Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 7
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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4 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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I may attempt to join this. Im only up to diamond though.
Idk is you
I feel like a lot has happened but we are only on page 4.

@Landaus Five-One Idk how to make bloody text bunnies... but I can try
.( ) ( )

o(") (")

Where did the man touch this bunny?

So this is what its like now. Dark, intense and dangerous. Its fine inside the towns though.
Much Sex Wow

90s.. late mid 80s..
Once something loud happens you can hear it. Also there will be people talking about it as some will be on the giant tree limbs watching it from above and relaying below to their friends and whoever is around.
Oh my god I posted. How bad did I do? Who did I forget? Bleeehh.. im starving

A small white dragon seemed to meet wind resistance when meeting the skies over Fotia. The volcano clouds pillaring into the sky and leaving monuments in their wake that scorned all those that flew above. It was not until it lowered its altitude did it resume a natural pace. The gleaming rays of final light caught this dragons attention, as it did many other couriers such as itself. The snow wyvern came to a landing before a few men standing within a tower, on a ledge. They had other flying dragons of small size. Wrapping letters to their ankles, to which they shook violently in opposition at first but after a piece of red meat is set in their mouths they were still. Only observing. It was a Fotian man, thin framed, and he wore a red and black robe. He looked at the letter the wyvern had and nodded as he did so. He turned his back to the ledge and headed inside. Inside he walked down several stairs before exiting the through the bottom. He walked only a few feet over from here and handed the paper to a guard standing infront of the gates that led to the long road to the King's castle. The guards nodded to him before taking the paper. Soon the paper was in the hands of a young Fotian soldier. His armor was light and his appearance was that of a scout or courier. He quickly ran across the open half scorched fields of Fotia to where a camp was.

This camp was crawling with Fotian soldiers and inside a large extravagant tent with fires burning on the outside of it was the king Magnix. He sat facing the entrance that was illuminated in the dark by the fires outside. It was a soldier to fist greet the courier. A dragonslayer took the paper and began reading it to the king. A frown emerged onto the lips of the king. His brows met in an angry expression and his eyes, fiery with contained fury, focused into the flames outside. "So that relic is still alive. If he seeks to over throw me he will be taken care of without mercy."

"The chefs special is mountain fish from Gaia." Velai said to Heather. Trying to not freak out over thr strange aura coming from Patricia. She then was taken back by the sudden appearance of the small floating body questioning Heather. As this happened Velai called over one of the not so busy servers and relayed Heather and Patricias orders to her. Complaining that her feet ached and giving her a big sisterly smile. Velai then continued to watch what transpired. From Lilas confusion over what aesthetics were or Patricias fear. A lot seemed to be transpiring again. She hoped this time it would not escalate into anything too out of hand. She peered over to Ava and Soron as they chatted. She felt at ease seeing their moods were settled.

Velai looked up to Soron as he made his way over to her. Giving him her full attention as strands fell to the side from her face. Her golden eyes reflected his dark silhoutte within as it held his gaze. He seemed serious. She nodded to his words but was feeling uneasy as she did so. His mentioning of Lilas family was a big suprise to her and clearly to Lila. "Oh thank you.." she waved Sorons proposal away modestly. "I appreciate it but Im sure things will be fine." She felt a cringe immediately after saying this though. Things seemed fine, the only trouble so far coming from these patrons. Soron in particular due to the battle he was half responsible for. Or entirely, or not at all. She did not know how the fight even began. Her eyes rolled at the thought of it being simply for fun, though she felt it likely was. She felt Patricia as she glowed and began talking strangely and out of character, as if spiritually possessed.

After the rainbow hued glow went away Velai sighed with relief. It was not usual to see such strange things happening all at once, but she had no clue what the majority of it was about. She placed a hand on her head from it all. Having what appeared to be a migraine flaring up in her skull. She looked up at Lila who now spoke at her after her speech to Soron. Was it a declaration to fight him? Velai shook her head at the idea and glared at Soron. Why did he have to go and get her all riled up? she thought behind her attempt at a intimidating expression with her lowered eyes at Soron. Giving a Tch before looking away from him to the floor, arms crossed. "Ok I think Mirror may be here soon anyway so.. just wait." Her tone was annoyed and so was her posture.
@Landaus Five-One@FallenTrinity@13org

The temple was barely manned due to the oncoming battle. Healers remained however and tended to the injured of thr night before. Where the statue of Vrondi stood tall was the top of Sunfire, and above the temple. There, looking out into the darkness that began to sweep the land was Luna. Her hands were together and she was knelt down before the altar of Vrondi and the seraphim with a prayer. The flame in the seraphim statue's hands were glowing bright. She spoke with a bit of an echo within Shannon's mind. "You have arrived at a peculiar time." As she spoke blood dripped from her eyes like tears. @WingsOfBronze

The armies of the dark cult were met with opposition from every land they entered. The Magoi barriers, the bottomless hidden holes in Gaia, the explosive mines of Fotia, and more were set as initial obstacles for the dark cult. The size of the cult grew each day. Those that live in the wild as cutthroats and bandits were enlisted or killed by the cultists. But not only them, those that were taken over when their protected lands were attacked ended up as slaves that were then sold for money inorder to acquire more desperate souls willing to fight for a meal. This was only a single chain in the web that brought together the mass of bodies that moved at the whim of the man who stood tall ontop a king basilisk. The jungles began to rattle as hundreds of feet began trampling on its surface. Vegetation was sliced and torn away in the wake of the army, something they did with proficiency. They neared closer to the open field. Their scouts peered through the bushes at the open field of Vrondi soldiers. One attempted to slio away but was hit with an arrow to the head from above. A seraphim stood midair high above the aligned bodies of soldiers below. A bow and arrow in his hands that were prepared for another shot. However he stood his ground, a smirk forming on his lips. I think they're here.
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