
[ ♦ ] Bio
♦ Name: Audrie "Odd" Preston
♦ Age: 15 (?)
♦ Loyalty: Independent, for now
♦ Appearance: Audrie is a gangly kid who prefers dark, oversized clothes and hoodies, but she's actually only average height. She has muddy brown eyes just like her mother, prominent cheekbones and a bit of a roman nose, and has her hair dyed a matte black and roughly cut to armpit length.
Hunter's-Keeper's costume is low quality but has a fair amount of utilitarian thought put into it: a hoodie, a painter's gas mask with triangular filters, outdoors person's waterproof overalls with some makeshift armor sewn into the chest and back, and a backpack, all spray-painted black on the outside and red on the inside, with red iron-on patches at the elbows and knees, and the mask's filters left yellow.
idk if i'll find one later
♦ History:
- (Pre-GM) Audrie was abused growing up an only child. She coped by running on the edges of the wrong crowds, alternating between not attracting attention and scaring it away.
- (Peri-GM) Audrie escaped Bet during the attacks, moving around a lot with her family from camp to camp until they decided to settle in Samekh.
- (Last year) After they joined a crowd waiting to immigrate into Serstol, a riot broke out as the queues stalled. Capes were brought in but this made things worse. Audrie triggered once separated from her family but was able to flee through the portal into the city afterward during the confusion.
- (Now) Audrie is currently living in the rundown outer areas of Serstol illegally.
[ ♦ ] Personality
♦ Motivation: Audrie wants security and to be in charge of her own life.
♦ Derangement: Audrie borders on paranoia: she distrusts essentially everyone (especially those with any kind of authority) and her first instinct is always to hide things first and ask questions later.
♦ Derangement: Audrie borders on paranoia: she distrusts essentially everyone (especially those with any kind of authority) and her first instinct is always to hide things first and ask questions later.
[ ♦ ] Parahumanism
♦ Skills: Audrey has spent her whole life learning how to appease parents, teachers, councilors, and police officers and then ghost them. She knows her way around metal bands, drugs and drunk/high people, arts and crafts, and graffiti.
♦ Classification: Brute | Stranger (Tinker) (Shaker)
♦ Mechanics: Audrie is a grab-bag cape with three powers:
♦ Classification: Brute | Stranger (Tinker) (Shaker)
♦ Mechanics: Audrie is a grab-bag cape with three powers:
- She can summon a personal force field, which is opaque and takes on colors and patterns from the environment. This camouflage is all but impossible to see unless you know specifically where to look or what to look for, and it dampens most sounds and smells enough to only be noticable when within arm's reach. The force field takes about 12 seconds of moderate concentration and peace to don, and doesn't change colors so it must be resummoned to remain effective when changing environments. The force field pops if it takes more than a light smack or if Audrie deals same, exploding outward in the direction of the attack in a burst of cold, dry air and ribbons of forcefield, which can bat away many attacks and maim anyone in the way.
- She is a tinker who only makes small/consumable items, with a specialty for traps and their triggers. Her traps tend to be claw-like (ex. bear traps, clusters of articulated spikes, spindly fingers that lock into cages or handcuffs), but what makes them special is that instead of trip wires or pressure plates they can be configured with "rules" (ex. entering the room through any means, lying), surpassing physical mechanisms to identify offenders of both the letter and/or the spirit.
- She can toggle a weak aura that causes those within about 30 feet to feel anxious and want to get away from her rough location, more strongly the closer they are. The aura is either off or on, but she can focus it in a direction to an extent.
Traps (Tinkertech): Have jointed claws with metal bladed tips that spear out or close shut. Can be "phased" into objects, so they neatly unfold out of them.
Charge Trinket (Tinkertech): A cylinder the size and rough shape of a 16 ounce water bottle, with a cluster of short needles at one end. Can insert needles and spend all of stored charge to instantly re-arm a trap, recharge a small tinkering, or let Audrie don her force field without waiting out its "cast time", once.
Knife: One handed, big enough to clearly be a weapon but still be hidden under clothes.
Tinkered Cellphone.
Duct Tape: A whole roll.
Charge Trinket (Tinkertech): A cylinder the size and rough shape of a 16 ounce water bottle, with a cluster of short needles at one end. Can insert needles and spend all of stored charge to instantly re-arm a trap, recharge a small tinkering, or let Audrie don her force field without waiting out its "cast time", once.
Knife: One handed, big enough to clearly be a weapon but still be hidden under clothes.
Tinkered Cellphone.
Duct Tape: A whole roll.
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