Avatar of Rai
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  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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@The Grey DustNope. But I doubt the fight will be finished before more events unfold if it does happen traditionally.
@The Grey DustIt's up to you how you respond. With R'lyeh I'll add a description. Done.
@The Grey DustUp until time goes into unison you're right. But for even Descendants it doesn't matter. All that matters is if you are posting before someone's reaction to a certain thing you're present for, or not. That's what posting order affects.
Done. I would like if everyone kept to the same post order. But overall I don't mind. Really, if you feel the urge to post a response to mine do so. No consequences.
The day moved onward.

Precautions were made to make sure this jungle ahead of them did not harbor anything that may hinder their progress. Going home with as few casualties as possible is the ultimate goal. In this world of nightmares and make believe, the human mind would have to question its own sanity. However for these humans the supernatural was not something to be explained away. It was and is an mysterious entity without measure to them. Sygma took the ears of his group. He explained the details of the map as best he could, noting that they were headed directly south. He then told the scouts to see what was ahead, much to the dismay of some of the members. There was confirmed dragons of enormous size in their direct path. Sygma made adjustments to the planned route with each new possible danger discovered. He did this with a pen, paper and a rough copy of the map. This world seemed to follow the rules of nature quite the same as earth. As the sight of a small reptile seizing an egg from a perched nest in the trees above reminded them. The scenery was close to the Jurassic age and gave awe to admirers of beauty while rising the tangible danger to others.

The group headed out from their cobble stone slab floor, broken from age and covered in moss. To the vibrant jungle ahead. Two members went ahead with their blades and cut away at the vegetation ahead. Giving clear path to the ones behind them. The rustling of leaves could be heard around them every so often. Leaving to the imagination what laid above within the trees, watching them. Some began to complain about the conditions. Although they were trained soldiers they were mostly able to handle most missions due to their powers and a bit of teamwork. So some of those that attended were not able to contain their rising resentment. Sygma soldiered forward however, acting almost as if the muttering of disdain was not beyond his honed ears's reach. About eighteen minutes of onward hiking, briefly changing direction from time to time thanks to the scout's warnings and the group finally came across the first sign of being close to some kind of civilization. It was a sign marked on a thin short tree with flawless smooth white bark. On the tree was a sign made with golden engravings edged into its flat surface. The wordings structure was whimsical yet flowed in a distinct manner similar to ancient texts on earth. As was the written language of the Descendants the humans were now discovering. However there were words below the text in french that read as a poem.
Laissez qui brille au-dessus de l'obscurité donner de la lumière à votre chemin
Let shining over the darkness give light to your path

The words on the tree were touched by Sygma's gloved hand as he examined it briefly. He looked to some of the members, Alan being one in particular. This was a clue to them as to what they were dealing with. Something that had been set foot on by previous humans from an era not entirely too far from their own.

The map Sygma created was made for safety not to save time. As such the journey took an entire 25 minutes to reach the sight of the luminescent lights dangling from the giant tree. Through that time Sygma remained silent on the hushed uproar accumulating within his ranks. The mission went south, DEEP south. From the very moment they swept into this world. The closing of the gate meant the end of their mission, no more were there to be new monsters or mystic forces to emerge in the human's world. So the mission was completed then, with the casualties being before them. However Sygma had kept silent on it all, letting the tension rise to the point he was questioned directly. “Excuse me, Sygma sir, what is going on and what are we going to do next?”

He stepped a foot on a risen stone before the hill that descended to their salvation. He then hunched forward and blocked the sunlight from his eyes before gazing at the silhouettes of people. He felt this was a good a time as any to begin asking questions, though he wanted to press onward. But since the scouts were yet to be able to see what kind of people were inhabiting the village. He resolved it to be wise to pause. "We are going to find out what a Descendant is, kill it, take its blood. Then head back to where we came." He chose to opt out the speeches and promises of survival. All agency members knew their jobs were dangerous and at times took them to some of the darkest depths of the earth. He looked at the girl, Viola and her tenderness. He then began understanding that some had lives outside the Agency and were not entirely prepared for this so he reluctantly decided to say something to tighten their resolve. "Our mission is to survive and find a way back. There seems to be some rising evidence that there have been people here before. Coming in and out of that gate we closed. Now we are going to talk to the inhabitants of this place in hopes they can help us. Listen, we are lost now, but hope is not lost." He spoke firmly, facing them and pointing to the clearing where the town was visible.

Sygma was met with other questions and concerns which he met with a clear headed answer. It was obvious he had no definite answer to their questions. So the members began to rely on their leaders experience with the Agency to trust his words. He had a sniper scout ahead at the people, they did not appear hostile. However a camp was set at the hill for some of the snipers to keep a watch on them. They set out down the hill which was a 5 minute walk. They arrived at the wooden path above the waters surrounding Sunfire. They calmly walked onward down the path. The sight of large reptiles almost mythical in nature being ridden or used like cattle were beginning to surround them. The people were even dragon like themselves, or human like with a strong aura of the mythical like elves of fantasy, except for one disturbing detail. They had horns much similar to demons, or some had subtle reptilian features. The mix of emotions among the group were visible in their collective energy. Approaching the entrance was Sygma in the lead. He approached calmly but with a slow uneasiness that grew as he neared the glistening armor of the pure Sol guards before them. Before Sygma could utter a word the guards opened the massive wooden doors to allow them into the bustling town of Sunfire. Within this town they were gifted with the sight of angelic people coupled with the previous seen demon people all with dragons for pets and going about as if life were normal. It was through their random discussions the humans learned in a shocked horror that these people spoke English similar to them but with a accent unknown.

The humans garnished much attention however. Their lack of features akin to this world's aboriginals made them a curiosity at the least.

Time passed - 30 minutes - 9:30AM


The bounty papers were set up neatly. The picture of the mixed blooded Lassa sat next to the photos of the newly wanted thieves. As it appeared the Lassa had a higher bounty but for a new bounty these thieves combined 20,000 gold pieces. A new record for a couple of thieves. It was the bar tender who finished the final hammering nail before the words of a Royal graced the ears of the patrons. "By Order of the Fotian Army, and House Niscent-Hanoxx, you are not to leave this establishment until you have personally apologized to everyone for causing this disturbance, and buy everyone a round of drinks." Was spoken and heard. The bartender turned with a ghastly look on his face. He did NOT want his most welcomed guest to be disturbed, it was terrible for business. As such he got a bottle of the best wine, made from the fruits of golden apples guarded by mythic dragons and rushed over to Eden. "Oh please sir do not mind! It is no problem! Please enjoy this on the house! With a reasonable tip..." He exclaimed. Almost bowing with his humble facade.

But despite how Eden reacted the brute of a guard turned. His eye veins visible with the widening as if he was in a severe anger shock, his body fueled with rushing adrenaline. He heaves a heavy breathe through his nostrils like a bull. Slight smoke emitting from underneath his helm from his fuming anger. "E-Eden.." He muttered. He was quite angry at the gesture but knew his ranking. Despite this he knew the Fotian armada, no matter how royal, were warriors who loved to fight. He had to scratch his itch to battle, being bested by one of the best did water his mouth. So he pointed a finger to Eden in a combative stance. "You're King has ordered we search for thieves without mercy. They are to be found alive and given to him immediately!!" He realized that Eden must not have heard of this through his time whoring away his inherited funds. "Y-you didn't hear of this yet have you?" He chuckled. "Even one kept in such high regard knows nothing, such a pity."

The patrons of the bar watched as things unfolded with a drink in their hand. Some even hoped there would be a show. For that guard to be taught a good lesson. The bar owner turned to the guard with tears in his eyes. "How many times must I tell you to leave brute!" The guard responded quickly. "Quiet worm. This is between true warriors." He growled. He looked at Eden, trying to match his eye and watch as his pupils slit to that of a Dragon's. A testament of a Descendant's fury. "I'll spend my entire month's earnings on drinks if you beat me in a contest. No armor, all brawn." The patrons looked at Eden for his response. A show? OR will it be beneath the man of royal blood to step down and get dirty so to speak.

As the commotion went on the two hooded figures entered the bar. They attempted to remain incognito and low key, eyeing the members of this bar for any that looked strong and hungry for battle. The golden eyes of one of them settling on a armored Oro and his companion, who obviously were high in standards. They took a seat and ordered drinks from the waitresses. Who were of sol and some seraphim blood. The Bar owner liked to keep things beautiful, for it was good for business. The bar owner's waitress found a Seraphim Sol which looked like would make for a good employee. Slipping Astrea a note she returned to her duties. Whether Astrea noticed or not it was a note from Mirror, the sign being a blue feather kept inside. Written within it is explained the details of how to talk to him through leaving a note with one of the waitresses here. He asked only one question. "Are you a healer of all?" and much like the notes of school children it had the boxes marked for yes or no, for her to answer in anyway she chose.

Time passage - 10 minutes - 9:10 AM

Of a certain depth of darkness. Dark as in avoid of light. Light as in all we consider good. There they saw him and there they decided upon entering his world. His dark world. A form, or mass, formed from shadow and harboring only a single natural composure... Cold. Whipped around in front of the cursed blooded Lassa. It sat in front of him for a moment. Engaging him with it's whipping cold, right in the midst of the warm sunlight of the Vrondi land.

"Oh such a poor thing..."

It whispered with pity. The voice neither male or female, neither is it happy or sad. The voice was an echo within the back of the mind of R'lyeh. It guided him with cold. For each step he took if it did not cool the sweat of his brow it was not the path it chose for him. If he chose to continue onward to the cold it would lead him to a tree which read, with engravings even for the blind to see.

"What lies beneath all?"

From there the cold would lead him onward to a figure standing beneath a large tree inhabited by a serpent like dragon. Black and marked with indigo. It would slither down the tree to the shadowy posture's feet. Caressing it as would a pet to its master. "Have you ever known the light my friend...?" Asked the darkness, emitting cold from its presence. The voice booming within the walls of the mind of the listener. Neither male, or female, or sad or happy.

"What is it you seek with this power you wield...?"

Black mist evaporating once reaching beyond the collective mass of it. It was shaped in the form of a cloaked being. The cloak itself infused with the same color of darkness as the mist emitting from the crevices of the cloak. The only visible feature beyond darkness being white strands of hair beneath the hood, and a pair of red glowing eyes half hidden beneath. It seemed to be a presence visible even to the ethereal. Nothing about the natural world around it altered yet its presence was exuding a force that could be seen and felt beyond flesh and blood.

Time passage - 10 minutes - 9:10 AM
Looking for a high casual to advanced partner interested in doing a romance and character based RPG. Using characters from a original story I've created. Looking for female partners only.

Your character / Role

My Character / Role

@ZenphilvianAdd it in!
I used to be so into p v p roleplays. Im a little interested in doing a battle to warm up. But my only characters are the ones in my current roleplay. Still could be fun to test them out.
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