Avatar of PrivateVentures
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    1. PrivateVentures 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
8 yrs ago
Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
8 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
8 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

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Definitely interested.

Shannon's desk was anything but revealing. She could glean little from its contents, save that there may at some point be a situation in which she would need a combat knife, a single Converse hi-top, a keychain flashlight, a half eaten Nutri-Grain bar, a butane blowtorch, a big red stapler, a ski mask, a collection of multicolored sandwich baggies, two different pills, a packet of cigarette papers, and a leather dog collar all at the same time.

She looked over her resume again. Nope, no clues
@UraharaSteph Art would be one hell of a thing, but there would likely be few artists. Who do you know that uses hardcore drugs for the greater good? No one kills themselves for others.
@Mistiel I didn't google it yet. Is it a thing?

I like the idea, but I have to wonder- why don't they communicate via written or digital means?
@Mistiel This is brutal, but gives clearance for some really beautiful prose.

The night was quiet, and his apartment empty, as always, broken only by the sound of crickets in the park. So curious, Jonathan mused, that we should hold our own voices so dear, yet these most pitiful of beasts sing with the heart's purest joy and carelessness. Are they not to be pitied, living such short lives, to such little fulfillment? Maybe, maybe, but then, they can sing. Jonathan could not. Was not be, then, deserving of greater sympathy, as he, too, would live a very short life, objectively. But so would everyone. All of them would live quiet lives, void of song, of the music of conversation. Jonathan longed for nothing more than a single hour to simply talk to his heart's content, there was so much to be said, his heart felt full to burst. But he'd already used close to four-thousand words, and he wasn't even twenty-five.

And because he couldnot sing, could not shout, could not scream curses at whatever nameless sick god was responsible, he locked his bathroom door, sat on the floor, and sobbed until the warm tendrils of morning sun crawled through the blinds to brun his hungover eyes.
Tiberius is an all around anomaly. He's an excessively tall, heterchromic biotic Turian.
Vella dropped Ellis into a literal pile o' guns. His own Mattock would suffice for ranged combat, but if the bastards got in close-
He slapped three scavenged Talons onto his holsters, hoping that, when the time came, he could draw them one handed, without dropping them.
"NERO, set all weapons to Cryo ammo!"

He leaned on his stationary leg, using it as a fulcrum for his good leg to push him into a standing position. He raised his Mattock, and took aim.


Four husks slowed, stumbled, and froze. One of them froze mid-fall, like a modern art piece on the dangers of ancient technology.


One more, frozen as it fell onto the pile. They weren't providing much of an obstacle on their own, but he was midrange, firing solid slugs. The rifle collapsed, and magnetized to his back, as he drew one of his looted Talons. The husks were entering shotgun range, right on time.

"Cryo ammo, NERO?"


The Talon barked arrantly, and razor sharp shards of metal and nitrogen surged toward the husk army. Two more, frozen solid, and Ellis was out of ammo. He threw down the empty pistol and drew another. Blue energy pulses and red photon bolts surged overhead.

Wait... Husks can't return fire-

Not human ones. The Batarian husks do. The Turians' too.



I'm at a terrible disadvantage.

Yes, you are.

Ellis wracked his brain. We need a weapon... Something large scale, something...Fiery. His eyes caught a stack of white boxes, partially covered by smoldering wreckage- Generators!
He crawled on his hand and knees, gritting his teeth in psychosomatic pain when stones and shrapnel scraped his armor. Finally, it lay only a few feet away, when he realized they were not, after all, simple generators.

"Partinax, I found... Shield pylons. Two of them. Could be put to good use."

He rolled onto his back, to face the horde as it advanced. He was better hidden than the rest of his team, so he took the opportunity to reload his rifle. It was a far clumsier and slower job with one hand than with two. He could see what he needed to from here, and if his CO approved, his position would be the best seat in the house.
@BlackSam3091 Their agent wouldn't budge, huh? Good thing you found a former Cerberus agent....
Eh? Eh?

Pun intended. I'm American. We're not good at these.
@MrDidact Hey, diversion team has been making one hell of a diversion. That having been said, those husks made a way better distraction.

Maybe you guys should've hired them.
He was burning up. His right arm sparked and seized, and his knee, his left knee was crushed and scraped from the container he'd thrown. He'd exhausted a considerable amount of resources already,and now, felt it full force. He coughed, blood and black ichor, the blood from physiological stress, and the black goo a by-product of his medication. His brain screamed for air, and his lungs could barely comply.

You arrogant fool...

His HUD told him what he already knew: he was overheating, horribly. Primarily in his right arm, the heat sink had taken all it could. But it wouldn't survive, and needed to be sacrificed. He, gasping and coughing, ordered NERO to direct all unnecessary VI processing power on controlling the jerks of his right arm. The primary servos in his elbow had taken a heavy hit, the strain causing one to snap open, shifting discs, and causing it to produce even more heat from the friction. His other arm was only a little better. "Pop the left... The left arm."

We're fucked, thanks to you.

The Thermal Clip ejected in a puff of smoke, with a smell like burning rubber. He could still control his right arm's fingers and shoulder, so he waited for the right moment to yank his hand out from under his girth, to grab another Clip from his holster-

Nonlight covered his body and lifted him, slowly and painfully, from the floor, like the unholy light of some primitive god, raising a faithful warrior from the ashes like a-
“Katabasis, there’s been a development. This institution has been used as a Reaper research station, and now we have upwards of two-thousand Husks on the loose."

The Asari dullard comes to your rescue. How pathetic...

He took this opportunity, grasping earnestly each time his arm's seizures brought it close to his holster. Once, twice, thrice-


His fingers wrapped around the small cylinder that held so many hopes, and his shoulder twisted for the last time as the joint caught fire, to slam the clip into place and Ellis ordered it to be ejected. It popped off like any other component, burning quietly on the floor.

The nutrient supplement was doing its work, Ellis' ravenous metabolism processing the calorie-dense slime faster than a human digestive system should ever be forced to. It was a system that was more than effective for combat, but would kill him in the long run. His former employers couldn't have cared less.

An auto turret opened fire, pounding against Ellis' armor like rain on a roof. He wondered if it was cracking his suit at all. His internal sensors were far too damaged to tell him anything other than the fact that he could catch fire at any moment, and even those could be false readings.

You shouldn't have charged ahead.

My colleagues, my kills.

You idiot, you've crippled yourself. Keep yourself in check.

Maybe now, they won't doubt my capabilities-

Those weren't your capabilities. You're not an ATLAS.

Well, they won't doubt my loyalty-

They'll always doubt your loyalties.

There was a deep dent in his hip, holding the magwell for his left leg sealed.

The knee is fucked anyway.

And whose fault is that?

The gunfire ceased suddenly in a beep-boop and a bright red flash. His right leg was undamaged, and as he slammed in the second thermal clip, his suit's mapping system came back online. He couldn't tell just how many there were, specifically, but there were an awful lot of red dots headed their way.

His vitals were starting to stabilize, still indicating an very weak EKG, but it was enough. He figured he had enough in him to at least Throw a few more. Now was the chance he'd been looking for.

Maybe they knew you'd rush ahead. Maybe this is a clever assassination attempt. They force you to do their dirty work-

No one forced me to do anyth-

-and then they leave you to provide a distraction while they handle the husks-

So be it.

His voice was suprisingly soft when he spoke. "Asari, drop me in the path of the Husks. I'm big. I'll provide enough of an obstacle to slow them down. Improves your chances."


He slipped his Mattock off his back, careful not to drop it. Without another arm, he would have to make every shot count. All twelve rounds.


Once more, he berated himself for losing his sidearm. What good is a warrior who loses their weapons?

There is no victory here.

If he survived this, he would need the mother of all repairs. Maybe the Quarian...
@MrDidact BlackSam is offering some very interesting ideas. How Renegade of a choice would that be, letting a team member die? Like, that would get you glowing scars almost immediately, I would think! The only thing more renegade than that is punching a reporter.

EDIT: Last post is devoted to @Rithy, "he'd totally be like the candle that burns twice as bright but half as long trope".
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