Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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Just waitin' on other replies boss

Oh boss, the Blacksmith role is taken yeah? It's not crossed out on the list.
Ya know, this looks mighty interesting. I'd love to see what you come up with but consider me in! What's more renaissance than a street rat though, just saying

Location: 1A Classroom
Interactions: @ShwiggityShwah

Kousuke wasn't bothered by her lisp or her losing herself in her excitement to talk. He was just glad that the girl - Carol, he soon found out - was nice. He bowed his head slightly in response to her introducing herself, putting down his phone on the desk with one hand on top of the screen as he listened to her explanation. There was no particular need for him to comment during that time, after all. And even if he did, it would take a bit of time for him to type what he needed to say so it was usually better for him to type after everything so he wouldn't miss a detail.

He leaned forward in interest as she began to actively showcase her quirk instead of the passive lighting up. The feeling of static electricity made him lean back a bit, even if he was aware that Carol wouldn't do anything to harm him. He tilted his head as she started to flail her arms and his eyebrows furrowed, showing confusion before he stiffened up in surprise when the light popped up in between her antlers. She held the light on her hands. He reached out in amazement with every intention to touch it before the teacher suddenly spoke up. He gave Carol a bright smile before turning his attention to the teacher.

Kousuke grabbed his phone so he would be able to write down his new classmates' names.

Sekai Kinoko or Donny Yang. The large blob of blackness. He typed it down and listened to his reasoning for becoming a hero and what he thinks it is. He nodded his head, agreeing with him. The next was Kouji Majima - a man with the intent of helping people. It was a little unfortunate that he didn't get into UA, since Kousuke heard that it was one of the best, if not the best, hero schools in Japan. Yukari Yozakura was up next and she also went for UA at first, and Kousuke could respect them for not giving up on their hero dream just because they failed the top school.

The teacher pointed to him next and he nodded, standing up. He began to quickly type into his phone. ["Horiyama Kousuke, a pleasure to meet you all. I want to be a hero because, just like the others, I want to help people as much as I can."] There was a pause as he stopped typing before shaking his head and continuing, there was no need to share such a personal story right from the get go. ["I think a hero is someone who is always looking out for the good of the people and always has the people's best interests in mind. Someone who will protect the citizens no matter what the cost."] With that, he gave them all a smile and sat down but still kept his phone up as he waited for the others to speak.

Does Lucia want to pet the duo? Because if so, can't blame you

Location: 1A Classroom
Interactions: @ShwiggityShwah

A couple more people had entered - some a bit odder than others, but it wasn't really something he should be worried about. After all, there were a lot of pro-heroes who didn't look like the norm and they turned out to be one of the best heroes there were. It made him think that maybe his own quirk was lackluster compared to the others... but, then again, there really wasn't anything he should worry about! Even if he doesn't end up in the frontlines, supporting a more aggressive hero is fine too. As long as he could do his part to help people, then that was more than enough... right?

The girl with antlers had come back again, still as jovial as ever. She sat closeby and Kousuke mulled over whether he should talk to her or not. It didn't seem like she off putted by the fact that he used a program to speak. That was a good start, wasn't it? After a second of deliberation, Kousuke leaned over and tapped her on the shoulder before looking down on his phone and tapping something to begin the pre-prepared introduction.. ["Hi! My name's Horiyama Kousuke, but people just call me Kou. What's yours?"]

He went back to his phone and typed something out before looking back at her. ["Are you lighting up because of your quirk?"] Kousuke remembered how bright she was earlier - literally! It's actually pretty amazing and pretty to look at.
Rena Kirizaki

Location: On the way to the Akechi Research Facility
Interacting with: @Styrgwyr @Claw2k11

It was a rather rude awakening to suddenly be called in for a mission but she was alert as soon as the call had come in. They were all rushed into the truck that would carry them to their intended location. She began a silent count off of the people around her and she realized that she didn't actually know many of them. That was of little surprise, considering the fact that she wasn't too open on socializing with the other members of the family. Still, if Maylis had made the group and Dieter was leading it, then that was good enough for her.

The details were of little interest to her. All they needed to do was to secure the Essence and get rid of the Rikimaru. Rena curled her legs to her chest and propped her chin on her knees as she waited for her own orders. Her ears perked up when she was placed on Team B - who had to secure the Essence and avoid conflict. Tch. Rena had been trained in fighting, not sneaking around. But orders were orders. The faster they can get the Essence to a more secure place, the sooner she can get into a fight - so that's exactly what she'll do.

With her during this mission was Lucia and Kazumi, one of the actual Isamus and the guardian kitsune. How lucky of her. This should be a quick job for them then.

Once the briefing was done, Rena walked over to Kazumi. It was a little lucky that she was grouped with someone she knew. She didn't know the kitsune well aside from the fact that the aged being had taken quite an interest in her, but still, it counted. "Got a plan?" She quickly questioned. It wasn't a fighting mission that she can just go all out in, as she usually does, and the last thing she wanted was to get benched because she couldn't follow orders. So maybe it was the perfect time to make something so everything would go smoothly.
"if you say so." Daniel responded with a nod. It must have been quite an intense workout regime if he was this tired, but as Ziv did say, if you weren't feeling exhausted after a workout, would it really count as one? No pain, no gain, as most often say. Maybe he should start taking that saying more to his heart. After all, he's been striving to rid himself of being a pure support mage. While it had been extremely fun to be relied on by man, it becomes less than ideal when he has very few allies and one too many enemies. Though, with the current people he was with, it would be quick to delegate him the part of being the support. The King, in terms of his own magic.

"In any case, take care of yourself Ziv. You're no good to yourself broken." He reminded the fighter. Pushing one's limits is always ideal - after all, if you don't push yourself, you would not improve. However, they are limits for a reason. "Pacing yourself is crucial to your training." Quite a funny thing to be saying nowadays. Before, it had always been catch up or get left behind. It wasn't like that here though, there was no need for such intense training sessions. Everyone moved at their own pace and everyone had their own capabilities. And that was fine here. That was acceptable here.

Annalyse had come down, giving Ziv temporary relief from the aching of his muscles before turning and asking them how their missions had gone about as well as Sayuri's book. "It was a tad messy, but everything went well. And please, Daniel is fine." He said with a small nod before turning to Ziv as he proudly showed off his scars that he had gotten in the recent mission. "Careful now, you never know what those beasts have in store aside from superior physical strength."
Kousuke was already up and running before the sun had even peeked over the horizon. Unfortunately for him, Matsubara High was a few train stations away from his house. It wasn't anything new to him, his previous school was an hour train ride away and he used to ride with his father whose job was around the same area as well. The only reason why they haven't moved was because of his mother's job which was opposite of where they usually headed.

His mother laid down their meal for the day as his father rushed to start his own day. They joked around that he was getting a bit sloppy, not waking up from an alarm and all, over breakfast. It felt like Kousuke was still wearing his old uniform - but it was different now. He was finally in a Hero course, and soon, he'll be able use his quirk for good. He finished first and he collected his things for the first day of classes.

His parents bid him farewell and he rushed towards the train station. It was still pretty early in the morning so he had his jacket on top of his uniform. It was far too early in the morning for rush hour and he could count on his two hands how many people were in train with him. He sat down, placed his earphones on and leaned back. He has already taken this train a couple of times before, just so he can familiarize himself with the route he was supposed to take. Then there was a couple minutes of walking to be done right after to get to the school.

Nothing like your daily dose of exercise huh?

Kousuke woke up at the second station before his stop and the train was getting more and more filled. He stood up from his seat, giving it to someone else so he can stand by one of the doors. He was looking forward to meeting more people - new school, new faces, new friends after all. The school had assured him that his physical disability wouldn't be a problem at all. It was a great reassurance for both him and his parents. The last thing they wanted was to find another school that was even further than Matsubara High. As the doors opened to the last station, he quickly filed out with the others and began his trek towards the school. He spotted a couple of people wearing the same uniform and he idly wondered to himself if they were part of the hero courses or not. He even wondered how many of them are there - after all, the school wasn't exactly a top ranking hero school like, say, UA was.

The walk was surprisingly short - or he was stuck in his head for so long that he didn't even notice how long the actual walk was - and he found himself staring the gates into the school. Kousuke ducked his head down and continued forward with the others. Good thing there was a tour before this or else he would have been lost. Most of the others dispersed to regular classes until he was practically the only one walking down to the Hero Course classroom.

He opened the door and the teacher was already there. Hm. Maybe Kousuke should come earlier. Especially if they had clean up duties to do. He bowed towards the teacher and signed a 'good morning' before blinking and taking out his phone. He took off the earphones and then pressed a couple of things on it. From the speaker came the automated voice - ["Good morning."] Satisfied with that, he turned to take a seat. He made a cursory glance and there was a girl with magnets for hands and then a black blob.

He gave them a bright smile and a wave before he took a seat on the front row.
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