Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Cold air is spiky, not soft. Spiky air.
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i wasn't expecting to see spam for an indian moving service
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i slept on my shoulder funny. ow
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fight existential dread with cake


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Miina Malina

Oh, good, she didn't have to try and remember something to stop from plummeting to her death—

She should probably learn something like that, just in case. It was unlikely she would ever fall when climbing or similar but this had come a little close, so she should really prepare just in case. Maybe she could even ask while they were here? If she could think of a way to do it that wouldn't be too much of a bother to this priest…

"Um, I'll g-g-go see if anyone else n-needs healing…" She didn't want to leave Izayoi in such a state, but it wasn't like she was the only person in the group that had been taken out. Just the one most urgently in need of healing… she could see that Rudolf had gotten wounded? But they didn't need to run at the moment, prioritising could leave him for later. That meant… there he was!

Well, Esben was conscious at least…? He definitely hadn't been taking the heat well, but it didn't seem like he was too badly off. Still, she could provide healing. And if she dug around inside her coat… yes, she still had some water. "H-Here, drink t-this…"

Still, if this was the worst of it, she coudl then go round and try to fix that leg injury while everyone was talking.
Miina Malina

Ohnoohnoohno they were going to die and it was fine with being stabbed in the gut, what was fine being stabbed there, wasn't it all important to standing up and turning and stuff and that wasn't even counting the lightning how was it moving and so fast, too fast, there was nothing that they could possibly do and—

Maybe only Izayoi was going to die. Somehow, that seemed worse, after putting in that much effort. Even if she tried to block, or went for a barrier, this monster would just smash right through it so—

Okay, Rhubarb had an amazing barrier somehow. She didn't really get it? But that was something, at least. Was anyone else hiding some vital ability that would help, here? Just grasping continually at straws really didn't seem like it would help. Oh, sure, if she could stab it again, that might work, even this ought to be stopped in place with its guts shredded… didn't seem like she'd have another chance to pull off a trick like that.

Besides, there was something more important to do! And she didn't need the reminder this time, she wasn't that bad at learning. But with the level of the enemy, nope, she couldn't just rely on it to not notice her and Izayoi off to one side, or for everyone else to cover. But this time… it wasn't like the others needed an easy time seeing them, too? No co-ordination problems, really, just focus on the enemy.

The blurring wasn't perfect invisibility, far from it, but it had been good enough to… get into places, and how had she never realised what sort of people she was working with when that was their main use? Here, with all the rushing about and the wind kicking up sand, the enchantment ought to be enough to keep Izayoi and herself as the lowest priority target. Which was great, it meant she could focus on healing. Or at least they'd be the last ones down, now, and she'd have to see if she could get a lucky stab or make a getaway.

That seemed like it would be hard this time, even if it was just herself. Even if escaping was normally her speciality.
After the barrage—

Stillness. No more attacks, no more deluges of magical projectiles. It wasn't that the caster was too occupied, Gertie could see her standing there absorbing her own attacks on a magical barrier without extra effort. She just wasn't pumping out more attacks, giving Gerard and Fleuri at last a sprint to the top… at the same time as she gave Fionn's direction an unimpressed look, shortly before he crested the hilltop.

Not that anyone further down the hill could see him, due to the fire.

Krysia, of course, was still engaging Fanilly and Renar, although her attention had constantly been on breaking away to chase Rolan, not taking the bait Renar was offering and instead focusing constantly on pulling away… only to click her teeth and lower her arms right as she found enough of a break to raise an ominously weighty-looking crossbow in her off hand.

"Looks like they got to the top."

After a moment's pause, the hundi did cast something else: a crushing, damp fog that marred the sunny day, swamping the entire hillside for an uncomfortably lingering minute that left no visibility… but when it cleared, at least there was no ring of fire any more. During the lack of visibility, the demon had even returned to her side.

"Well, I think you all did well enough…" Gisela said, raising a finger to her chin, "The vast majority of powerful mages, even if they have the backup to keep you at bay, are going to be stuck fighting with mostly one school of offensive magic. And you held up well against pure astromancy, which is one of the easiest to avoid friendly fire… still, be careful, there's still people like the Necromancer of the Burned Village that won't care and could just swamp you with reckless elemental spells. Oh, and…"

At this, the hundi advanced on Gertrude, a frown on her face. Despite the height difference, she had no compunction against poking the apparent-maid on the chest. "Think. If I had just used the wind spell I cleared the smoke with again, the entire hill would have been on fire! Uncontrolled lasting effects can just as easily turn on you; stick with astromancy if you won't plan ahead.

"Now… I'd say more, but I can just come down to Thaln for a visit in a few weeks, so I'll save it until then. I'm sure you're all quite eager to get through your final challenge, right?" She punctuated her statement with a beam of light sent skywards, "All you have to do—"

The shadow passing overhead was unmistakeable, the sunlight catching the crimson scales—

"—Is injure Thrinax."

Back towards the gates, stood beside the once-again seated Prince Erion, the dragon roared his challenge.
Fujiwara no Mokou

Nope, these things weren't able to kill her either. Not properly, at least. Sure, taking whatever the blobs were spewing out to the face had been kind of... well, it was fatal. It had also been a particularly odd feeling, like it was trying to do… something more than killing her. But either it wasn't applicable on mostly-ordinary humans, or it was yet another thing that was unable to overcome the Hourai Elixir.

It had left her standing around for a few minutes to test after dying, though. Also to catch her breath and wait for her head to stop ringing… head injuries really were the worst thing to die to, even when they didn't have a lasting impact.

At least she was paying enough attention to catch what the odd green guy was saying. "If the caravan goes on alone, there might be more things like this on the road."

"I wouldn't recommend letting them hit you."
Ando Hikari - North Team

"… Seriously? There was supposed to be only one of them, not a ton of flunkies. Well, same idea, just take care," Hikari sighed, raising Ame-no-Habakiri properly and waiting. She didn't have any fancy tricks to call on for this, any special attacks, just her reflexes, experience—

And a blade that went through such weak grudges like they were made of paper. It was an odd sight, the tiny girl swinging such a long sword, but the results couldn't be argued with. Hikari didn't have muscle to fall back on, nor a spiritual ability that would directly boost her swordsmanship, so only grace born of experience and economy of motion let her cut through the Grudge, trailing ooze.

"Well, come on then; we need to get inside," she added, looking back over her shoulder at her new junior and the rest of the team as if she hadn't just impaled a second doglike-beast as it leapt, allowing its own weight to cut through its shadowy body.
Miina Malina

The desert was… slightly annoying? Hm, maybe it was just her; she didn't really see the big deal some of the others had been making about the heat. Now, the constant dryness… that was bad. Much, much worse. But they had prepared, so that wa a manageable problem. What wasn't was the sand. It getting in most places was fine but… damn it, she had to find a better way to get it out of her tail; it just crept back in immediately! At least when she'd left the beach back in Costa del Sol, the sand stayed where it was, but here she was: sand everywhere.

Also an absolutely enormous armoured warrior who was currently beating them around without too much seeming difficulty. That was bad. Quite bad.

At least everyone was doing a good job not dying? That way, they could still be healed. It would be quite hard to do that if someone got their head cut off by the sword he was wielding.

There was also… well, she wouldn't want to say anything, but if she was forced to offer an opinion on their tactics, maybe just letting all their big hitters rush in solo wasn't the best idea? Plus, well, attacking someone like that with ice in this environment could almost be seen as a blessing with all that armour. Though it didn't seem like the screaming warrior really cared about it? Or maybe he was just completely mad because of being cooked. Heat was no joke if it wasn't taken seriously.

"Avoid friendly fire" was the word of the day, and that was proving quite difficult with everyone rushing around doing their own thing, and Eve… well, as ever, her own magical abilities were quite dismal in comparison. But… er, was it Rudolf underneath the pointy hat and mask combo? Right, if him and Robin went in at the same time, then she could maybe slide in and—

Well, if this didn't work, she was going to be easily stamped on if she couldn't get away and to her feet in time. If it worked, it wasn't like the giant warrior would be expecting to be electrocuted from an angle like this. Hm, would it be extra painful if it hit? And would that even matter?

Ando Hikari - North Team

Whenever she held this sword in her hands, Hikari couldn't help but feel a little strange. She was Japanese, it was Japanese… and it was perfectly straight and far too long. She guessed that was what you got when your weapon's origin predated any notion of Japan as a country, but it still stood out as incongruous. Maybe part of that was also that it was so out of size in comparison to herself?

Well, not all that important, she had senpai duties to be attending to. And not the fun ones, like showing students new to the area where that really nice café with the fancy cakes was hiding. Hm, would this girl like that? She dressed like she wanted something rougher. Or at least more musical.

Maybe they could bond over wearing jackets that didn't go with their uniforms at all.

"In general? Killing a Grudge, same as always," she said after a moment, "Specifically? Waiting for the barrier to go down so we know it's time to go in."
Miina Malina

Well, her attempts to find out... much of anything hadn't gone terribly well. She didn't know why just stepping outside got so much attention but the uncomfortable amount of attention suggested that maybe she was recognisable for some reason? Given that, Miina had made an about turn and made her way back as fast as possible.

Not directly, though. She had learned some things before realising that she was working with criminals.

Now they were going to a desert, though? Hm, she wasn't the most experienced with dry heat; obviously even the coast had been pretty humid, but at least she was used to high temperatures. That would mean needing a few more layers, though, or rearranging her current ones... also finding some gloves, but that should be pretty easy. Just a bit annoying if it came to fighting.

"Umm... I c-c-could help w-with magic? Sometimes?" It wasn't like she could create anything permanent, but before she'd left home, "cool things down a little" had pretty much been the only real use she ever had for ice spells. It certainly beat out lightning for practical utility, and she didn't need magic to start a fire. Unless it was really wet.
"What's a Velt?" the fairy asked, head tilted, "Is it near Lorkay?"

Or, in other words, she was almost exactly from north-eastern Velt. Or southern Estival. Or northwest Ithillin. The great primeval forest of the wood elves and fey, still stretching across the north and largely resistant to any attempts at clearing.

"Oh, and I'm Aisling. The summoner lady has asked me to stop anyone from climbing this way, so could you please get back to falling down? I would rather not harm that poor tree."

@The Otter

"Not twice in a day," was the demon's firm statement, this time intercepting the attempt at blinding—although with a raised eyebrow at the marring of her armour.

Then Gertrude fired and she was forced to divert her attention, tsking. Even as the bolt was moments away, she stood firm, not making a move to dodge or avoid it, and then lashed out with a mailed fist. For moments, the Celestial Spear hung in the air, paused, and ground against the armour—

And then its course was deflected, the spell now aimed firmly at Rolan. Once again, she was forced to avoid capitalising on her intended target, however, as the demon barely had time to form a new blade and prevent herself from being run through entirely. And such a shallow blow would hardly be fatal.

"Is your goal not to reach the top of the hill?" If she was upset about the three or four to one odds, she didn't seem it, but at least working together they were keeping up. Unless someone slipped.

@VitaVitaAR@Psyker Landshark@Octo@Eisenhorn

With Krysia perhaps unintentionally tying up everyone on one flank, Gisela was now free to focus her attention on Fleuri and Gerard. Given that they were making good progress up the hill, too long a pause would obviously be a bad idea.

Watching the hundi literally scratch her head before launching into another spell was therefore a bit unexpected in context, but there would be no time to celebrate this, as her staff was once again a fountain of magical bolts arcing up and around in all directions, a wide bombardment over the majority of the flank.

Only, as they began falling down to the ground, the ballistic trajectories came to a dead stop, and they instead shot much more in the pair's direction. Not perfectly on target, but what had initially looked to be a rain of magical bolts had transformed into a focused barrage from almost every direction except behind. At least these ones weren't exploding, or hitting rock hard enough to be used as a mining tool.

@HereComesTheSnow@Crimson Paladin
"Why, hello there."

Fionn's ascent up the cliff had immediately run into an unexpected hitch: a small, green face leaning over the edge in curiosity. More than anyone, he would be able to recognise that it was a Niyar up there—and unfortunately not Fiadh, which rather reduced the chances of talking it out.

"Bye bye~"

Especially with the cliff-face now rapidly liquefying into mud.

@The Otter

The vial of sand got a remporarily befuddled reaction, although sneezing wasn't quite what Renar had been hoping for. Certainly, there was irritation; the demon's eyes sure looked bloodshot. It also seemed that she didn't care and could see through any watering, or maybe just had a surprisingly high tolerance for blinding. Whatever the case, the tripping attempt was brought to a halt by the plain metal spike she forced into the ground.

Then Rolan fired his crossbow, and the armoured figure had immediately narrowed her eyes and was gone in a shimmer of purple—

—Appearing in front of the bolt instead and crushing the shot with a gauntleted fist. Her expression had gone from pleased to annoyed, and as Rolan was surely finding out now—he had her entire attention, as well as an uptick in aggression. That, or the sudden preference for weapons that would be large for a normal person was just her way of saying hello to archers.

@VitaVitaAR@Psyker Landshark@Eisenhorn

While Gisela may have been planning some immediate follow-up to the destructive orbs, which were continuing now to roll away from the hill while steadily shrinking, the addition of magical fire from above was giving the duo climbing that side precious breathing room. Not that Gertrude's spells had gotten through to her, the older mage had simply raised her hand and the attacks kept slamming into a nearly-invisible barrier, the mana radiating cracks through it but the spells ultimately being absorbed.

The lack of fire in return soon ended, though. Rather than keep casting spell after spell, she had opted for a single powerful one of her own—

Gertrude probably wasn't happy to be on the receiving end of Shooting Stars, especially one so grossly overcharged in this short time that it was a veritable curtain of repeating fire. Oh, they were definitely weaker to be hit by, given that the Hundi had optimised for volume of fire, but that only meant so much when you were relying on staying in the air.

But that was still giving her an opportunity to look back at the knights climbing the hills, eyes widening at seeing how her demonic guardian was quite sidetracked, and start reciting another spell. This had an immediate visual effect, if anyone climbing (Fionn aside) were to look directly up. A flat disc where, instead, the sky was night.

Which was when the first sphere of silver light came crashing down. Far too short to actually hit Gerard, but the intent seemed clear—the Hundi was still chanting, and the hand not holding a staff was pointing. At least this gave warning, a second was now coming.

And then Fleuri. The captain. Renar. It wasn't rapid fire, but it was now accurate. And, if it hit, devastating.

@Octo@HereComesTheSnow@VitaVitaAR@Psyker Landshark
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