Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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@The Grey DustIll allow it if you add that he uses Seraphim blood supplied by the Therosi. Whether he knows or not is up to you. Ill allow up to 300.
@The Grey Dust Dragon War took placeover 400 years ago. Thats about 2-3 gens of Descendants. Yes you could extend ones life beyond 200 but no more than a bit above 2 unless he died and Ascended like Vrondi becoming immortal.
@VicierAdd it in my Angel.
(Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=stWae6r7Blw)
The entirety of the Edafos is 37,745 mi².
Weather is warm like spring to summer all year round.
Time is dated like mankind with names for each month.
Days are in 24 hours with 14 hours of light and the rest dark hours.
Time is 9:00 am.
The weather
Fotia - Light rain heavy clouds -
Gaia - Clear slight clouds -
Tearianaris - Clear skies -
Vrondi - Clear skies -
Nero - Heavy clouds and winds
It is the 11th of Cheimóna, the second month of the year.

The day was mysteriously calm despite the rising tension from the highest of mystic powers. The world itself pulsed with almost life like vibrations. Not from earth but of the ethereal. A wise one from high on top of the mountains near Gaia stood from his meditating perch with sudden urgency, stumbling a bit from the whirling winds. He looked down onto the clouds below him with a astonished expression. "This.. Cannot be..." The wind whirled his snow white beard around his face. He closed his eyes and stepped off the perch. He began plummeting past the clouds. As he did so his form began to shift into light, then taking off at incredible speeds toward Vrondi.
The sky opened with a loud boom. To the humans, it was like a jet breaking the sound barrier. The ball of light formed into a angelic beast. A dragon, with angelic wings and light dancing around its body. It dropped down with a staff in hand, glimmering with light of its own not affected by the sun. The size of the creature was 4 meters and its wing span was greater in length. It flapped its wings in gentle succession, whirling the wind with great force with each downward motion. Descending to the brittle stone columns covered in vegetation. The humans below it looked concerned for their safety. There were several members of the Agency that were here for this mission. Some knew each other from prior missions but most were meeting for the first time. However their strategies were typically the same in each mission. Watch each other's back, analyze the situation and survive. If not the later, then make sure whatever freak of nature kills you goes down with you. Simple, but they found themselves a bit frozen by the sheer presence of this mythical creature. Then it spoke... ""My name is Tev'lanook. What are your intentions this time.. humans." It's voice boomed as if it came from the skies above and not from the vocals of the beast before them. Weapons were drawn and the agency members prepared for a fight. But their leader raised a hand to stifle their rising tension. Sygma walked forward from within the protected circle. He walked calmly with his rifle strapped onto his back. "Well.. That's quite the welcome. We Humans are lost and are looking for a way out of this place. A way back to our home." He verbalized calmly and with energetic expression. Not sure how to communicate with whatever this Dragon was exactly.
The dragon placed a hand to it's scaled yet slightly furred chin and rubbed it inquisitively. He leered on the humans for a minute or two as they awaited the beasts reply. It only hummed out a quizzical Hmmmm.. Before booming the skies again with its voice, but this time it was softer. "I see. You humans look different each time. I suppose that is the way you are... Fine. The way OUT is as it has always been! Unfortunately it has closed for the first time since it has opened a thousand years ago. I'm afraid there is no easy return for you lot." The Dragon shuffled on the pillar a bit, wobbling it and sending a few stones tumbling down. Many of the group took the Dragon's words as a death sentence. But Sygma pleaded with a calm tone. "Is there any way to open this gate way?"

"Yes it is possible.. By using the blood of a Dragon, a Seraphim, a Descendant and a human. Only by this can you awaken the hunger of the one below. Only his power opens the gate." After the thunderous explanation he took his arm to his jaws and bit down. Blood secreted from the self given wound and dripped down to where Sygma was standing. A large puddle formed before him on the ground. Sygma looked up in shock but tightened his expressions in front of Tevla. He knelt down and scooped the blood into a container. He closed it tightly and looked as the blood itself hued with a white aura. "That is the blood of a Dragon and some of a Seraphim. You may need a bit more Seraphim, the human part you can handle." It's wings went from resting to rising dropping a white feather in the breeze. "I will remain in this temple for your return. I will guide you humans. Now go!!" It quaked the temple walls with its final words and in a flash it was sky bound headed to the top of the old temple's decaying peak.

The feather landed in front of the group and turned into a ball of light. Then as the light unveiled like dissolving bubbles it revealed to have a map wrapped up within it. This map was the one of the Edafos and gave a white indicator of where they were safest to head. Sygma looked back to his companions. Their mission was set for them and hope was not lost. With reawakened vigor they set out to Vrondi, only a mile from their location.

(Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=pnE9eus5b_c)
A simple bar & Inn.

The infiltrating forces of the Fotian soldiers swarmed the surrounding area. Coming into a slight clashes with Vrondi forces. "Push overs.." Whispered a voice from underneath a hood. The voice was deep like a male and next to him was a slightly shorter mass underneath a cloak. "The Sol are passive.." Mentioned the voice of the woman underneath the cloak. Their conversation spelled out the situation. The Fotian soldiers invaded with the knowledge of the Sol being calm and gentle and won't put up a fight unless pushed to the edge. But some form of explanation was needed, or else they may awaken the wrath of the King of this land. The Fotian soldiers revealed papers of a wanted criminal. A bounty of 10,000 gold pieces was to be awarded to the one who took these people in. In the picture was a photo of two descendants, a man and woman, similar in age around 18-25. They were unknown thieves who took something from the Fotian Kingdom. Something of great importance to the King of Fotia, Magnix. The bar was invaded as a part of the search. People were grabbed and tables were flipped. The rowdy fire within each soldier was a testament of the Tyro blood in them, fueling them with adrenaline and the lack of action made them itch.

The bar was clean yet included some vegetation growing around its walls and windows. The energy from the plants filled the room with a free jungle vibe. However all was silenced by the soldier's appearance. Turning the usual peace and merriment to confusion and creeping chaos. The bar owner, a Sol man. Stepped forward to the Tyros after they began to disturb his customers. "I am the owner of this bar. What is it you brutes want?" He gestured with a slight disgust of the Tyro's odor. His flowing white hair made him appear elegant, like any other pure Sol. "We have a worm to catch. Here!" The beast pushed the bounty paper in the mans hands, pushing him back some. "We are sweeping the area they may be going." The Tyro spoke with a growl. Eyeing the surrounding area underneath their metal Dragonic helmets. "I've never seen these two. But I'll place it on the wall. Haven't had a bounty in a while." Said the Sol man. "Now your job here is done. Out! all of you out or I'll get the guards involved!" He shouted, attempting to sound threatening but never losing the poetic sound of his voice. The Tyro soldiers scoffed. "We will be watching you." He turned and looked at the Bar attendants. "All of you!" He turned and headed for the door. Stepping outside yet keeping a few guards inside. In the name of keeping the peace. The bar owner let the two guards stay and went over to the wall of bounty papers on the far left side of the bar wall. There he placed the paper up right next to a certain blind wanted Lassa. Whose bounty was quite high as well.

The participants of the bar & inn were witness to the on goings and have their own different reactions. However their presence in this one location will twist their fates together. Like vines intertwining up the tree of life.
Finished Queen Tydra Nept. Going to start the RP soon.
@rechonqPrevious humans on the planet I said.
Nice. Bump agains
@VicierYes the age thing is a little odd. Ha. But I like it so far even the additional details. Nice job i look forward to the completed app.
@The Grey Dust this particulatlr guild has a council like leadership. You can create one of the leaders.
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