@SgtEasy Well yeah, he's low profile, Ellis is high profile. They're frontliners, but Ellis takes the aggro, while Ja'Far hits hard targets. Krogans behind to ruin everything while they're distracted, Phalanx moving around the side to soften things up for our hardcore advance, Rykarn and Skarr fall back slightly, strafe outward to cover flanks and Vella moves up, dead center, pinning soft targets. Tiberius takes up the rear to wipe out the many wounded left behind. Run properly, this could be a universally effective, and extremely fast tactic in almost every situation. At least, in my theory.
@Rithy I didn't mean it like that! She's just better equipped to fight large groups of soft targets in the open than, say, someone like Ja'Far, who can't handle the spotlight.