiff, but he’s the closest thing to a big brother she’s got. Hector comes across as a highly competent detective these days, but Jana remembers the time his methods were… Less refined. She reminds him sometimes.
Akechi Touma: The current family head may or may not harbour resentment towards Jana. Touma’s conduct, frankly, scares Jana. Still, within the Akechi’s hierarchy it is impossible not to respect him.
Enishi Kizuna: Jana long admired Kizuna's assertiveness, her posture and her elegance. Jana didn't quite intend to get acknowledged as the rival of the Enichi heir, but as Kizuna and she became close friends, Jana wouldn't have it any other way.
Ruru Gamelat: Possibly the strangest errand Touma ever sent Jana on was buying the freelancer Ruru a Nintendo Switch as payment for her services. When presented with a Mario Kart bundle, Jana asked if she could come in and play as Bowser. The rest is history.
Akechi Fujino: Though Fujino is a powerful mage in her own right, Jana can't help but feel sorry for the girl. Pitying a pure-blooded Akechi is a grave insult to Fujino's elders, therefore Jana is unsure how to approach her.
Kurokami Takuto: Being in a similar position as Jana as far as Touma's retainers go, Jana understands Takuto's feelings about his place in the Akechi. She really hopes he'll keep his chin up and tries to push him in subtle ways.


“There was something he had to take care of, my dad told me when he and I moved to Mahoukyo. An important favour to an important friend, that’s how he broke it down. I didn’t know anyone as committed to favours as dad was. He came home in the early hours and slept most of the day. The neighbours called him a vampire. My classmates dubbed our house Transylvania.

I was the new kid in town. I was different and it showed. My hair was blonde, theirs was black. My eyes were lime, theirs were brown. I didn’t do well in or after class. In my first month here, the only friends I made were the pigeons in the parking lot. The class knew me as the pigeon girl. One time a girl, Mikune, opened a window on the third floor and told me to fly away. I really wanted to, too.

Mikune, later that year, came up to me to ask me where I got my cigarettes. I told her I didn’t have a smoke, Mikune said I sure smelled like I did. She wasn’t wrong, but it wasn’t because of any cigarettes. I’d been flying, if only just a little. What used to be a parlor trick, turning on the stove with a spark from my fingers, I had pushed to a plasma thruster. Oh, I didn’t mention? I’m a mage and I um… Blast off to places.

That’s when Mikune started following me around. She was on the track team at the time, I bet that’s why she could keep up. One time, when I thought I had shook her, Mikune saw me climbing the vacant houses. The next day she told me to forget about the cigarettes and to tell her if I was part cyborg. She thought it was banging. We have been friends since.

Miku introduced me to her clique. We were… A little troublesome together. That all started with cans of spray paint. If you’ve ever seen the Jana✰Star tag atop the water tower… Or on the metro. Any busway stop. The old factory district down south... That was me, um. Hi? Please don’t judge my early work too harshly.

While I was out causing trouble, dad stopped coming home. At first I thought his favour had him work overtime but I couldn’t keep telling that to myself or the neighbours. I reported him as a missing person, but my dad wouldn’t just ghost me. You and I, we live in the same city. You know how people can sometimes just go poof and disappear? Then nobody knows nothing about it. Well, I was about to make nobody my middle name.

I tried to find out what dad’s hustle had been all these years. I, um, kinda burned open his file cabinet. There were pictures of places in the city, strange beasts like the kind I’d never seen before and a mad amount of documents written in some kinda code. And that’s not just me disrespecting his handwriting. These were words Google doesn’t know about. The only clue I found was an envelope addressed to Akechi Yuri… And word on the street is the Akechi don’t deal in favours. My dad owed that family a debt.

I started asking questions, but that’s how they find you. They going by the name Hector Johnson. He followed me with a cut-up newspaper at the time, it was second-hand embarrassing. His spying skills have come a ways since. Anyway. I might’ve outran him, but soon enough he found my home. Hector, um, encouraged me to join him. He said the big man insisted and Akechi Yuri wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I did.

Before Touma took the reigns, the Akechi were more about family values than they are now. Akechi Yuri knew my dad went missing in Zero Time, but they never found a trace of his body or soul. It was part of the favour he owed. The big man commanded the Akechi took me in. A friend’s daughter was like his own, he said. Touma chose to interpret me as a substitute to pay off my dad’s debt. Either way… Nobody was paying the bills around casa Transylvania.

Akechi Yuri’s health declined rapidly shortly after I joined. Hector would put me through a crash course magic at day and have me go through dad’s research at night. My dad had been hunting for an antidote for Akechi Yuri’s mysterious illness. He’d found enough to stave off the worst, but when he stopped getting back... I think that’s part of the reason Touma hates failure so much.

When Touma took over, the new head honcho told me a mudblood’s only use was to be Hector’s errand girl. I never took him for a J.K. Rowling fan. Anyway, I stayed on the squad and been a Akechi ever since but… Even more than a family and a place to stay, the Akechi are the only link I have to whatever happened to my dad.“



Jana's body emits gases through her pores. These gases can conduct electricity, changing their state of matter into plasma. Igniting these gases may generate immense force; functioning as thrusters that can propel Jana in any direction at high speeds. Additionally, she can emit a more condensed gas to ionise and create a plasma cutter. The length of the plasma cutter depends on the length of her body she uses to create it. A finger would generate a stream the length and width of a toothpick, whereas T-posing could give it the size of a medieval lance. Finally, she possesses great heat resistance because otherwise she'd be a smouldering pile of ash.

Unfortunately, plasma sticks out like a neon-sign. This gives Jana a lot of trouble when it comes to stealth. In the same vein, plasma tends to burn whatever it comes in contact with, which means that most of the time people can smell and track Jana easily when she uses her powers. While she can punch like a freight train by accelerating her arm, this doesn't mean her arm can withstand that impact. When charging her gases, it is also possible for that spark to jump, flaring up more than Jana bargained for.


THEME: Moonage Daydream - David Bowie
FACECLAIM: Mira Yurizaki - Dimension W
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Full Name
⚫ Artemis Rin.

⚫ Arty.
⚫ Bullet Mage.
Little Shit.

⚫ Male.

⚫ Sixteen.

⚫ December 1st.

The Rikimaru Family.

⚫ The first thing anyone would notice upon viewing this young marksman would be his petite frame.
⚫ Standing at a meager five feet, with an inch to add, Artemis manages intimidation on par with a puppy.
⚫ Equally so, his scrawny shape with muscles clearly vacant from every limb leaves him weighing a peculiar sixty pounds.
⚫ Artemis displays a color palette of black and green, a theme clearly followed throughout in terms of fashion.

⚫ Jet black hair, mostly unkempt, cover his head, and often finds its way into his large, emerald eyes, unless kept at bay.
⚫ It is common to find Artemis in a beanie, or headband, to counteract this.
⚫ Further down his pale features, the marksman’s eyes display a pair of jade orbs confessing to mischief.

⚫ One would be forgiven for mistaking this creature a teenager no older than fifteen, and Artemis does enjoy using apparent innocence to his advantage.
⚫ Equally so, the marksman expresses androgyny, which alongside an equally genderless voice can make it very difficult to deduce his sex.
⚫ Clearly smaller, and far more petite than your average male, Artemis is aware of his limitations, and attempts to highlight his strengths when possible.

⚫ Artemis often wears a small smile upon pale, slender lips.
⚫ Balancing between mischievous and polite, it can be difficult to deduce which spectrum the marksman aims to convey with his body language.

⚫ In regards to clothing, Artemis is a simple young man.
⚫ Though he tends towards black, and green as his ‘trademarked’ fashion, he feels most at home in casual hoodies, and cargo pants.
⚫ Across his chest, one will pinpoint a strap connected to a shoulder bag.
⚫ Converse shoes are found on his feet, and Artemis claims that boots are too clunky.

⚫ Laid back, relaxed, and composed, Artemis maintains curiously monotone state of mind.
⚫ Though he is quite the rascal, and clearly enjoys being a ‘little shit’, the marksman retains a calm, collected exterior.
⚫ It has been stated that his almost apathetic approach can be disturbing, but this is usually regarded with a shrug, in turn.

⚫ While Artemis is difficult to read, his ‘poker face’ on full display, a good eye will catch a smirk, or grin, quite often.
⚫ It goes hand in hand with a fun-loving attitude, which dictates Artemis’ many decisions.
⚫ Some may call the marksman impulsive, but that would go against his entire purpose as a rifleman.
⚫ As such, Artemis claims that he does nothing ‘without carefully thinking it through’ first.
⚫ This is a lie.

⚫ Artemis is affectionate towards those he considers close, and awkwardly shy around those he maintains stronger feelings for.
⚫ He may not speak a lot, but rather expresses himself through gestures, instead.
⚫ A fitting word in describing Artemis’ personality is ‘quirky’.

⚫ He is incredibly scared of spiders, and this fear also extends to wasps.
⚫ Artemis is also aware of his many physical restrictions, and is a humble individual.
⚫ The marksman never tries to measure himself against others, but rather, attempts to leave his staple through acting rather than boasting.

⚫ Guns, Artemis loves guns.
⚫ The marksman enjoys climbing, and adores heights.
⚫ He has a lot of affection for animals.
⚫ As one might expect from a rifleman, Artemis likes ‘toying with his food’, when distance allows.
⚫ Artemis is addicted to energy drinks.
⚫ He is also addicted to candy.
⚫ The one thing Artemis likes more than ‘shooting shit’, is singing.
⚫ Again, being a rifleman, Artemis likes taking his time, and waiting.

⚫ Manual labor, Artemis is a weakling, and he knows it.
⚫ Vegetables are disgusting.
⚫ Insects are gross.
⚫ Artemis doesn’t like standing too close to the big, burly types.

🔷 Artemis displays masterful skill with firearms.
🔷 This is clearly his main, and greatest strength.

🔷 Though Artemis is small, it does work to his advantage.
🔷 The boy is quick on his feet, agile, and very elusive.

🔷 Finally, Artemis is very difficult to fluster.
🔷 He is patient, and can maintain his aim.

🔻 As one might expect, Artemis lacks in physical strength, quite severely.
🔻 Though he can handle heavy recoils, he has nothing to offer in terms of power.

🔻 Artemis' small frame isn't just for looks.
🔻 It's also fragile, like a little bitch.

Melee Combat
🔻 Being a ranged specialist, and lacking in strength, Artemis is useless in melee endeavors.
🔻 He doesn't have the size to make a difference, either.

🔻 Artemis has no bombastic magical powers.

⚫ Artemis had a quiet, secretive relationship with another member of his faction, for a time.
⚫ This relationship did not work out, and the secrecy grew far too exhausting.

⚫ In regards to family, Artemis has very little contact with them.

⚫ It might be rather unexpected to see a small, weak, and fragile person in the Rikimaru Family, a faction valuing strength and honor, neither of which Artemis has displayed in any notable fashion.
⚫ However, he has been a member for the past nine years, which warrants a rooted position within the faction.
⚫ Throughout his membership, Artemis has never quite displayed any aspiration to climb the ranks, and appears content with a more laid back daily routine.
⚫ Of course, his ability with the gun was what gave him a position in the Rikimaru Family, to begin with.
⚫ When asked where he came into the possession of his skills, Artemis simply shrugs and claims to have 'been around'.
⚫ In truth, the story is quite simple, and Artemis hails from a military family.
⚫ However, he never had the discipline to follow in his parents' footsteps.

⚫ 'You have all the skills, but none of the drive, and you're about as disciplined as a lazy child,' is an exact quote from Artemis' mother.
⚫ He had a comfortable life, and received a formal education both theoretically, and in practice, but never went as far as to officially join the army.
⚫ Rather, Artemis felt like he belonged somewhere else, and it was made clear that his position as a Rikimaru Marksman was a sure shot.
⚫ This, as one might have expected, did not sit well with his family, considering how both of his parents are military generals.

⚫ 'Why do you waste your potential, like this?', was a repeated question.
⚫ 'Because you don't decide what my potential is,' was a repeated response.
⚫ It is unclear whether Artemis is simply afraid of making himself noteworthy due to his limitations, or if it is, in fact, pure laziness.
⚫ However, if one was to dig deeper, the sentence 'I'm only as strong as my gun, and sometimes, that's scary,' makes itself known.






⚫ Artemis is a closeted homogay.
⚫ Though he refuses to sing in front of people, Artemis is, in fact, a wonderful singer, with a great voice.
⚫ He is often seen listening to music, with headphones.
⚫ Artemis does not know how old he is.
⚫ Artemis' parents moved to Japan from Germany, shortly after his fifteenth birthday, due to their military careers.
⚫ He has a thick German accent.
⚫ He speaks English, Japanese, and German, however with an accent filling each.

Faction Connections
Elliot Silber
❤️ "There are scalpels, there are chainsaws, and there is Elliot. Ah, the fights you get into, genosse, like moths to a.., fire."

Devin D'Artagnan Coal
❤️ "Share with me your plans, kommandant, and my rifle will move in tune with your motions. Life is a chessboard, ja? Checkmate is at your fingertips."

Saori Asakura
❤️ "Fräulein.., you terrify me to no end. It is truly quite beautiful.., from a distance."

External Connections
Onassis Daisuke
💙 "Vergib mir Vater, denn ich habe gesündigt.., inscribe on me your judgement, and expell all my demons. Das abenteuer beginnt."

Jana Reid
💙 "Careful not to let the iron grip of Akechi strangle you, fräulein. A pure heart makes for a large target."

Enishi Kizuna
💙 "Chains? Oh.., wie frech. I do hope the Akechi keeps you around for other reasons, madame."

Kurokami Takuto
💙 "Schöner Mann. I can't wait to see the poetry hiding within that persona of indifference."

Aruru Ishtar-Gamelat
💙 "Effort is not always a poisnous fruit, mein liebling."

Maya Dozier
💙 "A heart of passion, and joy. Diese frau seems to have it all figured out. Live for the thrill. Yes, ich bin damit einverstanden."

Rinishi Kirizaki
💙 "A bow? How.., archaic, but a beautiful katze you are. Those fuzzy ears.., melting my heart."

Rena Kirizaki
💙 "Fräulein, we are not short. Everyone else is simply a giant. Teach your beloved brother to be proud of his heritage, ja?"

Akechi Fujino
💙 "What an annoying little mädchen. Reckless, loud, and obnoxious.., I'm surprised you're not in the Rikimaru."

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Floch
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Floch King of Eldia

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Full Name:
Enishi Kizuna

The Chained One






Kizuna is endearingly fearless and amicable, she's assertively headstrong to take on the labors of her daily life wholeheartedly as her heart burns vividly in servitude for the Akechi. She comes off energetically contagious, her presence bolstering with alluring charisma accentuated by her sultry physique and advocates a no-nonsense policy. Jointly knitted with discipline and sound judgment, Kizuna is allergic to disputes and would rather not have it.

Sometimes Kizuna may be having mood swings but that's because she's someone who ain't a sitting duck, always up to fulfill her adventurous needs. She's moderately energetic and reserved in an eccentric strat, reciprocating the proper gesture of affection at ironically funny times. Due to the nature of her clan's designation as the Akechi Estate's outer court vanguard, Kizuna is taught to control her emotions and be on guard with an open mind. Kizuna is quick to rush to the urgency of the situation with hopes to pacify it.

Learning - Kizuna is studious and is an open nerd, she values knowledge a lot. During her free time, she would push herself to the limits by reading more books and perhaps even learn more about Zero Time.

Physical Conditioning - Kizuna doesn't miss exercising and training regimes one bit.

Hotsprings - Kizuna just loves to bathe in the hot springs.

Children - Surprisingly, Kizuna likes to preach to children about freedom and deciding one's future without the imposing adults.

Torridness- she hates the hot environment.

Animals - They don't like Kizuna and she doesn't like them and prefers a cool one.

She happens to dislike a lot of things in general.

Fast Learning - Kizuna is a fast learner. This is best demonstrated in her battle analysis, academics, politics and pick up queues about cryptic details.

Assertiveness - Kizuna lives by the philosophy of proactiveness even though the task is not hers. Just don't waste her time.

Ninja Mobility - She is as fast and sneaky as her family members when she fights with her chains, it's as if she is dancing.

Magic Reliance - she relies too much on her magic.

One Trick Pony - despite the overwhelming power presented during her fights. One is smart enough to know that Kizuna will just spam her chains from the start and plow through the enemy defenses. "Leroy Jenkins" style.

Germaphobic - Kizuna hates things when it dirty and is a total clean freak. She easily gets flustered with dirty things.

Relationships (Romantically, family, allies, enemies, etc.):
Akechi Touma - Kizuna is neutral towards him. She is thankful for his eye-opening matters regarding clan politics. She doesn't fear him at the slightest since it runs in the Enishi blood to lay down their life for an Akechi.

Jana Reid - The only friend that Kizuna ever has. They have a mutual understanding and got each other's backs.

Hector Johnson - Kizuna respects him and ought to know him more.

"Raise your banners above the stars for we serve the Akechi!" Long before Mahōkyo existed, the Enishi has been serving the Akechi wholeheartedly since imperial Japan as vassals, they are the oldest family among their allied forces and the main vanguard of the outer circle of the Akechi Estates. Kizuna was always told adventurous tales of servitude and friendship by clan elders and how honored is their matriarch to be far from harm, under the Akechi's everlasting security, and because of the Enishi's fearsome reputation as the Akechi's impregnable shield, their enemies fear for their lives.

The Enishi possess volatile emotions when they experience agony, they awaken the Chains of Fate which oozes enormous soul energy. Their bodies align to the chains granting them insane vitality stats as the chains become an extension of their being, aging slower than normal. Kizuna learned the disturbing history of her clan and how they were once a threat to the Magic World and tamed by the Akechi, as a result, she is confused with her family's rank within the Akechi circle for she knows not of her clan's dangerous emotions as it's kept a secret by her clan elders, therefore, uneventful misunderstandings though she has an idea why. Kizuna figured out the reason why her family isn't part of the inner courts and how unfair it seemed, she is appeased by Touma's frank answer, and in all simplicity, there is no other ally like the Enishi whose impregnable defense is unrivaled, the Akechi holds them with high regard but their emotional outbursts aren't welcome in the inner courts.

With her misconceptions appeased, Kizuna's blinding hatred towards Touma ceased, but would it be the same for the rest of her household? She wondered.

Kizuna is a talented Mage and towered over most of her peers, she's prone to overtaking and forcefully attempts to gain what she wants. Touma constantly called her out regarding her disobedience for interrupting duels between the inner circle members, much to Kizuna's lack of invitation. Should there be any sanctions to her insubordination, only she knows.

Considering Kizuna's reputation as a pestering yet reliable child, she was assigned to Hector's squad to put her abilities in good use in the Mahōkyo phenomena.



Chains of Fate [運命の鎖. Unmei no Kusari]
These peculiar chains are powered by emotions, responding to the stimulant of the situation and enforcing strength and weakness against the user depending on the degree of emotion, they are invoked from any part of Kizuna's body with a maximum threshold of 20-meters radius. Abstract in nature, it grants the Enishi the inherent trait to insightfully resonate images of vast topics akin to a CSI Detective connecting remnants and discerning magical abilities at first glance on an intuitive-empathic degree. Vitality is refined through years of selective breeding within the confines of the Enishi, it's also determined on the color-coding of the chains; Silver, Gold, and the unusual Platinum chains which certify an Enishi the highest-ranking vitality and magic power/potential, the platinum chains is the rarest, appearing once a century. Likewise, the chains are versatile, they have a wide array of utility, from grappling, offense, and defense.


The Enishi pleaded for protection since they had enough of threats from superior clans.

Kizuna has platinum chains.

Kizuna (絆) is a Japanese word meaning "bond".

The Kanji 縁 (Enishi) meaning "fate, destiny."

Name meaning "A Fated Bond".
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Onassis Daisuke


Full Name: Onassis Daisuke

Nickname(s): Father, Reverend, Nass.

Gender: Male.

Age: Twenty Nine (29).

Birthday: May 29th.

Affiliation: Isamu.

Written Appearance:
Standing 6’2” in height, Onassis is relatively tall - but not outstanding in physique. He is lean and long, but not overtly thin. Despite being a rather outdoors-loving individual, his skin is quite pale - betraying his partial American heritage - and is also without blemish. His hair is a dirty blonde which he often keeps neat, but not overly combed. His eyes are a chocolatey dark brown.

One might be relatively hard-pressed to find Father Onassis without his vestments or clerical attire at-hand, regardless of most any circumstances.

His set of vestments are black, with simple white symbols running down the middle, confined by a strip of more white stretching down the length on either side. The vestments, which are often accompanied by a stole, are usually worn over the every-day clerical attire, but largely are only donned during planned rituals or events.

His clerical attire is as one would expect from a priest. It consists of his black clerical shirt, covered by a Soutane of the same color, suited at the neck with a wool clerical collar. These garments are also accompanied by black khaki pants, or those of a similar material, and leather shoes, if possible. Occasionally, he will forego his Soutane.

Finally, Father Onassis is never seen without at least one glove on - even if it is not part of his clerical uniform. More specifically - the glove upon his left hand never comes off.


Onassis is a rather amicable individual, many would say. A contemplative neutral face and a largely calm demeanor make for an easily approachable man, and an insightful outlook upon life makes for a well-liked clergyman. These are all very helpful factors in his day-to-day life, as he seems to find himself on the good side of most everyone he meets - even the nonreligious.

Although he can seem like quite a busy individual during the going-ons of his day, Onassis is a fun loving person. He enjoys jokes, friendly pranks, adventures, etc. when he has the time. He especially loves studying different forms of magic and the innovations that they can stir to life.

When it comes to serious manners, the reverend isn’t one to mill about. His main priority is keeping safe those who cannot defend themselves - which coincides well with the Isamu family. Keeping as much peace as possible - even if through preemptive action - is something the priest has sworn his life to. And using violence to stem the growth of violence is something he has come to accept as a way of life within Mahoukyo.

Isamu family
Studious behavior


Agreeability -- Onassis is a very amicable individual, often finding it very easy to talk to those around him - a many even confide their secrets in him.
Utility/Flexibility -- Not only is he flexible in his ability to support others in his duty as a priest, but his magic is even moreso flexible - making his assets unpredictable.
Forethought -- Nass is a thinker - and a good one at that. He would rather build out a plan and then act on it than rush into a situation - but that doesn’t mean he won’t if he has to.
Studious -- He believes that knowledge, to an extent, is power. And the more power one holds, the more they can use to defend the ones they love. He’s a very studious person, often reading works on various subjects - his most favorite being magical studies.

Too Valiant -- Onassis is very protective of innocents and his peers, even to a point that some would say he is too protective. If he feels they are in danger, he will forego his own safety to ensure theirs, even in the face of guaranteed defeat.
Conflicted -- Although he has accepted violence as a means to prevent future violence, it still weighs on his mind. He will make peace whenever he can - which can cause defeat in some cases due to his hesitation.

Father -- Deceased.
Mother -- His mother is a little on the older side, and lives with a caretaker - though Onassis visits often, as they are close.
Maylis Isamu -- Reverend Nass holds a respect for Maylis. She stands a guardian for her family and welcomes all with open arms, and will defend those she cares for with all her might - a valiant outlook, in the clergyman’s eyes. The two also have more of a relationship than one would think, as Maylis frequents Father Onassis’ church.

  • Onassis had a humble yet comfortable childhood, and was raised by two very loving parents.
  • His mother was a born-resident of Mahoukyo, while his father was American.
  • He took after his mother’s Runecrafting from a young age.
  • Shortly before his father’s passing from heart difficulties, he began to teach his son the inner workings of the church at the age of seventeen - which spurred the young man to look into becoming a priest. He finally accomplished this upon turning twenty five.
  • Now after four years of priesthood, he is a respected member of the congregation and the surrounding community, devoting his life to the benefit of others and the will of the divine.
  • He resides in a modest apartment very close to the church and only a couple blocks from his mother - who lives under a caretaker due to her age.


Medium - Adept - Capable

Onassis’ magic, following the ways of his mother, is completely expressed through Runecraft. As opposed to channeling magical energies through his body to enforce attacks, he creates and imbues runes using said energy.

As a result, his magical arsenal is very wide - but it takes a significantly longer time to employ these tactics, as he usually has to have runes preprepared, being that they are quite intricate. He does, additionally, still have to research subjects he wishes to integrate into his runes. A flame-throwing rune would require some degree of Pyromantic study, for example. Onassis is well aware of this and can employ a wide variety of knowledge he has studied - though substantially rare subjects will have to be looked into if he wants to use such runes.

His runecraft has a variety of uses, but he is known best amongst Isamu for his use of enchanted clothing - more specifically, gloves. Below are a couple of his creations entailed:


  • Father Onassis’ overclothing, such as his Soutane, have runes on the inside for comfort, so that they do not become too hot or restrictive.
  • His glasses are runed for durability. He is near-sighted.
  • Onassis has studied and practiced several forms of unarmed combat and can use them with efficiency. Some would say this is odd as a priest, but the alternatives are learning to use lethal weapons, so..

Rinishi Kirizaki


Full Name: Rinishi Kirizaki

Nickname(s): Rin, Ishi

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Birthday: October 14th

Affiliation: Isamu

Written Appearance: Renishi isn’t a very imposing figure, standing at 5’10” and weighting around 180lbs. His frame is lightly muscled - compact, and nimble. When it comes to style, he doesn’t pay much mind to his own - not that he has explored it much. He generally wears jeans, and a t-shirt under a black hoodie. He also tends to wear a black knitcap, which covers his furry black ears, and a pair of headphones wired to an Ipod which he keeps in his hoodie. And of course, it’s rare for one to find him without his quiver at his back and his compound bow slung over his shoulder.


Personality: Rinishi is quite a socially awkward individual, due to his upbringing. Having little experience with people outside of his captors and sister, there are certain things he doesn’t understand in some social settings - but he’s not a dull lad, and can usually catch on well enough. Though expressing feelings is something he has always been very bad at.

Also due to his past, he’s a very cautious person. He’s slow to trust others, and doesn’t usually engage in conversation unless spoken to first - and even then it can be difficult to get him talking. He’s not overly introverted, per se, but he may have somewhat of a stranger issue.

His cautiousness carries over into more volatile situations as well. When undertaking missions of any sort, Rinishi is very attentive, valuing patience and planning over any ‘guns blazing’ approach. He prefers to take in a good view of the situation from a vantage point, and provide valuable information to his allies while covering them with his admittedly impressive bowmanship - if stealth is no option. He is not, however, above engaging in melee combat, and is actually quite good at it due to his magic.

Notably, Rinishi’s morals are not what one would expect. Not being raised on the ideals of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the traditional sense, he doesn’t really seem to mind breaking the law or doing some things others would take great caution in doing.

Likes: Rain, Swimming, Nature, Music, Hunting, Candy, Archery, Climbing, Fruit, Chases.

Dislikes: Loud places, Staying indoors, Most veggies, Loud dogs, Chocolate(makes him vom but he eats it anyways).

Strengths: Quite Athletic, Socially Cautious, Great instincts.

Weaknesses: Socially Inept, Doesn’t handle other magic well, Pretty mundane in power.

Rena Kirizaki - His only known living family member, Rinishi cherishes Rena very much. She is, so far, the only person he opens up to easily - and they are evidently inseparable. He is very protective of her.

  • Rinishi, alongside his sister, were apparently orphans at a young age.
  • They spent a great portion of their lives within some sort of facility, after having been kidnapped.
  • Being that they were so young when taken, the twins have little recollection of anything before their time in the facility. Faint remembrances of unmatched names and faces are all that remain.
  • Scientists subjected him and his sister to several experiments, all with varying degrees of success.
  • At age thirteen, their animals parts had appeared after one experiment. It was deemed a success.
  • They were put into observation for two years before being deemed stable.
  • Subsequently trained for fighting with the goal of making efficient and effective hunters for apparent use in Zero Time scenarios.
  • Members of the facility attempted to brainwash them into being loyal soldiers but failed - but rather noticeably altering Rinishi's ability to trust others.
  • The facility was raided by the Isamu family two months ago. None of the scientists were caught, but Rena and Rinishi were left behind.
  • Maylis decided to let them into Isamu territory while they decide who they will ally themselves to.
  • The twins are currently homeless but squat in Isamu territory.


Medium - Novice - Talented

Rinishi and his sister are somewhat of an oddity. Due to their experiences, and the experimentations that were afflicted upon them in their past, their magic has seemed to express itself in a rather different manner. For Rin, it comes in the form of a felid likeness - meaning, he possesses the ears, tail, and some behaviors of a cat, even when he isn’t using his magic. His features resemble, more specifically, a melanistic Jaguar.

When is comes to actually using his magic - it takes the form of shapeshifting; Rinishi is able to shape his body into the likeness of other creatures. Unlike his sister, though, Rin finds it much more comfortable to remain in his more humanoid state - and performing a full transformation has so far been impossible for him. This has, however, left him able to train for more minute changes - letting him change multiple parts of his body into different likenesses at once with more fluidity.

  • Felid Likeness
    • Panther’s Habile - Renishi is passively gifted with many traits of the felid known as Panthera Onca. This allows him great aptitude with activities such as running, swimming, and climbing - allowing him to find purchase or speed where others have no hope to. He is also granted the instincts and behaviors of this Panthera.
    • Panther’s Physique - Not only is Renishi granted the aforementioned skills, he also possesses the bodily benefits of Panthera Onca’s strong, compact physique. His strength are speed are enhanced (though still within human constraints), and he retains the impressive balance felines are famous for. Additionally, his senses of sight, smell, and hearing are enhanced beyond human restraints.
  • Shapeshifting
    • Alterforme - Renishi can alter his body to develop features of different animals that he is familiar with. His limbs, skin, organs, etc - however, he is restricted by his knowledge of those animals, and the more of his body he tries to change differently, the more awkwardly his manipulation of those parts are.
    • Liquid Leap - Rinishi’s ability to shift the matter of his body is very rarely used to such a degree that this technique entails. But turning his body, or part of it, into a thin mass of liquid flesh and bone, he can consume a large amount of stamina to reshape himself - for a very short amount of time. This most notably can used to avoid blows that are guaranteed to cause disabling amounts of damage, or to reshape lighter wounds into sound flesh - or even to bypass obstacles in a sticky situation.


  • Due to the processes he was put through during his upbringing, Renishi is very proficient with a bow, able to hit even small targets with accuracy, even while both him and his quarry are moving at speed.
  • He is also trained in martial arts - but a part of him tends to forego this training when he engages in close combat, instead relying more on his instincts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ruru Gamelat


Full Name:
Aruru Ishtar-Gamelat

Ru2 on most internet message boards. The Witch by people who know her reputation. The Bitch by people who actually know her.


Never kept count. Her earliest memory is twenty years old, so she just calls herself twenty.



Written Appearance:
Standing at 5'6" with a lithe figure, Ruru is a strange woman. On close inspection, one can see foreign, almost ancient features on her face. Her body lacks any form of scar, blemish, or freckle on her pale skin, the sole exception being a large and complex magic circle located on her back. Her unkempt blonde hair is rarely styled with more than a brush to remove knots, only cut when it begins to be a nuisance.

Her outfits all share one important thing in common: they're comfortable to wear. Shorts, loose shirts, and cozy blankets are all stables of her attire, even if she's outside in public. Her comfort is so first and foremost to her that she even wears her bunny slippers outside. In public. Where other people can see her.


Once upon a time, Ruru would have been considered a great sage, scholar, philosopher, and mage. That time had since passed. Possessing no memories older than twenty years, her state of being has degenerated into a lazy mess. While vestiges of her great intellect remain, the vast amount of esoteric knowledge she once possessed has since been replaced by pop culture trivia and general hedonism.

Unamiable to a fault, Ruru has a general disdain for others. Bitter is essentially her default state. Others often describe her as "a being of pure hatred". While she holds these feelings (and often displays it on her sleeve), she can put aside these feelings temporarily. To those who she's willing to tolerate, she can even initiate conversations without turning into a ball of venomous words and hatred. The two types of people she's least willing to speak to are always do-gooders and idiots (in her words).

Her work ethic is a marvel to behold. If one was to look at a thesaurus for words similar to lazy, every single one put together couldn't begin to describe how much of a failure of a human being Ruru has become. Even though she doesn't possess her old memories, she has no drive to recover them nor does she have an care about them. A desire to collect the artifacts she had once created does occasionally possess her, but it is mostly born through a sense of begrudging responsibility for letting such dangerous items on the loose.

• Video games
• Snacks
• Shitposting
• People that she can tolerate
• Unbridled hedonism and earthly pleasures
• Money
• Black coffee

• Effort
• Others using her important, high-level artifacts
• Commitments
• Not having anything fun to do
• Ska

• Magic is extremely versatile
• Extraordinarily talented in her magic
• Biologically immortal
• Can innately recover from most serious wounds given enough time

• If she runs out of popsicle sticks, she can't quick cast any magic
• Will take every shortcut with her magic possible to the point of unreliability
• Physically inept
• A failure of a human being in every single way
• Generally pretty forgetful

Despite being a horrible person, Ruru's relationship with the other families is surprisingly amiable most of the time. Unless persuaded with gifts of snacks and games, she strictly stays out of the affairs of the other families. The exception to this rule is if one of her artifacts is being used. She'd easily kick the shit out of a child to recover one of them.

Besides that, she just uses internet message boards for most of her human interactions.

character relationships to be added later

Only vague inklings of who she was twenty years ago are apparent to Ruru. She has a general idea on how old she really is (that is to say ancient) and what she did before she forgot everything. She had functionally spent a hundred lifetimes perfecting her magic, obsessing over every fine detail in order to become truly immune to death. She could stave it off with agelessness and regeneration, but true immortality always evaded her. In her pursuits of this knowledge, she had learned that her mind simply couldn't take the wealth of knowledge that hundreds of lives could contain and created a ritual to store this knowledge in a magical relic. Along the way, she created dozens of magical artifacts to assist her in her research.

Also she was born on 7/7, a number suspiciously similar to how many fragments of her memory there are. That's all what the note that she found when she first woke up said, at least. When she had awoken in that apartment, she had no idea on who she was. The note had her name and the basics of the situation, but the actual memories of and truth to the events described were unknown to her.

But the modern life available to Ruru was amazing. Years of entertainment was at the tip of her fingers. Rather than live as the note had told her to, she quickly descended into the rampant world of consumerism. Living from one pleasure to another, the grand mage had become nothing but a shell of her former self. Philosophy was replaced with videos of people getting hit in the balls, knowledge was replaced with slightly out of date pop culture, and effort was replaced with lazing around all day.

Of course, the past always catches up.

A body sucked dry as though a vampire had appeared in the city. Every single clue pointed at something that Ruru had made a long time ago. The first body threw her into a state of confusion and denial. The second and third confirmed her feelings. Whatever she made all those years ago, she would have to recover. Filled with some sense of responsibility, she began the hunt on all of the artifacts she had once made.

Magia Igniculus

Low || Expert || Talented

A complex magic, the Magia Igniculus does not use the inward power of a mage. In fact, the only soul required for the magic to function is enough to create binding chalk⁠—the basis of each spell. Rather than being controlled by aptitude and skill, the Magia Igniculus is pure rationality. It allows the user to manipulate the normally unusable soul in the environment. Using an ancient, undecipherable language, one can restructure the passive soul and raw materials to have practically any effect.

However, what the magic gains in versatility, it lacks in speed and ease of use. While, in theory, the magic can be used for infinite possibilities, the vast majority of them are logistically impossible. For something simple like creating a flame, the mage could draw a circle to bind a fuel, an oxident, and an energy to form the flame. For something complex like creating life, one would need so many raw materials and esoteric artifacts that, even with a million years worth of work, they wouldn't even reach the 1% complete threshold.

The process of creating magic could be easily surmised as creating a large enough circle for the complexity of the task, giving the circle enough materials to create the magic, and then the magic activating. The time it takes for a circle to activate from its creation could be minutes to even years, depending entirely on the magic created.

Because of the modular nature of this magic, the creation of artifacts is entirely possible. The complexity of creating a high-level artifact would require years of work and millions of dollars worth of resources, making such creation to inefficient to the modern man. A way to develop create inefficient but cheap artifacts exist. While much of the power is lost, it allows for the creation of wooden sticks that, when broken, activate the magic held within. They're one time use, but cheap enough to be made with Popsicle sticks and whatever is required for the contained magic.

Noticeably, Ruru has an extremely complex magic circle on her back. The magic of eternal youth alongside a ward for weak regeneration. Because of these two runes, Ruru is biologically immortal. Much like a lobster, this doesn't mean that she can't be killed. Her brain and her heart are two huge weak points that would pretty much instantly kill her, but she can recover from most mortal injuries in a matter of weeks.

Ruru's current usage of the magic is entirely inefficient and unreliable as it follows the dogma of "eh, that should be good enough". Usually, she just carries a handful of sticks for the most basic of tasks. A couple of fireballs, a couple of barriers, and some lifestyle sticks like clearing grime, mending objects, or releasing a pleasant smell.


Ruru's memories are contained within 7 powerful grimoires. Besides them, about twenty-four unrecovered artifacts are circulating within the city, their powers ranging from a serrated blade that devours metal to hone its edge to a coffee pot creates coffee out of the air.

She really wants that coffee pot back.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Killy
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kurokami Takuto


Full Name: Kurokami Takuto
Nickname(s): Taku, Faultline, Hazard
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: April 4th
Affiliation: Akechi

A pessimist by nature and a lazy ass to boot, he tends to give in at the slightest sign of trouble and go with the flow to avoid any further problems, which is unfortunately how he became entangled in this conflict. Still, he adapts quickly to whatever situation he finds in and has more or less accepted his new job.

What he still has trouble living with is, however, his ability to put foot-sized holes in the ground by just standing if he's not careful. Having to walk in eggshells so that he doesn't cause any kind of property damage for the past few months has made him a lot more eager to understand how this soul stuff works. At least if he learned to control it Takuto could earn a promotion or two and make dealing with monsters and crazy people easier.

Takuto doesn't have any special love for the Akechi family, but if there's anything he shares with its leader it's his practical attitude, preferring results over any kind of flashiness, and not being ashamed of hitting below the belt if it gets the same or better results with less effort. He's also indifferent to the other two families, whom he groups most of the members in the crazy people category.

Instant food
Quiet days

Being handed important tasks or objects
Causing a scene
Property damage
Pissing off his superiors
Full Moons

Flexible: An open mind lets him keep his composure and accept new facts and situations as the new normal
Resilence: On a good day Takuto could take a car smashing into him and come up with a couple of scratches at most.

Inexperienced: He lacks any kind of formal training in battle, relying on his magic to be able to fight and defend himself.
Inept: Has poor control or idea on how his magic is supposed to work
Takuto's ability is useless against things that aren't solid and against other humans. So he's as vulnerable as the average person if someone decides to throw a punch at him or shoot a lightning bolt.
Hazard: He shouldn't be trusted with any kind of valuable objects

Touma Akechi: While he's somewhat thankful for his decision to offer Takuto a place in the family instead of just outright getting rid of him, Takuto fully knows he's just a tool to Touma and was probably "scouted" just so others couldn't do so first.
Hector Johnson: While a bit too strict for his liking, Takuto follows his orders to a T in order to not make him mad, he's already a possible liability on the battlefield so he at least should make himself useful.

❖ Aside from learning to take care of himself at a young age due to his parents' work, Takuto had a pretty average childhood.
❖ Spent around two years taking any part-time job he could take while looking for something that paid well
❖ About a year ago he would wind up returning late from an interview just as Zero Time began, and on a full moon just to make matters worse.
❖ Would manifest his powers for the first time when cornered by various zero time creatures
❖ A lack of understanding combined with panic would end up with him leveling an old building while trying to run away
❖ Found by Akechi mages soon after, who believed he was some new mage messing around in their area, ended up breaking the wand of one of the mages in half while trying to explain that he didn't get what was happening
❖ Then he would be taken to the Akechi headquarters. They told him that despite having no mage blood in him, whatever that meant, he had the potential to be a good lapdog if he was trained properly.
❖ It was either work for them or being punished for breaking a family artifact and damaging one of their properties
❖ Having his choice almost made for him, Takuto accepted and was welcomed into the Akechi family being assigned to Hector's squad.


An aura around Takuto that weakens everything he touches or is a few centimeters around him to the point of being able to make the hardest materials break or shatter with little effort on his part as if they were made of tissue paper. Though right now he’s barely able to keep the ability from activating when he doesn’t want it to, though control sometimes slips when he gets nervous or loses his focus. Another facet of his ability that he struggles to control is the strength of the aura itself, it seems to fluctuate based on the situation he’s in and his own emotional state, one day tearing down a wall like it’s made out of paper mache and another day struggling to break a wooden box.

His ability also doesn’t seem to work on people, though he’s not sure if that’s an inherent limitation, or if he subconsciously excludes them from the effect, as monsters from zero time are affected by the aura. Takuto also speculates he might be able to reverse the effect of his aura, to harden things instead of making them brittle and weak. But that would require fine control of his magic, and that’s years away.


Actually gets paid by the Akechi family for his work, though he gets deducted some of his pay in order to pay for an ancient wand he broke.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Maya Dozier


Full Name: Maya Dozier

Nickname(s): Doz

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Birthday: June 15

Affiliation: None, yet

Written Appearance: Maya stands at a height of 5'6 with an athletic figure. Often seen holding herself with confidence, she seems much taller than she is. During casual situations, her red hair is usually let loose. However, when she is on her job, she ties it back so that it's less of a hindrance. Her body is filled with scars both monsters and accident inflicted, but she carries them with a certain amount of pride as well.


Personality: A thrill seeker through and through, Maya would risk both life and limb for a little excitement in her life. She takes many calculated risks that others would call reckless - and to a certain extent, they are reckless and could cause her death one of these days. However, she stands by them because where's the fun in safety?

She's relatively easygoing as a person and is rather friendly to most; as long as they don't attack her, she won't attack either. She's often called out for not being serious about Zero Time or anything of the sorts - but she does take it seriously, she just wants to have fun along the way. However, she harbors indecisiveness in her system which has cost her many things - such as not knowing which family to join or what to actually fight for. In the end, she fights to both sustain herself and to simply be able to help.

  • Fighting
  • Adventure
  • Magic
  • Knives
  • Blades

  • Needless confrontation
  • Aggression
  • ZT Monsters

  • Maya's magic makes it easier to overwhelm an opponent by attacking from multiple sides.
  • Resourceful to a fault, Maya can make almost anything into a weapon as long as she can lift it. The use of the environment around her is an integral part of her fighting style.
  • Agility and flexibility are things she can boast about but her ability on her board is what really catches the eyes of other people.

  • Due to her reckless nature, she finds no problems in taking on high risks which has cost her injuries in the past.
  • Maya's main line of defense are her items. Her body can only take so many hits before going down herself as it is woefully average.
  • Due to not having any loyalty to any of the Three Families, Maya doesn't have access to many allies or contacts.

  • Christopher Dozier [Father | Alive] - Current patriarch of the small Dozier family. He and Maya have a good standing relationship despite her being the only one in her family who hasn't chosen a side.
  • Isumi Dozier [Mother | Sick but alive] - Currently being treated at the local hospital, Isumi also has a good relationship with her daughter. However, her condition seems to only grow worse.
  • Yasuhiro Dozier [Older Brother | Alive] - The two of them go out for coffee sometimes and they rely on each other when worse comes to worse. He's currently part of the Akechi family.
  • Haruka Dozier [Older sister | Alive] - Haruka and Maya are rather close though, much like Yasuhiro, they don't meet up as frequently as before. Their siblings bonding time are scheduled every other week. She's currently in the Isamu family.

Backstory: Born into a small family of mages, a Dozier is trained to be able to utilize their soul into magic at a young age. The Dozier family had migrated to Mahoukyo to be closer to what was rumored to be the highest concentration of Soul in the entire world. However, they were quickly put into their place by the three families that monopolized the city for their own gain. Instead of retaliation or outright joining any of the three families, the Dozier family became an independent group of mages.

As the years passed, the family became more lenient in their study of Soul and allowed their members to disperse however they wanted. This led to the Dozier family being sectioned off and being inducted into one of the three Families. Maya was born in this time - bright eyed at the sight of magic being performed by both of her parents and her older siblings. She was quick to take on to the role of learning them.

Maya's life went by normally up until Yasuhiro decided to pack up and join the Akechi family after he was noticed in being useful. Haruka was not far behind in leaving for Isamu. Christopher expected for Maya to follow suit as well - choosing which side of the war she would be on. However, Maya could not choose and decided to follow the path her ancestors had done before - become independent. Though her father had warned her that it would be difficult, she soldiered on.

By 17, she was already venturing out herself to aid in Zero Time, using her father's hover board gift to be able to traverse the night city quickly and to respond even quicker. She found herself wanting to come back for more, if anything, so that she would be able to push back the monotonous life of not living on the edge of safety.

As the years pressed on and Maya became more well known for her skills as an independent, she had started to frequent the territories in search of mercenary work or to simply befriend anyone there. It usually wasn't ideal due ot the bad blood between the families but they treated her professionally or friendly enough. Maya simply helps with the eradications of monsters and the aid of people - which usually lands her with the Isamu family - and would never dip into sabotage of other families.


High | Intermediate | Talented

Maya's magic lies within the free control of objects within her range. Using magic, she can physically move objects without touching them and be able to either have fine control over them or to launch them at high speeds equivalent to that of a bullet - or even more if more soul is used. However, there is a necessary charge up sequence before she is able to shoot them out.

Her reach is a twenty meter radius but the further it is from her, the harder it is for her to control. The most she can do with an object at her furthest distance is a simple push or pull. It is also difficult for her to control an object that has a force already acting upon it - such as a bullet that has been shot or a sword that is being slashed. The most she can do with those are simply redirection unless she had ample time to charge up enough force to counteract it.


  • Over the years, she has amassed a few items - both magical and not - to aid her in her hunt which includes:
    • Tres - Shaped like a skateboard made of metal, a mana stone was inserted into it so that it would have the ability to fly. This is suplemented by Maya's telekinesis that allow her more advanced manuevers. The board can be strapped onto her back using magic.
    • Ammo pack - Something she had been saving up for years, the ammo pack is strapped onto her waste and contains an enchantment that allows for the storage of so much more things than what it is logically able to carry. She currently has forty knifes and six daggers inside.
    • Wand - Her actual magic item that she uses to be able to use her magic more finely than before.
    • Two Shields - Not magical by any means but certainly durable enough to sustain a couple of hits, it is one of her emergency defense objects.
    • Katana - One that she keeps around for emergency cases, she rarely uses magic when she begins relying on her katana. She has some background on proper technique.
  • Has been and will always be free to be hired so long as it isn't directionally sabotaging or harming a Family member.
  • Also has been seen working for the government as an independent fighter

Rena Kirizaki


Full Name: Rena Kirizaki

Nickname(s): Ren

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Birthday: October 14

Affiliation: Isamu

Written Appearance: Rena, unlike her brother, was not gifted in her height - merely reaching up to 5'1 and weighing only 105 lbs, she wasn't built to be intimidating. Her small frame is packed with muscle though due to her clothing, she is deceptively weak-looking. In terms of clothing, Rena just grabs whatever is available. She's often seen in long-sleeved shirts and jeans that aren't too restrictive. Unlike her brother, she prefers to display her animal parts proudly.


Personality: Rena is a cautious individual due to the circumstances surrounding her past. She doesn't trust people easily because the last time that had happened, she and her brother were locked in a facility. Her cautiousness can be too much, nearly even bordering paranoia in some cases. She's usually on alert for the most part and keeps an eye out on how people act - essentially being observing and trying to piece together how they work so she can predict how they would move and act.

Aggression comes naturally to her, easily agitated by anyone who seems remotely dangerous to her and her brother's welfare. She would be willing to throw hands with anyone. And this carries over to when she's forced into a fight. Preferring to always get up close and personal - shifting into a larger animal to fight. More often than not, Rena doesn't usually make any plans prior to when she attacks. This leads to some compromising situations that can be avoided if someone is there to control her. Usually, that falls on Rinishi.

When she's comfortable around people, Rena is a lot more easygoing. This is most evident when she's with her brother. She's a lot more mischevious than she lets on and relatively curious about anything and everything. Rena is very expressive during these times - giving bright smiles and laughs. She's very talkative and loves interaction.

Rena, much like her brother, does not have a stable morality. The only thing she knows is survival and would do anything to survive.

  • Animals
  • Nature
  • Safety
  • Silence
  • Sunlight
  • Napping
  • Talking

  • Crowded places
  • Loud noises
  • Scientists
  • Sterilized smell
  • Alcohol

  • Physically capable
  • Animal instincts
  • Keen observant
  • Capable fighter

  • Distrustful
  • Aggressive
  • Magic is purely physical
  • Still learning about how the world works

  • Rinishi Kirizaki [Brother | Alive] - The only person she truly trusts, Rena loves her brother very much and would fight anyone who tries to even think about harming him.

- Was told that she and her brother were orphans that they picked up from the streets
- Lived in an underground science facility for most of her life
- Doesn't remember the time from before the facility. Only vague recollections of faces and her name
- Scientists subjected her and her brother to multiple experiments, all with varying degrees of success
- At age 13, their animals parts had appeared after one experiment. It was deemed a success.
- Put into observation for two years before deeming them as stable.
- Subsequently trained for fighting with the goal of making an efficient and effective hunters for Zero Time
- Attempted to brainwash them into being loyal soldiers but failed
- Facility was raided by the Isamu family two months ago. None of the scientists were caught but left Rena and Rinishi behind
- Maylis decided to let them into Isamu territory while they decide who they will ally themselves to
- Currently homeless but squats at Isamu territory


Medium | Novice | Talented

Due to the results of the experimentation, she and her brother had manifested their magic in a rather strange way. To her, it manifested in the form of vulpine likeness - ears, tail and fox behavior are always present on her form and she has no way to hide them. Oddly enough, Rena could manifest more tails - akin to the mythical Kitsune.

Her vulpine likeness allows the passive enhanced senses that come with the animal. Even in her semi-human form, she retains the flexibility and agility of a fox - able to compare to the most skilled contortionists. She's also gifted in many activities that foxes are skilled at - such as sneaking, running and climbing. Like other foxes, she has a magnetic sense, able to locate North through a darkened spot in her vision. This allows her to gauge distance very easily.

Her true magic lies in her shapeshifting - the ability to be able to transform into other creatures. Unlike her brother, she is much more comfortable in her animal form - hence her ability to fully shift into another animal. This, however, restricts her to being only one animal at once until she finds out a way to be able to meld two or more animal forms together. She's been able to shift from one form to another in quick succession.


  • Due to her upbringing, Rena is proficient in martial arts. Whenever she is not using her magic, she heavily relies on both that and her more animalistic way of fighting.
  • Her proficiency in her magic allows her to be able to retain her clothing and weaponry when she shifts between forms.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Not Fungus
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Not Fungus

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Elliot Silber


Full Name: Elliot Silber

Nickname(s): Rubedo, Ellie

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: 9/9

Affiliation: The Rikimaru Family

Written Appearance: Elliot stands at an average height of 5"9. His choice in attire tends to stray towards the more formal side of things, but he does have some casual wear. Both his hair and his eyes share the matching color of red, which he also prefers to have his clothes match as well.

He wouldn't call himself handsome, but he wouldn't describe himself as ugly either. His features can be classified as above average. His body type is only average though.


Personality: This young man has a somewhat strange personality. He's extremely good at seeing through people, but awful at deceiving them. He's prideful, but he doesn't seem to have any hang-ups about asking for assistance with anything with the exception of a few. He's an extremely stubborn person who loves to get involved in things that don't have anything to do with him. If there was one word to describe him perfectly, it would be troublesome.

The most notable part of him is his tendency to pick fights. This irritating quality of his manifested due to building his own personal honor system. Fights are sacred to Elliot because they're the easiest way to understand someone. It is also the same reason why he staunchly refuses to kill anyone. Bringing people to half-death through violence? Well, that's acceptable in his eyes.

• Fighting
• Meddling in others' business
• Salty food
• Effort

• Death
• Reading
• Being called Ellie
• Rules

• Insane reaction speed
• Powerful magic
• Absurd accuracy
• Can fight even with mortal wounds

• Not versatile with magic
• Using his full power will burn him from the inside out.
• Low physical strength
• Abnormal mindset

• Allied with the Rikimaru Family

Backstory: Elliot Silber was a somewhat normal child with normal values growing up. He had loving parents and some nice friends. He was the furthest thing from supernatural. The only thing that could be stated as uncommon about him would be his German heritage. Life was dull and boring back then. Just how he liked it.

That easily changed like all other sob stories other people have when he was 15 years old. There were odd incidents of a serial killer in his town, but he was a normal person who put that out of his mind. He had other things to worry about like his part-time job. That normal life was brutally destroyed with him coming home to a party of gore. He snapped and then came back to a burning house. He didn't know why he had this power over fire, but he practiced it in hopes of hunting down the murderer. He dropped out of high school and took all sorts of odd jobs to fuel his burning rage.

He found the serial killer multiple times and engaged him every time in a fight. He could never defeat the monster in human skin, but with each fight he grew to reluctantly understand the freak more and more. He had to adapt to him mentally and physically.

The serial killer had absurd speed, which forced Elliot to push his perception speed to the max to barely keep up with him. It almost seemed like the serial killer barely tried as well. The past two years allowed Elliot to hone his speed and reflexes all for battles against him.

Empathizing with someone possessing a warped mindset warped his own into what it is today. A meddler that believes he knows best and forcefully reaching his desired conclusion for any events. It's that which destroyed his ability to understand normal people, so he decided to connect with people the only way he knew how. Just like he understood parts of his family's murderer through battle, he can only empathize with others the same way.

He chased that serial killer for 2 years, eventually making his way towards the city of Mahoukyo. He has refined his Soul all this time for just that fight.

At least he met up with the Rikimaru Family. That family suited him well because he had to face one of them in a fight to join. To him, they're not all that bad. Their troublemaking nature suits him quite well. He'll follow them as long as they don't get in the way of his goal.

Those with normal values cannot get along with Elliot.

For he desires to reach everything in the world.


Very High | Intermediate | Capable

Elliot specializes in burning things and charring them to pieces. His magic is extremely focused on flames as hot as hellfire itself. Naturally, he's immune to fire as well. Using this magic combined with his inhuman accuracy, he can intricately burn whatever he targets. He prefers making constructs of fire to control his flames rather then just spewing them. On death's door, he will absolutely cauterize his wounds to keep on going. He's done it so many times, that he's grown used to fatal injuries.

This isn't the true danger of his magic though.

Using his full power, he can twist the world into one purely of flames called Muspelheim. It's like putting him and his opponent into the cannon of a barrel. A 100 square meter zone where his grasp is infinite and he no longer has to adjust for accuracy by this point, for all he has to do is fire the barrel and wash his enemy in flames. He almost never does this though due to the fact that it drains him of everything and it's too risky for his opponent and him as well. The fact that overclocking like this will start burning him from the inside out and the fact that it's very likely to kill means he will almost never use this in a fight.


• Though he has a hard time getting along with normal people, he gets along with abnormal people almost too well.
• He only wears somewhat formal clothes to look cool.
• He doesn't really hate his target all that much. It was burning hot in the beginning, but it eventually cooled to lukewarm at best.

Cristian Aurscu

"Running away is not an option. Running away is not an option. Yes indeed, running away is certainly not an option."


Full Name: Cristian Aurscu

Nickname(s): Father Aurscu, Cris

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Birthday: 4/4

Affiliation: Isamu Family

Written Appearance: A golden-haired man that stands above six feet. His eyes are usually narrowed to give off a gentle disposition, but they do open sometimes to reveal a deep blue. He wears a typical priest's cassock in black and has his cross always on his neck. His golden hair is tied up in a low ponytail.


Personality: Cristian at his core is a twisted individual who has many layers to unravel. He is a kind priest, a devil, a saint, and a sinner. It's almost impossible to piece together what his true nature is, but it is hinted by the odd mannerisms that seem out of place. He is not a kind priest. Though he likes to make people smile, he can no longer feel the warmth given off by those smiles. One word to describe him would be aloof.

He's always smiling no matter the occasion. The only times where he hasn't smiled are days where his precious children died. He prays, eats, showers, and talks to everyone with a smile. No matter the person, even if it was a monstrous individual, he would greet that person with a smile.
  • Children
  • Smiles
  • Life and death
  • Praying

  • Life and death
  • Murderers
  • Cristian Aurscu

  • Powerful natural defense
  • Very strong mind
  • Has good senses

  • Has zero combat skills
  • Despises his magic
  • Very hard for him to understand others due to his low empathy

Relationships (Romantically, family, allies, enemies, etc.):
  • Allied with the Isamu Family
  • Neutral with everyone else

Backstory: Cristian was an abnormal man who was very attuned to the supernatural world from the moment of his birth. It was like there were circuits in his brain wired to see the world a different way all the way from back then, which shaped his life dramatically. He could hear the thoughts of everything: animals, plants, rocks, and even people. He couldn't control it and he was going mad, so he decided to escape to the life of a priest.

While most priests take up this profession to comfort others, Cristian was a person who sought comfort from others. Hearing the thoughts of others created a cynic in him, so he surrounded himself with children to feel positive thoughts. Those happy days didn't last long, for he was going to buy flowers to decorate the church/orphanage, he came back to see it on fire. He threw himself into that fire to at least save some lives, but all around him was death.

He even contemplated throwing himself into the fire, but he didn't need to make that decision. The fire had already reached him. It was then that he heard the dying thoughts of his wonderful children he took care of. He couldn't bare those tortuous and intrusive thoughts anymore so he cracked and shattered that power of his. The dying thoughts still reached the core of his soul though.

'Don't die.' His terrifying magic that he likened to a curse activated unwillingly in a warped way with the souls of those children pouring into his body, giving him the strength needed to survive the fire. He wanted to cry, but the priest was twisted into a man that could only smile at what remained.

The pure desires of his precious children wanting him to live formed a distortion within him. Cristian decided to take on the path of eternal penance. He traveled to places with high death tolls and performed many funeral services to let people rest in peace. He could not control the fact that the souls of anything that died would rush inside of him. He became more and more twisted even though he tried so hard to control it. He distorted so much that he forgot what his beloved children's craving were.

All his efforts to stop this curse were in vain and so he traveled to Mahoukyo, for this was his last hope. A city of the blatant supernatural is the only thing he can believe to contain this monstrous sin inside him. He was grateful that the Isamu family was kind enough to take in someone like him.

He is a sinner who vowed to repent. He vowed to never forget his sins, never to run away again.


Exceptional | Beginner | Talented

Everything has a soul.

This is the fundamental truth of magic, which Cristian is more intertwined with than others. His magic is truly the understanding of souls. He can hear and feel the innermost thoughts of souls and connect with him. The part of his power that leads him to understanding is what he destroyed because he could no longer bear it. This twisted into the anomalous power that takes in souls to increase his own body's durability. Because of all the death he has seen, the large number of souls have bolstered his durability to obscene levels. He cannot prevent the souls from flowing in for some reason.

Cristian can flip his obscene defense to an equally obscene offense, but this removes his powerful soul armor, leaving him as vulnerable as any ordinary man. This offense is a golden spear that's made of all the souls he has gathered, which is fired at high speeds. This can only be used once per day because he refuses to practice this abominable magic.


  • If it is possible to ______ people, then Cristian will truly go off the deep end. He's already halfway there.
  • He tends to contradict himself quite often.
  • The glasses are for show.
  • Though he has a strong mind, this priest has a sore spot that if cracked open, will break him.
  • He will continue walking the road of eternal penance forever.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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FULL NAME: Ezekiel Abel O’Brien

NICKNAMES: Zeke, Doomsday Chef


AGE: 28



WRITTEN APPEARANCE: Sporting a lean build, smooth skin and jetblack, neck-length hair, Zeke might as well come straight out of a fujoshi's dream journal. He carries himself somewhat nonchalantly, favouring baggy clothes and having a bit of sway to his movements. Zeke stands a generous 6.3 feet in height, which means he often has to look down or bend his knees to speak to Mahoukyo residents.

Zeke prefers whites and light but warm colours in his clothes. He feels naked without some kind of headwear. Zeke owns as many hats as he does shirts, ranging from baseball caps to cowboy hats. He has a bit of a weakness for accessorising as well. You should see his keychains.


PERSONALITY: Zeke is prideful, arrogant even, when it comes to his prestigious art of cooking. He pursues his goals with a passion and conviction beyond human recognition. Calling it an obsession would be putting it lightly. When it comes to reaching his goals, all of Zeke’s other values go out of the window.

His culinary passions aside, Zeke is earnest and amicable, if eccentric. He enjoys cooking for others, even if he prepares dishes begrudgingly below his caliber. To him it is of utmost importance that his allies are well-fed. Zeke supports those who wish to freely express themselves and is quite the flatterer. Having known defeat, Zeke is also more merciful than your average Rikimaru. He believes that as long as the spirit is strong, it does not matter how often the body breaks. This can have him act in secrecy and nurse allies back to health on the down-low. He’s generally well-liked and respected as a result.

Finally, Some Good Fucking Food: Zeke is a picky eater, but when he gets his pick, he is in bliss.
Knives: Zeke’s grandfather was an avid collector of weapons and he enamoured Zeke with his collection. Knives were his favourite.
Baseball: More fond memories of his time with his grandfather. In fact, Zeke used to play ball.
Classical Music: Beethoven is his jam.

Culinary Standards: “I wouldn’t eat that even if you cut out my tongue.”
His Parents: How was his childhood, how is his relation with his folks, where is he from? All kinds of questions Zeke will never answer.
Untidiness: Zeke cannot stand messy rooms and much less messy eaters. Like, do they want ants? Because that’s how you get ants.
Religion: Church leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

Fighting Shape: Zeke is a tough customer. He’s a bro who lifts. Courtesy of his grandfather, Zeke is skilled with knives and guns.
Bloodhound: Zeke’s nose can recognise people by their scent and… Oh my, so that’s who you saw last night.
Iron Chef, Iron Stomach: Zeke does not acknowledge there’s such a thing as food poisoning.
Teamwork: Zeke’s magic does not suit a vanguard position, so he learned the importance of supporting the team. He works well with others… Most of the time.

Food Critics: Insult Zeke’s mother all you want, he’ll probably agree, but touch his cooking and the knives start flying.
Please Take A Shower: Because of his strong sense of smell, Zeke is quite sensitive to bad stench.
Where’s The Cavalry: When monsters are his superior physically, Zeke’s tool-set isn’t as effective one-on-one.
Obsession: Zeke lets nothing stand in his way when it comes to his goals of preparing the most extravagant monster dishes the world has ever seen. This can ruin anything from tactics to relationships.

Theodore Junior O’Brien: Zeke has a great fondness of his grandfather. This old veteran influenced many of Zeke’s passions and though gave little Zeke a means of escape from those-who-shan’t-be-named.
Frieda Necromantia: Zeke finds himself drawn to Frieda’s freedom-loving attitude. Zeke envies how she doesn’t let anyone stand in the way of her passions… Though he can get fussy with her if she ruins good meat.
Rikimaru Whina: When it comes to their respective passions, Zeke gets along wonderfully with Whina. Unfortunately, Whina can also be a bit of a killjoy in Zeke’s eyes.
Rikimaru Akio: There's a lot of urban legends featuring the Rikimaru head, most of them having more in common with warnings than actual stories. Zeke hasn't dealt with the head directly, which most his peers seem to believe is best to keep that way.
Artemis Rin: Zeke admires Rin's steel grip on his composure; not exactly common in their surroundings. However, Art could really use some more greens in his diet and sneaks a number into the sniper's meals. Perhaps a healthier balance will make the gunman more ambitious as well, yes?
Saori Asakura: That dedication to her goals reminds Zeke of himself, he's quite fond of the mad scientist as a result. They may bicker over the best use of their Zero Time spoils, though. Saori seems to share a distaste for religion, which somehow makes the crazy doctor lady one of the easier Rikimaru people for Zeke to emphatise with.


“Like the composers ahead of their time and the master painters who die in poverty, I too suffer the drab of my contemporaries. These mundane critics and their frivolous, so-called reviews. You wouldn’t believe what they wrote, no. Here, let me read this printed trash to you. Tell me it does not make you sick to your stomach.

When Ezekiel O’Brien graduated at the top of his class, many culinary connoisseurs in the know of his previous achievements flocked to the grand opening of his restaurant. I found myself amongst the few who had managed to secure themselves a table. We all awaited with bated breath and fully expected O’Brien to close that night with five brand-new stars plastered to the entrance. There was no menu, the chef’s choice was our only option. A bold move. My hands trembled with excitement, but it would not be long before I instead trembled with disgust. O’Brien’s choice for the first serving was akin a carpaccio, it glowed in a sinister purple light. My gut warned me of what was about to happen, yet I misguidedly decided to be brave.

As I am writing this (recently discharged from the hospital) a mere bite of this infernal appetizer was enough for my stomach to twist and tie into shapes not even the most decorated of boy-scouts can knot. The mix of flavours was out of this world - and I don’t mean that in a good way! O’Brien, if you are reading this, you deserve to rot in jail. I and the other four survivors of your miscreation will not rest until we’ve put an end to your career!

Those plebeian swines do not deserve my genius. Granted, they took my restaurant, but to end my career? My career is about to soar! I wish to extend my formal invitation to you and the Rikimaru family to join me on this venture. My next creation shall amaze and bewilder all. Connoisseurs from all over the world shall fight to the death to even catch a whiff of my masterpiece. I seek ingredients suitable for my ambitions, ingredients sealed away in Zero Time. And that, good madam Necromantia, is why I cut up these fellows of yours. We understand each other, yes? I need access to your hunting grounds and you need members who have a few more… Fingers on their hands. I beg you to consider my application.“



Zeke adds a little extra flavour to spells by coating them with what he calls spell seasonings. His magic takes shape as if he’s throwing fairy dust at a caster or spell. Additionally, it works on enchanted items. Zeke can season spells with the following flavours:

SWEET: Boosts the initial potency of a spell but decreases the duration and/or durability. A sugarcoated energy blast gets bigger but dissipates after a few meters worth of travel. A barrier will be able to absorb bigger attacks but can’t take as many hits. Sugar also makes the spell seem heavier. If a spell is an energy blast, it decelerates and drops sooner. If the spell is a barrier, it will weigh down the user. Casting a sweetened spell makes the caster briefly feel happy and excited. Too much exposure, however, will make their mood crash and spiral within minutes.

SOUR: Gives a spell a lingering effect. Even after hitting its target, an energy blast will continue to exist as if you just threw a ball at someone instead. The same applies for the barrier, though spells under the influence of sour seasoning do become susceptible to the forces of nature like gravity. The caster might feel a little disgusted with these spells, because they change color to a more sickly green and begin to generate tiny acidic bubbles. It is best to never touch these bubbles, because they eat through organic tissue.

SPICY: Heats up the spell and decreases casting time. An energy blast becomes a fireball. Touching a spicy-seasoned barrier feels akin touching melting metal. It isn’t just the targets that will be playing with fire. Spicy spells make the caster sweat; draining physical stamina. Their tongue might also feel like it is burning, depending on how they feel about Curry Madras.

SALTY: Creates a white layer of grains that contains and preserves the effects of a spell depending on how much seasoning was used, but renders the spell ineffective while it is being preserved. When the seasoning wears off, the spell's potency is approximately 70% of the original. The caster will get thirstier the more salty seasoning is applied to their spells. If they don't drink enough while the effects are active, this may even lead to dehydration.

BITTER: A touch of bitter can 'wake' a spell up like a good cup of coffee. The spell gain minor intelligence. An energy blast will bend to home in on their target, a barrier may shift its soul mass to defend a weak point that's being targeted. Large or repeated instances of bitter seasoning makes a spell go crazy, requiring an aptitude two levels higher than the caster’s capacity to keep them under control. The more bitter a spell is seasoned, the more it makes the caster’s body feel like the spell is toxic to cast. When overused, bitter seasoning will cause symptoms like dizziness and nausea. Also, the caster might not be able to sleep well that night.

SAVOURY: Every spell becomes juicy. An energy blast will explode like a water-balloon, a barrier will get really slippery. Spells will also start smelling delicious. Maybe that evasive monster now wants to eat your energy blast. Literally. The caster also starts smelling delicious. Making them a priority target to monsters and easier to track.


THEME: Moonlight Sonata (Beethoven) - Hidden Citizens
FACECLAIM: Zappa - Guilty Gear
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