Avatar of Queen Arya


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Hello! Are y'all still recruiting? I could help but notice a painful lack of Togruta so I thought I'd help fill that void~
B U M P! Don't be shy, I don't bite!
Another day, another bumperino
Double post to note that I added a new original idea! Living Code!
Let's bump this again! Naruto AU preferred, but also open to Star Wars (I can do a different Era than early empire if you'd like!).

Additional Fandoms being added!~

The Raven

Her breath ran ragged as she ran, ducking down random side alleys or turning abruptly along various streets. Rachel did not have any particular destination in mind, simply that she needed to get away from the scene of... whatever that had been. She had to distance herself from the chaos, from the scene and the cameras that were no doubt spreading the horror all across Gotham. From the direction of the shelter, she could hear the sirens of the police as they no doubt investigated the slaughter. She knew that they would be finding that cursed shrine soon enough and that there would doubtless be a search for her. Rachel swallowed nervously as she ducked down yet another nameless dark alleyway. If the cult was back, then Rachel knew that getting arrested would only feed into their desires. She had to get back to her bunker, to lay low and soon. A dark part of her mind worried that one of the Bat's... friends might even come after her. A thought that scared her to her core.

With her goal in mind, Rachel found herself slowing down in the cool air of the night. As she emerged into the light of another street, she turned her attention all about to try to figure out where she'd ended up. The good news was that she was only a few blocks away from the shelter. Which meant... it wouldn't be terribly long before she managed to make it home. The bad news came shortly after that, as she turned her attention towards a display nearby with a few televisions, all showing the local news. To her horror, Rachel saw the image her herself from the shrine displayed fully on the screen. Moments later, a video of herself vaguely running from the shelter. They already had their suspect. Rachel swallowed uneasily as she turned to look around herself, thankful that there were not any others nearby to start pointing fingers in her direction.

"Already blaming us, and it's only been a few minutes. You sure these humans are worth saving? We could show them how the scene would've looked if it had been us."

"Fuck. Off." Rachel answered her spirit, closing her eyes for a moment to recall the best way back toward her safe haven. She knew a couple of alleyways that typically only had homeless people living in them, so... probably her best bet. With a soft swear, Rachel dove back down the alleyway she'd emerged from. Instead of running this time, she set in at a brisk walk. Better to save her energy for running later. No doubt, with her luck, something would go wrong and she'd wind up having to run or fight. Which, given Red's particular activeness tonight, she wasn't keen on the second of the two options. With a long breath sucked into her lungs, Rachel let her mind stretch out around herself, feeling the intentions of all those around her. Hopefully, it'd give her a bit of warning if somebody came for her.
Apologies for the lack of post, work has decided its gonna beat me with a stick lately. Please be excited for one over the weekend if thats okay ^^

Location: The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

She hated the look on Seele's features, that look of pity. She hated that it was directed at her, that she let herself be seen in such a sorry state. Artemis desperately wished she could forge some sort of false display of strength, something to distract from that painful look on Seele's features. Yet, she knew that at this point, any display she could make would look just as hollow as it would be in truth. With a pained look on her features, the Archer decided to simply let Seele see the turmoil going on inside her fragile mind.

As Seele spoke softly, wearing that smile on her features, Artemis nodded softly. Perhaps it would be best for her to head inside and take a moment to relax and think through what had happened. Even as she found it difficult to accept Seele's words, that she'd done nothing wrong, Artemis still knew when it was pointless to try and argue. After all, it had been her arrow that had caused the explosion that ultimately drew the ire of the guards. Still, Seele's attempts to comfort the archer did at least reassure Artemis that she wouldn't be easily pushed away by the group. Yet the girl jumped lightly as Seele stroked her shoulder, wearing a sad smile as she shook her head towards the other. "I know you mean well, but we both know that can't be certain." She said softly in response to Seele's reassurances that nobody else would hurt her.

With that, Artemis turned and made her way back into the tavern. She made her way back toward the table where they'd all sat earlier but chose to take a seat further away from where she had been sitting before. Something just felt wrong about it, yet she found herself unable to put a reason as to why. Artemis sat quietly, listening to her own thoughts for a long few moments. Trying to sort it all out, everything had happened so fast. The tension that had boiled quickly into a fight, Graves' ferocity and clear drive to... to kill. Her own flashes back to that dreadful sewer, it was all a damned mess. Artemis let out a long sigh as she shook her head, wondering if she'd ever truly be okay again.

Fuck this.

Slamming her hands heavily down on the table, the archer pushed herself up from her spot and made her way away from the table. A few moments later she'd return to her spot, a heavy mug of ale in her hands. Without even a hint of grace, she set to downing the mug with reckless abandon. If she couldn't quiet her mind on her own, then she'd find something else to ease her thoughts. Just a bit of alcohol couldn't hurt, right? A light buzz to let her mind relax a little bit. She just needed a little help to bring herself back, that was it, right? Yet even as she thought these questions... a sole thought floated forwards in her mind.

Damn, I'm pathetic...
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