Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Alright guys I got a joke and a riddle for ya. It starts with 2 angels, a dragon, a dragon slayer, and a dragon angel hybrid all walk into a bar.
Please take your time. Savor the flavor.

Id say just about everyone owes me a post right now.
Welcome. Dont be shy. Theres plenty of blood. Er. Cookies. To go around. Warm angelic ones.
The drunkin farmer was almost flung by wind as his feet left the table. His lower back met the chair with a loud thud. His weight caused the wooden chair legs to bend ever so slightly. For something made of wood it was a fine product to withstand such stress. The chair slid back a few inches on the sleek wooden floors and made a unpleasant noise as it did so. The farmers cup was spilled onto his own head and he seemed dazed from the experience. Laying his head down with a groan like a wounded animal.

A few patrons sighed with relief when he was put down. Some raising a cup to Soron, though most didnt know what happened and assumed he fell. The floor erupting with laughter.

Eyes widened Velai felt a pulse of weightlessnes hit her body. He IS royalty! I knew it! She thought, her legs pressed together to keep her balanced. This is my chance for a huge tip! Velai jumped at the farmers fall, jolting her back to focus, and wanted to see if he was okay. He was a regular that made inappropriate passes on her all the time. But she did want to be a good server. She however was side tracked by Alexis's inquisitive conversation with Suleykaar. She felt a admiration for Alexis, shown through her gentle smile while looking at her, while small she held her own better than she did. Speaking face to face with Suleykaars caliber without quivering to his superior tailored appearance.

Velai felt a bit lost in this whirlwind of information and mystery, though she did not worry about the battles outside she began to. But this was one of the most interesting days of her life working here. Another one was the rime a traveling bard was assassinated while singing at the inn. This is why they have no music. When Alexis voiced her distrust of Suleykaar Velai's eyes widened at the thought. Could he be? She wondered about the mass murderer part. Though she could not tell by looking at him, his friend however seemed more the part.

Velai held the flower gently inbetween her right hand's thumb, middle, and index fingers. Her left index finger reached her chin to tap it gently in thought. What they were talking about now seemed important, but she hadnt much information beyond what she over heard the soldier say to the dragonkin earlier. She scanned the new patrons and noticed her coworkers handling them. This made her sigh with relief but she kept it looking as if she was aiding them. Even going as far as organzing the silver wear and cups on Sorons table as she listened in.

The two men went on their speculation journey. Though the conversation was short lived before Suleykaar got up and immediately altered his sobriety. Her jaw dropped this time as he bought a round for everyone. "Wow!" She let out before stepping over behind the counter in anticipation for the rush of patrons. The farmer raised a hand in the air and extended his index finger before raising his head with a smile. A tooth missing and another replaced with wood. "Heeraay! Im for it!"

Velai placed the flower on her thin gold twisted belt and began stacking cups up for use. The flower glistened sparkles of multicolored light around the areas of her tunic it was around, almost glowing as she moved her hips around with each stroke as sbe wiped down the table and began sliding drinks to people. Her coworkers helping. Velai walked from behind the counter with a cup of her own red tree sap. She watched as the dragon made its appearance and all.

Equally in awe but even more confused than Alexis Velai began mouthing questions as well. "It would be rude of me not to offer royalty our best services." She said with angry brows but quivering sincere eyes. "Once I know your royal lineage I can better serve you to your tastes... and did you say you're a DRAGON!?" She covered her mouth to keep her shouting low. Though her reaction to the realisation could not be stifled. Her rudeness causing her to blush she handed Alexis her glass of tree sap. Stopping midway. Her pink lip stains on the glass.

"Sorry ill get you a fresh one." Im kinda screwed up right now.. she muttered low.

@FallenTrinity I could post. But I do want the others a chance to get settled. But as Im bored it will likely come soon if no one else posts.

@Landaus Five-One
It's midday at the start as I told @Zi
Current time is a few hours after.

Im just waiting for the night to come.
Sounds good. And sad. But in a good way. Looking forward to it.
Pretty much.
I try.

And agreed on the good players part. I like free roam and stayimg true to the freedom of travel in this world I dont mind if anyone leaves the group to be alone on the otherside of the map. Ill always have a way to keep things flowing.

In fact I look forward to it.

The particular healer Vakim pleaded aid from was a medium heighted Sol woman. Her clothing matched the rest of the healers. Dark green hoods that covered them like robes, a black nose and mouth covering, white gloves and sandals, and a silver dangling necklace with the Taxis symbol engraved into it and colored a bright green. Her eyes were a bright yellow and her pupils were a dark blue. She hesitated at first to respond, as her eyes took a moment to scan upward to meet his.

Dragonkin appearances were not that rare but amongst the Gaians it was a more average occurance with most born this way becoming warriors who bolster their ranks with even stronger soldiers. Their kinship to dragons meant more than their respect for them. Out of all the bloodlines Gaians had the most dragonic, making this woman assume he was before looking for any details of his attire. Though initially speechless by this ones formidable size she took the time to look at his wound.

His bodies thickness, blood and scales, was plainly seen as the blood refused to spill as would a simple cut on a Sol. Her eyes, though still wide from being startled, looked into his as she spoke. "A moment please then. Please endure the discomfort." As she said this it was noticed that many of the healers said this line as they treated their patients.

Please endure the discomfort.

She placed her hands over the wound. Indicating for him to lift his arm to reveal it. Once he did so her hands flashed a bright white that could injure a retina if looked directly into. Then a green plant like substance began to grow inside the wound. Like rapid growth the substance grew and broke out in curves much like tiny jungle vines spreading in and around the wound. A white flower bloomed from the wound and covered it.

If one did not know the healing ways of the Taxis they woukd be surprised by the invading sensation of their healing techniques. Plants growing rapidly within or around someones body was not widely accepted by other nations besides Vrondi. As such this medical practice is not copied else where. "There.. now please." She began to wrap the wound up with a white cloth, going over his massive shoulders and under his arm, covering the flower entirely and the wound.

"Will this be all? I pray you safe travels and a victory against the darkness."


As the two entered the bar they would notice the vibrancy was there but not too much. A louder circle of patrons sat around the bar where the bartender Velai stood near. The features of an angel and dragon side by side made a few men whistle with a smirk. Drinking their cup as if a show were to begin, or that they were watching one. As most of the patrons were Sol men and most of the servers were Sol women the eyes on variety made sense.

A Sol server. She wore a fully covering buttoned top and white shoulder wraps with a green dress that reached her ankles. Her feet were covered in green leather. Her white hair was wrapped in a bun with a green bandana on her forehead. Her red eyes almost smiled as she looked at Ava and then Serena. "What can I do you for you today?"


"Please do visit me again. Perhaps if you tel the guards you know me maybe they will let you come. I will be here." She bowed slowly as Shanna began to shuffle her feet away. Turning around herself and approaching the dark doorways that led to the inner sanctum of the temple.

Many were busy moving about as the day went. But as Shanna made an appearance above many of their heads a few recognized her. As tales of a small one who could take on big ones were rare or nonexistent in this world. The bigger always ate the smaller but in her case it was reversed. Making her a underdog everyone who came across her battles rooted for. Those that were of seraphim descent mostly liked her however.

"Wait!" Shouted a young boy. He was wearing a black cloak with the hood down. His feet were bare and his hair was short, white, and scruffy. Two little black horns protruded from his head and his green eyes looked up at the floating Shanna.

However as she made her way she didnt notice him. He pouted in disappointment. "Autograph.." he sighed. A man touching his shoulder after approaching him from behind. This mans hat was wide as it blocked the sunlight. "Maybe next time. Let's go..."

As Shanna entered the inn the servers immediately welcomed her. Recognizing her or simply assessing her entrance via elegant floating as an indicator of her status. A Sol man approached Shanna with a bow and looked at her with a pleasant almost flirtatious smile. "Are you visiting or staying for the night? We have a suite ready by the window ledge. The sight of the land of Vrondi from it is breath taking." He looked at her with a quizzical brow raised and a look of anticipation.

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