Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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4 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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I enjoyed it. Welcome to ground zero.
Cant have martial arts and elements without avatar.

I was thinking of having a spar and have a bit of character interaction. This might draw out the monk and goddess dragon to be a part of the bigger world.


Nice post this will be fun.

I was thinking of going more in depth with the martial arts of the lands. Mkre importantly the Fotian martial art. Thinking of Magnix's master visiting the monk temple.
@Landaus Five-One
Interesting choice.

Most of my music choices are what I draw too. Sorry if it's too far out.

Can you guess who these are?
I doubt anyone would be able to but itll be fun to watch.

@Landaus Five-One
That entire situation since Suleykaar walked in has been confusing to Velai. Theres only so much one can see before they turn off to it.
So. What did you guys and gals think of the post. Hope it got the message across shit is going down.
Interested in destroying commies.

With a hmff Velai looked away from Soron, arms still crossed. "Just.. drop it. If you don't mind." She couldnt explain to him what she didnt know. That is. She did not know what triggered this girl, but she knew she had a traumatic history from the piecing together of various vague hints told to Velai by Mirror. This made her feel uneasy when it came to delving into Lilas history. Her temper was not particularly visible as she sat there but her discomfort was. She was a bit fascinated by Soron's well of knowledge, but it was dark knowledge befitting his appearance. Velai could only simply watch in horror as the rainbow winged girl seemed entirely out of it. While registering what was said Velai only blinked to keep her widening eyes from drying. She gave Soron a more solemn look as her head narrowed. It was a if things get out of hand can you take care of it? She thought, trying to reveal it with her body language. She eyed his dagger he mentioned and blinked slowly. Her attention was soon grasped by Suleykaar and Alexis's return. She turned her head to see who came in, as no new patrons were coming in. Likely due to the current strange patrons inside.

Velai broke her arm link and began to smile. "Welcome back!" She said with a cheerful tone. It was then immediately shifted to surprise as the girl Ava from earlier seemed to be severely wounded. She was a girl... but the image of a monster still rang true in Velai's head. These two opposites placed in one gave Velai a pondering expression. Just like Lila.. She thought. Looking to Lila as she awaited to go to a room. Velai pushed her sandals off the ground and rose to her feet. Her wings folded at her back for her standing position and then she turned to Lila. "Come now. To your room." She placed a gentle hand on Lila's shoulder and had it brush off the direction she was walking towards.

I should keep her away from serpahim blood. She thought. Looking at Ava's sister Serena. Just then Alexis rose to aid Ava to a room up the same stairs. But by the time they reached the top stair Velai had led Lila into a room within the only alternate corridor up the stairs, the royal section. There she closed the blinds leading to this corridor and upon entry the smooth wooden walls and floors were illuminated with a silver light. The cieling to this corridor was lined with plants that had blooming flowers whose center glowed with intense multicolored silvers and whites. Velai turned to the right and placed her hand on a door. With a key she kept hidden within her chest she opened the barrier with a single twist of the knob. The room they entered was extravagant and most of its decorations were of a light blue color. The 20 foot bed and the soft blue carpet, the blue vase and flowers and the blue haired man in the photo above the bed. There was still wooden walls, tables and chairs, also a desk by a window. The silver light of the moon breeched into the room. Though the room was dimly lit with similar light the details were still visible. Velai assumed that the light wouldnt be a problem. "Welcome to Mirror's room." Velai led Lila to the bed. "Is there anything else Lila? And by the way please don't do anything involving that man. I don't think it will be beneficial." She said the last part with a more serious and mild tone, almost changing her cheerful character when mentioning Soron.

Just then a blue orb sitting on the desk of the room began to give off a white glow before a aura of white like a miniature snow storm erupted inside of it. A voice could be heard echoing from it before it became coherent in one word...

"I'm so sorry.. I cannot tell what is occurring and I cannot know. All I can speak upon are the many souls that are crying out to our ancestors... for mercy.. but.." she wiped her blood away with her hands and stained them red whilst also marking her dimples and cheeks with faded blood. "Many of these souls are those who are combating the darkness right now.. perhaps they seek your aid. I beg thee a warning. If you see this darkness up close be sure not to lose yourself to it.." She clinched her teeth as she looked up at the statue of Vrondi. "Only trust in the light.."

The lush jungle of Vrondi was silent at night as the gentle winds swayed the leaves and vines to the side only to give a whisper. This was the sight from above the darkness below the jungle tops. On the jungle floor was the dark cultists and their familiar traits and ornaments of limbs, organs of various kinds and other gory additions. It was not until they met a river dividing themselves from the awaiting defending army of Vrondi did they stop out in the open. A few hooded ones emerged from the ranks and stood before the water. With hands raised they brought down a blade to their guts and sliced themselves open. Their blood poured out into the river before they fell into it. Their black blood and organs infested the waters with a oily dark ooze that caused the plants in the vicinity of where they killed themselves to rot. After this was done the rest of the soldiers howled in a celebratory rejoice. They then began storming forward through the dark river and towards the mass of Vrondi soldiers.

The Vrondi soldiers stood strong and tall with their blades and shields at the ready and in solid formation as they did so. A few stuck out from within the army of Vrondi. These wore little to no clothing save for some plants that covered their most delicate areas. These soldiers, both men and women were whispering to themselves before launching forward to meet the oncoming enemy forces. They stopped in a line before the approaching enemy forces and sat with their legs crossed. They closed their eyes and breathed in gently. As they exhaled the ground shook with a small quake that all in the area felt beneath their feet. The ground opened infront of the meditating Vrondi soldiers and spiked vines emerged from a rapidly growing giant plant. Another plant emerged as well, it had spores pouring from out of its giant flytrap mouth. It breathed the spores on the mass of cultists that waved inward through the river like a dragon breathing fire. Those hit by the spores became dizzy and soon became incoherent. This laid out many of cultists in their first wave, the whips of the spiked vines bleeding the remaining ones out. The barrier of plants seemed too great a barrier.

Standing high in the sky above it all was a glowing figure much like the sun. But it did not glow bright enough to be visible from below without a good eye. However as it stood, arms crossed, peering into the jungles and the battle below, it radiated with a powerful aura. It looked at the black dragon within the sky.

"Whom travels my skies at the night of battle?

A stern voice echoes within the mind of Zargoth and his daughter. This was right before a blinding light was held in front of them. After this Zargoth would feel a presence standing on his body. "You do seem familiar... tell me, have we met?" The smirk of this man was both amused and curious, as spoken through his brows. His body gave a glow like sunlight contained in flesh and his markings gave a red glow. His arms were crossed and he looked Zargoth right in the eye as he turned to see who he was. He then turned to Zargoth's daughter behind him and smiled. "Hm. There are two of you. If I remeber correctly black dragons are rare.."
@Landaus Five-One


"Heheheh.. tonight will be long and interesting.."
A figure that seemed almost to appear sat at the back of the bar. Leaning in his seat. His face was covered but as he looked up his right fiery orange eyes could be seen. His hair was messy but pulled back. His attire was significantly original in design from any where besides possibly Nero. His all black and eerie demeanor was not staved off by the boy he had next to him. This boy seemed to perpetually upset over what was transpiring. His hood and black pants and sandals were simple enough to be a Vrondi native. This boys white hair and yellows eyes seemed similar to the Sol. He was around 12 in age and his legs dangled in the seat he perched on, a sandal almost sliding off his right foot and being caught by his big toe. He looked at the transpiring odd collection of bar patrons and then to the man he sat with. "Say.. why are we here?"

"For our next hit.. ofcourse.. As usual kid just let me handle the details. You just learn.. nothing is out of my reach."

Coming from south east was the dark army heading for Sunfire. It was there the dark basilisk of colossal size made its appearance. Its head rose from the jungle and looked down upon the army that stood to oppose its own, whom tossed aside the vegetation in their scramble to exit the thick jungle and meet the edge of the open field that would be their battle ground. The dark cultists roared as they met the long distance glare of the Vrondi soldiers who valiantly protected Sunfire. It was there they began to charge to meet them. The bodies sitting ontop thr Basilisk only observing as their first wave was met by pulsing light that rocked their conjoined assault into scattered skirmishes. The Vrondi soldiers came forward with their spears and skewered the lines that attempted to press through after the destructive nature of the spells that were just cast. But as they seemed to be easily thwarting the cultists they retained a unease. These cultists were smiling all while dying im suicidal ways. Their black blood coated their weapons in a dissolving sludge that soon made them all but useless. This struck enough fear in the hearts of the Vrondi soldiers that they retreated behind a line of spiked vines that were summoned from the ground up in a line formation.

The dust settled into a eerie dance within the breeze over the moonlit blue grass of the field. A single form moved as if time froze and it carried with it a blue flamed torch. Its withered body struggles as it edged to the mass of dead bodies the cultists laid before the vine barrier. It then fell as if meeting its final breathe. The flame touching the black blood of the dead and igniting them. Some even imploding as ligaments flew across the air. The fire spread and began to burn away the barrier of vines. The basilisk lowered its head as this happened to the ground and the two that stood ontop of it stepped off.

"This night is beautiful.. come.. let us make it eternally so.."

This majestic man spoke with a silver tongue. His eyes almost resembled two moons as their silver tone reflected an aura of twilight. His long jet black hair flowed down his bare back and almost met the grass that pricked up around his feet.

It surely will.. lord of death..

Actually Im wrong its your turn. But in my last post I think I forgot about what you said to Velai.

So my next post is going to give you lots to work with.
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