Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

Most Recent Posts

Imahine taking out the entire army in one fell swoop because these guys have so high stats compared to everyone else
Greed and Erika gonna be besties in stabbing

Location: Unknown, Froviel Empire
Interating with: Everyone at the moment

Erika twisted herself to her side, supporting herself with her arm as she hacked out... air? She took deep breaths and clutched at her chest. No... water? She was on land. Her lungs didn't burn with saltwater anymore nor did the smell of the ocean linger around her. In a dazed moment, she sat down and surveyed the area and she didn't even properly register anything that she saw. All she knew is that there were green as far as the eye could see.

She didn't remember landing anywhere.

"Mom? Dad?"

She called out but when she looked around again, they weren't there. In fact, there were only a few others with her and no one else... and she doesn't remember anyone wearing such ancient fashion. Most of them looked foreign too. Some of then spoke but she couldn't understand them.

"Translater level 1 acquired!"

The voice struck through her head and she looked around, wondering who said it. Suddenly, what the others were talking about made sense...

Wait a minute...

"Welcome to Kairelith. Your new life begins here. Please accept the goddess Kaireth's blessing as a commemoration of your arrival."

Kairelith? Erika stood up, dusting herself off. Is this what this place was called? A new planet of some sort? She could remember watching a few shows that seemed eerily like this - when you died, you were transported to another world... or something like that. Could it be that it was real? That it could happen?

It felt so surreal, but here she was. She remembered drowning in the malfunctioning plane, which had torn in the middle of its flight. It must have been a premeditated attack but that was behind her now. She wasn't there anymore.

She felt a rush inside her body and it dissipated. She looked down at her hand, wondering what that was. Could that be this Kaireth's blessing? Guess it was up to her to find out what that meant.

"Decide your path. A second chance was given to you by the merciful goddess, use it wisely."

So it was death and this was a new world she was sent to. Erika absentmindedly looked towards the others. Could they have been subjected to the same thing? Did all of them die at some point and were returned to this place? That seemed to be the only explanation as to why they were all together and-

Several orbs of light floated towards then and she narrowed her eyes. Then they popped and suddenly more and more people came. People clad in armor. An army was surrounding them and from the man's tone of voice, it looked like they were in deep trouble. He spoke about the Froviel Empire. So that's what this place is called. He accused them of being spies but that was the furthest thing from the truth right now. She was pretty sure that all of them were confused teenagers that popped out of nowhere thanks to this goddess. To the side, there was this man and two companions who were speaking and one of them surrendered.

However, someone else drew up. She exuded such confidence that it felt like this wasn't the first time she had gone face to face with such an adversary. She spun a story of them being an envoy of the goddess - ah, was she using this Kaireth goddess to her advantage? Certainly, it was the only solid piece of information that they had aside from the names of the locations. She fixed her posture and her expression - from confusion to wariness. She eyed the other soldiers who surrounded them for any sudden movements as she drew closer to the woman, just so she was within proximity if she ever needed help.

Erika certainly hasn't fought before but hey, she could throw a few punches and maybe that wouldn't help but for some reason, she felt... lighter and more confident in such abilities than before. Maybe, just maybe, those stories were right and she was gifted some skill in fighting.

She waited to see if the situation would turn to their favor. Questions, Erika had plenty of them.
Ah also, should we include stats, HP and mana into our posts? As well as the level?
<Snipped quote>

She gets half the stats of what she eats. To match the statgain of a level up, she 'only' needs to eat someone with 1000 stats. I think she'll be fine. And if you think she won't be fine, she can just eat someone with one of those "+4000 stats per level up" abilities.

Also, just to confirm, Travesty, will you be updating daily?

Aye that's a fair point. Though she doesnt have much control over what stats goes up so it's a little over the place unlike specializing in certain stats.

Not necessarily a bad thing tho itll be fun
The only reason Erika actually catches up with them with their 500 points every level up is because they eat regular meals that gives her a little bit every time lmao
Oh yeah but I mean, they'd know what they are beforehand and can even tell them that they used such electronics in the real world! Without magic and anything and I dunno that sounds like a good lighthearted conversation between the cast since most are... aged yes


"We can fly now!"
Lmao Ren and Erika gonna be chilling with all the tech Ren can buy from his online shop while everyone else chalks it up to magic.

Also, another question for Gluttony, are the food that they will consume on the regular to eat count as a monster to add to her stats? Like a wild boar maybe? They probably have really low stats but would it count?
Eventually, Erika will ask to buy a camera lmao too many wasted opportunities to take pictures in this new world
Haha, imagine the abuse with Weapon Copy + Gluttony on Magical Weapons. Infinite stat loop lets gooooo.

Just put it on the table and then we face another monster, get better loot. Lather rinse repeat.

<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

How would you like her to do it though? I was thinking in lines of developing a sub-skill of Gluttony that will allow her to munch through metal. Item Devour skill maybe? Or would you like to process the items first into an edible meal? Either way is okay with me.

Hmmm, I think the development of item devour would be where I'm leaning to. But that'll be for the future. So during early "levels", she'd gave to process the items in a much more edible size.
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