Avatar of PrivateVentures
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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
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Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
8 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
8 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

Most Recent Posts

@Rithy I wonder what the effect of Cordicek, a Batarian/Krogan/Human/Salarian friendly hallucinogen would do to a Turian/Asari nervous system.

I also like how the human starts off the confrontation, but it's escalated by an Asari, while a Krogan and Batarian watch passively.
@SgtEasy Vella has bombed us once, and now has opened fire on the group. If she isn't careful, Ellis has a chronic itch that can only be satisfied by Psychological Warfare of the worst kind, and he might be obliged to scratch said itch.
@SgtEasy Ja'Far needs to express himself more. Wouldn't pointing a gun at Ellis make him better?
@Silver Fox Well, yeah. All he ever got were coordinates to an important meeting. More than anything, I thi k he wants to know just what coordinates he recieved were for. After all, it just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Ellis is just excited someone is shooting at someone else. I bet everyone else is getting a kick outta this meeting.
An Asari, the rain bomber, most likely, entered the room spouting off the most awfully-enunciated Cockney accent he'd ever heard, shouting some of the latest and most hated pop culture quotes in the last three years. All of a sudden, she armed herself, yelling "GETDOWNGETDOWNGETDOWN" and opening fire.

Ellis had seen this before. It was a gang tactic used on Omega. One thug, the point man, would infiltrate a rival gang headquarters by pretending to be drunk or drugged passerby. The more intoxicated, the better. Once inside, he would shout code words, letting his gang know it was time to get ready. More shouting, maybe some playful antics for authenticity, and then gunfire. If this Asari were a trained killer, she'd have entered like one, instead of a clown.

Ellis' suit powered up in an instant, servos revving up to overclock speeds, as he leapt and lunged, activating his barrier as he leapt. His temporal lobe pulsed, and Fortified his barrier as he slid into position. He'd missed the first four bolts, but was just in time to catch the rest. Bolts sizzling and searing at his barrier, he stepped forward.


His barrier would hold. And if it didn't, his armor would for longer. KZZSSHH KZZSSHH! He only hoped he could cash in some good karma for this later. Well, he hoped that, and also that this Asari would heed his command. KZZSSHH! Anyone's death would likely mean a hefty gap in information, a loss of data that Ellis could not tolerate to be possible.

@Silver Fox Oh, I gotcha. So, you're saying it's good to recap, but only as much as makes everything make sense? I've been trying to react in real time lol

Edit: So, in this instance, despite Phalanx being unable to be the first to react, having been the last to post, another character would generally take the initiative here?
I also have an ettiquette question. Is it good rp manners to rehash events as you saw them in each post? I've noticed most everyone describes the event previous to their post, filling in information up to the present. Should I be doing this?

I also need help figuring out how to write my character actions in a high speed confrontation.
@BlackSam3091Plus, who knows, maybe they'll learn they're distantly related, even though they wouldn't care. They're freaking krogans.
@SgtEasy I'm pretty sure being both dumb and edgy at the same time is one of the seven unforgivable sins.
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