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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Chapter 1 - Return

Things happened so fast. At first the slow voyage of the underworlds led to no fruit and the mission was growing dull. Then a discovery in the catacombs deep beneath Ireland. The agency did not have a specific name and did so to stay covert. So much so that their very own members are usually unaware of the details of their missions or who they exactly work for. So when they entered the abyss to see what was there what they found had a presence akin to that of fables of hell. The flaming wall was the supposed doorway to all the legends and tales of beasts and demons. Closing the gate would fulfill their duty at ridding the world of other worldly creatures. However as they began to research the gate to find a way to safely close it something within echoed out a force that quaked the ground. Then, like a vortex, it sucked inward with enough force to swallow the agents inside. The ride was not an easy one. Entering what was dream and reality they had a glimpse of pasts, futures and other galaxies like a rotating wall.

Upon entering the other side they find themselves flung across a large old withered temple. This temple is made of stone and sits within a jungle within the land of Vrondi. After coming down from the relief of not being within a eternal flaming pit the agents begin to assess the situation. They conclude that they are stuck as the portal behind them, the flaming wall, has turned minuscule in size. Then it vanished altogether. While this was distressing there were words on the walls of the temple in old English along with an alien language. It had clues to how the portal operated.. if only they could take their time, camp out, and figure this out. Some of their supplies were thrown through the portal but.. it simply was not enough. They needed to leave the temple and see where they were. With faith the left the safety of the temple to the jungle outside.

Soon they found themselves in a world different from their own. The jungle was beautiful yes but it was the vegetation itself that almost glowed with pure energy. The life within each thing was felt. The vegetation was widely similar but some aesthetics differed. Same with the small animal life, insects and birds. But one disturbing sign were the flying lizards the size of condors. This marked the first sign of Dragon life they laid witness to before coming into contact with the guardian of the temple.

Tav' lak eok nok?
The voice boomed through the sky as if god himself spoke to the group. Once they thought it was over the voice returned. This time they could comprehend it.
Who goes there?
A gust of air bellowed down on them as the voiced boomed once more. This time giving birth to a silhouette within the sunlight. It landed on top of the temple and looked down at the group. Staff in hand, giving a aura of light close to that of the sun's.

"My name is Tev'lanook. What are your intentions this time.. humans."

The inhabitants of the civilized societies in what we know as the Edafos, the land, felt a sudden shift in their atmosphere. When the door to the other world was closed it had sealed off the forces that gave humans and other creatures their abilities. Those tapped into the astral realm felt it in a peculiar way, like a shift in the wind. The monks and spiritualists of the world felt this was a bad omen. Each order began to attempt to find this source, each with varying inquiries. Soldiers of various lands were on the search, with help from equally various monks and mages.

As this began happening the bar and inn at the town Sunfire, resting in the land Vrondi, began to get packed. Soldiers from Fotia came barging in. Their heavy red and black armor menacing to the sight. Holding a mechanism in both hands that resembled rifles. But with a sinister red pulse from it's inner workings. Their helmets masked their faces with a dragon like resemblance. There were four of them total. Each with no motive but to examine the populace. Even still their presence was not an average occurrence. The Descendants of this story are within this inn and will find this peculiar if perceptive enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=stWae6r7Blw)
The entirety of the Edafos is 37,745 mi².
Weather is warm like spring to summer all year round.
Time is dated like mankind with names for each month.
Days are in 24 hours with 14 hours of light and the rest dark hours.
Time is 9:00 am.
The weather
Fotia - Light rain heavy clouds -
Gaia - Clear slight clouds -
Tearianaris - Clear skies -
Vrondi - Clear skies -
Nero - Heavy clouds and winds
It is the 11th of Cheimóna, the second month of the year.

The day was mysteriously calm despite the rising tension from the highest of mystic powers. The world itself pulsed with almost life like vibrations. Not from earth but of the ethereal. A wise one from high on top of the mountains near Gaia stood from his meditating perch with sudden urgency, stumbling a bit from the whirling winds. He looked down onto the clouds below him with a astonished expression. "This.. Cannot be..." The wind whirled his snow white beard around his face. He closed his eyes and stepped off the perch. He began plummeting past the clouds. As he did so his form began to shift into light, then taking off at incredible speeds toward Vrondi.
The sky opened with a loud boom. To the humans, it was like a jet breaking the sound barrier. The ball of light formed into a angelic beast. A dragon, with angelic wings and light dancing around its body. It dropped down with a staff in hand, glimmering with light of its own not affected by the sun. The size of the creature was 4 meters and its wing span was greater in length. It flapped its wings in gentle succession, whirling the wind with great force with each downward motion. Descending to the brittle stone columns covered in vegetation. The humans below it looked concerned for their safety. There were several members of the Agency that were here for this mission. Some knew each other from prior missions but most were meeting for the first time. However their strategies were typically the same in each mission. Watch each other's back, analyze the situation and survive. If not the later, then make sure whatever freak of nature kills you goes down with you. Simple, but they found themselves a bit frozen by the sheer presence of this mythical creature. Then it spoke... ""My name is Tev'lanook. What are your intentions this time.. humans." It's voice boomed as if it came from the skies above and not from the vocals of the beast before them. Weapons were drawn and the agency members prepared for a fight. But their leader raised a hand to stifle their rising tension. Sygma walked forward from within the protected circle. He walked calmly with his rifle strapped onto his back. "Well.. That's quite the welcome. We Humans are lost and are looking for a way out of this place. A way back to our home." He verbalized calmly and with energetic expression. Not sure how to communicate with whatever this Dragon was exactly.
The dragon placed a hand to it's scaled yet slightly furred chin and rubbed it inquisitively. He leered on the humans for a minute or two as they awaited the beasts reply. It only hummed out a quizzical Hmmmm.. Before booming the skies again with its voice, but this time it was softer. "I see. You humans look different each time. I suppose that is the way you are... Fine. The way OUT is as it has always been! Unfortunately it has closed for the first time since it has opened a thousand years ago. I'm afraid there is no easy return for you lot." The Dragon shuffled on the pillar a bit, wobbling it and sending a few stones tumbling down. Many of the group took the Dragon's words as a death sentence. But Sygma pleaded with a calm tone. "Is there any way to open this gate way?"

"Yes it is possible.. By using the blood of a Dragon, a Seraphim, a Descendant and a human. Only by this can you awaken the hunger of the one below. Only his power opens the gate." After the thunderous explanation he took his arm to his jaws and bit down. Blood secreted from the self given wound and dripped down to where Sygma was standing. A large puddle formed before him on the ground. Sygma looked up in shock but tightened his expressions in front of Tevla. He knelt down and scooped the blood into a container. He closed it tightly and looked as the blood itself hued with a white aura. "That is the blood of a Dragon and some of a Seraphim. You may need a bit more Seraphim, the human part you can handle." It's wings went from resting to rising dropping a white feather in the breeze. "I will remain in this temple for your return. I will guide you humans. Now go!!" It quaked the temple walls with its final words and in a flash it was sky bound headed to the top of the old temple's decaying peak.

The feather landed in front of the group and turned into a ball of light. Then as the light unveiled like dissolving bubbles it revealed to have a map wrapped up within it. This map was the one of the Edafos and gave a white indicator of where they were safest to head. Sygma looked back to his companions. Their mission was set for them and hope was not lost. With reawakened vigor they set out to Vrondi, only a mile from their location.

(Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=pnE9eus5b_c)
A simple bar & Inn.

The infiltrating forces of the Fotian soldiers swarmed the surrounding area. Coming into a slight clashes with Vrondi forces. "Push overs.." Whispered a voice from underneath a hood. The voice was deep like a male and next to him was a slightly shorter mass underneath a cloak. "The Sol are passive.." Mentioned the voice of the woman underneath the cloak. Their conversation spelled out the situation. The Fotian soldiers invaded with the knowledge of the Sol being calm and gentle and won't put up a fight unless pushed to the edge. But some form of explanation was needed, or else they may awaken the wrath of the King of this land. The Fotian soldiers revealed papers of a wanted criminal. A bounty of 10,000 gold pieces was to be awarded to the one who took these people in. In the picture was a photo of two descendants, a man and woman, similar in age around 18-25. They were unknown thieves who took something from the Fotian Kingdom. Something of great importance to the King of Fotia, Magnix. The bar was invaded as a part of the search. People were grabbed and tables were flipped. The rowdy fire within each soldier was a testament of the Tyro blood in them, fueling them with adrenaline and the lack of action made them itch.

The bar was clean yet included some vegetation growing around its walls and windows. The energy from the plants filled the room with a free jungle vibe. However all was silenced by the soldier's appearance. Turning the usual peace and merriment to confusion and creeping chaos. The bar owner, a Sol man. Stepped forward to the Tyros after they began to disturb his customers. "I am the owner of this bar. What is it you brutes want?" He gestured with a slight disgust of the Tyro's odor. His flowing white hair made him appear elegant, like any other pure Sol. "We have a worm to catch. Here!" The beast pushed the bounty paper in the mans hands, pushing him back some. "We are sweeping the area they may be going." The Tyro spoke with a growl. Eyeing the surrounding area underneath their metal Dragonic helmets. "I've never seen these two. But I'll place it on the wall. Haven't had a bounty in a while." Said the Sol man. "Now your job here is done. Out! all of you out or I'll get the guards involved!" He shouted, attempting to sound threatening but never losing the poetic sound of his voice. The Tyro soldiers scoffed. "We will be watching you." He turned and looked at the Bar attendants. "All of you!" He turned and headed for the door. Stepping outside yet keeping a few guards inside. In the name of keeping the peace. The bar owner let the two guards stay and went over to the wall of bounty papers on the far left side of the bar wall. There he placed the paper up right next to a certain blind wanted Lassa. Whose bounty was quite high as well.

The participants of the bar & inn were witness to the on goings and have their own different reactions. However their presence in this one location will twist their fates together. Like vines intertwining up the tree of life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The bar was experiencing it's normal calm affairs for most of the day. It's patronage was very diverse compared to the rest of Sol. It seemed this bar was a hotspot for travelers that visited the village of Sunfire. It was a pretty clean place, but very homely at the same time. The plants and vines that grew around the place helped give it's calming touch. A hushed roar could be heard through the bar as various conversations leaked out from their intended circles and mixed through the bar. That was until some Fotian soldiers came around and tried to start an uproar.

Garaten and Tamara were enjoying themselves in the fine establishment. Garaten was particularly enoying himself. He loved the feel of the place while being able to get good drinks. It was one of his favorite places to let every stress go. He would often go and keep a good buzz while taking in the healing aura of the bar that protrayed the Sol so well. Tamara was working her way to drunkeness. The calm vibe wasn't her favorite scene. She knew how much Garaten loved it and let him enjoy it for now. It was their day off and he normally took her more fun places later on in the day. She was pregaming in preparation for those times. She was pretty resistant to hangovers unlike Garaten. He didn't find the release of drunkeness worth the pain the next morning, so he was always keeps himself relatively sober. The interruption of the Fotian soldiers could be heard beginning outside with a couple of Sol guards. As they burst into the bar and began flipping tables, both Garaten and Tamara were feeling the same things towards them, but for different reasons.

Garaten was getting flustered that they were interrupting his quiet time. He didn't get it often and now a couple of hotheads came in thinking they could do what they want. He kept a cool head though and realized he was only angry because his relaxing was being disturbed. Any other place he wouldn't give a second thought to hotheads other than his own Tamara.

She was getting riled up because she was quick to react without thinking. It was easy to influence her emotions with the change of the mood and these guys bringing in hostility, raised some hostility in her. Instead of jumping up to face them, she also kept quiet and followed Garaten's lead. Garaten had gotten her out of trouble several times before because of brash actions, and she didn't want to cause him any trouble today.

As the guards left Tamara turned back to Garaten. "What do you think that was about?"

Garaten had a better grasp of the situation. "It was nothing just some stupid Fotians, overreacting to some thiefs. All I have to say is good on the thiefs. I almost want to go help them."

Meanwhile Krutik and Cara were sitting farther back into the bar watching the events unfold. It was fortunate for the soldiers that they were in the back. Neither Krutik nor Cara were very fond of the Fotians for their own reasons. They were very agressive and many supported the Therosi. He wanted all of the Therosi dead along with anyone who agreed with them. Krutik did see a good source of money coming from the Fotians though. As long as he could take advantage of them, he didn't mind having them around. These particular Fotians weren't useful to either of them though.

Tearianaris and Fotia had never really gotten along, ever. The difference in views and opinions harbored a bitterness between the two. Cara wasn't too quick to judge people, but when they already had the profile, it's really hard not to assume they match the assumptions entirely. The hotheaded Fotians were a constant annoyance to others. Cara wondered how such thoughtless people could have the technology they had. She saw them as nothing more than dumb brutes. Even Krutik seemed a little dramatic with his hatred of them, but she could overlook that since she agreed with him.

The soldiers weren't their long and didn't really bother them in the back to much. They were already hunting the two that the soldiers were searching for. It appeared the Fotians really wanted those thieves back. They ignored the dimwits as they posted their sign and left.

"It looks like the calvary finally caught up with us. These thieves must have stolen something valuable. Do you have any idea what it is?"

"If their the calvary, doesn't that make us their dogs? No. I don't know what they stole, but money tends to buy power and if we get our hands on that, we may be able to get much more than just a couple thousand gold."

"Haha, so you're finally going to turn against them? I'm proud of you Kru, I thought you would have killed those two as well."

"We don't need more attention drawn to us than we already have, and that's only if these thieves are useful enough to us. We probably should keep an eye out with these soldiers. We've been here a few days already and we lost their tracks here. They obviously don't have any more clues than we do, but now numbers help with an area search, we'll just have to steal the thieves if they find them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 20 min ago

"Eden, wake up." small claws pushed against his horns. "Eden... Come on, Wake up." A relatively futile attempt at waking the sleeping man, that is until he rolled over and fluttered his eyes awake as he flashed her a grin and patted her head with a two fingers. She was a bit upset at the patronizing action, still treating her as a pet after all these years, or at least knowing that this irritates her to no end so he does it anyways to her. That was the way he was, teasing her and pressing her buttons just to smile back with that cocksure grin. The low guttural growls and quick spouts of flames to singe his fingers was what their ritual normally earned him, to which why should today be any different?

"Good morning Eve to you too Eve." He yawned, rubbing his warmed fingers before letting the fairy dragon clamber onto of his palm and scramble her way up his arm as he stretched at the edge of the bed. Beside him some Vrondi girl still sleeping off the night, as he arose to greet the new day, planning to walk out on to the balcony's ledge and climbing the vines to the rooftop to catch some of that Vrondi sunlight. To which his draconic companion on his shoulder had to remind him he was still without a scrap of clothing, and he should not go out in public without them being royalty and all. This would have been disregarded if it were not for her increasing protests and attempts to tug on his horns as if to guide him back to collect his discarded articles of clothing from around the room. "Not so loud Eve. She's still sleeping you know. You know how much we tuckered her out last night..." Eve hissed in reply, commenting that she took no part in it, only to be nailed with a one-liner which escaped his lips. "Well, you sure didn't leave the room either."

If a dragon could blush, and if Eve was not a red dragon to begin with, she would certainly be turning red at the last remark her companion made while fasting his kilt around his waist and reaching for his shoulder piece. Well it was true that she was there during the whole time he was with her, it was not her fault that they merely laughed at her request for a room of her own. So of course she had to be there, for the entire night, watching Eden and his latest pick-up from the bar downstairs enjoying themselves and each other. Not that she was watching, or maybe not that she would ever admit to it, but Eve was a bit possessive of Eden. Yet, it was not like this Vrondi girl was the first girl Eden had charmed much to Eve's displeasure. Regardless, embarrassment was quickly replaced with annoyance once again as Eve refused to leave Eden's shoulder as he was beginning to strap him brassard over it.

"Fine be that way," Eden feigned a sigh as he set the armor aside on the nightstand, "At least she thought you were cute. Besides, the Bartender did tell me to try some of the local flavours..." Eve said something of an outcry but Eden paid her comment no mind as he began to climb the vines outside now. Something had caught his attention however half-way through the climb, as small group of Fotian soldiers seemed to be march into the bar. Well not march but walk, four was hardly a decent amount for marching, and either Eden had been naughty enough to require some baby-sitting soldiers to accompany him in Vrondi, or there was something exciting about to happen. So he climbed back down and opted to stand in the doorway of his room, watching from above the happenings of this little drama which would unfold itself.

So they came here to search for some wanted person then? Odd, a long away to send forces here without notice to Eden who they knew was visiting Vrondi, or at least should know given his status of being one of the A-list of Fotia. Maybe it was time to remind them who they still served no? To cause such a ruckus to all these people and leave was generally impolite, especially if you were just a common solider without royal blood. Certainly he was planning on doing just that himself, if not in a smaller manner by leaving the girl he had awoke up with, well the girl who was not Eve, because if it was one girl Eden remained faithful to it was the dragoness currently pouting on his shoulder at the actions of the soldiers and making Fotia look bad.

"By Order of the Fotian Army, and House Niscent-Hanoxx, you are not to leave this establishment until you have personally apologized to everyone for causing this disturbance, and buy everyone a round of drinks." Eden announced, pointing a commanding finger at the leaving soldiers. He was unsure of what this would do, and how they would react, although they should have some idea of who he was, possibly, maybe? Either way, this bold move certainly would have quieted the atmosphere a bit, and Eve was already curling up around her friend's neck as he was quite regally lording over entire bar from the floor above. It was good to be royal-born, and Eve had no complaints about him currently attempting to impose his authority over some trouble-causing men. It did make for good public reception for Eden, and she was more than happen to allow him to not completely make himself into a royal playboy.


"Bring us to him..."
"Bring us to him..."
"Bring us to him..."
"Bring us to him..."
"Bring us to him..."
"Bring us to him..."

The words recited over in his mind. Their desires echoed, within the darkness. They who guided him this far, they who gave him sight, they who let him see the world. The masters who taught him to cast their spells, how to read and divine their arts, and how to be more than a servant. Yes, he would listen to them, their great advice, their knowledge and wisdom unparalleled. It matters not where they are, for he would listen to them. And they would grant him even greater abilities than just sight, but perhaps they too would let him become like them: Wise and powerful. This was the thoughts of R'lyeh who wandered blindly through the lush forests of Vrondi, feeling his way around the trees and bushes, vines and whatever else he stumbled upon his way. He had no need for sight, not yet at least, not while he was still recovering from his last use of his blood. The masters would guide him through this jungle maze just past the Border of Gaia, they can see all, they who know all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Astrea Nioré

Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi

Everything had been just fine; another almost near-perfect day in Sunfire- the atmosphere within the bar was as it always was; friendly and welcoming. The gentle crackling of flames coming from the fireplace somewhere behind her filling the room with a soft warmth, and the sweet glow of light streaming down from the sun before filtering in through the windows only helping to add to the ever relaxed nature enjoyed by the patrons whom sat comfortably within... that was until the Fotian soldiers decided to enter the bar. Everything had gone quiet- utterly silent apart from the sound of someone shifting uncomfortably within their seat every so often as the conversation continued on between the owner and the soldier that seemed to be in charge- all this ruckus for a couple of thieves; whatever they stole, it must have been really important, especially if they had gone to the lengths of issuing a manhunt right through to Vrondi in hopes of finding the culprits.

At the sound of another and quite commanding voice filling the bar from somewhere above them all, Astrea tore her gaze away from the soldiers, and instead allowed her strikingly beautiful bronze coloured eyes to fall upon the figure of a man standing high above the rest, her soft pink lips parting slightly from one another as she took but a brief moment to look him over- he... was one of them..? But it was more than that; he was a part of the royal house of Niscent-Hanoxx... never before had she seen one of the royals up close before...

“..so you were needing six barrels along with the rest of the list, got it; was there anything else I can ge-... Astrea..? Protogonos to Astrea..?”

“H-Huh..?” Pulled back to the present as the sound of a familiar voice called her name, Astrea quickly turned back to face the bar, a confused look flickering across her features until finally, she remembered the reason that she had come to the bar in the first place- her master wanted to host yet another one of his parties for the other nobles who called Vrondi their home; the only issue with that being, they had run out of alcohol just a couple days passed, and their regular supply was yet to arrive, “Uhm; no... I think that’s everything for now... but if I think of anything else, or something is needed later on; I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as possible.”

“Haha, alright then. Well, if that’s the case, and I’ve got everything you need- why don’t you rest those pretty little wings of yours and have a drink..? Apparently, they’re on the men who’d rather fight then make merry.”

Stooping her head down slightly as a small smile played over her lips, she shifted slightly over the place where she was stood, her hands slipping down from the counter-top to come together in front of her body as her large wings gently fluttered behind her, the action causing a single feather to slip from its place before lightly floating down to rest upon the ground by her bare feet; her head slowly shaking from side to side in answer to his request, “As much as I would love to stay and have a drink with you, Rhione... you know that I can’t. Apologies... but I have to return to master’s side- he is waiting for me.”

“Nawwe... come on... One drink- it’s not going to kill you; and if he gets angry, just tell him about the trouble that came in here today, only... exaggerate it a little bit.”

Unable to help the sweet melodic chuckle that fell out through her lips, she let her attention flick up to once more meet with his gaze, holding it for a few moments before finally, she huffed out a sigh of defeat, her eyes closing as she nodded her head to let him know that she was agreeing, “Alright... but only one, okay- anymore than that, and I won’t be able to get permission to leave for the next month or so...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alan Johnes

A unique method of travelling. That's how he was supposed to react to it and that's exactly what happened. To a normal person, being sucked by a mysterious magic portal of unknown origins and getting god-knows where, a normal reaction would be to freak out at the very least. But not him. He was trained - created - for such absurd situations. What he was expected to do was adapt quickly. After all, he was the team's powerhouse. He decided to follow his usual pattern. Pay only the minimum amount of attention required to respond to Sygma's orders, while focusing all of his remaining attention to their new surroundings. His final decision was to split his attention to a 10% to 90% ratio, respectively. After all, he could leave all the ranting, mumbling and confusion to the other members of the team. After all, he did not have any relation with most of them, other than a standard professional one. Oh, and he was also a lab rat. People tend to avoid lab rats, after all.

A quick scan of the surroundings revealed the obvious fact that they were in a jungle, their rations would diminish soon and that the jungle has been inhabited or at least been visited by living and intelligent beings, judging from the temple. The weird facts included the similarities between a Terrestial jungle and this one, the little to no difference of bodily functions in this world with their own and most of all the fact that the writings on the walls included English. A memory of him reading a book about parallel universes popped suddenly. What if this world is a parallel universe of their own Earth, turning in a dystopia for yet unknown reasons? He chuckled, then dismissed this imaginary scenario. A voice echoed:

"We are leaving. Be alert, but do not act unless I tell you or if your lives are clearly in danger...If you notice anything, report immediately. Alan, we need you to be our vanguard."

Sygma gave the order to leave and Sygma's orders were unquestionable for Alan. Sygma was younger than Alan, he was a normal human and yet he had the guts not only to be in a special force of the Agency, but to lead it too. The young man even helped Alan improve on his fighting techniques even though Alan was already trained by the Agency long before he joined and that's because Sygma was tasked with field operations with superbeings soon after he joined the Agency. Alan had nothing but respect for his leader. It was his first time dealing with the supernatural element on a field operation, so he couldn't think of a more suitable person to guide them.

Alan was last in line, so he could watch over all of his teammates. While keeping an eye on them, he occasionaly averted his gaze around to observe the scenery. Dragons in the sky...that was a first. Their appearance was elegant, eye-striking and intimidating. No wonder this world was always kept in check with such secrecy. Public knowledge about such powerful creatures would cause panic and chaos. Alan tried to take some pride in being part of something so big, but then again, it wouldn't matter if he ended up dead. He relinquished the thought. Dying is an option, only when it does not affect the fate of the world. And that is what this team's survival was all about.

The team's march, along with Alan's studying of the environment was interrupted when a creature descended and revealed itself from a ball of light. It was a creature of big, magnificent stature, with what would be described as angelic wings. The only thing that differed him from an actual angel of religious myths and tales is that he did not have human, but reptilian appearance. That was surely not a creature created by God's own image, that's for sure, Alan tried to joke in his mind to keep his cool.

The other soldiers took out their weapons, but Alan was not so rush. He only reached the hilt of the blade on his back, but did not unsheath his sword yet. The creature was definately considered hostile, but it did not use the element of surprise by attacking the team from the sky and instead decided to appear before them. It was either overconfident or it was not a threat. Alan took his time to judge. He believed that he could make it to the front line in time, in case of a charge from the other side. But that's when his leader took the initiative.

Conversation between Sygma and Tev'lanook takes place

After a conversation with the creature named Tev'lanook, the team acquired two things. A map and an objective. Once again, Alan jokingly thought that Tev'lanook was indeed an angel sent by god to help them, after all. The team now had somewhere to start off, a first step towards their goal. Better than roaming aimlessly in the jungle at least. Letting a smirk flash from his lips, Alan once again watched over his team from the back, while they headed towards the white indicator on the map.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zenphilvian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Viola stayed in the middle of the group, trying to hide her cluelessness. Everyone else appeared to understand the situation, unperturbed by the more exciting events of the day. She kept a steady hand on Julie, ready for an attack at any moment. The whole situation screamed ‘danger’, or ‘drug induced hallucination’.

Drinking in the environment as they walked, Viola took note of every detail she could. There were two particular people in the group that were of interest. Sygma, the leader, who knew exactly what was going on. As least, that’s what she guessed since he was directly involved with the agency that sent them here in the first place. She made a mental note that when she got back, she would demand suitable compensation. There was nothing about magical dragons and portals that had to be opened with blood in the agreement. But that’s what I get for not reading the fine print, Viola chuckled to herself. Some of the others gave her a strange look, since this was not a laughing matter.

But refocusing, she turned her thoughts to the man in the back of the group. He was older, but seemed very capable. The others seemed to avoid him for some reason, but the reason was something Viola couldn’t guess at. He also seemed to be knee-deep in this agency nonsense, but his bearing made her suspect he was being as cautious as she was.

The walk seemed to take an eternity, but Viola estimated it was slightly less than a mile until the lights of a town appeared. Her legs were sore, but more from constant tension than actual tiredness. About five more minutes of walking, the group reached the outskirts of the town. Viola mustered up her courage, and asked the question that had been bugging her this whole time. “Excuse me, Sygma sir, what is going on and what are we going to do next?” She had wanted to add some expletives, but Viola had a gut feeling there would be a time for those later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The day moved onward.

Precautions were made to make sure this jungle ahead of them did not harbor anything that may hinder their progress. Going home with as few casualties as possible is the ultimate goal. In this world of nightmares and make believe, the human mind would have to question its own sanity. However for these humans the supernatural was not something to be explained away. It was and is an mysterious entity without measure to them. Sygma took the ears of his group. He explained the details of the map as best he could, noting that they were headed directly south. He then told the scouts to see what was ahead, much to the dismay of some of the members. There was confirmed dragons of enormous size in their direct path. Sygma made adjustments to the planned route with each new possible danger discovered. He did this with a pen, paper and a rough copy of the map. This world seemed to follow the rules of nature quite the same as earth. As the sight of a small reptile seizing an egg from a perched nest in the trees above reminded them. The scenery was close to the Jurassic age and gave awe to admirers of beauty while rising the tangible danger to others.

The group headed out from their cobble stone slab floor, broken from age and covered in moss. To the vibrant jungle ahead. Two members went ahead with their blades and cut away at the vegetation ahead. Giving clear path to the ones behind them. The rustling of leaves could be heard around them every so often. Leaving to the imagination what laid above within the trees, watching them. Some began to complain about the conditions. Although they were trained soldiers they were mostly able to handle most missions due to their powers and a bit of teamwork. So some of those that attended were not able to contain their rising resentment. Sygma soldiered forward however, acting almost as if the muttering of disdain was not beyond his honed ears's reach. About eighteen minutes of onward hiking, briefly changing direction from time to time thanks to the scout's warnings and the group finally came across the first sign of being close to some kind of civilization. It was a sign marked on a thin short tree with flawless smooth white bark. On the tree was a sign made with golden engravings edged into its flat surface. The wordings structure was whimsical yet flowed in a distinct manner similar to ancient texts on earth. As was the written language of the Descendants the humans were now discovering. However there were words below the text in french that read as a poem.
Laissez qui brille au-dessus de l'obscurité donner de la lumière à votre chemin
Let shining over the darkness give light to your path

The words on the tree were touched by Sygma's gloved hand as he examined it briefly. He looked to some of the members, Alan being one in particular. This was a clue to them as to what they were dealing with. Something that had been set foot on by previous humans from an era not entirely too far from their own.

The map Sygma created was made for safety not to save time. As such the journey took an entire 25 minutes to reach the sight of the luminescent lights dangling from the giant tree. Through that time Sygma remained silent on the hushed uproar accumulating within his ranks. The mission went south, DEEP south. From the very moment they swept into this world. The closing of the gate meant the end of their mission, no more were there to be new monsters or mystic forces to emerge in the human's world. So the mission was completed then, with the casualties being before them. However Sygma had kept silent on it all, letting the tension rise to the point he was questioned directly. “Excuse me, Sygma sir, what is going on and what are we going to do next?”

He stepped a foot on a risen stone before the hill that descended to their salvation. He then hunched forward and blocked the sunlight from his eyes before gazing at the silhouettes of people. He felt this was a good a time as any to begin asking questions, though he wanted to press onward. But since the scouts were yet to be able to see what kind of people were inhabiting the village. He resolved it to be wise to pause. "We are going to find out what a Descendant is, kill it, take its blood. Then head back to where we came." He chose to opt out the speeches and promises of survival. All agency members knew their jobs were dangerous and at times took them to some of the darkest depths of the earth. He looked at the girl, Viola and her tenderness. He then began understanding that some had lives outside the Agency and were not entirely prepared for this so he reluctantly decided to say something to tighten their resolve. "Our mission is to survive and find a way back. There seems to be some rising evidence that there have been people here before. Coming in and out of that gate we closed. Now we are going to talk to the inhabitants of this place in hopes they can help us. Listen, we are lost now, but hope is not lost." He spoke firmly, facing them and pointing to the clearing where the town was visible.

Sygma was met with other questions and concerns which he met with a clear headed answer. It was obvious he had no definite answer to their questions. So the members began to rely on their leaders experience with the Agency to trust his words. He had a sniper scout ahead at the people, they did not appear hostile. However a camp was set at the hill for some of the snipers to keep a watch on them. They set out down the hill which was a 5 minute walk. They arrived at the wooden path above the waters surrounding Sunfire. They calmly walked onward down the path. The sight of large reptiles almost mythical in nature being ridden or used like cattle were beginning to surround them. The people were even dragon like themselves, or human like with a strong aura of the mythical like elves of fantasy, except for one disturbing detail. They had horns much similar to demons, or some had subtle reptilian features. The mix of emotions among the group were visible in their collective energy. Approaching the entrance was Sygma in the lead. He approached calmly but with a slow uneasiness that grew as he neared the glistening armor of the pure Sol guards before them. Before Sygma could utter a word the guards opened the massive wooden doors to allow them into the bustling town of Sunfire. Within this town they were gifted with the sight of angelic people coupled with the previous seen demon people all with dragons for pets and going about as if life were normal. It was through their random discussions the humans learned in a shocked horror that these people spoke English similar to them but with a accent unknown.

The humans garnished much attention however. Their lack of features akin to this world's aboriginals made them a curiosity at the least.

Time passed - 30 minutes - 9:30AM


The bounty papers were set up neatly. The picture of the mixed blooded Lassa sat next to the photos of the newly wanted thieves. As it appeared the Lassa had a higher bounty but for a new bounty these thieves combined 20,000 gold pieces. A new record for a couple of thieves. It was the bar tender who finished the final hammering nail before the words of a Royal graced the ears of the patrons. "By Order of the Fotian Army, and House Niscent-Hanoxx, you are not to leave this establishment until you have personally apologized to everyone for causing this disturbance, and buy everyone a round of drinks." Was spoken and heard. The bartender turned with a ghastly look on his face. He did NOT want his most welcomed guest to be disturbed, it was terrible for business. As such he got a bottle of the best wine, made from the fruits of golden apples guarded by mythic dragons and rushed over to Eden. "Oh please sir do not mind! It is no problem! Please enjoy this on the house! With a reasonable tip..." He exclaimed. Almost bowing with his humble facade.

But despite how Eden reacted the brute of a guard turned. His eye veins visible with the widening as if he was in a severe anger shock, his body fueled with rushing adrenaline. He heaves a heavy breathe through his nostrils like a bull. Slight smoke emitting from underneath his helm from his fuming anger. "E-Eden.." He muttered. He was quite angry at the gesture but knew his ranking. Despite this he knew the Fotian armada, no matter how royal, were warriors who loved to fight. He had to scratch his itch to battle, being bested by one of the best did water his mouth. So he pointed a finger to Eden in a combative stance. "You're King has ordered we search for thieves without mercy. They are to be found alive and given to him immediately!!" He realized that Eden must not have heard of this through his time whoring away his inherited funds. "Y-you didn't hear of this yet have you?" He chuckled. "Even one kept in such high regard knows nothing, such a pity."

The patrons of the bar watched as things unfolded with a drink in their hand. Some even hoped there would be a show. For that guard to be taught a good lesson. The bar owner turned to the guard with tears in his eyes. "How many times must I tell you to leave brute!" The guard responded quickly. "Quiet worm. This is between true warriors." He growled. He looked at Eden, trying to match his eye and watch as his pupils slit to that of a Dragon's. A testament of a Descendant's fury. "I'll spend my entire month's earnings on drinks if you beat me in a contest. No armor, all brawn." The patrons looked at Eden for his response. A show? OR will it be beneath the man of royal blood to step down and get dirty so to speak.

As the commotion went on the two hooded figures entered the bar. They attempted to remain incognito and low key, eyeing the members of this bar for any that looked strong and hungry for battle. The golden eyes of one of them settling on a armored Oro and his companion, who obviously were high in standards. They took a seat and ordered drinks from the waitresses. Who were of sol and some seraphim blood. The Bar owner liked to keep things beautiful, for it was good for business. The bar owner's waitress found a Seraphim Sol which looked like would make for a good employee. Slipping Astrea a note she returned to her duties. Whether Astrea noticed or not it was a note from Mirror, the sign being a blue feather kept inside. Written within it is explained the details of how to talk to him through leaving a note with one of the waitresses here. He asked only one question. "Are you a healer of all?" and much like the notes of school children it had the boxes marked for yes or no, for her to answer in anyway she chose.

Time passage - 10 minutes - 9:10 AM

Of a certain depth of darkness. Dark as in avoid of light. Light as in all we consider good. There they saw him and there they decided upon entering his world. His dark world. A form, or mass, formed from shadow and harboring only a single natural composure... Cold. Whipped around in front of the cursed blooded Lassa. It sat in front of him for a moment. Engaging him with it's whipping cold, right in the midst of the warm sunlight of the Vrondi land.

"Oh such a poor thing..."

It whispered with pity. The voice neither male or female, neither is it happy or sad. The voice was an echo within the back of the mind of R'lyeh. It guided him with cold. For each step he took if it did not cool the sweat of his brow it was not the path it chose for him. If he chose to continue onward to the cold it would lead him to a tree which read, with engravings even for the blind to see.

"What lies beneath all?"

From there the cold would lead him onward to a figure standing beneath a large tree inhabited by a serpent like dragon. Black and marked with indigo. It would slither down the tree to the shadowy posture's feet. Caressing it as would a pet to its master. "Have you ever known the light my friend...?" Asked the darkness, emitting cold from its presence. The voice booming within the walls of the mind of the listener. Neither male, or female, or sad or happy.

"What is it you seek with this power you wield...?"

Black mist evaporating once reaching beyond the collective mass of it. It was shaped in the form of a cloaked being. The cloak itself infused with the same color of darkness as the mist emitting from the crevices of the cloak. The only visible feature beyond darkness being white strands of hair beneath the hood, and a pair of red glowing eyes half hidden beneath. It seemed to be a presence visible even to the ethereal. Nothing about the natural world around it altered yet its presence was exuding a force that could be seen and felt beyond flesh and blood.

Time passage - 10 minutes - 9:10 AM
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Garaten thought that the Fotian's interruption was going to ruin his perfect morning, but now they were actually turning out to be quite entertaining. It was just his luck that the bastard Eden was in the tavern as well. At least he wished he were a bastard. Eden's ties to Queen Niscent and Hanoxx were legitimate, through various blood relatives. The thought of the pure Queen Allo being tied to the brutish King Hanoxx dug at his nerves. He had the thought to try to go through the test to be Gaia king before, and that thought came around a lot more when Eden began to become prominent. He really didn't think he would pass the test though, and he felt like he would be neglecting Tamara even if he became the Gaia king. Now though, the soldier was calling Eden out. Well this is going to be good. He thought to himself as he leaned back, revealing green shorts worn on top of his 'armor'. He knew that Eden wasn't actually that capable a fighter and he had a pretty hot head. His actions did surprise him sometimes though, so Garaten was hoping he wouldn't be a dissapointment this time.

Tamara knew of Garaten's dislike of Eden. Even though he was a little more Sol than Oro, he was 100% Gaian. His patriotism could be a little excessive at times, and could annoy her. As great as a good beating was, she was actually more interested in a pair that came in with hooded cloaks covering themselves. She chuckled a little to herself as they sat next to her. She could tell they were trying to keep a low profile. Whatever reason that was she didn't know, but she did feel like the act of hiding drew a little bit of attention to themselves in the first place. It didn't help she had a thing for the mysterious as well. It helped draw her to the seemingly cold and mysterious Garaten at first, but she has since realized he is quite simple, but she fell to his other charms since figuring him out. She turned in her chair towards them, trying to keep her wings and tail out of the way. "So if you're really trying to hide you need to seem a little more natural. Those dumb Fotians love to harass the suspicious ones. Fortunately they're preoccupied right now, and we are here if you need any help too."

The hooded figures drew some potentially unwanted attention as well. Krutik and Cara were ignoring most of the brutes actions now and had their sights set on this new couple. They didn't want to start anything right now, but the two were very suspicious. Fortunately they might be able to get more information about them as this dragon girl talks to them. They were certainly going to tail them until the time was right to strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 20 min ago

Even though he wore practically nothing, Eden felt hot. No it was not a heat which came from the warming sun, but rather from the heat of the moment. And no it was not that kind of heat either, for it was not the type of moment he spent with the still sleeping girl last night. The wine helped quench his rising temperatures, but even still there was something burning inside of him, a primal call to accept the challenge. Despite the wiser Eve around his neck, wrapping herself around his hand to get a better look at the bottle of wine offered by the Bartender now in her friend's hand. While she had the more fiery temper should she get angry, Eden had the quick fuse, although he seemed to be keeping calm as he gazed upon the bottle. "Sounds like problems at home to me. How embarrassing do you think it is to know my cousin, the King, had to send out his army to find two thieves that had managed to escape his own borders... I thought you boys at home had everything under control."

A fine bottle indeed, stamped and sealed three times with the prestige of such a wine, named and labeled with many awards over the amber-green glass. A claw uncorked the bottle, as Eden began to walk down the stairs, sniffing the vintage with a satisfactory smile. Eve was beginning to sense his playfulness, masking the growing tensions that was heating the entire room up. "It'll probably take more than a month's wages for you to buy this stuff won't it?" And reaching for the nearest hanging empty glass as he passed the bar, Eden poured himself a small sample, swirling the fluid and taking a deep breath of its aromatics before watching the long legs run down like a lovely lady. A consummate consummator and coinsurer of the finer things of life, drinking wine like this was art afforded by Eden's upbringing and status, as he admired the wine before taking a sip. He let it sit upon his tongue, swishing it between his teeth, letting it soak into his gums before he swallowed with a judgmental smile before offering it to Eve. She of course passed, being small enough that even a tiny sip of it would probably intoxicate her, well assuming she didn't waste good wine and burned it all in her stomach.

"If you wanted a contest, you should have been here last night mate, in the bedroom where it counts." He gave a roguish wink to the waitress as she was returning from slipping her note to some Seraphim-Sol girl, quite the wings on that one. Oh boy, Eden's already getting distracted, to which his natural playboy made it impossible for him to resist laying on the charm and flirt even under these situations. "Trust me I'd win that one for sure." Ever so lewdly, was the bottle brought over to his crotch and tippled into an empty flagon of some seated Vrondi girl. The message was quite clear, and of course she blushed as she was given the spotlight, however brief as the royal meandered his way around the bar, now suddenly filling up empty glasses of the bemused patrons in a less lewd way however. Generosity it seemed, would definitely win him the public approval here, redistributing his gift-bottle to the commoners, despite his noble status made him a hero of the people certainly. Despite Eve's hesitancy of such noble, but really quite dangerously stupid act she knew was probably coming his way as he stopped right in front of the challenging Fotian and set down the now-empty bottle.

"So how about if I win, you buy me a drink instead?" Oh gods, no was Eden really going to go through with it? Eve knew better than to expect him to cool off, she could feel his heat against his body, the warmth of his rock-hard scales warmed by the call to prove his masculinity, and warrior culture. A counter-challenge, the terms negotiated as Eden shifted his feet squaring off his stance at the hips, a definite indication of how invested they were now into this, even as they were still negotiating. His hands were brought up, palms half-open, or perhaps half-closed towards himself, an elbow tucked in low, and hand ready to strike at his side. "Come on then. Take your helm off, and let's see that pretty face of yours so I can report this little incident of insubordination."

"He has no right to challenge you Eden." Eve piped up at last, chiming in what she was too late in saying, "no commoner can openly challenge one of your birth. You don't even need to do this, just report him and let the proper authorities take care of it." She was speaking loud enough for the entire bar to hear, but that fell on deaf ears as by now he would not let this disrespect go unpunished. Regardless of the outcome of the fight, Eden was not about to take it sitting down. "Eden, stop it, what are you-?" He had picked her up from off his shoulder and set her properly aside on the bar counter. Her safety was important to him, and more so probably her earful would just distract him further. Eve could hold off on her own, many singed mice whiskers can attest to that, and several 7-legged spiders, maybe even a scratched cat. "Eden..." Eve sighed, deciding to watch from the sidelines at probably stupidity and skittered over to the angelic girl she thought was a waitress. "Can you prep some healing magic? I have a bad feeling about this..." A soft spoken request, almost whispered in comparison to her louder announcement. But she was not a waitress at all, although Astrea blended in with the rest of the hostesses. Then again knowing Eden getting hurt might just be part of his plan to spend more time with one of these girls... Which suddenly came to Eve's mind as she regretted asking for help.

"Now, how about it? Fisticuffs, loser buys the winner a drink." Eden grinned his cocksure smile, a glint of mischief twinkling from the corner of his blue eyes. The odds might be against him in hand-to-hand combat, but the cards should be stacked up against his rival here. Time to see if this infantry was smarter than the average warhead or not.


Stare back into the blind abyss for long enough, and perhaps it shall devour you.
What is the darkness? It is formless, shapeless, without mass, yet it exists.
It is the void of nothingness, inexistence itself which feeds and swallows all.
Faceless and timeless, it watches the rest of the universe dance around it.
Behold the nameless one, the Blind Idiot God: The Primal Darkness!

Each step taken, a deeper descent into madness, the blind horror of being guided not be the light, but by the dark. Forces beyond this world, and the next, forces which seek to change this beautiful land into a twisted reality of that which should not be. A mockery of life and eternity, a world which neither sleeps or wakens, an animation between life and death itself. Not a dead world, but an Undead world.

"Oh such a poor thing..."

"W-Who is there?" His voice faltered with his steps, trembling in the cold as he felt it against his skin though even enfolded in his eelskin robes. His stance changed into a cautionary one, as he held his precious book tighter against his chest. Normally people would demand for the voice to show themselves, or reveal themselves, but R'lyeh was blind, and as such had no reason for such a request. "Where are you?"

Pulled into the numbing sensation, the cold which thread him like a bead on string to the source. They all would meet. R'lyeh and his phantasmal associates, with whatever this force was, this voice without meaning. An empty voice, but one which lured him in, bit by bit, drawing the Lassan foolishly in, despite the whispers in his mind driving him to remain focused on getting to the King of Nero. Even now as he stood shadowy figure and its pet.

Yes those voices which served as his hidden council, invisible to most but those capable of seeing the dead forces. Visitants from the outer dark, stranger beings which predated the existence of this world, and survived the destruction of the last. Ancient beings, sorcerer-kings, and necrolords who served the means to an end for the Grey One. They appeared to those who could see them in their most horrific appearance, cloaked in tatters of clothing as a mass of terrible tentacles, flesh and bone. Warped souls which had taken to servitude beyond death, in order to gain powers over it. There were at least six surrounding their pupil, although how many truly were bound to the book was uncertain. What was certain was this diabolical meeting between two forces, or at least representatives of such.

"Why do you stop us..."
"Leave us be..."
"And we may spare you..."
"He is our student..."
"He must bring us to him..."
"yes, bring us to him..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Astrea Nioré

Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi

“Seems as though you might have caught someone’s eye, Astrea... hmph. Here you go- it’s on me beautiful.”

The feeling of parchment brushing against her flesh caused her to twist her hand ever so slightly, her fingers slowly working to draw the note into her palm as her gaze once more lifted up to meet with that of Rhione as he held out a drink for her to take, her soft bronze eyes slowly dropping down to watch the contents of her glass for only a brief few moments before she shook her head lightly from side to side, her hand working bring the note closer into her body as an ever gentle smile played over her lips; her attention once more lifting from the liquid to instead meet with his, “Heh; thanks Rhione... looks as though you have your hands full today- first your royal guest, and then the soldiers... now it seems like they’re going to try and prove themselves by fighting.”

“It’s something that has now become unavoidable; especially considering sir Eden has just accepted the challenge made to him.”

Nodding her head lightly in understanding to what it was that he was saying to her, Astrea waited until he turned his back and went back to work before she brought her attention back to the note she had been handed earlier by one of the many waitresses wandering about the pub- it was clear who it was from... even without looking at it she knew for a fact that the message was from Mirror... She was told the moment that she had been welcomed into the faction that if she ever needed to get in touch with them for any reason, the best way to do that was through the waitresses who worked the tavern... it seemed that it worked both ways.

Hesitating just a moment so that she was able to casually glance over her shoulder, she made sure that the scene going on behind her was still in full swing before she let her full attention once again turn back down to the note she held in her hand; the glass returning back to the counter top before she unfolded the parchment, her eyebrows furrowing slightly in surprise as she looked over the words written in front of her- her healing magic was... a work in progress. She could do a fair amount of things with it; but for major injuries, it took more than one session and a lot of her soul essence to repair... beyond that however, she had become exceedingly skilled with things like a needle and thread- cleaning and stitching wounds back together, taking care of those who were ill... they were things that she had had to learn over the years; things that helped when you were a part of Taxis.

Closing her eyes for only a moment, Astrea let her the tip of her tongue lightly glide over her lips, adding moisture back into them as she thought about what it was that was being asked of her- if they were coming to her... if they were asking if she was a healer of all... then whatever happened must be of priority. Pursing her lips together ever so slightly in concentration as she began to play with the parchment, she twisted the blue feather, using the tip of it to pierce through the box marked ‘yes’ before the sound of an unfamiliar voice filled the air, causing her to once again fold the note up before she turned her gaze down to the small dragon sitting ever watchful on the bar beside her- the beautiful creatures eyes never once leaving the royal’s figure as she made her request.

“U-Uhm...” Her weary gaze flicked up; first meeting with that of the waitress that had slipped her the note, before moving onto the bright sun she could see high in the sky through one of the windows in front of her- so many things were being asked of her... Sliding the note with her answer on it back to the waitress as she once more passed her by, Astrea lightly nodded her head, a small though unsure smile playing over her features as she gave her complete attention back to the dragon who had asked for her help.

“Yes; of course my lady... I will do what I can to help, and to ease your ill feelings...”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With a lavish smile the Sol man retreated behind the bar counter and watched as he poured the cup out into everyone's glass. One of his most expensive gifts being uncorked over decades. I'm sure to make a huge profit regardless of how this turns out! Enough to fix any damages.. He gleefully proclaimed in his mind. Almost a little too loud for other Sol mind readers nearby who could hear him. He stared at the guard, big and intimidating, and Eden. Eden expressed a slender yet honed body that didn't proclaim as much strength in brawn as in sexual and charismatic fortitude. Perhaps his Oro blood made him appear capable in combat, many assumed the Oro's hide were impenetrable. But all hoped he would win.

The Fotian guard turned his head so his left eye could meet the gaze of his subordinates behind him. "Clear a area.." He did this as Eden was speaking, almost in a disrespectful manner. The guards began to clear people from their seats and clear the vicinity directly behind the head guard. Lifting the tables and stacking them to the side to form a circle with a 12 foot radius, the patrons on those tables choosing to stand and watch or leave in resentment. As they executed this Eden prattled onward forcing the attention of the man back on him. By the moment Eden was through with the wine bottle, and his speech, anger exuded from the Tyro's very pores. His exhales were vehemently expressing his anger. He began to unclasp the dragon shaped helmet over his head. Only to reveal underneath was a dragon's head. He was a Tyro with deep Dragon blood. But instead of focusing on the ways of the ancients he has used his gifts of ferocity for battle. His right eye was visibly damaged from a large scar a time ago. "My name is Garooda. I am highest ranking of these behind me. You could have listened to your little friend and waved me away with your legacy.." Speaking with a surprisingly calm voice he unbuckled his shoulder and chest armor, dropping them with a loud thud on the ground. This gave tangible evidence of his strength to onlookers, that coupled with his looks was rather intimidating. He rotated his scaled shoulders. As Fotian tradition he did not wear much underneath his armor and had on nothing but a robe and tunic. It was also evident he stood at least 6'8.

"But now you'll likely not get to make it back to your whore before being taught a good lesson." Garooda stepped into the circle of the flat stone floors. It became evident this bar took in a tourist crowd and many different types from all over the Edafos were there. Chanting to egg on the battle. "My money is on the big one!""Put on a show lover boy!" Accompanied by a whistle. "Blood! Blood! Blood!" and many other colorful one liners were squealed by the onlookers. He made his way to the opposite end of the circle and awaited Eden to enter, he turned to face his opponent. His large clawed hands were formed into a fist revealing his thick scaled knuckles. "I don't think drinks will help you win me over!" He gave a toothy grin. He stepped forward lunging with a right hook to Eden's face. "Prepare for pain!" He roared with a beastly howl.


"Rai.. I think she's looking at ya.."

The hood raised revealing the tender golden eyes and gentle grey hairs falling haphazardly onto protruding white horns of a young Descendant male. He seemed to be no older than his early twenties and something about him seemed oddly Seraphim. His companion had yet to raise her hood upon seeing his mistake. If it were not for the uproar caused by the center of attention then one may have noticed his face. Matching Tamara's humored gaze he returned with a worried one. Incapable of hiding the sheer depth of his inner turmoil that resides within his pupils.

"So if you're really trying to hide you need to seem a little more natural. Those dumb Fotians love to harass the suspicious ones. Fortunately they're preoccupied right now, and we are here if you need any help too."

The one known as Rai attempted to ignore Tamara by sipping his drink slowly and without attention to her words. However the one still well concealed beneath the hood couldn't help but quiver and raise her head up slightly. Revealing a piercing golden eye beneath the darkness of her black hair and shadow oozing cowl. It dripped from her lips into the ear of her companion. "I don't like them.. any of them." She mentioned as if frozen from the grasp of attention. Though they were here to seek refuge trouble seemed to follow them all the way to the safe zone. "I only want to rest for a night.." She whimpered as if pleading to no one in particular. This gave way to a sigh from Rai who looked to her and whispered in return. "We made it though.. Vrondi's kingdom is so close." He exclaimed with a breezy tone, aiming to calm her tension. She looked to Tamara after this and with revealing her face with tears welled in her sockets she silently compressed a. "Yes.."

"We are on our way to the Kingdom of Vrondi... May we talk with you somewhere more private?" Rai asked, tilting his head some as he did so. He rose to his feet and tugged his hood over in all one motion. His companion followed. He walked to a room up a short flight of stairs Eden had descended. Next to Eden's room was another. Fully furnished with trays of food. A blue feather sat on the king sized bed. There laid a blue note written elegantly in a poem.

Tie the blood and bring forth the new era. I await our first meeting my friends. Keep well...
Time passage - 10 minutes - 9:20 am

Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=JDePkbgwYFU


A delighted voice cried in pleasure at the sound of voices among R'lyeh. The voice echoed from the blackened body of the figure before him. The serpent dragon slithered its tongue onto the air and tasting the well of emotions inside R'lyeh. The eyes of the dark being looked at the manipulators with open arms. Upon their revelation of each other being able to see.. no. Feel each other. For only beings of other worlds could possibly comprehend the magnitude of their sight.

"I offer only guidance for the blind.. A way to get to your destination without harm..." The darkness subsided some as the lights rays were allowed to break through the leaves of the jungle. The figure stepped forward toward him. The serpent returning up the tree in a slothful fashion. He reached a cold hand across his face and caressed it tenderly. His form was like a skeleton, bones covered in cold mist in the hue of pure black. "Only to protect your power... from those.. Who will lock it away.. uselessly.." The caressing ended but his words were whispered to the ear of the Lassa. "Make a pact with me.." His hand reached out behind him and a apple was handed to him by the jaws of the serpent. The apple was crimson as any other. He handed it to R'lyeh. "The seal to my endless abilities.. This will grant your wish.." He then vanished from his close presence and hunched in front of the tree awaiting the answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Garaten sat comfortably slouched with a happy grin on his face. He refused Eden's pompous drink to his own more humble tastes. He was excited to see the brat hopefully get beaten.

Tamara was rather suprised that the two would open up to her so quickly. Maybe they thought she was someone that was supposed to help them. From the glimpses that she barely managed to catch of their face, a lot of worry, sadness and pain radiated. Her expression and demeanor changed from one of joviality and happiness to something much more serious and pitiful. The two seemed quite desperate and tired now. They asked to speak with her privately, after explaining they were going to Vrondi. The trip to Vrondi isn't that difficult. Which for someone who didn't understand the constant fear of being caught, Vrondi was an easy trip.

"Sure, I'll follow you I guess." She looked back at Garaten thoroughly enjoying himself and decided to let him stay and watch. "Hey, I'll be back in a few minutes." She whispered in his ear as she walked behind him.

She followed the two upstairs and into their room. "Well, there are quite a few questions I could be asking, but I'll just let you tell me what you want me to know. Although I am curious, what does the note say?"

Krutik and Cara were still watching the events of the bar unfold. Although Krutik was a little keener on the secrets going around right now. He knew this place had some dealings with the Therosi and it seemed like several patrons and staff were all a little on edge trying to act natural while keeping secrets. Cara was preoccupied with keeping an eye on the Fotians. She wanted to make sure they didn't get to nosy in the right ways, but she was also trying to find a good target to find information herself.

As the two hooded figures went upstairs with the dragonlady, Krutik began to realize a potential reward, might actually be extra work to protect. He found himself defending his targets every once in a while. He tried to take as many missions as possible that didn't involve Seraphim or the Therosi. Occasionally he would even take one of their missions, either to fail it intentionally, or protect them. He didn't like thanks or recognition, so he tried to keep it lowkey. He decided to see if the innkeeper would be generous today. He began walking over to him, making it much clearer to the inn that he was very Seraphim. His wings large wings seemed to glow as he made his way to the innkeeper. He kept his body hidden pretty well, but those that were lucky enough to catch a glimpse found a very handsome and mysterious man. He actually enjoyed the inn a lot for this reason. Not like the normal people that enjoyed it to enjoy beauty, but he liked it because it hid his own beauty. He took notice of a small dragon asking one for her healing powers. She was quite radiant herself and had a very distinct scent. I should know better. We all have special features. Freaking Seraphims. Although cursing them, he was really just cursing his own heritage, and his own misfortune. He arrived at the bar and caught the innkeepers attention and brought him close. "Hey, so what's going on today? Why all the secrecy? You wouldn't happen to know who the two that just went upstairs are do you?"

The Fotians seemed to be enveloped with the fight right now and Cara had found a suitable target. One of the men with the main two seemed less enthralled than the rest. He didn't seem to have as much Tyro blood as the rest and didn't share as deeply in their hot-headedness. A moment after Krutik left the table, she made her way to the man in the circle around the fight. She came up on his right side and leaned against him. "Hey soldier. So what's going on here, and why are you all here in the first place?" She looked back and forth between him and the fight, making it look like she was interested in both. She also kept most of her left side to him so that he would see more of her cute side, rather than her robot side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 20 min ago

Blink, and you'll miss it. A sly move to be wagered against a much larger opponent. While Eden was primarily a marksman, he did have some training in martial combat, and more important, hand-to-hand combat to shrug off a opponent who managed to get within distance to him after being riddled by bullets or flames. Garooda was just that, a big brute of a man, maybe due to his dragon blood which was easily detectable by his appearance. Large, heavy muscles over a scaled frame, a bruiser with claws and a smoking temper to match. If Eden had a short fuse, this man had no fuse at all, given his bull's snorting and now that bull was charging.

It was hard to take Eden seriously, between his charismatic persona and almost childish nature, he was grossly underestimated by his peers. Yet that was fine, it made him a lover not a fighter, even with a few impossible marks under his belt, he preferred focusing on his conquests below the belt. Rumor was after all, he achieved his rank and position by some nepotism, but he did go through the training required, and also some more specialized instruction from the Royal Guards. This meant that even though he introduced himself as just Eden Niscent-Hanoxx, he could claim the title Captain and most definitely defend it. Now as he stood in the arena, his combat stance was evidence to those keen to look past the playboy. His powerful hips and core, gleaned through a regiment of training and kept through bedroom activities. His palms were open with curled back claws, neither a committed fist, nor a flat hand capable of deflecting or striking with a curl or uncurl. His smug smile, jeering at the opponent as he waited for the first move from the aggressor. The bait was taken.

There it was, in response to the incoming fist, thrown in from the right, aimed at his face. Did the guard think this was the first bar fight Eden took part in? And did he think he was the biggest foe he had to contend with? If it was one thing that was clear, Eden was more agile, quicker on his feet to react as he stepped into his opponent's space and drew his right elbow into the dragon-breed's chest. But this was not the main goal of the defense, but rather to close up the distance between them as Eden's trunk twisted around focusing on manipulating Garooda's extend arm into stopping the attack. His left hand deflected the strike down at the wrist, checking the attack as his the edge of Eden's right hand pulled it self across the forearm to prevent further extension as the pressure on the cubital joint barred the upper arm. Locked in position, and having both successfully blocked the attack and giving a wink at Eve and Astrea, whipped himself back around his center but not before gripping the dragon-spawns wrist and elbow joint.

His hips provided the power, the quick snapping motion of the power-stroke movement. Force applied at the lever arm, controlling the wrist and elbow, to take the forearm, forearm to take upper arm, and upper arm to the shoulder, and finally shoulder to take the body. Pushing against the shoulder joint, by means of forced inward rotation, spiraling clockwise towards the floor. The body must follow limb, and limb must follow Eden's will. A hip check bumped Garooda now as he was taken by Eden's artful grapple. More pressure pushed into his shoulder to force his upper body to drop beneath Eden as he stood hip to hip against his opponent and their apparent difference in height abated with the arm-lock control applying more anatomical discomfort to force Garooda into dropping towards the floor on his knees. Could he resist it? Or was it proper that Eden caused him to kneel?

A sickening crunch of bone was heard. Perhaps stopping the show for the crowd. But Eve knew exactly how Eden planned to fight. He was bold and rash, but not stupid enough to think he could take the obviously stronger Guardsmen directly. Eve sighed a moment of relief, when Astrea confirmed she could heal the fighters, more concerned about Eden than his opponent, even if her friend had just taken the advantage and pressed the attack. "My lady?" She inquired at the angelic being, "Oh I'm not... Well I mean to say Eden's... Just call me Eve, please, you don't need to be so formal to me, although I can see why you thought I was someone important because of Eden but... If I could get your name Miss?" A tiny dragon standing atop a bar counter, talking with a Seraphim. A bar brawl afforded some strangers who were feeling up the stairs, and some strangers who sat in the back to watch it all.

"You really should watch your mouth." Eden's eyes betrayed his grinning face, the humor almost drained and replaced with pure sadism. Letting go of the arm, was the easy part, now that it was broken. The elbow joint was destroyed, precise knee strike at the elbow to cause an unwanted force reversing the joint before his barefoot was set back down. "I'll break your other arm if you don't apologize to her when she wakes." A rather escalated response, but certainly a romantic notion to defend a lady's honor, even if she did sleep with Eden who had slept with more women than his cousin's slain dragons probably. Of course women were easier to come by usually, giving credit to King Hanoxx for all his kills.

With that Eden stepped back, as if giving Garooda time to reconsider the entire fight, and picked up his glass of wine before taking another sip to work the crowd. Were they not entertained? The sheer brutality of breaking a man's arm, disappeared into the gallantry of defending a lady's honor, to now self-indulgent hedonism. The wine helped soften the image, reminding the watchers what was at stake here was both just wagered drink, and more than just a wagered drink. The interplays of power, dominance, and that warrior culture, mixed in with sovereignty, authority, and free will. Was it an abuse of Eden's power to do what he did? To openly call out the soldiers? But was it not for the greater good with his intentions of having them restore the bar in proper order? To apologize to the harassed? The lines of right and wrong were blurred, perhaps there was no moral rectitude to be had at a bar all.

"My cousin kills dragons you know. Runs a whole guild of dragonslayers, when he's not too busy running a Kingdom." He taunted the injured guard, "And well you're no Dragon, but I wonder if I can drag your sorry ass to the guild and they'll let me in? So... How about that drink?" Salt on the wound, as Eden set the glass back down and prepared for another attack as he continued to stoke the flames of burning rage. All for the entertainment of his current company, and much to Eve's disapproval. Though they really should stop become someone gets seriously injured. But then again this seemed like a Tyro affair, and technically since it was an army member disregarding a direct order from both a superior and one of their royal families, who had the right to intervene with what could be considered Kingdom affairs?


"He shall bring us to him..."
"We find your proposal intriguing..."
"Meet us at the crossroads..."
"He is our student..."
"Now leave his thoughts..."
"We are the masters..."

Six against one, the voices within and without. A single pawn caught between forces beyond him. A shudder at the touch across his face, gentle but cold. He saw nothing, but darkness, or whatever it was he saw trapped in a sightless world. A void of vision only temporarily relieved by the use of magic, and even then sight was an illusion. The question unanswered, but perhaps it seems like his dark masters had the answers they sought. For in his hands now were both book and an apple. Symbolic of the fork now offered, a new stranger, a powerful force certain with a presence felt by not only R'lyeh but also perhaps concerned his masters as they were silenced by the appearance of another entity. The poor Lassan was lost, bringing the apple to his lips to feel what he could not see through the more sensitive touch.

"What are you?" the blind man asked, the question which also peaked in the minds of this master. Or at least they knew what it was, but not which it was. The cosmic entities which roamed the multiverse was plentiful, and the cosmology was too bastardized to consider even attempting to explain with beings who could not understand conceptions beyond the first 6 dimensions, let alone the idea of forces beyond their control.

"What do you propose?..."
"An offering to meet our ends?..."
"But what are you goals?..."
"The Grey One seeks perfection..."
"Tell no secrets between us..."
"We are the masters..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 2 days ago

Astrea Nioré

Bar and Inn ~ Sunfire ~ Vrondi

”My lady? Oh I’m not... Well I mean to say Eden’s...”

Unable to help the slightly pained wince that crossed over her features as she heard the both sickening though ever unmistakable crunching of bones snapping, Astrea quickly turned her head down and to the side, her eyes fluttering to a close and her shoulders hunching over as she tried to rid her mind of the horrible sound- what was the point of fighting..? Shattering bones, striking down lives, tearing families apart... all fighting ever did was bring heartache and sorrow to all those involved, and for what..? Glory on the battlefield- a name to be remembered by all as time continued to pass them by. How many lost would it take for them to realize that there was a better way...

”Just call me Eve, please, you don’t need to be so formal to me, although I can see why you thought I was someone important because of Eden but... If I could get your name Miss?”

Taking another moment to completely push all thought of the broken and shattered bones that would be causing pain to shoot through the affected limb, Astrea slowly began to open her eyes once more, allowing her attention to instead focus upon the dragon speaking with her rather than on the brawl that was going on before them, her head nodding softly up and down in understanding to her request as she once again turned herself back around to face the bar top, her hand reaching out to take up her drink before finally answering the question that had been asked of her in the first place, “Apologies... it is not very often that I am able to both meet and converse with someone as kind and considerate as you, Eve. Please forgive my rudeness; my name is Astrea Nioré- it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Catching the sound of Eden’s voice once more filling the bar behind her, Astrea turned her head back around, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she watched the scene from over her shoulder, her long dark locks brushing lightly back and forth over her back as she, like the rest of the spectators, watched on in silence- she’d heard many things about him... about the royal stood making light of the rather serious situation that he had so happily walked right into with what looked like open arms. Eden was a womanizer, a trouble maker- a man she had been warned about by her master; though now that he was in front of her, defending the honor of a woman he barely knew, she had to wonder if the rumored bad-boy of the royal family didn’t have more to him than just that.

“Your friend... he is as handsome they say.” Once more turning back to the bar, Astrea took pause to lift her glass up to her lips, taking a moment to let some of the liquid within fall into her mouth and down her throat before she returned it back to the counter, a small smile playing over her lips for a brief part of a second before she turned her gaze back to the small dragon keeping her company, her eyes taking in the beautiful red scales that covered Eve’s lithe figure before she once again spoke, a slightly apologetic look crossing over her features as she couldn’t help but to speak her mind and ask what it was she wished, “..but truly; is always this cocky and arrogant in his skill..?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=9uIZmrCjHLI&ebc=AN..

The humans were looked at with curiosity. Less for their features than their actual attire. This gave Descendants a idea that they were outsiders of Vrondi but more so a minority of all of the Edafos. However many decided that they were likely from Nero or some far off branch of a village or town. As they walked onward into the massive tree the lack of darkness would surprise them. Lights were on very brightly. It gave the illusion of being outside. As they moved onward Sygma was bumped by a Seraphim. Thinking nothing of it Sygma shrugs it off until he sees a jeweled red ring dropped by the Seraphim. He picks it up and turns to see where the presence of this angel was. He looked with wide eyes as the blue tinted hands of the being beckoned him to follow. Sygma only now notices that the Seraphim is wearing a mask. "Come on." He mentions to his group to follow him, as he followed the mysterious character. His team cut through the crowds and entered a bar. Sygma opened the doors right before the first sway of the door closing behind his target. He looked to see that there were many Seraphim in this bar, but the masked one vanished. Not wanting to bring attention to himself he walked to a table, the place was obviously a bar though it seemed a bit old world. He raises a hand after sitting for a waitress. The members of his group questioning the motives behind this.

"Hello what can I do for you?" Asks a waitress that brought awe with her glowing hair, giving off vibrancy that like the sun. Sygma gulped at the sheer unabashed fantasy before them. However he found his nerves of steel tested, it did not show in his speech. "Water please." The waitress smiled and nodded but before she could turn to walk away Sygma called her attention once more. This time speaking lowly. "What exactly is a Descendant and a Seraphim?" She looks at him like he's joking or crazy. But she entertains his question, not losing her pleasant tone. "We all are Descendants, I mean some are considered a Seraphim but we all are the same. Even if we look different." She gave her speech thinking that she was on the spot for advocating equality. But her answer indirectly gave Sygma a good clue of what they were dealing with. Much like humans of altering ethnic groups Descendant was a word for the sum total of all their kind. Though how a demon, a angel, or a dragonic man can be considered of the same species baffled him. He speaks with his team asking what they think they should do with their new found information.


The Fotian soldier is stiff when Cara leans onto him. He does not react much but upon noticing her and her fair features he flirted in return. Most Fotian people are hardy but tempted by lust easily. "We are here for a couple of thieves, 20,000 worth of pieces for both. The King has sent out an order himself to catch these two. We are proud Guards of the royal city, some of his army has been sent out beyond even here to find them. A sacred artifact from the Fotian kingdom was taken." He whispered the last part due to his secrecy oath. He then attempted to grab her by the side, being forceful and awkward. "Perhaps you can come with us, I'm sure my captain and others would love to meet you." He let out a deep chuckle that was altered under the vibration of his helmet.

Garooda lets out a deep howl in agony as his bones snap under the pressure of Eden's manipulations of his weaker joints. "I'll never.." He groaned to Eden's request for an apology. His good eye turning a blistering red from the anger and pain from the humiliation. His heaving breath blows the dust from the floor with each snorting exhale. He groans when Eden releases him and begins to crawl to his feet. His broken arm going limp as he did this. His good arm holding onto it. He roared in anger, widening his jaws and spits fire in anger similar to a Bunsen burner. He closed his jaws after and steam escaped from his gritted teeth, evaporating as they danced in the air. He had suffered worse than broken limbs in the past so the fight was far from out of him. But he knew when over extending his already risky behavior was not due. "And well you're no Dragon, but I wonder if I can drag your sorry ass to the guild and they'll let me in? So... How about that drink?" Said Eden. Stoking the rage inside Garooda even more. His good hand began to light up like a fire and steam escaped his palm as a gentle light was seen underneath his hand. After a few seconds of hearing bones being snapped back into place he stopped, removing his hand from his arm and then began stretching his broken arm out. Revealing it was healed. He chuckled a bit at Eden's words now. Replying with a cocky grin. "I'd be a hell of a lot harder to kill than a mere Dragon." He then gestured for his subordinates to throw him a bag from a satchel on his armor. It was a leather bag filled with jewels and other rare stone pieces all viable as currency in this world. "Here.. Take your money, you've won for now." He went and tossed the bag on the ground before Eden, a few stones spilling out. One of his fellow guardsmen opened the door for Garooda while another walked out with his armor in his arms. Garooda turned to leave but gave Eden one final look. "Try not to disgrace our people further.." He pulled a blade from underneath his clothing and pierced a table with it, before strolling toward the door and out.

The Sol bar owner is approached by Krutik and spoken to. Without paying him much mind, as his focus was on the bag of jewels tossed down by the guard. "I haven't the slightest idea what you mean." He looks at Krutik quizzically wondering if he saw something he did not. Everyone was looking at the fight, including him most intently. He looked up the stairs and saw nothing but the few royal guest rooms. One belonged to the one known as Mirror, who was well respected among the people of the Vrondi lands and even owned this bar covertly. The other was Eden, a elite Fotian soldier with royal blood in two kingdoms. "Oooh, perhaps that is Mirror, our honored guest. He does love his privacy." He mentioned to Krutik with a wave of his hand as if to shoo away the issue. Clearly if they had the key to open the door it must belong to Mirror He thought.

He looked Krutik up and down with a hand placed to his chin. "You're a strong looking one, how much do you cost? I mostly hire Seraphim female waitresses but males are good for variety."

The hooded girl removed her hood and looked at Tamara. She stood a few feet away from her and looked deep into her eyes. Rai did not pay much attention and instead observed the room, obviously this being his first time in here.

"I know you're wondering why we brought you here. Well just try to keep calm, like don't scream or anything. My name is Sai by the way." Before allowing Tamara a chance to react there was a white light emitted from the eyes of Sai, then, like a jolt of lightning from the heavens, Tamara was thrown into a vision that felt more than real. She was where she felt most happy doing something she dreamed of. In this she would forget of her past life, as if it were a dream itself. After a moment of this Tamara was brought back, standing where she was and no passage of time seemed to have taken place. Sai had delved into Tamara's mind and memories. She saw how the guards were looking for them and some of the patrons that were there. Eden included. "What a poser.." She chuckled.

Rai walked over to the bed and grabbed the paper by Mirror and began reading it. "I think we have all that we need from you.. uhm" "Tamara.." "Right. So now you can go." Said Rai with Sai chiming in for the name, having read Tamara's mind and all.

as they talked the seraphim from before began to form from the mist coming through the wooden cracks of the floors. Forming into the masked seraphim it stood before the three grounded by gravity much unlike its appearance. Everything looking seraphim almost to a cosmic level, having no hair and the flesh being of a blue hue. Its mask was white and the eyes were perpetually glowing with a yellow and orange scattered mixture. Rai and Sai reacted in surprise, however they refrained from drawing in weaponry. As the Seraphim turned to look at the two Rai shouted with a excited tone. "Makhaira! What are you doing here?" He looked in awe of the appearance of one of the highest ranking in the Aion. The voice echoed within their minds as a hand was raised. No time for pleasant hellos.. There are a few guests entering this bar. You are to go to them, speak with the one known as Sygma and aid them on their journey home in exchange for protection in delivering the blood seal. Farewell. The Seraphim then began to deteriorate into a cloudy mist once more, slowing seeping into the cracks. As he did this a book was thrown at his intangible form by Sai. "What the FUCK!" She shouted hitting a wall with the 200 paged paper back.

As this happened Tamara was left to be there. "Well we know we got some people we can trust now.. Tamara was it? Apologies for all this weirdness. We are the ones with bounties on our heads. We are not thieves I swear.." Said Sai to Tamara. "Listen I read your memories I know I can trust that you're not in allegiance with Fotia or the Therosi. But is your master trust worthy too? You should be free, I think owning any Dragons beyond the ferals is sadistic." She sat on the bed as she spoke and hummed out the last part while her eyes were looking up at the ceiling. Rai headed for the door, replacing his hood so it shadowed his face. "I'll go speak to the guests.." Rai walked down the stairs and found the area clearing some, except for the humans who walked in refilling the place. They were indeed a odd bunch, and so Rai approached them calmly. "Hello, Sygma?" He spoke low to not gain too much attention. But loud enough for the humans in his vicinity to hear. He drew the attention of all of the humans however and their tensions with it.


The darkness looked at the personifications of the books dark powers with a unchanging expression. As if what was visible of his person was akin to a mask, only hiding the ugly truth underneath. "I seek a expanse of my power. Two things for certain will guarantee I bestow to you my limitless power. The Scythe of the lord of the Nero Kingdom. Only his weapon will satiate my desires, yet one as him cannot be easily met or tricked.. I only require you seek him out, then I will aid you." The mass began to recede into the ground leaving just the head of the figure. "Come I will give you a path in which to guide you with ease.." His head vanished within the pool of darkness formed onto the earth. The serpent of massive size made its way down the tree and into the dark portal.

Upon entering the pool of darkness R'lyeh would feel a cold like mist engulf his body. He then would rise from the very pit he entered out into a new location. He would be near the entrance of the town of Twilight. The cold would guide him as before and would lead him to the guide posts. There descendants spoke with a freelance guider whom vowed to reveal the safest route to the Kingdom of Nero.

Time : 9:35
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cara got a little uncomfortable as the Fotian grabbed her, but she was careful that he only grabbed her around the waist and didn't find out ot quickly her other arm was a weapon. It seemed like they were about to leave, with Garooda throwing the jewels to Eden, so she decided now would be a good time to get away. She shoved off of him with her hand, and faced him more directly. Unfortunately now all of her features were clear. "Oooh, I'm not to sure about meeting a large group of people. I was really just hoping to get to know you, and your captain there looks way to scary for me. It looks like your leaving now anyways. Maybe I can meet you at your next destination? Where are you headed next?" She wasn't sure if he'd still be intrested enough to tell her anything more, but it was worth a shot before he left. She already got that some sacred artifact was taken from them.

Garaten was rather disappointed the fight had ended the way it had. He wished the brat had gotten a little discipline, but with his skills it seems that either Garooda would have had to seriously hurt him to do anything. Garaten was familiar with Garooda's strength and that was barely a fraction of it. He was well disciplined though and since Eden had felled him, he declared Eden the winner and paid up. Still rather indignantly though, but what can you expect from a Fotian. They always were sore losers. Garaten called for a waitress to get a refill of his original drink. He was still enjoying his relaxing morning. He noticed a large group of some weird looking descendants come in as well. I've never seen so many Nero all together before. Unless they're not Nero?

The bar owner was either playing dumb pretty well or he really didn't know anything. He did give out the name Mirror, which Krutik had heard rumors of him being high ranking in the Aion. It seemed like the bar owner was done with Krutik, until he gave him a second look. When he offered Krutik a job, he was done with the bar owner. He replied with an unamused face. "Thanks, but I'm not looking for work." With that he walked away, back to his table. If Mirror is the one everyone's after our mission is going to have to change. I wonder how Cara's doing.

The girl removed her hood and looked intently into Tamara's eyes. She didn't notice it at first and saw the other looking around the room. When Sai introduced herself and said not to scream, she noticed the stare and thought it a little weird. Without time to say or do anything though, she was thrown somewhere else. She realized she was being squished, or more like just held. She looked to her left and there was Allo hugging her from one side, and looking to her right she saw Garaten holding her as well. She had no idea how she got there, but all she knew was that there embrace felt warm and safe. As much as she came off as a lover of the exciting, this was the happiest place she could be. Unfortunately for her, it ended a moment later and she was brought back to the room with Sai and the other one.

"What on Pro was that!" The two seemed to take nothing of it, and now they somehow knew her name. The man even had the gall to dismiss her. If it weren't for years of training with Garaten, she would be a full blown dragon right now. "Yeah right I'm dismissed, but you two are explaining yourselves now." They seemed to be completely ignoring her and going about their own conversation casually. Tamara was having a hard time controlling herself with these two. Then some new guy entered through mist in the floor boards. He didn't look like he was speaking but Tamara still heard him. Who is this guy? Who is Sygma? Guide them home safely in exchange for the blood seal? Sai yelled it first as she threw a book at this Makhaira, but Tamara was thinking the same thing.

Sai now turned to Tamara as she explained their situation a little. Tamara began to calm down, but as Sai explained how she read her mind and questioned her master's trustworthiness and explained how she thought Garaten 'owning' her was sadistic, she lost it. Once Rai left, She gave a mighty leap, diving at Sai and pinning her to the bed. Claws grew out and dug into the mattress securing the woman down. With a strange green glow in her eyes and serated teeth she spoke to Sai. "If you read my mind you should know how trustworthy my 'master' is. My 'master' is also the reason I'm not gnawing on your head right now. Garaten has helped me a lot and I help him in return. Now please, explain what is going on then Gare and I will help you." Tamara was still on top of Sai, but her features had calmed again and her grip lightened up as well. Tamara knew she was technically a slave, but she liked to think of herself as more of Garaten's sidekick. He treated her well, and even if given the option to leave him, she probably wouldn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Events were unfolding quickly for Sygma's team until they reached Vrondi. The presence of humans did not cause a commotion in the town, only a few expected gazes from time to time. It was either due to the Descendants not seeing the humans as a threat or because, due to the range of races throughout the city, they did not stand out that much. He didn't care to check for a reason anyway. The town's structure piqued Alan's interest and the unexpected lights inside was a wondrous fact. Maybe if they weren't on a strict mission, he would take his time finding out more about the "engineering" behind it. As usual, he was behind everyone else, enjoying listening to the other soldiers' comments of their whereabouts. Trained as they were, they weren't supposed to just keep silent about their unfamiliar surroundings as he was. Of course, he would avoid talking to them either way. He didn't find any pleasure talking to people who, by the end of the day, still consider him as a means to protect themselves. He was fully aware that it was a common reaction to treat someone different with fear, even if the specific team was made to deal with different. The only one who seemed clueless of what was going was a girl on the team, At first, Alan thought that she was another soldier of the agency, but her behaviour forced him to reconsider. Still, he decided to give the girl some room to deal with things by herself. After all, she couldn't be here by chance.

After walking through the streets for sometime, an odd event took place. Someone bumped into their captain, but Alan sensed no malice in the action. He was going to let it off as an accident, if only Sygma didn't pick something - Alan didn't see the reason to focus on what happened and didn't notice - from the ground and the mysterious masked figure didn't casually ask him to follow. Things were getting weirder and weirder. First they are shown the way to this town, then someone just asks strangers to follow him. It was as if some kind of calculated plan was unfolding and they were but a part of it. Only then did Alan realize that things were not as they seemed to be.

Following their captain's order, they entered a small bar. There were others inside as well. Alan was on his toes. Bars tend to be particulary dangerous places and things get nasty sometimes. Sygma sat down and asked for some water from the waitress, while his team was taking other seats or spots nearby. Of course, Alan did not have the luxury of sitting down. He stood right behind Sygma, as a good bodyguard would do. He tried to think of something to take away his mind from all this "mystery plan" he came up a while ago and came up wondering if drinks here are the same as in the human world. Apparently, both worlds were supplying water, at least.

A short conversation with the waitress occured, in which Sygma got some valuable information. Apparently Descendants were this world's humans. But of course, the differences couldn't be just color or language based. There had to be demons and dragons...If there is a greater force up there, it sure has a great sense of humor, he chuckled.

With this info at hand, combined with the behaviour of the Descendants and the plan that Alan thought was unfolding, he took the initiative and bent over behins Sygma to whisper lowly enough so that the other soldiers would not listen:

"Sir, I think that there is more than meets the eye in this world. People here are not all vicious monsters that come through the portal and the events that occured up until now do make it seem plausible that there is a reason for us being here. I think that, eveif we succesfully closed that gate, we should not prioritize our return before we find out more about Edafos. There might be even more valuable information we could use before we return ho..."

Alan's speech was interrupted by a descendant who inexplicably knew Sygma's name. It was evident that the wheels of fate were starting to move slowly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 20 min ago

"Not sticking around for a drink?" Eden smiled in his sudden victory over the dragonbreed. His opponent had healed himself nicely, however the humiliation of being so quickly dispatched over the stares of the onlookers was certainly enough to break the spirit of any warrior. Besides, Eden seemed to take this grudge match like a joke, giving the momentarily incapacitated foe time to heal up as he disengaged to quaff his expensive elixir. Not the smartest thing to do when fighting someone of Garooda's evident abilities, but certainly enough to make Eden appear to be the superior of the two by controlling the focus of the very battle itself. Maybe he was a great tactician, or maybe it was just his charismatic persona that naturally made the spotlight shine upon him as he worked the crowd? "Don't let the door hit you on the way out then, Garth or whatever your name was..."

Your friend... he is as handsome they say.

This comment slightly concerned Eve. While the angelic girl was very polite, and evidently introduced herself formally, giving both first and last name. Something which Eden never really cared for, only first names. See the trick with last names was if there ever was a war of succession and Eden's lineage would somehow be able to ascend the throne, there may or may not be several women claiming to be bearing his child. That being said, Eden was usually luckily unlucky, somehow managing to avoid having baby issues with the number of girls he shared intimate moments with all these years. And if all else fails? Those poisons from Nero usually did the trick and avoided all sorts of bloodline troubles. A little something to make it less hospitable for birth without harming his lover, or detracting from their love-making.

Back to the matter at hand, or at least at mind, As Eve shook her head in response to Astrea, "Well Ms. Nioré, don't let his charm get the better of you. He's cute and very well end-, I mean- Off. Yes, Very well off, is what I mean to say obviously." Subtle hints at the underlying desire that Eve had for Eden discussed with a girl who may or may not be the next object of Eden's attention? Oh she was slipping, but then again, as Eden proved, he wasn't just all about the ladies and a good time. Sure he was a cocky, arrogant, playboy, but at least he had the skills to back up his mouth. Even now as the dragon-breed submitted with a scowl at the ever-grinning Eden, Eve felt proud of her companion's victory, in public view now too. "At least he can back up his talk, most of the time anyways." Eve sighed and looked up at Astrea before watching Eden pull the sword out of the table and claim his prize haughtily watching Garooda leave with his damaged pride.

"Settle up everything with the barman for me won't you Eve?" Eden came back over the barside, reveling in his rather quick and decisive victory. There was at least two girls that he passed on the way back over who had a longing look in their eye. Yet, Eden dismissed them with a passing smile wading through the crowds who were moving back tables into proper positions after Eden proclaimed a round of drinks for everyone, courtesy of the Fotian Army. Of course, there was one girl who was on Eden's mind, as he extended his hand towards her and she curled tail around his wrist to inspect the heavy sack of gem he won. Surely enough to cover the drinks for everyone, and more as a generous tip for the serving gals and bartender. Although Eden had his own coffers upstairs, lying around as if this was the most secure place in the world. Although maybe it was given that there were two important people in one bar. Then without skipping a casanovan beat, Eden tucked Garooda's sword into his belt and gazed at Astrea with her coppery irises and soft pink lips with his boyish charm ever emanating from him. "But first, why don't you introduce me to your new friend here?"

"Eden... He could have seriously hurt you." Here comes the chiding, the scolding and the general disapproval from a miniature dragon who was busy sorting out jewels from Eden's sack, not those kinds of jewels in that kind of sack. She was happy to help Eden count out his winnings, along with whatever rare administrative tasks he was somehow given and then delegated to her. The fairy dragon could hardly let Eden have such heavy responsibilities, someone had to keep him leashed and that someone as she saw was her. Not some girl he would eventually settle down with, that is if he ever settled down at all, and married to have kids that would probably never become princes or princesses in their own right as by that time both sides of Eden's family would have even greater lines of succession. "Mind your manners Eden, this is Ms. Nioré. Be nice to her, she was going to patch you up if the dragonman beat you to a pulp." The drinks were flowing from the bar at this point, waitresses handing out drinks to everyone as Garooda's gems were being exchanged for frothy mugs.

"Oh Relax, Eve, he was easy. All brawn, no brain until I broke him. I'm sure he'll be back for this sword though and a rematch." His eyes never quite left Astrea's gaze though, as the royal blooded seemed to almost inspect the obvious Seraphim woman. A scent of chocolate, soft but present, like a lingering calling card which wafted between them in his study of her. Almost intoxicating, although most of the other waitresses had similar scents which varied from baking sugar cookies to lilac, Astrea's was the most prominent which tickled it way into Eden's nose. "But I wouldn't mind taking a punch or two if it means I get to be healed by her..." At this point Eve bit Eden's hand. Not that her teeth could tear into stone-hard skin, but it was symbolic of her disproval of his flirtation with someone so nice. "I said Punch Eve, not bite." Eden chuckled at his companion's attempts and picked her up to be set on his shoulder having finished her task with distributing the loot. "So what do you say M'lady? Care to inspect me and check on all my functions?" Eden, you know your horns are growing out of your temples right? They don't prevent anyone from slapping your cheeks. Then again, he was always this forward, and more important, if he was slapped, he could definitely have reason for her to give him a check up. Right?

But the lecherous flirting had to come to an abrupt end. It seemed a quaint and curious group of Nerons came into the bar. First the Fotians, now the Neros, surely this was a Vrondi bar right? Cautiously did Eden's hand find itself wrapping around the pommel of Garooda's memento. Nerons were often slippery and a group of them was bizarre to behold, especially above ground. Something was up, and bar was once again under the stress of being The Bar to go to today. Especially now as someone upstairs drew the spotlight on these strangers. Wait a moment, where did Eden see him before? Not the Nerons but the man from upstairs, they might have passed each other last night? No, certainly not, though he looked familiar. Eve might know, but her focus was on the Nerons. "Eden, I think we better leave, soon."

"And miss all the fun?" Eden jutted his head over to the seated Nerons, now being approached by the more familiar stranger of the lot, making sure the bartender would get the message. Buy them a round of drinks, on Garooda's pay. After all, if they were assassins sent here to kill him by some weird politics, it would be much nicer to give them a drink before lopping of their heads.


"Our Goals, Align..."
"Perhaps you shall come to serve us..."
"Or perhaps you believe, we shall come to serve you..."
"We shall betray him, and so too will you betray us, as we would betray you..."
"We need not your power, for we have his truth, which shall break the lies you weave before us..."
"We are the masters, we are the servants, we are prophets of his perfection. Join us, for the Grey One seeks perfection..."

Perhaps the longest the entities had spoken yet. Speech no longer in fragments, as if each retained their composure and individuality for longer periods of time as they began to surround the Other. Six against One, but the odds seemed fair, for certainly these six were merely representatives of a force beyond them. Yet even they had some degree of autonomous power, despite being trapped within the confines of the book. They could not perform the deeds themselves, but certainly an unsuspecting fool can be used as their peon to further their ends. Slowly would they corrupt R'lyeh with their will, transforming him into one of them soon enough. And perhaps, even the King of Nero will fall under their swap. For the sake the kingdom after all, what will a man do? To find his weaknesses, his desires, his goals. Then, twist them to align with ones own before assimilating them into your ranks. Thus the book adds another volume in its wake. And the Grey One? Collects a new world.

"No... The Masters... They do not trust you..." the Lassan stepped back, stumbling over an exposed root. He fell, and scrambled backwards, clutching the book in his hand while discarding the apple as his symbolic choice. They had been good to him, and they shall be the ones to grant him true sight. They whispered their sweet promises into his mind, their words weighing heavy upon the psyche. His devotion was not so easily broken by this Other. "They shall guide me through these woods!"

"Yes, forward through the forest..."
"Into the lands of light..."
"Avoid the God-king..."
"For he would destroy us..."
"For we would destroy him..."
"Bring us to him..."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zenphilvian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Taking a seat at the bar calmed Viola’s nerves quite a bit. Even in this weird place, people still got together to eat, drink, and act like idiots when they had too much to drink. The atmosphere was very similar to a bar on Earth. Where they still on Earth, or was it a different planet or dimension? She decided that it didn’t matter all too much. She then turned her attention to all the other patrons.

There were so many interesting looking- people? people.- with very distinct colors and physical attributes. There was an angelic young woman, complete with feathery wings, a man with what appeared to be a dragon, and a woman who looked like a cyborg. It was certainly overwhelming. Viola wished she had whatever money they used here, because any sort of alcohol would improve the situation by at least 60%. This constant state of awe and wonder and undue stress was starting to get kind of boring.

But just watching people can reveal a lot of information. Despite the astronomical differences between person to person, they all seemed to be ‘human’. The differences seem to indicate some kind of ‘races’, and judging from the crowd, interbreeding between these ‘races’ seemed to be extremely plausible and a common practice.

Sygma was comfortable talking to the waitress, and someone appeared to know him, so that meant that he has been here before. Which meant that he somehow managed to come back. Which begs the question: How come now it was difficult to get back? Was it because this group had done something wrong? They had a goal to achieve here? And where did Viola fit into all of this? I need a drink….
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