Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Eastwards Road

At the falling cloud of smoke, the retinue fell back and away--thinner in the centre, now, if someone were to make a direct charge for it... but that would also mean that the Iron Roses themselves would be hampered by its caustic nature, possibly too much to effectively fight through where the line was weakest. It was at least doing more than the fireballs, where they were happy to thrust their shields in counterpoint, the attacks breaking and streaming around the individual knights to no effect.

In the melee, there was was a curious revelation: for all they were figures of story and legend, it was the Iron Roses that had the advantage here. After all the training, they were stronger, more skilled--and yet, still outnumbered, and the reason why this retinue was so famous became clearer. Even for all they could be overwhelmed, capitalising on it to actually injure one of them was proving to be difficult--

For all that many of their number had stood aside, they hadn't sent so many to the wings that their teamwork was compromised. It was less akin to fighting a larger team, and closer to a single enemy with many limbs. Where normally it would be impractical to step in so closely, these knights were able to intervene to deflect the blows aimed at their compatriots, even allowing them to regain their footing and have the original aggrieved part strike back. Being hemmed in so closely didn't seem like it was hampering them to any normal extent, which meant trying to break them in detail like this was only playing to their strengths: the Talderians could use their superior numbers to fend off damage, and then rely on the limited space to further restrict the Roses' options.

Although, seeing them strain against the heavy blows despite this ought to be gratifying.
Miina Malina

Not having to talk herself to get into the guarded city was nice, although something about being mistaken for a performer rankled. She hadn't learned magic and swordplay, however ineptly, to be mistaken for some common juggler or the like, and Miina had even gone out of her way to make sure her clothes made an impression that the rest of her didn't. Not that she spoke up to object, or anything that might jeopardise their progress--the girl just pouted a little instead.

Plus continued wondering why exactly she was travelling with this group. Well... if Zeke was anywhere in this country, looking in cities was probably the best place for it.

No other red hair around, so not right here.

Fortunately, she was at least somewhat forewarned about who they were meeting this time--enough to not fall into hopelessly staring straight from the offset. Not that she could think of many other places to look in this scenario, defaulting to staring down at her feet instead. Almost enough to miss the Viera's wink, but that just added another furious blush to her cheeks.

Dort Road - Hikari

Seeing the size and armament difference--couldn't she have at least come through to this world as an adult?--there really was little Hikari could do except stand back and watch the fighting unfold. Not that this was entirely a bad thing; it was clear that the armoured knight knew what he was doing, which was pretty impressive given that he had been some random passenger on a plane until this afternoon.

The other fox, however... Hikari suppressed a wince at the flailing. Okay, yes, cutting things with a sword wasn't hard, that was their entire point. But there was a reason combat was more than people waving pointy objects vaguely in each other's direction, and this was an affront to the entire history of kenjutsu. There would at least be time to drill proper swordsmanship into his head after this, hopefully. Or at least "this is the basics of it all".

But with no enemy yet sneaking past to test her ability to surreptitiously knife them, Hikari had time to survey the other fighters. The bandits... looked like ruffians. No surprise there. It was interesting to see that some of the other fighters were wearing maid outfits despite the combat, however. Was this a normal thing, here? Battle maids? What a strange world they were in.

The samurai didn't even turn to look at Tera's attempted advance--the final ashigaru gambit had paid off far more than whatever this ghost's intelligence expected, with the entire short-fused explosion hitting Tera. More than enough to derail any attempted rolling attack, and at least leave his back free to continue fighting against the invaders.

Aside from Tera's mishap, it seemed like they were winning: both the komainu shattered and crumbled, and that only left the samurai and the onna-bugeisha still standing, putting the numbers--at last--firmly in their favour. Seemingly recognising this, the warrior woman disengaged from Yuuma with alacrity, retreating to the bow-wielding samurai just in time to push him away from the searing flames.

Which meant they only had two more to deal with. Unfortunately, even with the slight pause of surprise at his rescue, the samurai remained undaunted, and the remaining goop continued to flow inwards. As for what this meant? Well, now each arrow released immediately split into a dozen more. And he showed no signs of slowing down the shotgun-like approach, especially with a sword-wielding guard to handle anybody rushing for him.
Dort Road

Fighting? That was... no, no, these two gentlemen had woken dressed as warriors, it was only expected that the world they found themselves in was violent enough to warrant travellers remaining individually armed. Not that this improved Hikari's situation, digging blindly about in her dress only provided a single rather dainty knife, which she duly inspected before slipping back into its hiding place. A weapon of last resort, rather than one primarily intended for combat.

"Yes, I think it would be better if the fighting was left to the both of you. If I had a sword then maybe my old kendo knowledge might be useful but instead I must rely upon yourselves. I apologise for the inconvenience," the fox said, slipping behind Steven and... well, keeping an eye out for ambushes was probably the right idea? It wasn't like a maid would contribute much to a battle.

If they survived, those first aid courses might be useful, though.
Fujiwara no Mokou

The look Mokou gave Sanae was one of near confusion. How what? Nothing she had done was particularly unusual, was it? Sure, using magical abilities for actual damage rather than playing by the rules wasn't allowed any more, but even a relative newcomer to Gensokyo ought to know that it was a polite agreement rather than an actual limitation. Everything else was just--

Ah, right. She'd been so used to everyone who actually came after her knowing about the immortality (or being so focused on fighting for other reasons) that it had completely slipped her mind that someone might not know. In hindsight, a flashy self-immolation to clean up some injury probably looked a lot worse than it was--

Okay, it looked exactly as bad as it was, that dull ache everywhere. Still vastly preferable to having her arm rot off entirely or being eaten by a centipede, of course.

"It's 'cause I'm immortal."

That should cover it.
Abe Hikari - Dirt Road

Right. Yes, the plane had been crashing, that was what had been going on. But by being so absorbed in going over the presentation notes one last time it had been easy to... tune it out. It was unfortunate that there was no internet connection, it meant no chance to be able to send a quick apology in the time before colliding with the ground. Hopefully, her former superiors would be understanding about her inability to meet with the customer now, dying was an insurmountable difficulty.

One that didn't explain her current... not being dead. Also being a small girl, and a fox. It was hard to say what really stood out as the most important change the more she thought about it, only the most inconvenient one. That was probably still the fox part; how did you take care of this many tails, anyway?

"Yes, it seems that we were all on the same flight. I can assume that neither of you looked or were dressed the same before this moment?"

@PKMNB0Y@Sir Lurksalot
Dirt Road

Hm. Lying face down...? That was a very unusual position to be waking up in. It also felt like the floor, which... might explain it? Although, if it was after some work drinking party, then surely there should also be a splitting headache to go with it? Plus, being en route from Japan to New York rather ruined the odds of that...

Standing up, Hikari was forced to take in rather a lot of things. Well, there was the strangely-huge man shouting at her, that was one thing. The next was...

Hm. Why was she dressed as a maid? Was this some sort of joke? That would be annoying.

Her tails twitched in irritation.

Wait. Tails?

Twisting a little--

Yes, tails. Plural. Counting them was quite hard, and being able to feel them didn't make it the easiest, but... nine. Nine tails. And her ears had migrated. Honestly, the other changes seemed less important than now having nine tails. No wonder this dress felt like it was sitting oddly... not that she had experience of that before this, but she would have expected it to hang more about her legs. Having all these behind her... yes, that explained it.

Right, so she was now a maid. And a fox. And... probably young? Or maybe very old? Either one could fit. Now, she should address this person that had been telling her to get up.

"Ah, I apologise, I was distracted by how much my body has changed," the small fox said, bowing.

Steven probably wasn't expecting the proper introduction he then got. Although a flicker of irritation passed over her face at not being able to hand over... something.

@PKMNB0Y@Sir Lurksalot

The night their collective teachers had decided that the knights were sufficiently trained in whatever talent they had been honing--from Cyrus's enthusiastic endorsement to Silenna's begrudging acceptance that maybe Rolan wouldn't blow his head up--there was a party at Candaeln. The guest list was mostly as expected, although the grouchy alchemist showing up before ultimately throwing herself at Florian as the knight went on probably came as a surprise.

And Gisela didn't attend, but there was no way for that to be particularly unexpected.

Prince Erion attending, along with some of his guards? That definitely caused a stir, even amongst the legendary knights--it wasn't like the prince to attend these things rather than throw them. But he seemed interested in speaking to them a little, starting with their captain.

Eastwards Road

In the morning, it was time to make their way through the city and out of the eastern gate. As promised, the Talderian prince had assembled his retinue--row after row of gleaming silvered armour, deep red half-capes edged in gold thrown over their left arms. The uniformity of their equipment was quite a contrast to themselves; their armour identical, every soldier outfitted with a straight sword, a dagger, and even a shield.

They were also outnumbered, even after half of them had bowed and moved off far to one side, where they wouldn't possibly get in the way.

And behind them, seated on an out of place carved throne, waited the prince. Their goal--as he had been quite happy to clarify in detail--was not to defeat his knights, and least of all himself. No, they merely had to get within striking distance of Erion. That was their first challenge.
Fujiwara no Mokou

With the centipede suitably exploded, Mokou boldly decided to climb to her feet and get a better look at the state its biting had left her arm in. That was... ew, the blood and chunk bitten out of it was bad enough, but the spreading rot was the worst. Well, apart from the hand and forearm, that was just charred as normal. Yeah, she ought to do something like this and not just wait for it to heal off naturally, the rest of her would keep protesting at having this attached.

Fortunately, there was also a headless centipede that needed to be put down, and she still had one arm that wasn't damaged at all any more than normal. So if she just jumped over to it and...

The sudden pillar of flame centred on the centipede's ruined head was probably only a little surprising for the actual fire. The fact that it very briefly lead to a curious lack of a certain white-haired girl before she just... sprung back into existence, non-bitten or burnt hands shoved into her pockets, was no doubt slightly more baffling to those not aware of her immortality. The shirt looked a little worse off for it all, though.

If there was another thing to be annoyed at Kaguya for, it was that her and Eirin had way better abilities for this whole 'healing' thing.
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