Elijah gave a dirty look to Escotto.
"Continue talking shit about my crew. And I wont stop Jorgal from eating you. And no you won't be the first human to score some 'alien poon' because if you paid attention to what I said earlier when I said I was was a human as well. You can infer that there are other humans from where I'm from. Geez kid learn to think." The Veteran Merc said pointing towards the large Krogan who gave a very toothy grin.
Turning back to the new aliens, Elijah watched as their apparent leader gave a signal for them to remove their masks? He didn't know what to think of them. They appeared to be reminiscent of ancient earth plague doctor masks. Perhaps this group was this species version of special forces?
Before they could remove their masks Elijah watched as Escotto in all his stupidity walked forward with his shirt above his head and pants sagging. Before Elijah could stop him the kid was holding a carrot in front of the aliens face.
"Ahem.... Horsey wanna cawwot?" He cooed with a cartoonishly deep voice. "Cawwot gewd fer horsey!"Asking if it wanted a carrot of all things.
'The FUCKING nerve of this kid.' Elijah looked back at his squad to see if they saw what he saw. Elijah looked at Ghalo who held a pistol in his hand, almost asking permission to shoot the kid. Elijah shook his head. The pistol collapsed once again and disappeared.
Elijah turned back to the aliens, from what he could tell their leader look appalled that the kid would assume he was a animal.
"Stop acting like a FUCKING idiot, kid. This is a first contact situation be serious." Elijah all but shouted at Escotto. He started to move towards him till he saw the aliens leader had sidestepped out of the way as another one of the aliens attacked the carrot. The kid was practically thrown around as the winged alien greedily attempted to find more carrots.
"Serves you right dumbass. If that was me I would've just killed you for the insult." Elijah said. His squad was oddly quiet watching the train wreck of a first contact happen before their eyes.
Once they started to ignore the kid being thrown around by the winged pony. First contact continued to move on. The aliens removed their face masks. Revealing them to be if Elijah had to guess some-type of equine. Though he'd never seen a horse or pony before, probably because of him being from a colony and spending most of his time among aliens. From what he could see they had very expressive eyes and easily distinguishable sexes. Males having a larger build and a thicker facial structure. The females having shorter muzzles and a slimmer build.
A short gasp came out from Linass.
"By the Goddess they are so adorable." Jorgal gave a quiet chuckle.
"They look like prey species. Notice how their eyes are further back. Gives them a wider picture." Elijah nodded his head.
"Yeah. Wonder how they managed to evolve. Closest thing we got to prey species is Hanar and they are still considered a predator species." Wonder evident in his voice.
Elijah watched with one eyebrow raised as the equinoid(?) or whatever you want to call them started talking to one of his subordinates who quickly lit one of her feathers on fire somehow. Perhaps some type of tech allowed them to do that. The equinoids started to draw sticks figures trying to explain something.
Several short doodles later. Elijah and his squad could finally see what they drew clearly. What appeared to be them killing the beasts with fire which apparently caused the forest (?) to send a larger wooden wolf to attack them, the next drawing showed them destroying the the wooden wolves core or in their case launching it into the canyon. The next drawing showed a much larger wolf stepping on them. If the drawing is correct the wolf would be half the size of the ship. At least 50 feet high. The next doodle was easy to understand what it meant. No fire. Apparently this place didn't like fire. The last one made no sense to him. The forest bowing to the sun. Elijah figured he'd need to asked what that one meant once they understood each other languages better.
From behind him Elijah heard Linass ask a question.
"Obviously we won't be able to use any flamethrowers or incinerate attack. You think we can still use biotics?" Elijah shrugged.
"Let me ask them. But its obvious nothing fire related. No incendiary ammo either. Stick with sledgehammer, cyro or shredder rounds." He then grabbed a nearby stick and crudely drew a human with a flame in his hand. Above the drawing he drew a question mark. Then to show them what he meant by his drawing Elijah demonstrated his biotics, Elijah's right arm and hand started glowing a dark blue almost blackish with the most inward of it being white. Above the palm of his hand appeared a concentrated ball of energy. Elijah then cut of his biotics and looked at the aliens.
Once they had answered his question Elijah turned to Linass.
"I think I got a idea. If you are willing to meld with one of them we might be able to get them to speak our language." Linass looked at Elijah.
"I mean I could but you know what that means to my people. But then again it is possible that I might be able to share some of my language with them so that we could talk to them. Though since they are a new race I don't know how they will react. But it's worth a shot." She said. Elijah nodded his head and once again started drawing. This time he drew a badly drawn picture of a Asari and one of the equinoids with a thought bubble above both of them. The next one showed the Asari and the equinoid touching forwards above them was a single thought bubble above both of their heads to show that their minds had connected. Then next one showed several stick figures and the equinoid being able to talk to one another. Once he finished his drawing Elijah took a step back and watched the equinoids to see if one of them would volunteer.