Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)
Things you need to know about me?
I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.
I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.
Pfft poor Amelia must have been so confused with Daniel's antics about his history at first and probably the only reason he ever revealed that he ran with a guild before
Location and color of your guild mark: Teal, back of his right hand
Rank of your mage: A-Rank
Type of magic
[Chess Magic:] The magic itself surrounds the intricacies of the pieces of a chess board. The user deems themselves as the King of the board and they are free to choose which pieces will be given to their allies - if they give anything at all. The size of the "board" spans for as far as the user wants it, but will have the added difficulty for a Pawn to Promote. The end of the board is always behind the enemies and the start of the board is where the user is.
[Pawn] - The most abundant and common piece. Pawns are given a small boost to their magical and physical capabilities. These pieces start off as one of the weakest characters.
Promotion - The special ability of a Pawn is the ability to promote themselves into another piece once they reach the end of the board. This gives them the additional buff of another piece on top of their Pawn buff with no repercussion on the user.
[Rook] - The Rook is given a big boost in their physical and raw power - giving them the ability to exert a force greater than what they are usually capable of. It increases their strength by five times. Rooks are often capable of breaking through strict defenses.
Castling - The rook is teleported immediately towards the king's side. Both parties must agree to this. A small blue magical circle appears in front of the rook which is the king's request for aid.
[Knight] - The Knight is given a big boost in their speed - giving them the ability to move a faster pace than what they are usually capable of. If they have a mount, the mount also gains this speed boost. It increases their speed by five times. Knights are designed for either scouting or to overwhelm enemies with their superior speed.
[Bishop] - The Bishop is given a big boost to their magic - improving both the mana pool of the mage and the capabilities of their magic by threefold. However, if they burn through the borrowed mana, they would also lose the effects of the Bishop piece and it cannot be played on the board until the fight is finished.
[Queen] - The Queen is the strongest of them all. Giving a big boost to both magical and physical capabilities, the queen is often given to the strongest fighter so that they can perform beyond their abilities. The queen dominates the battlefield when they enter.
[King] - The King has to remain alive for the entirety of the fight for everything to take effect. It can be given to either someone else or the mage themselves. However, for each enemy that has been defeated, the king gains a small boost to their magic or their physical capabilities.
Castling - The rook is teleported to the king's side immediately. Both parties must agree to this. A small blue magical circle appears in front of the rook which is the king's request for aid.
The Board - The user is able to summon a translucent board which shows the battlefield and the location of each of the pieces. The board changes whenever a piece spots an enemy (wherein a black piece will appear on the board to indicate presence of the enemy) or when there is difficult terrain (wherein the tiles turn into a different color to indicate its location). When the enemy is not seen by a piece anymore, the black piece turns grey.
[Gravity Magic:] This gives the mage the ability to manipulate the gravity around him by either strengthening or lessening it to his wishes. It has the ability to greatly impede the advance of others or even let someone fly. There are many applications of the magic itself, though it can be counteracted by either a strong magical resistance or by sheer physical prowess.
[Graviton Ball] - Daniel creates a violet ball of magic and throws it towards an area. The ball forces any object or person around it to gravitate towards the ball. Anything that isn't hinged on the ground flies towards the ball and revolves around it. Even people or beasts can be attracted to it but they can counteract it with their own movements.
[Gravity Tendrils] - Daniel has the capabilities of making tendrils made out of dust, sand and other small substances and forcing them together using gravity magic. Despite what others might believe, these are solid and sometimes sharp if Daniel so wishes. Cutting them down is effective but Daniel is capable of rebuilding them.
[Gravity Trap] - He is capable of putting down a trap that extends to a five foot radius from where it was planted wherein when it is activated, a massive gravitational force will push down the enemy or launch the enemy skywards.
[Eskrima Sticks] - His main choice of weaponry is the blunt eskrima sticks that are usually crossed behind his back. These act as conduits for his magic as he is able to make them heavier or lighter with his magic and even go on to affect the things that he is hitting.
[Miniature Communication Lacrima] - It was something he had bought over the time he had been working with the guild, for easier communication with them if a telepath isn't readily available.
[Explosive Lacrima x5] - For emergency situations where he needs to start blowing stuff up.
Personality: Despite having a magic that encourages strict planning, Daniel himself prefers spontaneous but nevertheless effective methods. As long as they can stick to the basic plan, then improvisation is perfectly fine. Even he knows that not every plan is foolproof - but he'd also rather not charge in headfirst and just duke it out with the opponents. At the first meeting, Daniel can come off as a little cold since he's usually thinking about something. It might be because he's plotting out his next training regiment, maybe it's what's for dinner, or maybe it's planning out what he's going to do for the next quest. Out of combat, he's usually in his own mind until he's forced to be pulled out - either by sensing danger or by someone talking to him.
Daniel isn't the most social person out there, but he isn't shy either. He can lead a conversation if needed but sometimes, he trails off. Many have claimed that he's easily distracted which isn't far from the truth. He doesn't like doing repetitive things, though mental challenges are something he enjoys a lot because they're stimulating as long as it doesn't get repetitive. Chess always has infinite possibilities of how it can be played depending on one's opponent so it became one of his favorite games - aside from the fact that it was connected to his magic somewhat. If he trails off or seems to daze out of the conversation, it doesn't mean that he's bored. It's just how he is and he'll come back after a moment and will ask, politely, if he felt like he missed something.
History: Daniel's history is often a topic to debate about. He's never told anyone something that resembles the truth - or maybe he has and no one noticed. It's because the information he gives often varies wildly with each other. He would claim that he was raised in a circus outside of Fiore and in other items he would claim that he was from an old, noble house in which he was the only one left after a disaster. There isn't anyone who seemed to know him before he came to the guild, even when their quests took them far and wide.
When confronted about why he doesn't share his history, Daniel just claims that it's unimportant. That what matters currently is that he's in the guild to help them. He promised that there was no trouble that would follow him to the guild, which seemed to appease a couple of people. People have inspected and found no other guild marks on his body.
One consistent thing about Daniel is that he mentions that he was once part of another guild when he was younger. He never specified which one and what the name of the guild was - neither does it seem to have been registered anywhere in Fiore since he doesn't seem to be aware of the Grand Magic Games that are annually held in Fiore.
He came to the Golden Sharks shortly after it was established. Even when it had little to no fame, he decided that it wouldn't be too bad of a guild to join and has helped grow its reputation ever since. He's managed to show others that he was a capable mage, even though he mainly played support, but he's working on his more offensive abilities so that he would be more useful in combat.
Location and color of your guild mark: Teal, back of his right hand
Rank of your mage: A-Rank
Type of magic
[Chess Magic:] The magic itself surrounds the intricacies of the pieces of a chess board. The user deems themselves as the King of the board and they are free to choose which pieces will be given to their allies - if they give anything at all. The size of the "board" spans for as far as the user wants it, but will have the added difficulty for a Pawn to Promote. The end of the board is always behind the enemies and the start of the board is where the user is.
[Pawn] - The most abundant and common piece. Pawns are given a small boost to their magical and physical capabilities. These pieces start off as one of the weakest characters.
Promotion - The special ability of a Pawn is the ability to promote themselves into another piece once they reach the end of the board. This gives them the additional buff of another piece on top of their Pawn buff with no repercussion on the user.
[Rook] - The Rook is given a big boost in their physical and raw power - giving them the ability to exert a force greater than what they are usually capable of. It increases their strength by five times. Rooks are often capable of breaking through strict defenses.
Castling - The rook is teleported immediately towards the king's side. Both parties must agree to this. A small blue magical circle appears in front of the rook which is the king's request for aid.
[Knight] - The Knight is given a big boost in their speed - giving them the ability to move a faster pace than what they are usually capable of. If they have a mount, the mount also gains this speed boost. It increases their speed by five times. Knights are designed for either scouting or to overwhelm enemies with their superior speed.
[Bishop] - The Bishop is given a big boost to their magic - improving both the mana pool of the mage and the capabilities of their magic by threefold. However, if they burn through the borrowed mana, they would also lose the effects of the Bishop piece and it cannot be played on the board until the fight is finished.
[Queen] - The Queen is the strongest of them all. Giving a big boost to both magical and physical capabilities, the queen is often given to the strongest fighter so that they can perform beyond their abilities. The queen dominates the battlefield when they enter.
[King] - The King has to remain alive for the entirety of the fight for everything to take effect. It can be given to either someone else or the mage themselves. However, for each enemy that has been defeated, the king gains a small boost to their magic or their physical capabilities.
Castling - The rook is teleported to the king's side immediately. Both parties must agree to this. A small blue magical circle appears in front of the rook which is the king's request for aid.
The Board - The user is able to summon a translucent board which shows the battlefield and the location of each of the pieces. The board changes whenever a piece spots an enemy (wherein a black piece will appear on the board to indicate presence of the enemy) or when there is difficult terrain (wherein the tiles turn into a different color to indicate its location). When the enemy is not seen by a piece anymore, the black piece turns grey.
[Gravity Magic:] This gives the mage the ability to manipulate the gravity around him by either strengthening or lessening it to his wishes. It has the ability to greatly impede the advance of others or even let someone fly. There are many applications of the magic itself, though it can be counteracted by either a strong magical resistance or by sheer physical prowess.
[Graviton Ball] - Daniel creates a violet ball of magic and throws it towards an area. The ball forces any object or person around it to gravitate towards the ball. Anything that isn't hinged on the ground flies towards the ball and revolves around it. Even people or beasts can be attracted to it but they can counteract it with their own movements.
[Gravity Tendrils] - Daniel has the capabilities of making tendrils made out of dust, sand and other small substances and forcing them together using gravity magic. Despite what others might believe, these are solid and sometimes sharp if Daniel so wishes. Cutting them down is effective but Daniel is capable of rebuilding them.
[Gravity Trap] - He is capable of putting down a trap that extends to a five foot radius from where it was planted wherein when it is activated, a massive gravitational force will push down the enemy or launch the enemy skywards.
[Eskrima Sticks] - His main choice of weaponry is the blunt eskrima sticks that are usually crossed behind his back. These act as conduits for his magic as he is able to make them heavier or lighter with his magic and even go on to affect the things that he is hitting.
[Miniature Communication Lacrima] - It was something he had bought over the time he had been working with the guild, for easier communication with them if a telepath isn't readily available.
[Explosive Lacrima x5] - For emergency situations where he needs to start blowing stuff up.
Personality: Despite having a magic that encourages strict planning, Daniel himself prefers spontaneous but nevertheless effective methods. As long as they can stick to the basic plan, then improvisation is perfectly fine. Even he knows that not every plan is foolproof - but he'd also rather not charge in headfirst and just duke it out with the opponents. At the first meeting, Daniel can come off as a little cold since he's usually thinking about something. It might be because he's plotting out his next training regiment, maybe it's what's for dinner, or maybe it's planning out what he's going to do for the next quest. Out of combat, he's usually in his own mind until he's forced to be pulled out - either by sensing danger or by someone talking to him.
Daniel isn't the most social person out there, but he isn't shy either. He can lead a conversation if needed but sometimes, he trails off. Many have claimed that he's easily distracted which isn't far from the truth. He doesn't like doing repetitive things, though mental challenges are something he enjoys a lot because they're stimulating as long as it doesn't get repetitive. Chess always has infinite possibilities of how it can be played depending on one's opponent so it became one of his favorite games - aside from the fact that it was connected to his magic somewhat. If he trails off or seems to daze out of the conversation, it doesn't mean that he's bored. It's just how he is and he'll come back after a moment and will ask, politely, if he felt like he missed something.
History: Daniel's history is often a topic to debate about. He's never told anyone something that resembles the truth - or maybe he has and no one noticed. It's because the information he gives often varies wildly with each other. He would claim that he was raised in a circus outside of Fiore and in other items he would claim that he was from an old, noble house in which he was the only one left after a disaster. There isn't anyone who seemed to know him before he came to the guild, even when their quests took them far and wide.
When confronted about why he doesn't share his history, Daniel just claims that it's unimportant. That what matters currently is that he's in the guild to help them. He promised that there was no trouble that would follow him to the guild, which seemed to appease a couple of people. People have inspected and found no other guild marks on his body.
One consistent thing about Daniel is that he mentions that he was once part of another guild when he was younger. He never specified which one and what the name of the guild was - neither does it seem to have been registered anywhere in Fiore since he doesn't seem to be aware of the Grand Magic Games that are annually held in Fiore.
He came to the Golden Sharks shortly after it was established. Even when it had little to no fame, he decided that it wouldn't be too bad of a guild to join and has helped grow its reputation ever since. He's managed to show others that he was a capable mage, even though he mainly played support, but he's working on his more offensive abilities so that he would be more useful in combat.
Wew there we go. If ya need what I planned for him in his mysterious backstory boss, I'm more than happy to provide.
@Polaris North I think A rank is indeed the highest possible rank for the character for now, because they aren't very useful without powerhouses fighting alongside them.
Justice for support characters!
But yeah I'm planning for em to train more on gravity magic in tandem with their weaponry so they can be useful both as support and as an attacker when needed.
It would definitely work well with my own character plan. Mark my character as the teams "King" (weakest combatant), and the most combat inclined as the "Queen", and we could use my character's ability to gather info to locate the enemy plus your abilities in order to manipulate the entire battlefield to our advantage.
Now we just need some meatheads powerful front-liners.
Oohh yes, I was also planning for the King to gain buffs as long as he's alive on the field. So it definitely works out in the end.
But yes we need meatheads to cover for us.
@Polaris North That's a very interesting idea. I am curious how it plays out.
It is a good idea to combine it with gravity magic.
I agree that it would be best if they are an experienced mage.
I hope I do the idea justice. I'll settle for A rank then, because I doubt they can pass the S rank competitions mostly because they're reliant on others. For now.
I kind of want to play around the idea of buffing magic that revolves around chess pieces. Sort of like chess magic wherein when you are bestowed a piece, you gain buffs corresponding to that piece. So it's more a mainly support type of magic. And they can summon a board where they can track all the pieces and then build the environment of the entire board from there, as well as possible enemy spots.
As for their offensive magic, I was thinking along the lines of gravity magic and probably a war hammer of sorts.
I'm thinking they're around B or A rank, depending on which you would prefer to have. But I think they're gonna be an experienced mage.
Honami was right - the mere fact that the Black King was still such a big unknown despite having destroyed three kingdoms was suspicious. Surely, the kingdoms would have made countermeasures against him and tried to learn his tactics to better defend themselves, right? Were there no survivors of the capitals to tell them how the Black King attacked - aside from the well-known fact that he was both skilled in magic, bow, and sword? Was there really no available information about the troops?
She lagged a bit behind the group, wary of their surroundings. Even if they hadn't encountered anything after the goblin attack, that certainly didn't mean they were completely safe. Hiroko would rather not be caught unaware of an attack because they were too busy discussing among themselves.
"We could always just be a group of travelers from another land who asked Ipharia here to help us get to the capital after being lost." Hiroko suggested with a small shrug. It may just be because she's used to the hustle and bustle of the city that she felt like no one would really openly question the state of someone's dress no matter how weird it is. She's seen the odd foreigner, a couple of cosplayers, people of different fashion tastes, and she's never questioned them. At one point in her life, she just got used to it. So maybe it would go the same in this village. Well, hopefully, at least.
"What I meant was not put any more attention to ourselves. We make our way to this castle silently, hopefully without issue, and not just proclaim we're heroes sent to save the kingdom from impending doom." Hiroko replied to Honami's somewhat aggressive retort. She shifted her attention to Ipharia as she explained what the Black King was capable of. History tended to prove conquerors to be destined for failure - an early death with their generals fighting each other for the won land, or perhaps sometimes, an idiotic misstep because of the lack of foresight.
But it seems like the Black King was still at his prime. If he had conquered three out of nine kingdoms, then he must have amassed quite an army. And if those under his rule followed his order, then that army would just grow bigger and bigger. No wonder they started to get desperate. "How long has it been since the Black King started his conquering?"
Their method of packing was something to be envious of. She wondered if Kaito would be able to remake that. It would make their lives all the more easier if they start getting more stuff. And if being in this world meant that they would need weaponry, then they definitely needed an easy way to pack everything.
So Alma really was falling bit by bit. The Black King really seemed to be a formidable foe. It made him all the more interesting in her opinion, but she kept that to herself. She agreed to move on to the next settlement to get their journey started. There wasn't much they know about, but they could pick up more information as they moved through the kingdom.
Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)
Things you need to know about me?
I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.
I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.) <br><br>Things you need to know about me?<br><br>I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.<br><br>I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.</div>