Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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1 mo ago
Current when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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7 mos ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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7 mos ago
9 mos ago
are you seriously asking for a savage carry on RPG
11 mos ago
"can you describe your character concept" "yeah have you seen that video of the elder scrolls online knight beating people up while separate ways is playing"



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Fair warning that, with the FFXIV expansion dropping tomorrow, I'll probably be a bit less active for the weekend. But I'll still try to post when it's my turn!

same tbh
Ranbu no Izayoi

"Guh!" Izayoi barely managed to evade the Revenant's opening strike in time, though the shockwave of force left from its swing still caught her in the gut. It sent her crashing down into the sands-

The Ame-no-Habakiri gleamed in her master's hand as he tossed his teenage apprentice aside like a rag doll, boredom evident in his gaze. "Again, girl. This is pathetic."

Izayoi forced herself to her feet with a gasp, vaguely acknowledging Ciradyl's enchantment around her form. Better than her own Haste. She could work with this. Now wasn't the time to consider the necessity of a crutch. She ripped her hat and cloak off, hurling them to the sands before surging forward.

Meanwhile, the armored behemoth met Eve's Blizzaga head-on, the crimson blade in its hands a blur as it slashed icicle upon icicle, even having the time to strike Arton along the way. What few projectiles from the Blizzaga that did pass its guard barely pierced through the plate it bore. Strangely enough, no blood trickled from the armor.

The Revenant practically blurred from sight as it started flitting among the various Kirins, striking back and forth in the midst of their formation. A pair of slashes came crashing down towards Rudolf before it whirled around, a vicious roundhouse kick capable of breaking bones aimed for Esben's midsection. It raised its free hand as it stepped forward, gripping Eliane by the throat and raising her up briefly before slamming her down into the sands. Another swing of its blade sent crimson shockwaves of aether flying towards Robin and Miina before it lunged towards Galahad, intent on cleaving through his midsection.

Or at least it would have, had Izayoi not intercepted, their blades clashing before she was forced back from her foe's far greater physical strength. The two charged at each other, Izayoi barely managing to keep up with the Revenant's speed thanks to Ciradyl's enchantment. They began an exchange of parries and ripostes, blades glinting in the desert sun. After a few moments, it was evident to all but the most sword-illiterate that somehow, the two shared an identical fighting style. Their movements were the same, their strikes, even the way they sidestepped while sheathing their blades for battojutsu.

Izayoi narrowly sidestepped a downwards cleave from the air, trying to bring her blade up in an uppercut slash to retaliate, but found herself slammed several feet away by the juggernaut's sudden shoulder check.

His sandal slammed into Izayoi’s gut, creating distance between them as he sheathed his sword. Her eyes widened. She knew what was coming. In sheer desperation, she sheathed her own blade. They met each other’s eyes. They charged. They drew.

She shook the memories from her head as she desperately pulled herself to her feet, trying to ignore the lingering familiarity. All the while, the Revenant didn't move from its position, still in the midst of the Kirins as it gave a low, inhuman growl.
@Estylwen The language the jester was speaking was elvish, right?
btw skip me this round, I'm busy with Elden Ring
Iraleth doesn't have much to contribute here anyway
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kalina Kovalic

Kalina didn't bother changing once they were settled in. Instead, she sat atop the roof of the RV, legs hung out over the side, gunblade laid across her lap as she tended to it with oil and cleaning cloth. She nodded absently to Justice's explanation. Sure, court martials were bad, and they should probably leave this sort of shit to the higher ups. If only they weren't asleep at the moment.

As Gerard brought up the topic of watch, Kalina dutifully raised a hand, waiting for him to toss the phone into it.

"Already up here anyway." Besides, she liked having an uninterrupted sleep cycle. What was a slightly later bedtime in exchange for it? "Want me to wake everyone up in case we do get a call?"

Once that was all sorted out, Kalina looked back towards Justice again, letting her gunblade fade away into her mist pocket once she was done with it.

"Your take on all this, boss? Convenient for us if this is internal and Vangar's killing each other over internal politics now, yeah?"


Renar Hagen

"Captain," Renar started in a reproachful tone before sighing and giving it up as a bad job. Blast it all. Of course Fanilly had to take the exact opposite decision that he would have.

He could see her thought process: keep the demoness occupied so that the other team had a better chance without interference. Though that also meant the mage would only be occupied with one side rather than have to divide her attention between two. It was a rather conservative tactic that he wasn't quite fond of, but this wasn't exactly a dire enough situation that he'd seriously consider dereliction of duty in the pursuit of victory.

Fortunately, Sir Rolan had the presence of mind to immediately resume the climb once enough attention was taken off of himself. Good. That meant there wasn't a problem if Renar and the captain continued to tie the demon up.

Renar made two quick thrusts with the spear tip of his poleaxe, deliberately creating an opening in his stance. Just a tiny bit extended too far. Any competent warrior would see it and try to capitalize. So long as the demoness did, he'd immediately riposte by swinging the counterweight on the other end of the haft around vertically, trying to bring it down upon Krysia's head.
By the way, I'm gonna be gone for a good few days playing the Elden Ring DLC, don't expect shit from me for a while
Lady Safina Haliel

Safina allowed herself a very visible roll of her eyes as the duke practically fled the room. Typical. Were it not completely against her cover as just a lady-in-waiting, a slight application of force could have held him there longer. Still, at least it told her that he had absolutely no intention to pay what he owed. The man wasn't unintelligent; he had to have known this would be a red flag. Just up and leaving when a representative of the Queen questioned him was actionable.

There were other ways to find out what he was up to. A snap of her fingers had the pair of guards outside the office step in, closing the door shut behind them as Safina silenced the room with a Muffle spell.

"My lady." They saluted. "Orders?"

"Whitley, I want eyes on Duke Rhinecliff for as long as he remains in Hathforth. Jensen, return to the barracks. Inform Adrienna and Grugin that they're to join Whitley in establishing surveillance on the Duke. Then send a runner to the Odonfield cell. Accelerate the infiltration timeline. We need eyes and ears in his castle's staff by the time he returns home."

"By your command, Grandmaster." The two Concord members in disguise as castle guards promptly about-faced and left to fulfill their orders, the Muffle spell ending shortly after. With that out of the way, Safina took a moment to take a breath and compose herself from the sharp-gazed Grandmaster she was to the socialite and lady-in-waiting she pretended to be.

She returned to the throne room shortly after, quietly watching the proceedings until there was an opportunity to step in. Once Duchess Bastille's gift was accepted, and wasn't that another one that needed watching, Safina quickly stepped towards Vulluin. Protocol dictated that she relay this through him first, and it would cause less alarm either way.

"Inform the queen, quietly, that Duke Rhinecliff is welching on any conversation regarding his taxes. I'll be having him followed, but for now, there's no need to make a scene until we have more actionable intelligence." While any monarch would be well within their rights at this point to make a move against a delinquent subordinate, going after a powerful noble over taxes was asking for unrest. No, best to have further proof of misdeeds to make the case ironclad before proceeding further.

@Estylwen @Donut Look Now
Accidental double post made.

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