I take all Pre-AP classes currently, plus varsity band, so yeah... I might drop out of band, it's too hard to juggle around my homework and band practice almost constantly.
Oh, woe is me.
Dinh AaronMk said
Why not just make a fantasy NRP set in that world's version of this time period? There's already enough NRPs set in our world, and a fantasy world has no requirements or expectations on having to stick close to what is our world.In such a setting you could make whatever. Custom culture, custom religion.
Dinh AaronMk said
So sort of like all of Europe after Rome? Don't see how it's alternate history. It's the 7th century so you got the Vikings wrecking shit in Northern Europe. Elsewhere is too busy bickering over their own feudal rights. You have Sassanids in the east giving the Byzantines shit, with the Rashidun nipping up from the Arabian Peninsula. Turkic tribes north of the Caucus doing their Turkic tribal thing. Slavs pushing in on German territory.By 650 Islam would be well within its second post-Muhammad years. And the Anglo-Saxons would be beginning their migration from north-western Europe into England. Probably a lot of fighting between the Catholic church and many of the non-Catholic churches such as German Aryanism...So what's so "alternate"?
KarneeKarnay said
I'm in. I would like to know if there was any system on how nations interact with each other?