Avatar of pugbutter


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1 yr ago
Current Fuck yeah, girlfriend. Sit on that ass! Collect that unemployment check! Have free time 'n shit!
3 yrs ago
Apologies to all writing partners both current & prospective. Been sick for two weeks straight (and have to go to work regardless). No energy. Can't think straight. Taking a hiatus. Sorry again.
3 yrs ago
[@Ralt] He's making either a Fallout 4 reference or a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky reference i can't tell
3 yrs ago
"Well EXCUUUUSE ME if my RPs don't have plot, setting, characters, any artistry of language like imagery/symbolism, or any of the things half-decent fiction has! What am I supposed to do, improve?!"
3 yrs ago
Where's the personality? The flavor? the drama? The struggle? The humanity? The texture of the time and the place in which this conversation is happening? In a word: where's the story?


Most Recent Posts

@Skepic There are other people I should place there too, ha ha. Oh well. I'll give everyone 30 days total to write something. Anyway, it's done. Hope you're feeling more up to it soon!
In theory there were cameras in the control room of the interview chambers; in theory. Jewel had discerned their blind spots long ago, and it was in one of these blind spots where he had wheeled one of the rolling, padded chairs, and for a few minutes, crashed. It certainly was not a panopticon, by any means, and for that he was immensely grateful. If an interviewee wasn't here yet, and Ona was killing herself with all the paperwork, then he had nothing to worry about. So in his lap he cradled his coffee, its body heat slowly dying like a sick child's.

Conspicuously he took note of her new look as she entered; it was hard not to. He didn't know what to say; he literally lacked the vocabulary, most times, to describe what about an outfit he liked or detested, even if he thought he had a decent eye for the color wheel, and shapes and silhouettes, and the art of contrast—even if he never applied these to himself. Was this new outfit ugly, then or just "different"? He was sure that the bow at her hip belonged at her shoulders instead, to help her with that hourglass figure; but he wasn't going to offer criticism now, he decided, opting instead to give her the usual smirk-nod, like he had not even noticed. He of course was wearing another baggy shirt, and a simple tie, and slightly runny pants, and stiff, block-toed Oxfords, all in sensible but boring colors; outdated, ill-fitting, a hallmark of low shame and no ambition to impress.

What he did notice were those features of her face which spoke to the same fatigues afflicting him: she was wishing right about now that she could acquire an immunity to this world which crawled with people, slithering along in their daily routines. She yearned for warm bedsheets and better coffee. Jewel glanced down into his lap, at the little morning treat he'd been cherishing for himself as it cooled to a palatable temperature. No, he decided. Now isn't the time to be selfish. "Morning, Ona," he said, extending the cup to her. "Don't drink that mud. I bought this for you on the way here." He smiled weakly, but more alarmingly, it was a sincere, eye-wrinkling smile, a rare unicorn to behold in his features.
*Attempts to use the power of cheeki breeki to sneak out.....*

But really, I got a lot on my plate right now IRL. Good stuff, thankfully (Like Dark Souls III ;D), so I'm bowing out for the time being. Just could never get around to writing my post for this RP, so I figured it be best to officially step out for a bit until I can give this the attention it deserves.

Still, keep up the good work you guys! It's been a fun read at least.

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