Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

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Good day! Are you still looking for new players? Because I would like to throw my interest into this!

Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

The belua gave a hearty chuckle and waved her hand. "I think it would be a decent sparring match but..." She gave her a shrug. Not everyone was always up for a physical fight— Shavis had learned that from her time at the Association where most of the mages would rather pore through books than do practical lessons.

She quieted down once the conversation turned serious once more. So, Irma did have a few enemies here and there. Irma seemed to have noble intentions as she intended to directly do something about the corruption within the nobility. Shavis wasn't very familiar with Flugell or its politics. She had only ever been in Great Ithaca Forest and Morgenröte. Even then, Shavis wasn't all too familiar with the political atmosphere of those places either.

Based on how those assassins were well-armed and well-trained, it seemed to be a dangerous place where pieces were moved around using money.

It wasn't long after that when Nathaniel and Einer returned with their friend healed up and ready to go again. Shavis gave the bard a small gesture of a thumbs-up to ask if he was, indeed, doing fine before the butler and the noble had to excuse themselves again to meet up with someone. She gave them a two-fingered salute. "Just yell if you need help."

She nodded alongside Ruecian. "It would have definitely been a lot worse if Lady Irma didn't save our asses from incurring really heavy damage aside from..." A small grimace appeared across her face as she shifted uneasily from one leg to the other. "At the end of the day, it all worked out. I'm sure we can do better next time, yeah?"

Shavis tapped the spear infused with air magic and the sword infused with fire magic that was strapped around her waist. "And I got these cool things! Not really anything as cool as what the Tower can provide but they're still pretty cool."

Thankfully, the ride back to their home was uneventful and Shavis could spend most of her time staring off into the distance or conversing with the others. Lady Irma had said her departing words and it would seem like it wouldn't be the last she would see of the noble and her butler. Well, if they really were fighting for a just cause, Shavis would be keeping an eye on future requests from them.

"Aw, thanks Ruecian! I see you're warming up to us as well." She said with a grin before shrugging. "I might drop by Johannes to see if he wants to do anything with these magic items before heading to rest."
Hello, hello! I would like to throw my hat into this; I don't have much of an idea for what kind of mech and legend I want to base it off but yeah. It sounds cool and interesting and I'm a sucker for lore.

Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

Shadar bowed his head towards the other Beluan mage once the serpent had been dealt with quite swiftly. The clone slowly dissipated and turned back to his tiger form with the fire sword in his mouth as he padded back to Shavis who had just finished her own fight with the bandit. She let out a small groan as she bent down to grab the spear and her head whipped towards Ruecian as she called out to her.

Every instinct in her body still told her to fight now that she was properly taking in what had happened to Hector and Einer— with the latter being on the ground bleeding from what was a gunshot wound and Hector being clocked and then continuously beaten by the brigand. Ruecian's order and her movement were halted when Lady Imre, their charge, had burst out of the carriage and sliced through the brigands. Shavis stood there with her mouth agape, a short chuckle of surprise falling out of her mouth as the noble continued to defeat the brigands with little to no effort.

Shavis hurried over to their side with her pilfered magical weapons in hand. She listened to Ruecian and Imre's discussion while hovering around the group. Hector had already recovered from his unfortunate beating so they only had one casualty. Shavis would be the first to admit this wasn't how she imagined the mission going at all— being saved by their client and all. She remained uncharacteristically silent as they were ushered into the carriage to head to the nearest village to get aid for Einer.

It was unfortunate that Einer was the only one of them who could use some form of healing magic and he was the one who got injured. She doubted any of the spirits she could summon for temporary help would even be able to heal anything of this caliber. Shavis spent her time idly studying the weaponry and only when Einer was taken out to the physician did someone break the silence. Hector mentioned that these bandits were of a different caliber and Shavis was holding proof of that. She didn't know of any run-on-the-mill bandits who wielded magical weaponry— not to mention multiple. Added to that was the monster they had summoned from a scroll.

"Assassins maybe? I mean, there must be a reason why Lady Imre decided to hire escorts from the Tower?" Shavis suggested, turning to the noble with a questioning gaze before remembering her manners.

"Oh! I would also like to thank you for coming to the aid of my companions. It's... kind of embarrassing but I guess you never know where the dice will fall, huh?" She said with a bashful smile. Hopefully, Einer would come out of this mission with nothing more than just a traumatic memory of being shot. It was better than being dead and out of commission for too long. "And, uh, you were very cool back then. If we didn't just come out of such dire circumstances, I think I would have liked to spar with you." She said jokingly to lighten the mood somewhat.

Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

While one of the clones was out of commission, Shavis was at least thankful that the other one was singed but still alive. The clone picked up the sword enchanted with fire, turning to the spearman as both he and Shavis stood up.

Shavis narrowly avoided getting speared through the gut and she hissed as it tore through clothing. Despite the minor injury, Shavis used the spearman's small retreat to take back his spear to mount her own counterattack— with lightning crackling across her gauntlets and activating the gauntlet's own enchantment, she aimed a more devastating blow straight to the bandit's center mass— making an attempt to either incapacitate him then and there or at least send him skidding back.

She didn't let him rest if he was still on his feet as she charged forward and aimed an uppercut from her left hand to truly try and finish the fight.

As Shavis continued to fight the spearman, two monstrous beings appeared on the field. Shadar, who was currently in full control of Shavis's clone, decided to switch targets seeing as his own master was preoccupied and seemed to be handling things well.

The clone wielded tested the blade for one moment before making an attempt to run up at the centipede— hoping to use its much larger frame to be able to hop on while it's distracted to push the fire sword in between its hardened chitin and stab it right at its flesh.
WIP for now


Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @AzureKnight

When Hector arrived as their third, Shavis beamed and waved at him, glad to have a familiar face closeby. She had a better gauge of his abilities which made fighting with him easier. Oh, much like Einer, it seems that Hector was some sort of noble as well? Wow, hotshots.

Shavis idly listened to the conversation between Imre and Ruecian. It was good to hear about considering she hadn't heard of the story of what happened there yet. The origin of the plague had disappeared? That was worrying. Maybe an investigation into it would be launched? The noble even claimed that another village had been decimated from a monster attack.


The vehicle stopped and Shavis immediately activated her gauntlets on reflex. "Aw, and here I thought we would be able to enjoy the countryside sight." She jokingly said as she exited behind Ruecian to see that there were, indeed, a couple of folks who seemed like they wanted to tussle. A kidnapping in process? For ransom of the noble? Ruecian seemed a little pissed and Shavis decided to keep her mouth shut regarding that.

"Roger that!" Shavis called out as the brigands made their first move at Ruecian. Pretty brave, really. "Hector, Einer. I'm gonna charge forward, please make sure Miss Molnar is within your sight. Thanks!" With that, she turned to her own attackers— three of them advancing with enchanted weaponry. Her eyes widened before she snickered as she raised her gauntlets. Two copies of Shadar came out from behind her, snarling. A sword. An axe. A spear. Fire. Ice. Poison, perhaps? Earth?

Imbuing herself with lightning to increase her speed and charged towards the spearman, hoping to catch him off-guard with the speed to deliver a lightning-imbued punch straight into his gut. As soon as she made her charge, both copies of Shadar ran forward and pounced at both the swordsman and the axeman.
I'd like to throw my hat into this. I haven't RPed in Fallout for a while now.

Mission: An Intriguing Escort | Interactions: @AzureKnight @PaulHaynek

Oh, that was news to Shavis. Did she just not remember that Einer was also nobility? And from what Ruecian said, also from that area as well? "Does put me at ease. Thanks, Einer." She snickered as she patted his shoulder before turning her full attention to their combat instructor. He didn't seem all too willing to come onto the mission with them but it didn't seem like he had that much of a choice.

"I always look sharp!" She said confidently with a grin. "I'm just gonna go get prepped real quick and I'll meet you guys in a bit." With that, she gave them a two fingered salute and hustled to get her coat cleaned. Thanks, Scarlett.

Once she was more situated with herself, Shavis met back with Einer and Reucian and headed out for their mission. She was curious about what kind of escort mission this would end up as. She even wondered if it would be a little disappointing for the young lady that they weren't the same people who went on that mission. Did she request them just to pull some stories out of them? She didn't voice out any of her thoughts during their short walk to the outskirts of the city, allowing the silence to permeate between them. Idly, she wondered what Hector was up to as well.

No time to think about that as a fancy carriage finally came into view where the young lady seemed to be waiting alongside her servant. She raised a hand in greeting but Reucian seemed to have the introductions covered. Aha, she sounded a tad disappointed that the local heroes didn't take up the mission aside from Ruecian. Understandable, considering she did request for them specifically.

Nevertheless, Shavis grinned widely. "Sorry the others were... uh... spoken for but I assure you we're just as capable!" ...Probably! "Name's Shavis, pleasure to meet you both." She responded with a bow of her head. Reucian wasn't being too formal but Shavis hoped she was being overly casual. Last thing she wanted was to fail etiquette and pass everything else.

She stood back and rubbed the back of her neck. "Er, I would like to ask what the route we're taking is. I could send some overhead reconnaissance ahead of us to make sure it's safe." She suggested. Shavis knew absolutely nothing about what this mission was going to be but if it was as simple as an escort mission, she could plan a bit ahead of time so they weren't caught off guard or anything like that.

Mission: None | Interactions: @PaulHaynek

Shavis followed Einer as they both awkwardly shuffled out of Nadia's wrecked office, bidding the woman farewell and good luck with arranging it back to how it was originally. What a disaster of a situation and she was no closer to understanding what Nadia was going on about when it came to the combination of Galdr and Alchemy. As the door closed behind them, Shavis let out a breath and looked down at Einer, and offered him a half-hearted grin.

"Crazy day, huh?" She commented with a shake of her head. At least requesting to get her clothes cleaned up wouldn't take a long time; though, it was much more convenient when she had Patia around. Then again, if she hadn't tried to become a Reaver, she probably wouldn't be in a situation where she had to take care of Scarlett for an elongated amount of time. "You know what we need, Einer? We need a breath of fresh air! I'm gonna head over to the job boards and see what's up. You coming?"

Upon receiving the affirmation, Shavis began her trek toward the main hall with Shadar shrinking in size and draping himself across her shoulders. When they arrived at the main hall, it was to catch the tail end of Renee and Lanus's conversation about which mission they'd have to pick which ended up in a rock-paper-scissors competition to see whose mission they'd go on. Renee ended up on top and they would undertake the missing children's mission. Leon apparently would go with them.

"Well, if you're not taking the escort mission..." Shavis said as she walked up to the requests, giving a greeting to the administrators and what seemed to be another new recruit? She turned her attention back to the task at hand. A rather pricey reward, low rating and a big chance to see more sights? "Yeah, definitely signing up for this one. Don't know much about nobility, especially in The Republic, but the rule of thumb is just to act polite and respectful and you should be fine, right?" Though it seemed like she was addressing no one in particular, she did turn back to her earlier companion. "You in, Einer? We can discuss Miss Nadia's crazy synergy research if nothing happens."
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