Avatar of Rai
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1878 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
5 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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5 yrs ago
Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


Join my Discord. 18+ discord.gg/Ac9WA3t

A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Just to clarify incase I read it wrong. Besides that you're good to go.
Some Descendants look like demons as well, something else to keep in mind.
Physical appearance can be completed with pictures if y'all want to. Giving me a few things to do tonight.
KaBling I like your character idea. But to be accepted your character must have more limitations to his water hose attack. If he uses a high pressure strike, it depletes his water supply from one use. As water is more dangerous than fire when used right.

Descendant appearance range usually from anthro Dragons, to scaled humanoids. More rare are the ones who looks entirely human.
To put it out there. Once characters are accepted you can post, positioning your character where ever you wish. As long as they see the catastrophic event that's about to happen. :D
Take your time. I am jolting this thing to life as we speak so bare with me. Keep the questions coming if anyone has any. I was asked by another possible member some things on magic, and Ascended which I put on the opening post to see. The more questions answered the more I figure out what I want to do with this "World" of mine.
The level of technology is high. Mostly weaponized, medicine, and aquatic technologies may I add. Other technologies are mostly modern with the old world mixed into it. Magic sees to the comfort of nomadics and technology sees to the life styles of the average citizen you could see today. This being said the world is still very harsh and science is a means to an end as most scientific pursuits are superseded by magic. Only three kingdoms have become pioneers in the road of technology. Fotia, Tearia, and Nero. Fotia focuses on weapons and heavy machinery. Tearia has come very far in their water exploration technology, pillaring on the most advanced Kingdom if they were not so secretive. Nero is medically advanced, curing most diseases and sicknesses that has befallen their people. There are no space advancements besides highly advanced satellites within their skies that are both weapons and more. Other planets have been observed but few have gone beyond their realm to visit the solar system above just yet. Despite their advancement, they have chose to stay put so to speak. And work on true dimensional warping.
Accepted. Welcome first and only member. I hope to get some more people in here soon. Meanwhile I'm working on the IC.

There once was a floating kingdom. Held up high within the grip of a sovereign lord.

(1:00 PM)
He exhaled a spell of silence, conspiring amongst the shadows singled out by the glorious light of the sun. A hood pulled over his head, he along with a few dozen others stood amongst a crowd of other Descendants. There were five amongst them, all shrouded within average clothing and their motives were undetectable to the average onlooker. Silence absorbed the loud sounds of merriment within the castle walls for him. The people of various races, Ascended and few dragons were interacting in various ways. It was as if a spell of joy filled the air as water spouted from fountains in various colors caused by light and followed by fast paced spiritual music of flutes, drums, strums of light wires and singing from an unseen source. Voices of women singing poetry with a passionate echo that softened stone and hardened minds alike. Much like a spell their song began to beat with a slow rhythm. Commanding attention from the happy folk. They watched the water from the center fountain move from one side to another in a slow motion to the beat of a slow drum. Flowing into the form of a circle a light shined from center and made a loud crashing sound as light emitted from the center as small floating particles visibly comparative to dust. Another crashing sound echoed, this one more prominent to the roll of thunder. A bright ball of light escaped the water's center and streamed into the sky above. The water evaporated into mist that infused with the shimmer of light from the sun. The mass of light grew the higher it went until it was a mass of light ever changing like fresh mist. The light twisted until a silhouette of an angel emerged from it's abstract structure. It descended slowly, the large white wings gently compressing together in a elegant flow against the wind, spreading the glowing mist amongst the people below. It's face was visible, and it's clothing as well. White cloths flowing in the wind as light as air itself compressed against its skin which shimmered as bright as a window veil in the sunlight. White hair flowing like water down the bust of the being and a warm and inviting smile sitting on its face, eyes bright and golden like the gates behind it.

Welcome one and all to the return of your true king. The one we know as God. The father of us all. I am Helios, Third son of Mana. Ancestor to children of Mana.

Many faces were in awe but only few were able to understand the weight of time that was compressed into this one moment. The steps of the beginning collide with the now. A beacon is emitted from a device held by one shrouded in mystery. A red glow hums from the device and is joined by several more as the conspirers within the crowd begin to unfold their plans with a unified signal. Photos are taken by many while others fall to their knees in overwhelming emotion. The being Helios raises his hands and uplifts the crowd with embracing cheers. "The end of your pain and heart ache is soon to pass. For many are against us, they will not prosper." His voice was almost like the music echoing from the fountain. Many others would enter the festivities as drinks and food were plentiful. Those of different groups would lay interest in this gathering.

Within the Kingdom of Fotia a speech similar to that of the deity was being spoken. The square under looking the balcony King Magnixx stood on was filled with members of Fotia's nation. All looked up as he spoke into a microphone set in stone before him. His voice was calm and firm. He commanded attention and looks that didn't fit just a mere King, many looked to him as a God King. Many believed his skill in battle and wars was matched by none alive and prophecy long ago told a tale of a man such as him. He looked closely seraphin, a mostly reptilian body he did not have. However he retained their key strengths, which was visibly so to the observant onlooker. He adamantly looked out at the horizon's sun that relentlessly pierced his eyes, causing shimmer identical to that of a rare stone. A brow quivered and lowered. His face grew adamant as he looked down onto his people with a somber tone. Storm clouds washed over their kingdom like bats in the night, bringing a wind the howled and whirled the King's hair into a fixed frenzy. He watched his people's expressions and confusion. He wanted to trust them, all of them.. but he couldn't risk the fate of his work failing. He sought to council with elders before, none could change his view point. There was much the world of Descendants did not know about their Seraphin lord, many secrets were buried with the dead and missing ancestors. Only a select few know of the truth behind the lies. He lowered his fist to his side as the winds and clouds were just before the sun's gaze.

"Today my people will know their seat is held on high by their true King."

He breathed in a fresh breeze caught up in the storm's migration, igniting his body like fire. Raising both hands, palms facing to the floor, before him. Within a blink of an eye his sheathed weapon was within his grasp. The air moved in respect to flow the appearance of the ancient blade and it's size. He unsheathed the blade with his left hand and held the hilt with his right. He raised it above his head, blade facing the heavens as he himself did. Eyes now hued with grey. He watched as the cloud's bellies began to ignite with a flash of light. He watched it as a hawk would it's prey. Loud booms, like the crashing of live artillery rounds fired by the will of a final assault. A cry could be heard escaping the skies followed by a stream of lightning, flashing it's presence before them all. However the lightning remained generating in small presence imbued on the blade of Magnixx. Another rolling cry evoked the stream once again to strike the blade. Then again without warning. Each stream made the blade grow brighter and brighter with a blue electric glow, giving a low hum that grew louder and louder. With teeth clinched the King held his arm up high as the strikes challenged his strength, only to lose. His eyes looked over the horizon once more, in view was something more than the fading sun. But the Kingdom of the sky.

"I will tear them down from our heavens... As they did my father."
(1:30 PM)
There are times I create a roleplay, people join in flocks. Others I get literally one person committed to joining. In cases of getting only one or two people, yet it's a Roleplay you've been urging to make, how do you react to this frustration?
Post'em here if you can. All apps will be placed up on the opening ooc post.
Creative. Should fit well.
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