Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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Daniel chuckled at the comment as he grabbed some napkins from the counter and began to wipe some more slime on his coat to no avail. "I guess you could say that." It was certainly one way to put his little adventure. He did wonder if he would have been able to fare a bit better if he had taken a quest that included less slimy beings. Still, the reward was kind of worth it... for a magic guild like this. He couldn't help but think of the number of jewels he was able to collect back in the days. But there was no use for complaining now. He had made his decision and he was supposed to stick with it.

He gave the guild master a smile as he took the remainders of the reward and placed it into the inner pocket of his coat. Well then, it was high time that he should change out of his clothes. He bowed his head and was about to leave for his own room and change when Ziv came into the guild house, tired beyond belief. It looked like he had been lugging around an entire carriage from how tired he had looked. Either than, or he had been walking to the guild house nonstop for half a day. He had a couple of questions for the younger man - mostly concerning the reasons of why he looked so tired.

"Are you okay Ziv? Do you need help with anything?" He decided to settle for that. Might as well get helping the other members out of the way before he changed.
Daniel groggily walked through Magnolia, soaked in slime. It was a B-Rank quest, nothing to write home about. The quest board looked a little too full and he wanted to get some time off by himself - as he usually accompanied other mages into quests due to his role as mainly a support for the group. But lately, he's been training to get himself on the battlefield instead of hiding away behind the lines. His gravity magic had a lot of potential in a real combat situation, completely throwing other people off their groove by changing the gravity around them.

Unfortunately, such a method did not quite work well with the slime monster he was supposed to exterminate. For each method he tried, the slime either simply split itself apart or spew out slime that made him slip. Overall, while it was sort of an easy quest and does not need that much attention, it was tedious and messy. The only reason he had managed to successfully defeat the slime was to find its main body which held its life crystal inside and stuck an explosive lacrima in it. Needless to say, there was a very understandable reason as to why he was covered in slime. Once he was paid and wiped himself down, he made his trek back to Magnolia.

Which brings him to the present. He's gotten most of the slime out but his clothing was dripping with it. He can't wait to get back to the guild house and change out of it. He let out a long sigh as he arrived at the door to the Golden Shark guildhouse. He grabbed the sack of jewels that was his payment and pushed open the door. He scanned the area. Jared. Sayuri. Amelia. At the bar. Three others talking to each other. He gave them an acknowledging nod as he closed the door gently and walked towards them.

"Here's the reward." He said as he handed it to Amelia so that the guild tax could be counted. He didn't want to seem insincere and separate it himself. "Good morning." He then regarded the others with the greeting. It doesn't seem he was all too keen to explain why there were still slime blotches scattered all over his clothing. He brought his hand up to play with the button of his coat.
The post was great man!
Yep, just tell me which chess piece y'all want 'cause King goes to Daniel almost always. So if yall want phys or mag, just holler.


Did you guess Highschool DxD because that's the correct answer

Ya know, I was just mulling about a quirk that utilizes bubblegum production and blood sugar.

Count me in!

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