Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Things were rolling toward a direct path. Instead of being lost in this surreal world like Alice the group of humans were pointed down a yellow brick road, acquiring partners, much like Dorothy. Onward they would go to be entangled by the vines of fate. The thorns of the vines would soon meet their flesh and draw blood to seal the contract of fate with one another.

Cara's persistence would hold value for a moment. The guard seemed interested still in not leaving her side but his eyes were on the mysterious group. It was obvious something was up by now since the Bar tender collapsed after meeting with them. He placed a right hand on his sheath in preparation for a confrontation. He was taken in by Cara's words however and his ego was challenged a bit. Not that he cared for his looks but he did think he was much better looking than his captain. He removed his hand from the sheath and revealed his persona. His face was that of a normal Fotian, Tyro blood running deep. This made clear through his red scales on the edges of his face. His black horns were broken however, clear sign of battle hardened history. His grin was evident now, toothy with mostly sharp tips. Perhaps a little Dragon did exist in his blood. His yellow eyes, slit like a reptiles eyed Cara up and down with the freshness of air in his nostrils unhindered by the helmet. His hair was short and brown, dehydrated and messy. Though beads of sweat laid on his forehead. "I'll be on a short campaign on the path of Vrondi's capital. But I WILL return here later for you. The Vrondi won't allow my ranks to enter their capital. Those bastards think we'll fuck shit up, which we will." He laughed, chuckling with a deep voice. "But we're told not to anger their King." He seemed to have lost his thought process, scratching his cheek with a gilded hand. But his eyes were admiring Cara's chest. He raised a hand to her chin and raised it. "Be a good girl and stay in this town for me. My name is Dirch, the one and only. I must return before my Captain notices my absence." He retracted his hand to his side and turned to depart. He placed his helmet back on before doing so and left the Inn.

10:20 AM

"Last but not least get us all a room." Sygma haggled with Rai, for the best deal. Rai's sheepish eyes quivered a bit. Unable to think of a way to afford for all these humans to be boarded within this place indefinitely. Then his eyes awakened with a bit of a snap. "There's a room upstairs we can talk about this in." Sygma turned to his people and nodded. "Ok I'll go." Sygma and Rai walked up the stairs alone.

Sai looked at the group of humans and then to Tamara's friend "Gare". The memories she saw let her know a good deal of his personality and she smiled and waved to him unabashedly. "Hiiii~" Her youthfully cheerful persona made her seem cute, and almost harmless. She then turned to Alan, the human who seemed like the man in charge besides Sygma. His silence in this situation seemed a bit odd and she wanted so badly to probe his mind. Marking it on a to do list for later. For now she grinned at him mischievously.

Rai entered the room with Sygma following behind closely. Rai then began to kneel down and crawl along the floors. Sygma crossed his arms with a curious eye brow raised. "What ar-?" Being cut off by a quick "Found it!" By Rai who then raised his head up from behind the bed. He laid out a large bag of jewels on the bed. "Your humans could use this to stay here for about a month or more." He seemed a bit happy for this accomplishment. Sygma shrugged. "Ok good. So what is our route exactly?" Rai sat on the bed and scratched his head. "You mean the way we are going? You never been to Vrondi capital before? Lots of people travel there." Sygma sighed, not feeling the need to explain his situation as it may just prove to hinder the cohesive thought process needed to get them from point A to B safely. "Lets just say we are not from around here. So think you could draw something up for me?" Sygma laid out a pen and paper on the bed for Rai. Who grabbed it and began sketching the route for them. "It's very simple, practically straight path. But there may be Fotian soldiers on this path.." Sygma questioned this for a while, getting the details of weaponry and abilities of these soldiers. Blinking once or twice to the fact that many have fire manipulation abilities.

After the discussion Sygma walked down the stairs with Rai. "Ok.. I got one hell of a grasp on things now. I need these people on my team." He went down the list of who he wanted to be with him. The team went as such. Alan, Viola & Solomon, the mysterious clown faced killer. It was this small team that would be the front line. The others he mentioned will be supporters, like snipers and medics. With that said the group began to fill up on water and food from the bar. Mostly bread and smoked dragon meat that not a single human has ever tasted, though it was similar to venison. Sygma found Garatan to be the strangest of the followers, his armor and strength given from his aura of being made him feel a bit uneasy. Good thing he's on our team The group would then leave the inn and return to the crowd of people within the town, which provided good cover from the Fotian guards that remained within. Rai and Sai led the group to a building that had stairs that led down to a small dock where a few boats sat as if awaiting their arrival. The group would enter the boats and use the rows to move across the waters to the forest. Avoiding the main path out the town of Sunfire. "It's best if we're not seen when leaving..." Sai muttered, losing her cheery tone as she clinched her cloak with fear. Being captured obviously scared her severely.

The boats would stop at the edge of the forest at the end of the water. Exiting the boats as uniformly as possible they enter into the forestation. Sygma looks at the map given to him from earlier and sees the animate arrow pointing to the capital they were headed to. "So what exactly is this blood seal thing anyway?" Sygma asked out loud as he stepped over a few thorny vines. He refrained from asking this in private because he wished for his team to hear it.

"It's something that.. It's something that's been used to hurt many innocent people." Rai looked down, his hair and hood covering his grimacing expression.

The group came to a thick group of vegetation. Sygma pulled out a machete to cut it down but Sai walked in front of him making him pause. Her hood was lowered revealing her antler like horns. With a flash from her eyes the vegetation began to recede. Behind the crawling vines was the beaten clear path down toward the capital. Sygma poked his head out and looked down the path. He whistled at the sheer wonder of how Sai managed to do this feat. "That's handy." He stepped out onto the path and the group followed. Soon they found themselves at a clear grassy field with the sight of a large heavenly kingdom not too far beyond the hill horizon.

Onward they went. The awe never leaving the souls of the humans that passed the beautiful nature before them. But as they walked past a stream of water a odd sound echoed from the sky above. Heads were raised in confusion but Rai and Sai began to move at a bolting pace. "Run!"

Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=Z6R1r6v529k

Emerging from above the tree covering was two bright red dragons being rode by armored soldiers. All the red gave the impression these riders were indeed Fotian. The winged beasts were forced toward a lower flight path above the ground once the soldiers noticed the group. A pointed finger from one made it obvious the two running wanted criminals were practically found out. One went for Rai & Sai, coming from above and behind them like a hawk soaring down to grab its prey. The other hovered before the group of humans. With a loud booming voice the soldier yelled. "Drop your weapons and submit!"

Sygma felt things go underway very quickly. Too quick to talk his way out of it. He wiped a bit of nervous sweat from his brow and lifted his gun pointed to the Dragon and lifted a radio to his mouth with his left hand. "Line the shot. On my mark. Fire!" He shot his weapon, and at the same moment a large bang was heard in the forestation far away behind the group. Two bullets hit the Dragon on the temple, one hitting the eye. The creature cried from its affliction, blood spewed from its wound. "Move!! Spread out!" The veins on his neck bulged as he shouted this, a dire expression on his face.

The control the soldier had over the dragon was negated. This caused him to roll off the beast and land on the ground below and with a expert roll to his feet he was unscathed. He pulled out a mechanism from his side holster. It resembled the engineering of a automatic rifle. As he did this the Dragon half collapsed to the ground. Twisting about and sprinkling crimson on the lime green grass around it. It then opened it's jaws and unleashed a flaming wave of fire from its jaws toward the group. It was over two meters away but the fire reached beyond this. By this time Sygma had cleared the majority of its forward trajectory however the turning of the beast's neck made the flame spread from left to right. Nicking Sygma with it's flames. "Son of a bitch!!"

10:45 AM - Time passage since departure : 25 minutes
Theme : youtube.com/watch?v=8dNdSFp36xQ

Demon and Angel together among the crowd. Though love was blind fate had a direct path, often splitting love apart at its youngest stage.

As the two Descendants walked down the busy path of the morning merchants shops. There was a quiet vibe of the people around them doing their selling and shopping. As the sunlight above through the indoor realm inside the great tree. The eyes of the Sol descended did not so much as squint at the glaring sphere of light beaming on their faces. This was nutrients to them, it was nature to them. As time went on the pace of their morning duties began to grow in vibrations. Their energy being increased the longer they were in the sunlight. The plants around them. The ones making the foundations for much of the wooden shops inner and outer workings. It sprung to life as well sprouting pollen flowers and spreading out into the bodies of the people around the market. It was a special pollen that gave therapeutic chemicals that were harmless. It calmed the majority of people into a easy haze. Those who were not affected were either in deep mental distress or with strong willpower.

A shadow moved along the ground of the two behind them. It moved along the feet of the people walking about the marketplace. The medium sized crowd grabbing the fresh foods, clothes, weapons & armor, medicine, and miscellaneous. This shadow moved with awareness. Precisely darting shadow to shadow from the shuffling crowd. It came to the shadow of Eden. A hand was seen emerging from the shadow that had a prominent shade of black compared to the natural contour. A crimson bladed dagger with a pitch black hilt was held in its grasp.

"Well what do we have here..?"

A man that was a entire foot taller than Eden yet slender, and dressed in more clothes than the majority of the civilians, walked in front of him and Astrea standing only 5 feet away. He had a blue hood over his head but obviously had a light complexion and light blue hairs over his face. At a blink of an eye he swung a hand up and back down to his side. Before one could comprehend his movement speed a transparent shard of ice flew through the air and struck the fingers of the hand rising from the dark. Three fingers flew across the marketplace floor being kicked unknowingly by people. No blood came out of the wound. The blade was dropped on the hard ground behind Eden with a clanging sound. Immediately did the hand recede into the darkness that was only a foot round. The entire dimension of the darkness reducing itself to a minuscule size until it was gone. Those who could comprehend this exchange were only the ones involved. Eden and Astrea had no clue beyond the sound of the dagger dropping. The man pointed his finger and raised his head up revealing his face. The mans finger was raised toward Eden and jutted forward three times as he spoke. "May I have that blade.." He waited for Eden to turn and look at the blade before speaking more in a playful tone. "Y'know.. It's not smart for a royal blooded person as yourself." He looked at Astrea and bowed. "Excuse me for a moment.. healer of all." he winked to her and then returned his eyes to Eden. "It's not wise to be out in the open with no guards of your own." He gave Astrea another glance. "Beauty wont save you from all dangers." He rose a cup from underneath the blue cape similar to a cloak he wore around his neck and over his back. In the wine glass was a golden liquid like that of the bar. He sipped it as it was held by only two fingers dividing between the slender glass beam. It almost glowed in the sunlight. He gave a smirk as he sipped the drink, whilst simultaneously and casually stepping toward Eden.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to cut your date short. You know how to contact him he's Eden of Fotia. Surely won't be a hassle to send him a letter." He placed a hand on Astrea's shoulder and a encasement of ice emerged from her skin. She was frozen in place and in mind. He took down his hood after doing so. Revealing his icy blue eyes and what of his face his hair allowed. The attire on this man was almost cold climate wear. White fur was lined about the ends of his clothes and the edges of his hood. He was dressed in more than anyone else. He looked at the dragon on Eden's shoulder, Eve. He raised his brows at her. "Well hello. Didn't know Eden had a friend in the world.. Well my name is Mirror. Nice to finally meet some people who know how to have fun!"

10:20 AM


They did not like the threatening display from the descendant. These creatures were out for easy prey yet his display did not threaten them. They were a young pack and though they were wary they snapped their jaws in a display of their own. Circling the soon to be meat for the eventual kill. Their size were not as formidable as most feral dragons. But their pack like instincts gave them an edge. As was displayed on their closing in on their target. Though they did not comprehend the effects of the water that whirled around their target. They had instincts. Instincts that told them to attack simultaneously. As the group of four launched at R'lyeh their attack pattern differed. The one from the front came from below and aimed to clasp the legs. The one from the right came straight in for his arm. The left one came from above after jumping 6 feet into the air and came down with a claws on its feet aiming for the head. And finally the one behind R'lyeh was approaching his back in an attempt to catch him off guard and grip onto the back of his neck.
Welp. Avengers! Assemble!!
@InfernoBlaze And since Sygma has no powers It'll be up to most of you to do the fighting. My Co-GM will be joining as a pretty powerful human though. Think Joker with Flash powers. I'm throwing in a few support humans also.
@Nytem4reI got that impression yeah. I also know that original idea roleplays where I'm literally recreating history can be tedious to think about. As far as CS I honor those who can meet my requirements. I'll simplify it since it's only in its beginning stages for sure. But now I'd like someone who can hold enough attention to the lore to grasp the idea. The CS I have no problems organizing as of now and how the info is arranged. An attempt at the CS for now would be fine, even adding some things you couldn't come up with on your own later is fine. I'll accept most anything as long as its original.
@The Grey DustIndeed after you post on R'lyeh's reaction I'll submit my post taking care of everything.
Ok here's how it's gunna go. Eden will be placed in events by me so dont worry about the main group for now. Besides since Fotia is hunting them you might fuck them over since you're with Fotia. But if you choose to ignore the events you can do so if you please. I'm also going to simplify the Character sheet and information on the front page. I humbly thank those who joined early and met my requirements. For this you get special privileges over the others. You already got your leeway for powers, armor, etc. But now you can Ascend if you die. Meaning @Rechonq & @The Grey Dust are way ahead of anyone who joins from now on. Unless they are royalty.
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