Avatar of pugbutter


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1 yr ago
Current Fuck yeah, girlfriend. Sit on that ass! Collect that unemployment check! Have free time 'n shit!
3 yrs ago
Apologies to all writing partners both current & prospective. Been sick for two weeks straight (and have to go to work regardless). No energy. Can't think straight. Taking a hiatus. Sorry again.
3 yrs ago
[@Ralt] He's making either a Fallout 4 reference or a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky reference i can't tell
3 yrs ago
"Well EXCUUUUSE ME if my RPs don't have plot, setting, characters, any artistry of language like imagery/symbolism, or any of the things half-decent fiction has! What am I supposed to do, improve?!"
3 yrs ago
Where's the personality? The flavor? the drama? The struggle? The humanity? The texture of the time and the place in which this conversation is happening? In a word: where's the story?


Most Recent Posts

Has happened to me many times— just not on RPG yet.

Not here on Roleplayer Guild but yes, I have finished many, many RPGs.

Elsewhere, yes. Here, no.

I have. On here, even.

However they were 1x1 RPs ...

This community definitely has commitment issues. And I think the concept which people don't understand is that dedication to roleplay isn't a feeling; it's a choice. If you give up on a roleplay from the moment your excitement to try something new has begun to wane, then you're never going to see a story through to the end, ever. You have to be committed even when you're not extremely enthused about posting. You have to post even when you don't feel like it, and there will be times where an RP is slower, or when another player is trying your patience, or it just feels more like a job than a hobby in general.

People here by and large are just too damn capricious to stick with an RP when the initial "honeymoon phase" has worn off on a new setting/plot/premise. They run on the fumes of infatuation, and then they quit once the RP turns out to be less than perfect.

It's very frustrating that I grow more jaded by the day because with the exception of a few 1x1s, the RPs here have always died before my eagerness to post in them has died. And I'm afraid to try creating new threads because my effort will just be wasted on whimsical assholes who cannot stay dedicated; so besides ruining RPs which already exist, I can attest from direct experience that these people are ruining future RP prospects, too! They're basically spoiling my hobby and I regularly consider moving to another site in the hopes of finding a more mature community than this. If they're all like this, though, then it's futile, and I'd may as well take up knitting or something.
Looks like no one else wants to post, so it's my turn.
Sure, I'm down for a collab. Since my character is letting yours choose the bar, I guess you're setting the scene first things first.
How many damn intchk threads do you need, girl?
@alexfangtalon@Gutshot Guess we should skip the bar in this post, right?
Subscribed. I'm probably too busy to maintain another 1x1 right now, but I hope that when I have some more time you'll still be available too. Nice thread!

my credentials
>no Spurdo Spärde in the OP banner

opinion discarded
Are you ready to lose, though?

Hey babe I'm still waiting for this just FYI
Damn it, Ona. That's not what we're here for!

It was difficult to listen to her in one ear and the applicant in the other. But Jules heard the last sentence well enough—the instruction to end all interactions with this young lady—and knew that he had to disobey. Plain and simple. It kept them out of trouble with the handlers; their department was meant to minimize its presence, and disguise its few jutting bits and pieces as more mundane parts. Their psychoanalytic process was an "interview"; their paperwork sat on their desks as blatantly as any other neglected pile. Locked cabinets and big "Classified" stamps made people curious. Polygraph machines and wire nodes attached to their wrists and temples made them defensive. So what would it look like if the chubby office drone in the dull white room, who clearly possessed no more authority than over a water cooler, could decide her fate?

No, that's not how the patchers operated. If they thought so suspiciously of this young woman, they would call her in for a second interview. Then the police would have an easier time detaining her.

Later Jules would have to comfort Ona in the fact that the girl would be rejected in one of the later departments; maybe even the one directly following theirs. Just as Jules couldn't give her the advice which would help her impress his superiors, neither could he detain someone who, by his reckoning, was completely innocent.

The interview went for nearly twenty minutes more. When it ended the two in the room had talked about the company for quite a long time; she had asked what he liked about working there, and he gave her a series of perfect little lies to boost her optimism. Then when they had shaken hands again, he passed through the vestibule and into the control room with a sigh, feeling like a virus invading a cell membrane.
I know I made a risky move, but please go easy on my character.

Are you sure you're in the right RP? :P

I'll think of something.
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