Avatar of Rai
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
  • VMs: 7
  • Username history
    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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I didnt see a cat at first. Just a poptart!
Im hungry..

I love Imagine Dragons and this song fits the theme of thriving through battle to a hopeful victory

Id be glad if you all thought there's hope

No rush.

Heres another wip

Now for a fun question since some of us like playing music. If this had an show opening with all your characters what song do you think would be playing?

My personal choice
Ill post soon. And for anyone I leave behind when I do dont worry if youre not in battle. You can recap quickly.

@Vesuvius00If you could.

@Sohtem Can catch up.
@Landaus Five-One
She shows a real understanding of how her characters powers manifest. All based on experience. Something I like.
@Landaus Five-One
Yeah I did forget that they were literally on the dragons back.
I have no real solid plan besides roaming traders and a land for inventors.
I dont want much land. I just want to do business across territories.
"N-no! Noooo! I don't know anything about that!"
Yes but she has seen his bare ass.
"It was an accident! He was in the guest bath without warning!"
Or maybe you just wanted a pe-
*Covers Rai's mouth*

Mmmmppffff....fffff.... fine..

Ahh ok. Anyways.@Vesuvius00
Love the details. The experiences with each ability really helps me understand your characters capacity with it. Something I want the other players to do aswell with their character abilities. In this way we can have a more visible marker of your limits and such.

Its not a must do though. It will just make things run smoother.

I wonder if people look at my roleplay and wonder what the hell is going on.
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