Hey, this might turn out to be a nations Rp, so yeah... Also, there's going to be magic, but it's not going to work like what most magic is like. (Btw, Alexoak, Dj and I are running this RP)
It is medieval times on the world of Nirok, and the world is a very violent place. Many large kingdoms are going to war against each other whilst smaller factions within said kingdoms are tearing them apart. Large amounts of rebellions have occurred due to high taxes and mass amounts of governmental corruption. Alongside those things, a strange group of men wearing black cloaks have been seen wandering the lands. Anyone that comes near these men seem to be effected in... strange, violent ways.
Yeah, I got thrown onto the ban-go-round too. Meh, that place was a shithole and wasn't growing much if at all anyways, there wasn't much of a point in staying there.