Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
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Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="youtube.com/embed/07JekxhVXsk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


The words silenced her. Prayer for what? "Oh little one.. Prayer does and means a great many things. For those who serve the light our prayers strengthen us. Give us the ability to undo the creeping darkness of death. Or to bring judgement on those who seek to spread darkness. For most it will bring them a sense of peace in times of turmoil.." She looked at the angels standing to the right and left of the Vrondi statue. "If we speak through our souls even the creator of us all will hear it."

She watched flame dance as the breeze came through again. The winds blew a chilled air into the atmosphere and gave those in a sense of the cool night air to come. She then began to kneel down. As she did so she turned to face the seraphim. Her head reaching the same height. This made her crimson eyes visible beneath the hood and silver strands of hair. She had no pupils and her eyes were piercing, a yellow hue in the light that hit it.

"You have a light of your own. What is it you want from life? I'm sure a young one such as you could grow to be a mighty wielder of light." She didn't know this ones age. But her own age seemed fairly young. "I can teach you.." As she spoke she attempted to take the hand of the seraphim and place it between her prayer hands. "This is strange.. I can feel your soul.. It's quite substantial for your age.."


The bartender returned to clean the broken cup and the liquid that pooled on the wooden surface. The rowdy noises of the patrons began to settle down as their desire for food and drink were being satiated. However a holler of laughter still broke the ambient chatter every once in a while. The hums of the bartender could be heard as she subconsciously recited the tones of a song.

"They would never come here.." He said with widening eyes. "The armored guardian of the king won't allow a single one to touch the barrier that protects this place.. Only problem is it won't go beyond that. Leaving us to fight what occupies our lands.." He stumbled a bit on the seat as his butt slid off the edge for a second.

"If they did find a way to get through that guardian however.. Perhaps.." He looked him in the eyes for a second before blinking away in thought. "This tree has been here for nearly a thousand years.. At least that's what they say. For it to fall to fanatics.. Impossible.." As he spoke that final word the door swung open behind them. A elite soldier fully armored in the slender shining metals stepped in and toward the drunken soldier.

"Gaien.. There you are! You cannot hide out here." A female voice came from beneath the sturdy figure of the soldier. Her helmet hid her top half like a eagles beak. However her white hair and pale skin indicated a fully blooded Sol woman.

"I expected captain would send one of his dogs for me. I was having a chat with my good friend here." He drew a blank on the name as his hand gestured a reveal, only to curl back in apology. "Listen." He attempted to posture himself as he stood up. The presence of a fellow soldier seeming to put a rod in his spine. Though he was struggling. "You seem like a capable one." He eyed the blade at the dragonkin's side. "We are looking for capable warriors to help us. For mercenaries the pay is well. Far better than what we get.." The female soldier stomped a foot at his comments. "Sorry.." He said looking sheepishly at the boots of his peer. "..come if you will.. But I wouldn't recommend it.."
I actually know this guy from way back.
@Landaus Five-One
Sup dude long time no chat. Haha. Good ol days at STF

She said with surprise in her tone. She could be felt blinking at the seraphim despite her face being covered. However from below one could see her small lips and acute jawline. "Perhaps you were right to sneak here.. There are not many that come up here beyond prayer." She lifted her clasped hands to her chest as she spoke the words. Prayer.. She thought.

"Little seraphim.." A small pause as the wind passed with a whistle. "You have a strange way of speaking. Though I do find it quite enjoyable... My name is Luna. I tend to the fires.. and other aesthetics of this place." She looked to the statue of Vrondi again, looking into his face and empty stone eyes. "Do you know the way of prayer?" She spoke without turning her head. This one seems quite young... She thought.

"The way we pray to the lord of light, as commanded by his very own mouth. Whatever feeling light gives you must be harnessed and meditated on. Whether joy, clarity, or fear.. whichever way you embrace the light there is no wrong way." Her hands began to glow softly as she held them to her chest. Soon the light escaped from her hands as small particles that lifted like dust into the air.

"Then ones soul will shine with its own pure light... That is all he asks is for us to find our own light... Do you wish to learn?" As she said this her head turn to look down on her visitor. Her crimson right eye becoming visible beneath the shade of her hood.


Glad he enjoyed the drink the young seraphim woman smiled with satisfaction. Perhaps the sobbing of the drunken soldier went on too long for her and she needed to please a customer or two. She began cleaning some of the cups off as she noticed the dragonkin begin to speak to the man. In a tone that was reconciling and apathetic. Calling her attention to make a few drinks for her coworkers who were serving the other customers around the bar floor.

"It's not a fucking uptick..." He spoke from emotion. Barely glancing at or registering Ansgar's appearance. "I've never seen so much death.. All of my companions are dead, terribly cursed, or injured beyond repair... Soon I will be too.." He took his last gulp and slammed the glass cup on the table. Cracking the cup between his armored fingers as he did so. This loud snap whirled the bartender around. "Take it from my tab.. I'll be dead by tomorrow.." He dropped a sack of gold and silver coins on the table before the bartender could protest. The amount brightening up her face as she swept it away and placed it on her thin rope belt around her slender waist. "Thaaank you sir!" Either the money or the loud patrons defeaning her sense of apathy.

"We expect another attack tonight.. another fucking slaughter no doubt.." He finally took the moment to look at the one he spoke to. This time more directly. His lack of a full drink in hand gave him a moment to speak without too much distraction. "Then there was the one we saw..." He spoke ominously now. Slower and with a gentle and calm expression taking over his face rather than a beaten and scared one. Perhaps he resigned to.. "Death.. Their proclaimed god who stood above them all. Merely watching us defend ourselves from his fanatic followers.." He shifted in his seat as if he sat there too long.

"I know necromancers.. I know those who play with death like gods. But this one.. He seemed to be the source of it all.. I don't know what it was. But he seemed beyond any of that.." He almost smiled now. His teary eyes dried as he was able to speak with someone with clarity. "My name is Gaien (Guy-en)... I apologize for my ramblings.." He lifted two fingers to rub his weary eyes. Seeming to recover slowly from his haze of drunken depression to being simply drunk.

Thanks. I've been drawing since I was 5 so yeah. lol
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