Partinax approved of Ellis' idea. He would allow Ellis to spearhead the effort. Ellis had requested this for several reasons.
The first reason was obvious. They'd be less prepared to shoot at Ellis Taevon, than, say, Aegon Partinax, or Ja'Far Balak.
The second, only slightly less clear: he wanted to show them he was the good kind of traitor. They looked at him as though he, himself were a Reaper. Ellis wanted that to change.
The third reason was secret to all but Ellis. He was very, very eager to kill the first target.
No one else has the right.
Those were your colleagues-
My colleagues, my kills.
That's right.
He supposed the primary reason Aegon approved was for a free human shield. Little did he know, Ellis was no shield. Ellis was a human battering ram. Ellis knew how Cerberus bases were traditionally set up. One main entrance, one dock for vehicles, two small exits, one hidden, one public. At least, that's how Cerberus set up their temporary HQs. After all, its possible they changed their tactics.
Changed tactics... Without a CO?
They wouldn't...
They couldn't. No leadership-
Means no progress.
Ellis wondered about their communications. Could they call for help?
If they did, who would answer?
If you truly think they can easily and quickly get Cerberus boots on Earth-
I see your point.
But how did they get this operation solidified to begin with?
Ellis recalled hearing of a certain Earth bird that could live hours after the severing of its head. Perhaps Cerberus was that way without the Illusive Man. What was that bird again?
Forget about the bird. You'll be in combat soon.
But what was the bird called?
Ellis looked over his team again. When his eyes passed over Sicaria, his heart skipped again.
That's arrhythmia. Too much of that, and you'll die. For a common Turian.
This won't kill me.
You don't know that.
If I could die looking at her, that'd be just fine.
DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF WHEN YOU SPEAK? You smitten fool, she's an abomination! She'll only get you killed.
I'd die for her anyway-
Ellis looked away. He knew that even trying to pursue these emotions would only ruin him, and so he vowed to protect her- by disregarding her. His heart ached already, and he hadn't even had a single conversation with her.
You don't even know how to have a normal conversation.
I do. Shut up.
Is that how you'd start the 'conversation'?
No. Shut up.
And what would you even have to talk ab-
Shut up. I'm not talking to you anymore.
You mean you're not talking to you anymore. And yes, you are. And you always will, you fucked up freak.
And still, he could hear his father singing, just like he was while he stacked up cases of product, just before the Turians boarded.
I'm a dead man walking here,
But that's the least of all my fears
oOoo Ooo oOoo
Underneath the water...