Avatar of PrivateVentures
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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
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Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
8 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
8 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

Most Recent Posts

@rivaan Try it then, and me and D will decide how well it works. We'll be kind, I swear. A barrier that size may come in handy holding back the literal horde of Husks coming her way though, so you sure you want to use it on Ellis? He's kinda a dick.

Agreed. By the way, if Ellis dies here, his gear would be interesting upgrades to Phalanx. He'd also be a great projectile.
@BlackSam3091 Oh absolutely.

And, in the response to Pizza, you guys should check out Inca Red Drop peppers on pizza. They're mild to moderate, with a sweet, zingy taste that still has a little heat. Great with onions and pineapple.
@BlackSam3091 Oh, and don't worry, my next post burns him out and exposes some damage to the suit. The last maneuver wasn't without serious consequences. Which reminds me, @Rithy, would Vella mind changing out Ellis' heat sinks? He won't be able to get behind cover unless someone does, and he's too weak. Seriously, though, holy crap, it's hard to know what is and is not information to disclose. I was just as bad at DnD, with GM communication. I think it's my tendency to write in secrets and plot twists, and mysterious hidden agendas and junk. It does great in horror and thrillers, but terrible in role play.
The fight is going very well, but I'm out of pizza.
@Silver Fox I really had hoped someone had that .gif.

@Mega BirbCrisp?
My colleagues, my kills.

Ellis smiled as he gripped the corners of his shipping container. His fingers were strong, and left crinkled handprints in the alloy. His mind was strong, too, and summoned all the will Ellis could employ, his hands covered, concealed in shells of darkness. He lifted. This crate was heavy, too heavy for his hands, but not too heavy for his mind.

He gathered all his strength, and prepared to Throw it.

The YMIR roared overhead, synthesized scream rendering the constant machine gun fire nearly inaudible.

Those Xenos are lucky they're on our side.

I thought we were on their side.

See those bodies? You used to be on their side.

Good point. Maybe I'll just be a professional traitor.

Heh heh, that's not a- heh heh real job heh heh...

Then I'm an entrepeneur.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

"We need to take that thing out!" The flanging voice of a turian. Ellis' HUD denotes the voice as belonging to Tiberius, the heterochromic biotic. Begrudgingly, he admits to himself that the Turian is right, as he hoists the shipping crate onto his knee. He could lift it with his biotics, but he needs to store his strength. His servos whine as he lifts, higher, and higher. The dark matter he gathers has become a black shell over the container. The enemy mech is still distracted.

"This one's mine!"

He prepared himself,and stretched, and pulled, and bent the energy around the container. He could feel it tensing, like a rubber band. Then it snapped.

The container shot like a bullet, and Ellis shouted a private joke that maybe none other then he now remembers: "Catch!"

Metal screamed on metal, and the static screech of the Mech overhead was playing hell with Ellis' speakers. He could feel his suit starting to overheat again, and, struggling to reload, shouted "Cover me!" as he rolled toward fresh Cerberus bodies, hoping to hide himself while he cooled down.

The YMIR wasn't dead, but it was as open as any target could ever be.


He was already starting to sweat, and his vision flickered a bit here and there, and the raging YMIR wasn't helping. He cursed himself again for losing his weapon, fought to keep his focus on changing his heat sinks. Exhaustion wracked his body. The last shot took a lot out of him. "NERO, high... Caloric supplement. Administer until... Vitals stabilize." His vision blurred, and he struggled to retain consciousness, as he knelt among the corpses of his former colleagues.
@RithyPartinax to Anderson: "I really can't think of a worse peacekeeping symbol than a big black metal man flanked by two krogans? Just, why does he have to be so black?"
@MechonRaptor I thought we were "Diversion Team". There's a HUUGE difference between "Distraction" and "Diversion".
@Dervish Just read your new post. And you guys were worried about Ellis' stability? haha, Rykarn just used their own grenades for body disposal/POW executions.
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