Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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@Polaris North I assume you're aware how disturbing that sounds.

Now that I read it again, yep

<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

Yes, we'll go by the usual carcass dismantling (slicing parts of the monters) for drops, the rest should be up for consumption.

Awesome. And for items, they can be consumed to so I assume theyd have to ground magical items up or is her jaw powerful enough to bite through metal and the likes?
I assume that even with the monster drops, the monster carcass would still be there to consume right?

I am so mentally and emotionally ready to eat a boss enemy.
<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

Yes, there shouldnt be any negative effect in consuming the monster raw since Gluttony will negate all ailments that comes from the monster's carcass. The only thing probably is the taste. I was planning to make my character a cook since he has Online Shop and can buy utensils and stuff, so if you're going for Gluttony, my character can probably cook for you. lol

Hoh! Sounds good to me. I'm definitely going for Gluttony, it seems very interesting!
Oh also, to be clear, for Gluttony - once they defeat a monster, they just gorge on said monster? And they don't get sick from anything even if it was raw?
Will also try to pump out the character as fast as possible boss!

I'll probably try to gun for the female MC if y'all don't mind?
Sounds like a cool concept, throwing my hat in the ring as well!
Rena Kirizaki

Location: On the way to the Akechi Research Facility
Interacting with: @Styrgwyr @Claw2k11
Form: Griffin

Rena tilted her head to the side, ears flicking before looking at Lucia who also had kept silent - and weirdly enough, seemed like she was in deep thought. Both of them were older than her, not to mention had been in the Isamu household for a longer time. "Okay." She accepted without much fo a fight. Might as well get this done before anything. "Since we just need to get the Essence, it's better if we keep silent. Both you and I can transform into smaller animals-" Rena said, her tail idly swaying behind her as she placed a hand under her chin. She looked over to their more silent companion. "We can make use of the ventilation system I hope, you should be able to fit."

She stopped when there was a commotion at the front - Dieter was handling that Isamu heir. Rena eyed Lucia, silently questioning what was up with her cousin, before turning her gaze back at the two. Dieter looks like he had it all handled and Rena could at least sympathize a little bit with Hanzoku. It felt good to be on the field - but it may just be her. She hadn't gone through all of those years with the scientists to just hide away somewhere. No, her best had been and will always be going on missions.

Whina bounded to them. It seems like they won't even have to scout around anymore. She looked at the earpiece for a moment before plugging it up to her ear. Uncomfortable, but not something she isn't used to. She propped up the piece of plastic to her eye. "Sounds good, I-" The truck lurched and it was only by her reflexes and sense of balance did she managed to keep herself from falling, but not fast enough to help Whina. Her ears perked up at Dieter's commands. Looks like the infiltration will be a bit harder than expected. She looked a bit annoyed at the wind whipping around her appendages but she held onto something to prevent herself from flying off once again.

As Team A departed and Team C began to protect the truck, Rena realized that their stop was closing in. She looked over to Whina who was trying to make an excuse not to go but her eyes widened when she flew out of the truck. Rena quickly rushed to the back and jumped out with little hesitation. Her form quickly shifted from her vulpine self into a griffin. Her talons quickly grabbed onto Whina, careful not to harm the woman before trying to find a place to land that was safe.

Location: Gymnasium

Kousuke had managed to jot down everyone's names, though curiously the last student hadn't answered the questions - only gave his name and sat right back down. Perhaps he had no answer? Or he was too shy to give it? In any case, everyone seemed to be interesting. Some varied from the idea of heroism that he knew of, but nonetheless, they were all here for a reason. Hearing that Mako-sensei was a previous criminal from Junko piqued his interest. He... really didn't know much about heroes and villains. He was never the kind of person to do research aside from the news that he sometimes sees his father watching.

Maybe he'll do a bit of research when he gets back home if he had enough energy to do so.

Mako-sensei didn't seem to acknowledge it as she went on to tell them to get changed into their gym clothes and head to the gym as soon as they were finished. He nodded and followed everyone else to the changing rooms and changing as fast as he could. He idled outside the changing room to wait for the rest of the class before following them to the gym. He held onto his phone as they entered the gym, immediately turning to gaze at the other students on the far side. Mako-sensei clarified that they were the Support Class. Apparently, they were going to show off their quirks.

He watched as Nadeko showcased her quirk as she began to juggle metal pieces using her quirk. Attraction and repulsion of metal. How interesting. Kousuke imagined that it would be really useful - as long as there was metal around. And there was always metal around unless she was in the middle of nowhere.

Kousuke stepped up after her. He looked at the box before shaking his head. He took a few steps back and looked up at the ceiling. Ah, it was a bit higher than expected but it should be doable. He ran forward, leaping off of the small platform and spread his right arm up. Blue bubblegum shot out of his hands and stuck onto the ceiling and he pulled himself up, taking him off the ground completely. He let out another string of bubblegum to the ceiling and he used both to pull himself up to the ceiling. He clung onto the ceiling, the gum in his hands giving him the ability to stick onto it.

He looked down at everyone and then slowly descended from the ceiling. Once he was done on the ground, he tugged on the bubblegum and it landed next to him. He blinked and reached out into his pocket and took out a bar of chocolate. He took out his phone. ["It will disappear in a few minutes."] He gestured to the bubblegum before opening the chocolate bar and began munching on it.
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