Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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1 mo ago
Current when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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7 mos ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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are you seriously asking for a savage carry on RPG
11 mos ago
"can you describe your character concept" "yeah have you seen that video of the elder scrolls online knight beating people up while separate ways is playing"



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Earlier that day...

”I will return in an hour or so before we make our way to Kugane. There is a swordsmith I intend to pay my respects to.”

The morning that they had set out to Kugane, that was all Izayoi had told the remainder the party before leaving the inn, her traveling cloak and straw hat donned. And that was all she’d intended to do. So why then, had one among their number followed her?

”Is there an issue?” Izayoi raised one eyebrow coolly in Rudolf’s direction, having noticed him trailing behind her as they walked. ”You’ve yet to explain why you wish to see a northern swordsmith so badly, despite the fact that you use none of our blades.”

He hid his grimace, only refuge being dignity after she’d noted the tail this quickly. Regrettable time to try and mimic the way their SEED operative moved through the streets, as opposed to his more familiar brush or grass.

His pulse ratcheted up a single notch— and not more. Incredibly, it felt like the week’s travel had seen him begin to get used to her and her measuring gaze. Last month, saying that about Ranbu no Izayoi was unimaginable.

Just begin, though— his heart had made a point not to quicken, but it still felt like the hammer of a heavy church bell in his chest. He cleared his throat.

“None from me,” he replied after that moment, slowly accelerating his pace to draw just behind as they continued. Serve a half truth here? It could get her off his back. He was all about that idea. “I’m meaning to familiarize myself with the area. If we split, for whatever reason, it’ll serve us if more people can navigate, understand the surroundings, so on.”

The mention of their differing armaments drew his eyes to the long and short blades at the samurai’s hip, heavy with the stench of iron and smoke. Thirsty things, all the moreso here and now. They lingered there a moment. Daisho Pair, if his memory served him…

He made a decision, and met her eyes again.

“…As well, I come from a village of swordsmen myself. If there’s a swordsmith someone like you would go out of their way for, then I have certain matters I’d like to petition his insight on, if I can. Some riddles in the steel I carry that’ve stumped Edren pretty thoroughly. The different perspective could be a windfall.”

It’d probably be churlish to mention the idea that arriving in tandem with her was probably set to give him much better odds at being heard out at all, with the previous near-kerfuffle regarding Robin and the Shinobi Escort still fresh in his mind.

“If it’d be an intrusion, I can wait around outside until your respects are paid in full.”

”Do what you will. I’ll not take long.” Izayoi replied after a moment. She was hardly going to protest a member of the party seeking to make himself more effective. ”And word it the same way. Kurogane enjoys having his ego stroked.”

Eventually, several minutes’ walking east of the village led them to a small smithy and attached home, its fires unlit. Izayoi frowned at the lack of smoke before marching up to knock on the house’s door. No response. She scowled. She knocked again, this time more insistently.

“Gods damn you, what do you jackals want now-” A squat, wizened old man easily no younger than seventy slammed the door open with a snarl, only to pause and blink as he beheld Izayoi. After a moment, he snorted.

“You a ghost here to lead me to the next life, girl? Was hoping for m’wife, really.”

”Hello, Kurogane.” Izayoi nodded curtly. He really hadn’t changed, after all. Her sheathed sword came out of its belt, Izayoi cracking the steel out just an inch for him to examine one of his own masterworks.

“Kept it in decent condition, at least. So what’s a dead woman want with this old bastard?”

”Merely to pay my respects while I still can. I owe you that much, at least.”

“So you do,” Kurogane grunted. “Would’ve been better if you’d actually won the war with it, but I wasn’t asking for miracles.” His gaze shifted over her shoulder. “Who’s the foreigner?”

He stiffened for a moment, then stepped forward. The frosty reception was only to be expected, a fresh-faced warrior from a faraway land— but the blunt manner of a master craftsman was the same everywhere, no matter calling, creed, or culture. The familiarity was a comfort for his skittish soul.

“My name is Rudolf, I’m a swordsman hailing from Sagramore village.” he inclined his head with respect, but didn’t linger. These types may have sometimes liked praise, but to a man they hated an effusive beggar. Best to be straightforward with your business.

“I’m one of Miss Izayoi’s traveling companions on her current mission— When she told us she was making time for meeting you, I believed it’d be in my best interests to tag along. I’d be remiss to pass up a chance to speak with a swordsmith someone of her caliber holds in that high a regard.”

His introductions given, he stepped off to the side, gesturing to the Mystrel that the man wished had won glory over his home. Strange, strange feeling, knowing but now seeing it in front of you, hearing it outright… But that, very pointedly, was not Rudolf Sagramore’s war. He’d enjoyed nothing of the bounties of that victory. If anything, the opposite.

“I’ll ask my questions once you guys are finished.”

No, runt. a cold voice retorted inside his head. You had plenty of country to run amok in. You think Daddy kicking you out changes that? You want to tell her, him, or the hare that little opinion? I’m sure they’d loooooooove a self-centered Edrenian—

Quiet. Don’t you dare.

—to rip apart.

“Edreni?” Kurogane raised an eyebrow, looking at Izayoi before shrugging. “Well, you can’t be all bad if she’s not split you head to toe yet. I’ll see to you in a moment, then. Girl, you here for the same as usual?”

Izayoi only nodded at this, following the smith inside and beckoning for Rudolf to join them as well.

“Mn. Too bad. The Black Helms took it.” Kurogane gestured to the top of his mantle, where a mounting for a sword was present…but with no sword.

”Valheimr soldiers?” Izayoi said after a moment of shocked silence. ”When?”

“Near a year ago. They came to collect taxes. Their commander knew their steel well enough to see an artifact above all others being held on my fucking mantle. So the bastards took it.” He reached for a pipe, starting to pack it. “Could’ve avoided all this if y’just used the damn blade like we’d intended, you know.”

”I already have a sword.” Izayoi’s reply was nearly automatic, as if they’d had this exact same line of argument in the past. ”You were free to hand it off to anyone else you deemed worthy.”

“I forged that sword for the Emperor’s court, you stupid girl.” Kurogane snapped, lighting his pipe in his hearth’s fire. “And let the finest swordsman I ever did see take it instead. Between him and you, no one else is fit to wield the bloody thing. Let me guess, you’ve been killing Valheimr?” At Izayoi’s nod, he continued. “You ever find it, actually use it this time. As fine as that blade I forged for your coming-of-age is, my one and only masterwork is superior. Might’ve actually won the war with it.”

His piece said to Izayoi, who stood scowling at him, Kurogane turned back to Rudolf.

“Right. You. Looking for a consult? I’ll tell you right now: I’m not forging a sword in any of the southern styles.” Kurogane looked the monster hunter’s sheathed blades over. “I’ve my own specialties, and I ain’t young enough to go relearning everything to forge your ugly, double-edged pieces of shit. So whatever you want, I’d hope it isn’t that.”

Guh. Now everyone’s getting bent outta shape. You know she really would, right old man Kurogane? If I told her any more than I’m gonna have to tell you? She still might a minute from now!

Rudolf had politely kept silent during the exchange, knowing well enough that there was far too much history there to step into as an outsider— and doubly cautious of the bristling tempers that were rising throughout, the moment Izayoi had protectively snapped her jaws in defense of the sword she continued to carry, even in the face of a masterwork now pilfered by the invaders. An injustice to be sure, but more immediately…

”You’re lucky, then. The steel from my village is honest and trustworthy.”

His reply came with no small amount of frigid humor, as the paired cruciform blades on his hip remained well inside the leather, and his wiry arm instead crested his shoulder. Adopted as the culture may have been, Rudolf found himself forcing down a certain degree of venom for the disrespect— Sagramori held their chosen blades in the regard most reserved only for old friends. He was more than a little sympathetic to his samurai counterpart in that regard.

“My problem child, though, knows no home and tells only lies. He was thrown into my lap some time ago as a gift from afar.”

The bitter words on his tongue would have to do as an outlet. Pointless lie. He was bringing out the only ugly bastard of the bunch.

It took no small amount of work to properly draw and present a greatsword within the confines of the smithy without knocking anything—or indeed anyone to the wayside, but experienced eyes like those in present company possessed would doubtless catch the truth. However much the dimensions were a hassle, they were the only one. Even gripping with one hand, the haft transferred intent through the length of the blade very, very well.

He held it in both arms before Kurogane when all was said and done, flat and hilt resting in a palm each as he peered down the length with a furrowed brow.

”It cuts nothing, no matter the skill or strength behind the swing. Not even fishing twine. It won’t even do the courtesy of acting as a dull bar to smash straight through something. For the life of me, I can’t determine why— But it must go deeper than construction. I wanted to know what you make of such dead steel.”

Kurogane took the blade out of Rudolf’s hands, holding it up to the light as he inspected it, testing its weight and heft. After a few moments of this, he wordlessly marched towards his smithy, retrieving a bag of tools as he did so.

Several minutes passed, in which he murmured feverishly to himself as he examined away, prodding it with this and that tool, sparks coming off every now and then. In the meantime, Izayoi dug into the smith’s pantry and started a pot of tea.

Eventually, Kurogane finally looked up, looking straight at Rudolf.

“Boy. Where’d you get your hands on this?”

Miraculously, he found himself thanking his lucky stars.

Five years of headache and dozens of stumped Edreni bladesmiths past by like grass on wind, until he was led here by the most unlikely company, to the most unlikely benefactor. Finally, a hit a half-decade in the making on this vexing hunk of scrap.

No, don’t get ahead of yourself. He needs more information, he hasn’t made an indication one way or another yet.

And what was more, the information he was requesting, the raw truth of the matter… was sensitive. The sounds of Izayoi rummaging through the pantry drew his gaze for a moment, before he met Kurogane’s again.

She was preoccupied, but did he trust her to not have ears half as sharp as her blades? To loosen her focus on a matter that concerned her new party member, and had the smith this alert?

“Secondhand. My father and I parted in anger, and he saw fit to part with this alongside me.” he began, leaning in with a lowered tone. He had Robin’s encounter with the shinobi and to a lesser extent Izayoi herself too fresh in his mind to be fully forthcoming, not when Kurogane himself had so much of the war in his mind. He’d tell as much of the truth as he could… reasonably get away with.

Quite the politician. It’s like you never left his side.

“As for him, he said it was a battle trophy. A powerful warrior in real garish clothes appeared in the middle of his camp one night from seemingly nowhere, and it took half their number to subdue him. That this was the worth of four dozen soldiers. I never heard if they learned where the man came from, only that he disappeared as quickly as he popped up.”

“That so?” Kurogane raised an eyebrow. “This during the war? Only samurai I’d know worth four dozen men is busy stealing my tea.” His voice raised during the last bit, to which Izayoi blew him off with a glower, though not without starting to listen in.

“Either way, probably not an Osprean, given he dropped this sword. Frankly? In terms of forging? Composition? This slab of iron you’re lugging’s damn well on par with my best. If not, and I’m hesitant to admit this, possibly better. That said, figured out why it’s so damn useless in your hands: the blade’s sealed. Someone enchanted it to have absolutely no potency or heft in the hands of any wielder. I know some green magics to enhance the blades I forge, but not enough to reverse the seal on your sword.”

Kurogane sighed, handing the greatsword back to Rudolf.

“Damn shame. Thing’d probably be a right terror without that seal. Now, care to have some of my fucking tea,” Another scowl at Izayoi. “Before you head off?”

Sealed by arcane means… They had closed one mystery and opened a plethora in its wake. And these questions were even more obscure than the first set— in spite of the supernatural, thoroughly regrettable nature of his empowerment (hey, don’t be like that), matters of magic as a craft were far beyond his ken. At least with metallurgical concerns, a swordsman’s need for understanding and maintaining his weaponry could give him a certain headway… But they had lead to a dead end.

His eyebrows shot up as he half-way received the sudden venom sent Izayoi’s way, stepping back with a start from the crossfire.

A moment later, though, he bowed his head deeper than before. It was a stiff gesture, not wholly familiar, but earnestly made.

“...Thank you, sir. This has been really enlightening. I owe you.”

This visit was a greater windfall than he could have ever really bargained for. It had smashed through that wall he’d been beating his head upon and lead him in a direction entirely anew— now it was time to explore, study, and learn what he could. Reverse a seal on a blade. Unlock the true, potentially devastating power within, something to match its poise, craftsmanship, and sturdiness. A path of action.

The sword wasn’t going to give it up easy, that much he knew… but now he had proper questions to ask.

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t go to waste.”

Izayoi had already steeped the tea, after all— but the note of excitement in his voice was worth more than just a beverage.

Kurogane dismissed Rudolf with a grunt, walking over to the low table at which Izayoi sat and pouring himself a cup of tea. Several moments passed, in which all three inhabitants of the room drank in silence. Once Izayoi and Rudolf finished, the former stood, bowing to Kurogane.

”Thank you, Kurogane. For everything.” Her words were returned with a glower.

“Don’t say it like that. Makes it sound like you’re planning on getting offed. Again. You were mourned last time, idiot girl. Try not to do that to everyone who ever knew you this time. Unlike your master, some people actually liked you.”

In lieu of words, Izayoi only bowed deeper before rising and turning to leave.

Rudolf rose in her wake, and mirrored the bow, albeit with the stiffness of fresh learning.

“My thanks as well. Take care, Mister Kurogane.”

Following Izayoi out with a turn on the heel, he found the brusque smith’s last rejoinder to echo in his mind as he contemplated what he’d seen and heard.

The Limbtaker was still very much alive within her. That much was impossible to ignore— the bile she had for the invading Valheimr had proven the visage had far from waned.

But war’s harshest realities were in the way you boiled the people on the other side down to a demon to fear, hate, and slaughter. He knew, always academically, that this was the case— it was why he had accepted the shinobi’s anger at his accent, after all.

He gingerly pulled the door shut behind, before jogging down the street to burn the rest of the distance between them.

Even this terrifying figure, molded by battlefield myth into a gruesome beast of carnage, bloodshed, and bottomless hatred… Was just an idiot girl, liked by those around her, mourned when believed dead. Same as anyone else.

He couldn’t swallow the years of knowing her as the former right away. The mind was flexible, but nowhere near pliable enough for it, esp in ecially in bearing witness to the unfettered wrath she carried. No way he’d drop his guard and pretend they were friends.

But, in accepting that,

Wouldn’t hurt to try and get to know the latter a little more. We’re walking the same way, after all, and we’re in for the long haul. It’s not like I don’t trust what he says.

“And thank you, for letting me tag along. I owe you a real favor, Izayoi.”

Renar Hagen

The vaunted retinue of the last prince of Talderia. Now this was a challenge worth their time. Renar grinned savagely beneath his helm as both parties took the field, his poleaxe hefted up in his hands. They had their orders from the Captain, and they were sensible: attack from as many angles as possible to maximize the chances of breaching the defensive cordon and reaching the prince. It was a sound strategy for the parameters they were working around.

A quick glance around as they mustered. Renar found himself stationed near Gerard, Fionn, and Fleuri in particular. No time for concerns such as camraderie or attitude. There was a goal to be met.

"The lot of you, form up with me." Renar commanded, already running through tactics in his head. "Sir Fleuri, we'll form the van and break what lines they have to meet us. Sirs Fionn and Gerard will provide support behind us and capitalize on the threat we pose. Ready? Break!"

Renar surged forward, trusting that Fleuri was at least competent enough to follow up and charge alongside him. He already knew the other two were. His speed had improved drastically after training with Edwin and Parvan, and he took full advantage of it as he whirled his poleaxe around, smashing the hammer head towards the first helmeted knight he faced.

@The Otter @HereComesTheSnow @Crimson Paladin
Salvator Rasch

What they were doing was working: the mech was taking severe amounts of damage. Good. Even better was that the comms jamming suddenly stopped. Finally. Time to call in extraction, then. No sense in waiting for this thing to be dead. Salvator ducked back further behind cover, dialing his comms to the frequency they'd been given for pickup.

"Reporting, all objectives complete. Requesting evac. Be aware, LZ is hot. I repeat, LZ is hot!" He said over comms, making sure to dial the channel into his helmet cam and get a good shot of the half-slagged mech still stomping away to let their handlers know what the squad was up against. "Need enough firepower to mission kill this mech before we can take off, over."

With his extraction request completed, Salvator switched channels to squad comms again, making sure to update everyone else.

"Extraction's been called, we need to hold out until our pickup gets here!" He leaned out just enough from behind cover to fire a burst off at what remained of the mech's head before repositioning, going from cover to cover. "Keep mobile and focus on not getting killed! We're running the clock out now!"

Ranbu no Izayoi

Dawn came, and they left the inn and the village without further incident. Small mercies, at least. As the morning march went on, the party would see the walls and pagodas of Kugane in the distance grow ever larger, though not without...additions. A pair of black steel Valheimr airships patrolled the airspace around the city at all times, and single airships seemed to transit in and out of the city multiple times per hour. As they drew ever closer, several towers of the same black steel could be seen dotting the city, breaking up the Kugane skyline.

Some hours later, the party reached the city's grand gates. A platoon of Valheimr soldiers in full armor occupied the entrance, guarding the gates while looking over papers carried by a line of people awaiting entry.

"Och, going to take more than a minute, kupo." Goug groused from his position driving the wagon, uncapping a flask as he raised it to his lips. "What's someone supposed to do if they need a kupoin' piss break?"

As they awaited entry, Izayoi looked to Robin specifically, having plenty of time as the line shuffled along.

"For your own sake, do try not to wear that abhorrent outfit within a nation your people called enemy not half a decade ago. Or at least go without the coat." Her piece said, she resumed her wait, though not without sideeyeing Chisaki once or twice. Katama. Right. Rather convenient to represent a shinobi bloodline when they were supposed to have been wiped out.

By midday, they'd finally reached the head of the line. The sergeant in charge took one look at the group, shook his head, and gave a tired sigh.

"Papers, occupation, and intent." He grumbled, most of the other soldiers at the gate looking just as bored as he sounded. Izayoi kept her arms within her cloak, one hand falling to the hit of her sword. If the viera was false, this would be the moment to strike. Though judging by how the platoon acted, they were either marvelous actors or as bored as any other garrison soldier.

"Traveling performers hired by my mistress for a show. And their guards from Blightbeasts of course." Chisaki interjected smoothly, handing a sheaf of papers over. The sergeant flicked through them briefly with a disinterested eye before handing them back with a nod.

"Mummers and ronin. Fine. Let them pass!" The gate opened, and the garrison on duty stood aside. "Cause no trouble, lest we treat you like a subversive. Or do. Interior garrison gets to have all the excitement..."

Izayoi waited until they were out of earshot of the guards before looking to the ninja.

"Perhaps you may not be false after all. In this regard, at least. Onward to Ciradyl, as you claim."

They entered Kugane proper, and Izayoi was hit with a wave of nostalgia. Even with the addition of Valheim in the mix, six years without beholding the capital brought back memories. Chisaki led them through the streets, winding up in what Izayoi remembered to be the merchant's quarter. A small, nondescript house awaited, with stables to the side. Goug parked the wagon and started attending to the chocobos while everyone else was led in.

The building was modestly furnished, with sparse decorations. But homely enough. Upon being bid to remove their traveling shoes and following Chisaki deeper inside, winding up in a sitting room with cushions, a low table with tea on it, and...

"Ciradyl." Izayoi exhaled, removing her hat. "You look...well." She'd say age had been kind to the Faye, but last she remembered, Ciradyl was only...twenty-seven? Twenty-eight? Of course the years hadn't quite ravaged her yet. She unclipped her cloak, sitting down at the table. "Ought I apologize for never having called on you while faking my death?"
Zhao Jinhai

The good news was that he had a functional sword again. The bad news was that his gambit didn't exactly pan out. Oh, well. You won some, you lost some. Jinhai just shrugged to himself before flipping the katana around, grasping it by the hilt with one hand. He turned to the samurai with a grin, only to blink at what he saw next.

Some sort of...lightning arrow. Well, shit. And in his peripheral vision, an animated komainu rushing for his back. Double shit. Without time to think about his next move, Jinhai leapt up into the air, instinctively going for the first idea that came to mind. He'd seen this move he was about to outright steal...somewhere. He just couldn't remember where.

Jinhai raised his pilfered sword, crashing it against the arrow of magical lightning. It sparked and ran across the blade, shocking his hands somewhat before he hurriedly swung, redirecting the lightning down towards the komainu whose charge he'd just leapt over. He landed on it feet first, qi-empowered limbs aiming to smash into it and do whatever damage he could.
Ranbu no Izayoi

The party continued walking as they deliberated, led on by the so-far nameless shinobi. Izayoi frowned as she listened to Galahad's response, followed by other opinions, as well as Eve and Esben plotting to circumvent the matter entirely. Eventually, she just grumbled briefly to herself before nodding back towards Galahad, Rudolf, Esben, and Arton.

"Fair points. We follow your lead, Caradoc." She admitted begrudgingly as they were led to what appeared to be the local inn. Unlike most buildings within town, it remained at least somewhat well-maintained. The conclusion wasn't too hard to reach.

"I take it this is where any Valheimr officials and their escorts stay when they stop in town?" Izayoi received a nod from the viera at that, and she grunted in derision. "Typical." Of course the occupiers only bothered to contribute to upkeep on the sole building in the village they actually used.

The conversation continued as they were led to a table inside the inn, Izayoi stepping away to discuss rooms and payment with the proprietor.
Iraleth Kyrios

Ridiculous. The amount of mental gymnastics required to believe that Valen Leuvalt gave a damn about anyone besides himself bordered on delusion. Iraleth glowered at everyone involved, with the exception of Ciara.

"Cowards and sheep, licking the boots of a sociopath." The half-elf spat, her eyes blazing with anger and disgust. "Rather than raise yourselves up, you would kneel before someone who merely uses you as monuments to his ego. And here I thought you came to Wingram to be heroes, not lackeys." A closer look at the toadies. Had any of them been among the crowd that had begged for entrance on the first day? Should that be the case, it wouldn't surprise her, but it would be disappointing.

She didn't even bother saying anything to Valen himself. Why gratify his self-importance with acknowledgment? Iraleth turned to Ciara, only for her eyes to widen. She was just a moment away from actually attacking Valen. While understandable, it didn't help her assessment of the other girl at all. At least her heart was in the right place, though her control was...extremely questionable. If she wasn't actually an Umbralist, there was certainly something dangerous influencing her, even if it was just Ciara's own animal instinct.

"Crossing swords? Not before I get my chance at him." Iraleth glowered, this time at everyone gathered in this sad little group in general, Ciara included.

will post tomorrow
Ranbu no Izayoi

A few days' travel through the plains of Aitsuragi placed the party on the edge of a nameless village, one more day away from Kugane proper. Sundown was mere hours away, though, and it would have been folly to push on to simply camp out in the fields when an inn with hot food and a roof over their heads awaited them here. Or at least, that had been the assumption until they actually beheld the hamlet.

About the only thing that could be said to be flourishing within the village were the rice fields. Crops were growing, certainly. But even from a distance, anyone looking closely could see the malnourished frames of the farmers, their ragged clothing, and the various buildings in town being in a state of shabby disrepair. Evidently, something had done a number on this place.

"What you see before you is a result of the occupiers' ruinous taxation." Izayoi supplied, her eyes blazing with anger as she beheld the absolute state of the people. "The Valheimr bleed these villages dry of both grain and coin to enrich themselves, and withhold protection from the Blight for those who refuse to pay. That is, if they do not simply punish the peasantry by making examples of them."

As they approached the village borders, the more perceptive members of the party could feel a pair of eyes on them. Their owner could be found sitting high on a tree branch leisurely swinging their feet back and forth. It was a female Viera with short, blonde hair and vibrant lavender-colored eyes. She wore a suit of high-quality leather armor that was reinforced with a breastplate, slim shoulder guards, and bracers. A red-colored wood short bow with an accompanying quiver was attached to her back and a pair of fierce-looking daggers hung around her hips.

A half-smirk appeared on her pinkish lips as the first of the party approached, her eyes scanning through them all but predominantly lingering on Izayoi multiple times. "The report wasn't kidding." The viera leaned forward and flipped frontwards onto the ground effortlessly, her right hand resting on her hip while the other lay loosely against her side "We were hoping you'd come to Osprey but not make so much of...an entrance." Her merry demeanor cracked for a moment once her eyes set on first Galahad, then Rudolf and Robin, icy glares shooting towards the three of them before her attention returned to Izayoi.

For her part, Izayoi simply fixed the interloper with a flat stare. She knew her kind, of course. How could she not, having made extensive use of them throughout the war? The viera's words didn't help in that regard.

"Shinobi." The Mystrel rested her off-hand on the hilt of her sword, not quite hostile yet but not off her guard either. "And who would 'we' be, exactly? Name whom you serve." There was no point in asking for this woman's name. They wouldn't get a real answer, much less a clan to identify her as. And that was assuming this wasn't simply a freelancer, either.

"Someone who wishes to share a cup of bergamot tea with an old friend." Came an easy, practiced reply, and Izayoi couldn't help her eyes from widening slightly. Impossible. Ciradyl was a performer, not someone who hired ninjas to serve her.

"Absurd. Your deception ought to do better than to rely upon public meetings over half a decade old." Izayoi spat, now looking rather offended. "Anyone who'd kept half an eye upon our public appearances could claim to serve Ciradyl with that."

"And you've got little choice but to rely on me, no matter what." The viera replied, her easy smile staying on her face. "That is, unless you can somehow sneak past the city guards with nine people, four chocobos, a moogle, and a wagon. The city's changed since last you were there, you know." Her smile turned wan as she continued. "Valheim practically has it locked down. Nobody gets in or out without their express approval. But my mistress has made arrangements. All you need do is to follow along."

Izayoi glowered at the viera ninja for a moment before turning to Galahad.

"She claims to serve an old friend of mine. I do not believe her. However, if she speaks truly regarding Kugane, we may not have a choice regardless. I cannot say, as I've not approached within the time I've been active once more. Your decision?"
In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kalina Kovalic

What a pain. Fortunate that these Vangarite mechs were already heavily damaged, else they might have posed a serious threat to the squad. Nonetheless, Kalina followed orders as she was bid to, letting Valerie draw fire before moving to engage herself.

As soon as the horned woman had the attention of the mech they were supposed to be dealing with, Kalina shot out from behind cover, her gunblade materializing out of her Mist Pocket. Fortunate that her fighting style relied less on Mist than it did on the specialized mechanics of her weapon, or else this may have been more complicated, considering the terrain.

"Engaging now. Valerie, check your fire."

She manuevered herself to rush the damaged mech on its flank, her gunblade brandished out in front of her as she lunged. Kalina slashed down in an overhand strike with both hands on the hilt, pressing the trigger at the last possible moment to fire one of her chambered rounds. The recoil caused her blade to vibrate at high speeds, greatly enhancing its cutting power as her downward cleave came crashing down on the mech's optics.
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