Quiet and unassuming for the most part, Thana is the daughter of the current Mayor of Mahoukyo and attends the local high school, though she tends to be rather forgettable at times and presence entirely forgotten due to her overtly quiet and timid nature around others. She has even developed a habit of seeming to vanish before people's eyes if they blink for even a moment. She goes about her business with minimal fuss and exceptional professionalism, leaving no stone unturned in a scary, perfectionist approach to her work as a part-time seamstress.
Despite never seeming particularly happy or cheerful, she seems to almost always have a smile gracing her face even as she completes the harder parts of her profession. Some give her looks when she starts talking to the dolls she has hand-stitched, yet talks to no one else, as she goes about making outfits, never seeming quite there. Like there’s more to the girl than meets the eye.
Rather than talk to others, she'll either make gestures, write down or text her message to the person in question or have one, sometimes more, of her many dolls talk in her stead. While she works for no family in particular, she does do work for them all in the form of making or fixing outfits, adding enchantments or similar work.

The current head of the Rikimaru Family, even at the ripe age of 67 he still rules over his family with an iron fist. A tough and uncompromising man with a strict belief in one’s strength is the most important attribute. He will never back down from a challenge, no matter what it may be. He sets a high standard for all in his family to follow and expects them to reach his expectations. If one fails his expectations, a spartan training session is soon to follow. Despite this rough and tough reputation, he is also known for spoiling his only grandchild Whina just a little bit.
He has ruled over the Rikimaru family for around 45 or so years by this point, far longer than the other 2 current family heads put together. While he can be a tough man to get along with, no one can deny his strength and worthy position as number one in the Rikimaru family. He is well respected amongst his family.
He seems to be the source of the bad blood between the Rikimaru and Isamu families, while he seems to despise the Akechi with a passion.

The youngest granddaughter of the current Rikimaru Head, she’s known to be an airhead and absolute weirdo amongst the Rikimaru. While many of her family pursue strength and perfection in that regard, she instead prefers to tinker and work on gadgets to aid the family. She is known to disappear for days, even weeks on end in her workshop only to resurface with a bizarre new idea/invention or thirteen.
Being a similar age to Frieda, she gets along well with the Inner Circle member and can usually be found around Gang 13, not afraid to help them out in any way she can. Generally, this means that when she hasn't disappeared, she's helping run her team for her as Frieda is about as good a leader as she is in controlling her rampant magic.

Possibly the most threatening and most unpredictable member of the Rikimaru Family, also by far the youngest to ever make the Inner circle beating Akio’s own record of 17 years. She was 15 at the time, 16 now. The leader of Gang 13, she is notorious for neglecting both her gang leader duties and Inner Circle duties for even the briefest moments of adventure.
Being a similar age to Whina, she seems to have a somewhat friendly relationship with the Rikimaru main family member. Most people view Frieda as a monster due to her mentally and emotionally unstable nature, seemingly caused by her overwhelming amount of Soul and destructive magic.
Rumors and stories follow the girl everywhere she goes, perhaps the most noteworthy was the one relating to how she became a gang leader. Having wandered into Rikimaru turf by accident, the previously unaffiliated mage managed to tick off every gang member in the area...only to ruthlessly beat every. Single. Member. Even the then gang leader lasted but mere moments against the girl's rampant magic. Since then, the defeated gang has sworn to work for her and she was inducted into the Rikimaru family as a gang leader much to her own amusement.
Her older sister, Freyja Necromantia, is the current head of the Necromantia family, a minor non-affiliated mage family found in the city.

The elder sister of Whina and a member of the Rikimaru Inner Circle, Akuneko she was previously known as the 2nd youngest to ever make the Inner Circle at 19 years of age, behind only her grandfather Akio at the time. Since then, her grandfather's record has been broken by Frieda. She's a mischevious young woman, often using the fact that people mistake her as the younger of the two to both tease Whina and just, in general, have fun.
She enjoys teasing and making fun of others, usually in jest though sometimes she toes the line a little too much. She doesn't seem to have the greatest relationship with her younger sister, it could even be seen as a hostile one. Their tension seems to be with how much their grandfather favors Whina, despite the elder sister's superior magic and aptitude. She is a competitive person, especially when it comes to Whina, and will almost never back down from a challenge.

The current head of the Isamu family, if one asked a member of the Isamu family to describe Maylis in three words, most would give calm, charismatic and motherly. Others soothing, warm yet terrifying. No matter the case, none would argue that she is a kind and gentle person who is acceptable to all who wish to join the Isamu and just her mere presence is enough to inspire others.
However, under the motherly, angelic persona she gives off lies a deep and terrible rage that shows if one brings harm to one of her members, who she truly treats as if a member of her family or even her own child in most cases. She also harbors a strong hatred towards the other families for how they treat the Isamu, Akio in particular for his part in her father's disappearance.
Not a single member of the Isamu worth their salt is unaware of her rise to power, during the blood moon of a Zero Time, her father, the head of the family, having disappeared midway through a fight with Rikimaru. The 16-year-old girl at the time who rallied the fractured family into a retreat with no further casualties. Nine years on, and her status as the head has only grown as she’s not only respected by nearly her entire family but most importantly loved by all bar a handful.

Alister has long been Maylis’ closest confidante, having been by her side since he was a young boy. He effectively acts as a nanny, advisor, maid, butler, bodyguard, and secretary to Maylis as he constantly nags and berates her for either taking work too seriously, not seriously enough or just look after her health more often.
He is beyond loyal to Maylis, and even a whisper of potential traitors is met with the pointy end of his sword in record time.

Chivalrous, upholding justice is his number 1 priority. He is another fiercely loyal to Maylis and her leadership, willing to defend her and the family to his last breath. As a leader, he looks to guide those under him and lead from the front, never asking what he wouldn't expect himself to do in the same scenario.

Rebellious, sarcastic and stubborn to a fault, the youngest cousin to current family head Maylis, and currently the youngest Isamu in general, she has always been something of a problem child. Whether it be stirring up trouble herself, or inevitably trouble finding her, she always seems to find herself neck-deep in one problem or another. She seems to detest Maylis's overbearing and protective nature, the two generally arguing over something whenever they meet.
Because of her potentially exceptionally dangerous magic, she's always been kept on a short leash by the Isamu family, leading to her rebelling even further and in any way she can the more they try to keep her under wraps. She also seems to be somewhat vain and smug, not to the point of looking down on others, but more to the point of knowing she can do whatever she wants and get away with it.
Equipped with a sharp tongue and a habit of not thinking before speaking, the girl is also 11/10 a tsundere.

The current head of the Akechi clan, Touma is a stern leader who enforces strict rules and has little to no tolerance for any shortcomings of those who affiliate themselves with his family. He is the eldest son of Yuki Akechi, the former head who passed away due to illness at a young age after successfully bringing the family to glory and prosperity over his twelve years as head.
Overwhelmed by the stifling responsibilities left by his predecessor, Touma is very pragmatic and cold when organizing the Mages in his employ under the Akechi banner. He is notoriously harsh and overly critical of their performance, accepting nothing but flawless victory on their part. He holds very closed-minded, conservative views when it comes to the practice of Magecraft in Mahoukyo – believing in the purity of ones’ bloodline and outwardly shunning all those he deems to be born of a lesser caliber. As a result, the Akechi has recently become known to be the least accepting of the three families that lay claim to the city. Touma is only interested in those he can directly benefit from and manipulate, and will sever ties with anyone at the drop of a hat should their usefulness diminish to a less than satisfactory standard.
Touma is about as indifferent to the Rikimaru and Isamu as one is to a housefly – that is to say, they are a mild annoyance, but ultimately meaningless to him. He doesn’t actively involve the Akechi in any petty squabbles, but he expects those under his banner to show no mercy to any opposing family who would deign to trespass upon his family’s territory.

Serious and strict to a fault, Hector is a stern taskmaster, expecting nothing short of perfection from everything his team does. However, he is far more lenient towards failure than the family head, though he is still strict and sharp in his punishments for failing the family.
Hector is known to lead his team personally onto the battlefield, for he believes the best perspective can be gained from up-front. While this upsets some, as a leader should be directing orders from behind, he cares little for it so long as he can produce results. When he gives orders, he expects them to be swiftly followed to the letter as soon as humanly possible.

Crystal is the younger sister of the Akechi Zero Time squad leader Hector, and one of the Akechi's strongest fighters. Unlike her brother, Crystal is a kind and polite teenage girl that cares deeply for her squadmates and friends alike. She has a carefree nature, often leading to her being scolded by her older brother for being late for some rather 'silly' reasons, as he puts.\
She's often found goofing off or hanging out with her friends from school, seemingly disinterested in fighting despite her own exceptional talents in it, and thus disinterested in Zero Time. In reality, she's afraid of the thrill she gets from fighting and how it affects her personality. She is impulsive and a bit reckless when she does fight, seemingly becoming a different person as a fight drags on and she uses more and more dangerous magic, becoming more and more reckless as well.
Crystal is always eager to learn new and interesting things, the girl normally found trailing her 'master'/'sensei' and annoying him with a constant stream of questions.

Self-centered to the extreme, Cassius is a blunt, uncaring and frankly an individual so cold he makes Antarctica look like Egypt. He cares little for others or their opinions, treating them like dirt beneath his feet and only placing value on a select few. Naturally, he himself is very high on that small list.
His arrogant and elitist demeanor has earned him little friends, except amongst the inner elite of the Akechi which he himself is a member of, being part of a branch family. However, for all his narcissism, he truly does have the bite to back up his bark. Arguably, he is the strongest member of the Akechi in combat and makes sure that everyone is aware of this fact.
He seems to resent the fact that he's not a squad leader, though he dare not speak bad of public. Instead, he silently simmers away in Hector's squad, showing his fellow squad members about the same amount of respect as one would expect someone to show an ant.

Artemis Rin
Elliot Silber
Ezekiel Abel O’Brien
Saori Asakura
Dunkas Marcos

Onassis Daisuke
Rinishi Kirizaki
Rena Kirizaki
Kazumi Isano

Jana Reid
Enishi Kizuna
Kurokami Takuto
Aruru Ishtar-Gamelat
Maya Dozier

Quiet and unassuming for the most part, Thana is the daughter of the current Mayor of Mahoukyo and attends the local high school, though she tends to be rather forgettable at times and presence entirely forgotten due to her overtly quiet and timid nature around others. She has even developed a habit of seeming to vanish before people's eyes if they blink for even a moment. She goes about her business with minimal fuss and exceptional professionalism, leaving no stone unturned in a scary, perfectionist approach to her work as a part-time seamstress.
Despite never seeming particularly happy or cheerful, she seems to almost always have a smile gracing her face even as she completes the harder parts of her profession. Some give her looks when she starts talking to the dolls she has hand-stitched, yet talks to no one else, as she goes about making outfits, never seeming quite there. Like there’s more to the girl than meets the eye.
Rather than talk to others, she'll either make gestures, write down or text her message to the person in question or have one, sometimes more, of her many dolls talk in her stead. While she works for no family in particular, she does do work for them all in the form of making or fixing outfits, adding enchantments or similar work.

The current head of the Rikimaru Family, even at the ripe age of 67 he still rules over his family with an iron fist. A tough and uncompromising man with a strict belief in one’s strength is the most important attribute. He will never back down from a challenge, no matter what it may be. He sets a high standard for all in his family to follow and expects them to reach his expectations. If one fails his expectations, a spartan training session is soon to follow. Despite this rough and tough reputation, he is also known for spoiling his only grandchild Whina just a little bit.
He has ruled over the Rikimaru family for around 45 or so years by this point, far longer than the other 2 current family heads put together. While he can be a tough man to get along with, no one can deny his strength and worthy position as number one in the Rikimaru family. He is well respected amongst his family.
He seems to be the source of the bad blood between the Rikimaru and Isamu families, while he seems to despise the Akechi with a passion.

The youngest granddaughter of the current Rikimaru Head, she’s known to be an airhead and absolute weirdo amongst the Rikimaru. While many of her family pursue strength and perfection in that regard, she instead prefers to tinker and work on gadgets to aid the family. She is known to disappear for days, even weeks on end in her workshop only to resurface with a bizarre new idea/invention or thirteen.
Being a similar age to Frieda, she gets along well with the Inner Circle member and can usually be found around Gang 13, not afraid to help them out in any way she can. Generally, this means that when she hasn't disappeared, she's helping run her team for her as Frieda is about as good a leader as she is in controlling her rampant magic.

Possibly the most threatening and most unpredictable member of the Rikimaru Family, also by far the youngest to ever make the Inner circle beating Akio’s own record of 17 years. She was 15 at the time, 16 now. The leader of Gang 13, she is notorious for neglecting both her gang leader duties and Inner Circle duties for even the briefest moments of adventure.
Being a similar age to Whina, she seems to have a somewhat friendly relationship with the Rikimaru main family member. Most people view Frieda as a monster due to her mentally and emotionally unstable nature, seemingly caused by her overwhelming amount of Soul and destructive magic.
Rumors and stories follow the girl everywhere she goes, perhaps the most noteworthy was the one relating to how she became a gang leader. Having wandered into Rikimaru turf by accident, the previously unaffiliated mage managed to tick off every gang member in the area...only to ruthlessly beat every. Single. Member. Even the then gang leader lasted but mere moments against the girl's rampant magic. Since then, the defeated gang has sworn to work for her and she was inducted into the Rikimaru family as a gang leader much to her own amusement.
Her older sister, Freyja Necromantia, is the current head of the Necromantia family, a minor non-affiliated mage family found in the city.

The elder sister of Whina and a member of the Rikimaru Inner Circle, Akuneko she was previously known as the 2nd youngest to ever make the Inner Circle at 19 years of age, behind only her grandfather Akio at the time. Since then, her grandfather's record has been broken by Frieda. She's a mischevious young woman, often using the fact that people mistake her as the younger of the two to both tease Whina and just, in general, have fun.
She enjoys teasing and making fun of others, usually in jest though sometimes she toes the line a little too much. She doesn't seem to have the greatest relationship with her younger sister, it could even be seen as a hostile one. Their tension seems to be with how much their grandfather favors Whina, despite the elder sister's superior magic and aptitude. She is a competitive person, especially when it comes to Whina, and will almost never back down from a challenge.

The current head of the Isamu family, if one asked a member of the Isamu family to describe Maylis in three words, most would give calm, charismatic and motherly. Others soothing, warm yet terrifying. No matter the case, none would argue that she is a kind and gentle person who is acceptable to all who wish to join the Isamu and just her mere presence is enough to inspire others.
However, under the motherly, angelic persona she gives off lies a deep and terrible rage that shows if one brings harm to one of her members, who she truly treats as if a member of her family or even her own child in most cases. She also harbors a strong hatred towards the other families for how they treat the Isamu, Akio in particular for his part in her father's disappearance.
Not a single member of the Isamu worth their salt is unaware of her rise to power, during the blood moon of a Zero Time, her father, the head of the family, having disappeared midway through a fight with Rikimaru. The 16-year-old girl at the time who rallied the fractured family into a retreat with no further casualties. Nine years on, and her status as the head has only grown as she’s not only respected by nearly her entire family but most importantly loved by all bar a handful.

Alister has long been Maylis’ closest confidante, having been by her side since he was a young boy. He effectively acts as a nanny, advisor, maid, butler, bodyguard, and secretary to Maylis as he constantly nags and berates her for either taking work too seriously, not seriously enough or just look after her health more often.
He is beyond loyal to Maylis, and even a whisper of potential traitors is met with the pointy end of his sword in record time.

Chivalrous, upholding justice is his number 1 priority. He is another fiercely loyal to Maylis and her leadership, willing to defend her and the family to his last breath. As a leader, he looks to guide those under him and lead from the front, never asking what he wouldn't expect himself to do in the same scenario.

Rebellious, sarcastic and stubborn to a fault, the youngest cousin to current family head Maylis, and currently the youngest Isamu in general, she has always been something of a problem child. Whether it be stirring up trouble herself, or inevitably trouble finding her, she always seems to find herself neck-deep in one problem or another. She seems to detest Maylis's overbearing and protective nature, the two generally arguing over something whenever they meet.
Because of her potentially exceptionally dangerous magic, she's always been kept on a short leash by the Isamu family, leading to her rebelling even further and in any way she can the more they try to keep her under wraps. She also seems to be somewhat vain and smug, not to the point of looking down on others, but more to the point of knowing she can do whatever she wants and get away with it.
Equipped with a sharp tongue and a habit of not thinking before speaking, the girl is also 11/10 a tsundere.

The current head of the Akechi clan, Touma is a stern leader who enforces strict rules and has little to no tolerance for any shortcomings of those who affiliate themselves with his family. He is the eldest son of Yuki Akechi, the former head who passed away due to illness at a young age after successfully bringing the family to glory and prosperity over his twelve years as head.
Overwhelmed by the stifling responsibilities left by his predecessor, Touma is very pragmatic and cold when organizing the Mages in his employ under the Akechi banner. He is notoriously harsh and overly critical of their performance, accepting nothing but flawless victory on their part. He holds very closed-minded, conservative views when it comes to the practice of Magecraft in Mahoukyo – believing in the purity of ones’ bloodline and outwardly shunning all those he deems to be born of a lesser caliber. As a result, the Akechi has recently become known to be the least accepting of the three families that lay claim to the city. Touma is only interested in those he can directly benefit from and manipulate, and will sever ties with anyone at the drop of a hat should their usefulness diminish to a less than satisfactory standard.
Touma is about as indifferent to the Rikimaru and Isamu as one is to a housefly – that is to say, they are a mild annoyance, but ultimately meaningless to him. He doesn’t actively involve the Akechi in any petty squabbles, but he expects those under his banner to show no mercy to any opposing family who would deign to trespass upon his family’s territory.

Serious and strict to a fault, Hector is a stern taskmaster, expecting nothing short of perfection from everything his team does. However, he is far more lenient towards failure than the family head, though he is still strict and sharp in his punishments for failing the family.
Hector is known to lead his team personally onto the battlefield, for he believes the best perspective can be gained from up-front. While this upsets some, as a leader should be directing orders from behind, he cares little for it so long as he can produce results. When he gives orders, he expects them to be swiftly followed to the letter as soon as humanly possible.

Crystal is the younger sister of the Akechi Zero Time squad leader Hector, and one of the Akechi's strongest fighters. Unlike her brother, Crystal is a kind and polite teenage girl that cares deeply for her squadmates and friends alike. She has a carefree nature, often leading to her being scolded by her older brother for being late for some rather 'silly' reasons, as he puts.\
She's often found goofing off or hanging out with her friends from school, seemingly disinterested in fighting despite her own exceptional talents in it, and thus disinterested in Zero Time. In reality, she's afraid of the thrill she gets from fighting and how it affects her personality. She is impulsive and a bit reckless when she does fight, seemingly becoming a different person as a fight drags on and she uses more and more dangerous magic, becoming more and more reckless as well.
Crystal is always eager to learn new and interesting things, the girl normally found trailing her 'master'/'sensei' and annoying him with a constant stream of questions.

Self-centered to the extreme, Cassius is a blunt, uncaring and frankly an individual so cold he makes Antarctica look like Egypt. He cares little for others or their opinions, treating them like dirt beneath his feet and only placing value on a select few. Naturally, he himself is very high on that small list.
His arrogant and elitist demeanor has earned him little friends, except amongst the inner elite of the Akechi which he himself is a member of, being part of a branch family. However, for all his narcissism, he truly does have the bite to back up his bark. Arguably, he is the strongest member of the Akechi in combat and makes sure that everyone is aware of this fact.
He seems to resent the fact that he's not a squad leader, though he dare not speak bad of public. Instead, he silently simmers away in Hector's squad, showing his fellow squad members about the same amount of respect as one would expect someone to show an ant.

Artemis Rin
Elliot Silber
Ezekiel Abel O’Brien
Saori Asakura
Dunkas Marcos

Onassis Daisuke
Rinishi Kirizaki
Rena Kirizaki
Kazumi Isano

Jana Reid
Enishi Kizuna
Kurokami Takuto
Aruru Ishtar-Gamelat
Maya Dozier