
"Fucking...ow..." Jackalope forced himself to his feet, a stabbing pain in his side - probably a cracked rib, fuck, exactly what I need shocking him into alertness in time to answer the Brute's question. "Um...Manifold? The Tinker? She was by the truck, and then there was the explosion, and it was falling, and she threw me, but..." His eyes widened as he put two and two together to come up with something in the vicinity of four. "Oh, shit! She's still under there!" He had to stop himself from reaching for his power - have to let the woman move around here too - and settled for a half-hobble, half-dive to get behind the truck while favoring his side. A moment later, he realized there was no way in hell he was lifting it, let alone helping Manifold out. He jittered nervously on the balls of his feet, glancing around. "Okay, um - you can get her out from under there, right? Okay. Fuck. Uh, mobile fortress? Any idea how far away? I just need a rough estimate - mile, two miles, less? I can help with that - and it'll probably be better than us all being in the same place - but I need to know how far to run." And hopefully it won't get another shot off before we can get moving...