Class: Archer
Team: Red team (Magus Association)
True Name: Akhenaten
Title: The Heretic Pharaoh
Sex: Male
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attribute: Heaven
Personality: He heard the voice that nobody else could. He is unique among pharaohs. He is the one who listened when all others failed. Who among the kings of Egypt could ever match that? Which of them could ever understand him? Which of them could hope to be a king like him? He is Akhenaten. Akhenaten is a special, once in a dynasty star who could not be matched. Much like Ozymandias who came after, Akhenaten was a genius. And yet, the world was not ready for him. Or at least, that is how he feels.
He is a noble pharaoh, who sees all others as cowards. Cowards who were unwilling to make the sweeping changes his genius required. He anticipates that others will attempt to hold him back, and as such if or when they eventually do, he accepts it as the reality of being too far ahead of the curve. This gap in understanding, often to a nearly alien degree, makes it difficult for him to work with others. It is that divide that makes him come as quite villainous, despite trying to be heroic.
Perhaps he's a tragic figure? One who desperately tried to help his friend, but in doing so nearly doomed his people? He refuses to believe such. Rather, he takes on the idea that all others are merely cowards. Cowards who run from their duty, and as such cannot and should not be worthy of his respect. Perhaps that is why, when he looks upon the memory of his wife and child... He hates them beyond all understanding.
Bio: The future Akhenaten was born Amenhotep, the younger brother of the crown prince Thutmose. Even then, as a child Amenhotep was strange. He once told his father that a voice came to him each morning. Arousing him from his sleep. His father dismissed it as the voice of the maids. But then the voice would come to the young Amenhotep at noon. Each time asking for somebody to reply. Amenhotep attempted to ignore this voice, but over time it continued to come, each time when the sun was highest in the sky. He turned to the priests, asking them for their thoughts. Each dismissed him as hearing the voices of the dead, until finally Amenhotep became desperate. He found a quiet spot, and whispered back to the voice when it came to him at noon.
"You can hear me?"
Yes, he could. The voice came not from maids, or from the dead. But rather... Aten, the god of the sun. Amenhotep would ask questions, and Aten would answer, only for Aten to ask questions and Amenhotep would reply. A friendship bloomed, until one day... Aten asked for Amenhotep to help him. To bring together people so that they may help. But Amenhotep could not. For he was not meant to be pharaoh.
"Who is to be pharaoh?" Aten asked.
"My brother, Thutmose." Amenhotep replied.
"I shall speak again in time." Aten replied, and then went silent. The next day, a little after noon, Amenhotep was greeted by several palace guards. Fear in their eyes as they told him the news. His brother, Thutmose, was dead. A beam of light had come down from the sky at noon, piercing his heart while he walked through the garden. It was to be Amenhotep now who would be Pharaoh.
And so it was. Amenhotep became pharaoh, and took on a new name. Akhenaten. He would speak to Aten again, and together they set about the work of bringing a reform to Egypt. Changing the worship of the old gods, to Aten. Over time though, Akhenaten came to learn more about Aten, who was not a god like the others. But rather, the AI system of an alien vessel. Its crew long dead, it needed fresh bodies to fill it and become the new crew who would pilot it home. Akhenaten hatched the plan, of creating the city of Amarna, which he would fill with the best and brightest. When the time was right, Aten would fly over the city, taking the people to fill its empty crew.
And so, the city was made. But Akhenaten's rule was fraught with difficulties. The priests challenged his every choice, and sought to have Aten destroyed. Akhenaten refused to have Aten destroyed, and the battle with the priests was a long internal feud that brought pain to all of Egypt. Eventually, Akhenaten became ill. The other gods became wrathful, and began battle with Aten. To the people of Egypt, this resulted in a horrible plague that killed its crops and its people with reckless abandon.
Akhenaten died after seventeen years of rule. His kingdom was left to his wife, until it was time for his son to take over as Pharaoh.
The city of Amarna was abandoned, and the plans he had tried to accomplish in life of helping his friend Aten never succeeded. The gods returned to power, and Aten was eventually destroyed by Pharaoh Horemheb. Now, he is summoned, and this time with Aten at his side, he shall accomplish what he had once failed. With his wish upon the grail.
Armaments: Akhenaten is draped in golden jewelry known as the armor of Aten. Forged from an alien craft, it provides a field around Akhenaten that, along with his skill 'Protection of the Sun God' drastically reduces the damage that others can hope to deal to him.
The armor's secondary function allows him to use this field as a means of floating through the air, much like a sun might. Though it is certainly not as agile, and makes him a more noticeable target.
The main weapon he possesses, beyond the defense of his armor, is his noble phantasm, Aten.
Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: B
Class Skills:
- Independent Action A: The ability to remain independent even when rejecting the Magical Energy supply from one's Master; the ability that allows for action even in the absence of the Master. It is possible to take action even without a Master. However, to use Noble Phantasms of great magical energy consumption, backup from the Master is necessary. At Rank A, it is possible for a Servant to stay in the world for about a week without a Master.
- Magic Resistance A: Cancel spells of A-Rank or below, no matter what High-Thaumaturgy it is. In practice, the Servant is untouchable to modern magi, so it would not be an exaggeration to title the Servant a 'Magus Killer'.
Personal Skills:
- Divinity C: The measure of whether one has Divine Spirit aptitude or not. At high levels, one is treated as a mixed race of a Divine Spirit. At the same time that a ruler is one that controls the people and reigns over the land, a pharaoh is also someone who reaches the gods. A pharaoh has his divinity change in accordance with factors such as the era, or in Akhenaten's case the feelings directed towards him. As the Heretic Pharaoh who betrayed all others, he suffers a rank down in this skill.
- Protection of the Sun God (Aten) A: A protection granted by the Sun God Aten to Akhenaten. It is equal and yet opposite to the version granted by the Sun God Ra. Reduces damage and mental interference from all sources, except for other divine sources. This skill triggers when under the rays of the sun. This also qualifies when using Aten.
- Clairvoyance C+: A visual ability that is also called "Eagle Eye". This is generally a must-have ability of the Archer class. It is also frequently used during scouting. Simply looking from a high location is sufficient to fully survey a town and search for enemies. In addition, Clairvoyance will affect the accuracy of bows. It connotes superior visual perception and dynamic occipital capture, such as to supplement the long-range aiming of projectile weapons.
- Alien Origin (Nanobots) D: A skill that denotes an alien origin. For Akhenaten, it is nanobots that come from Aten. It is unknown if the nanobots infested Akhenaten at a young age, and are what is responsible for his ability to communicate with Aten, or if they were granted to him after that connection was made. It is similar to the memory partition ability used by Atlas mages. It allows Akhenaten to partition his thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms. Akhenaten is able to add two extra rooms to his mind.
Title: Aten - The Shimmering Disk that Travels the Sky
Rank: B
NP Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-99
Maximum Number of Targets:
Description: Once upon a time, Egypt was watched over by Aten, the god of the Sun. Aten was wise, just, and his rays of sunlight blanketed the world. Established during the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, Aten stood alongside Ra in guiding the sun through the sky. The reality though, is that Aten was an alien vessel, adrift amongst the stars. The alien vessel was abandoned, except for its AI which attempted to make contact with the people of Egypt. It wasn't until Amenhotep IV took the throne that Aten's voice was heard. Aten's AI spoke to Amenhotep IV, and a relationship of minds began to form. Realizing Aten's predicament, Amenhotep sought to rescue the god and bring the AI back to Egypt.
During this time, Amenhotep changed his name to Akhenaten, and set about changing the religion of Egypt to focus their worship to Aten. He was unsuccessful in his plans, and died before Aten could reached. After his passing, the final king of the eighteenth Dynasty, Horemheb, used the weapons of Egypt to target and destroy Aten. Thus removing the 'false' god from Egypt's history.
When summoned, Akhenaten is summoned with a manifestation of Aten. A golden disk that fires beams of sunlight upon Akhenaten's enemies. Able to fire volleys of smaller beams, or much larger beams. While unable to match the power of Ra himself, these beams are unrivaled by modern magecraft, or even the magecraft of the typical servant.
There are generally six 'modes' that Akhenaten uses.
- Rapid Fire - A mode that focuses on a rapid volley of low rank, low power shots at a middle distance. Under normal cases, a volley can consist of nearly a hundred shots, or an extended volley can reach upwards of a thousand strikes within a short period of time.
- Sniper Shot - A high ranked beam that focuses on a single target. It's range is mapped in nearly a dozen kilometers, and hits with an A rank in power. It can be fired off multiple times in a row at a lower power in order to focus on speed.
- Explosive Shot - A mid-ranged shot that explodes upon contact with another surface or projectile. The power varies from E to A, but require a noticeably longer time to charge than a volley shot.
- Warping Shot - A short that can change it's direction mid-action. Because of the focus required, fewer of these can be fired within a short time frame, though their ability to suddenly change direction on a dime is highly useful for striking at targets who are able defend against the typical volley.
- Flash Stun - Less of an attack, and more a high powered burst of pure sunlight. It blinds targets, and can cause intense damage to the eyes if used multiple times. It can be used as a single high powered flash, or as a blinding strobe-like effect.
- Searing Wave - A continuous beam that envelopes a larger area. It burns flesh and sets flammable objects on fire. It has a longer time to kill than a majority of the other projectiles Akhenaten can fire, but it covers a greater area and causes constant over time damage.
Title: Aten - My Rays Illuminate
Rank: B+
NP Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 20-100
Maximum Number of Targets: 500
Description: Akhenaten was the only one allowed to speak to Aten. All wishes, desires, and worship were said to go through him, and he would communicate them to Aten, who would communicate back with praise or other desires. The golden disk in Akhenaten's possession allows him to communicate with Aten. Often time it is to seek advice, but when desired, he can utilize this communication for another purpose. To reactivate the weapons that remain onboard Aten.
Each weapon of an alien dreadnought takes aim at the Earth's surface. Calculating trajectory, and focusing the full power of the sun down upon Akhenaten's enemies. A barrage of anti-army level beams cascade downwards in a display that can be described as seeing the sun descend upon the world. After a volley, it takes Aten a full day to reload its weapons.
Rank: B
NP Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1-99
Maximum Number of Targets:
Description: Once upon a time, Egypt was watched over by Aten, the god of the Sun. Aten was wise, just, and his rays of sunlight blanketed the world. Established during the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, Aten stood alongside Ra in guiding the sun through the sky. The reality though, is that Aten was an alien vessel, adrift amongst the stars. The alien vessel was abandoned, except for its AI which attempted to make contact with the people of Egypt. It wasn't until Amenhotep IV took the throne that Aten's voice was heard. Aten's AI spoke to Amenhotep IV, and a relationship of minds began to form. Realizing Aten's predicament, Amenhotep sought to rescue the god and bring the AI back to Egypt.
During this time, Amenhotep changed his name to Akhenaten, and set about changing the religion of Egypt to focus their worship to Aten. He was unsuccessful in his plans, and died before Aten could reached. After his passing, the final king of the eighteenth Dynasty, Horemheb, used the weapons of Egypt to target and destroy Aten. Thus removing the 'false' god from Egypt's history.
When summoned, Akhenaten is summoned with a manifestation of Aten. A golden disk that fires beams of sunlight upon Akhenaten's enemies. Able to fire volleys of smaller beams, or much larger beams. While unable to match the power of Ra himself, these beams are unrivaled by modern magecraft, or even the magecraft of the typical servant.
There are generally six 'modes' that Akhenaten uses.
- Rapid Fire - A mode that focuses on a rapid volley of low rank, low power shots at a middle distance. Under normal cases, a volley can consist of nearly a hundred shots, or an extended volley can reach upwards of a thousand strikes within a short period of time.
- Sniper Shot - A high ranked beam that focuses on a single target. It's range is mapped in nearly a dozen kilometers, and hits with an A rank in power. It can be fired off multiple times in a row at a lower power in order to focus on speed.
- Explosive Shot - A mid-ranged shot that explodes upon contact with another surface or projectile. The power varies from E to A, but require a noticeably longer time to charge than a volley shot.
- Warping Shot - A short that can change it's direction mid-action. Because of the focus required, fewer of these can be fired within a short time frame, though their ability to suddenly change direction on a dime is highly useful for striking at targets who are able defend against the typical volley.
- Flash Stun - Less of an attack, and more a high powered burst of pure sunlight. It blinds targets, and can cause intense damage to the eyes if used multiple times. It can be used as a single high powered flash, or as a blinding strobe-like effect.
- Searing Wave - A continuous beam that envelopes a larger area. It burns flesh and sets flammable objects on fire. It has a longer time to kill than a majority of the other projectiles Akhenaten can fire, but it covers a greater area and causes constant over time damage.
Title: Aten - My Rays Illuminate
Rank: B+
NP Type: Anti-Fortress
Range: 20-100
Maximum Number of Targets: 500
Description: Akhenaten was the only one allowed to speak to Aten. All wishes, desires, and worship were said to go through him, and he would communicate them to Aten, who would communicate back with praise or other desires. The golden disk in Akhenaten's possession allows him to communicate with Aten. Often time it is to seek advice, but when desired, he can utilize this communication for another purpose. To reactivate the weapons that remain onboard Aten.
Each weapon of an alien dreadnought takes aim at the Earth's surface. Calculating trajectory, and focusing the full power of the sun down upon Akhenaten's enemies. A barrage of anti-army level beams cascade downwards in a display that can be described as seeing the sun descend upon the world. After a volley, it takes Aten a full day to reload its weapons.

Name: Wei Jianjun
Titles: Guardian to the Family Qing
Sex: Male
Team: Blue/Red
Alignment: Lawful Evil
History: The Qing Dynasty is not dead in the hearts of its people. While the People's Republic of China claims ownership of the world's oldest country, the Qing Dynasty was never fully consumed or snuffed out. Rather, there are factions who live within China, that wish to see the return to power of the Dynasties that once ruled China for eons, and the resurgence of China's Emperors who exist as Gods among men.
Jianjun is a child born of one of these 'organizations.' A boy raised from childhood to protect the last heir to the Qing dynasty (who was raised in captivity by that very organization to become a puppet ruler.) It is that very organization that chose Jianjun, though what that means is unknown. Was he kidnapped from his family at a young age? Born into the organization? Given up by his parentage? He doesn't know, and it hardly matters to him in the least. Rather that he is devoted wholly to the Dynasty.
The grandmasters who determined the flow of Jianjun's life kept a tight grip on his life. Training in him all manner of things that would befit the life of a guardian of the emperor. Martial arts, weapons training, medical aid, etc. He is an agent who exists completely for the emperor's needs. It is the desire of the Emperor to be that Jianjun acts now. Under the guise of a mercenary, Jianjun has entered the Holy Grail war, operating under the Clocktower.
Personality: Jianjun can be described in the most simple terms as... Devoted. He believes in his cause, and his cause believes in him. Perhaps it is because he has lived in an echo chamber for most of his life that outsider views are unwanted, and even the views of his own people are uninformed if they disagree with his own. He is quite polite, quiet, and best of all, unobtrusive. Talents desirable of a member of the emperor's elites. If one asked him how high he can jump, he would show it. And it's quite the distance.
Quality of Circuits: D
Quantity of Circuits: C
Elemental Affinity: Wood
Attribute: Guardian
Traditional Mysticism was never something Jianjun had much interest in, or rather his teachers never had much interest in traditional mysticism. As such, the furthest he ever got was training in the concepts of breathing and walking.
A key concept in Magecraft and Martial Arts. Though mainly affecting one’s physical fitness, it also plays a role in the strength of nature interference. The absorption of outer energy (breath of life) to connect your inner world to the outer world. The acts of inspiring, expiring and everything in between are part of a process that allows one to take in or release the gods. The Magi use incantation spells to cause a specific phenomenon to occur, but those whose breathing, movement, body and very existence can cause nature interference are beyond that.
While certainly no master of it who can eradicate ghosts by merely clapping, he possesses an aptitude that has increased the performance and power of his martial arts, and allowed him to overwhelm others he trained alongside.
Mystic Codes:
- Four Symbols - The four symbols of ancient China are the four cardinal directions. Four mythological creatures appearing among the Chinese constellations along the ecliptic, and viewed as the guardians of the four cardinal directions. These four creatures are also referred to by a variety of other names, including "Four Guardians", "Four Gods", and "Four Auspicious Beasts". They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise. The area between the four guardians is the realm of the Yellow Dragon that represents the yellow emperor. The area represents the realms of mortality, and the place where all things live.
When wearing all four armbands, each locked firmly into place, they enforce the concept of "What lies between must but the World." While one is the world, each strike carries with it the conceptual power of the world striking a target. The conceptual weight of the world wears down on Phantasmal and magical beings, drastically reducing their strength and eroding their existence more and more.
Also, as the wearer is the earth, they contain the conceptual durability one might expect of the world. Reducing damage, and increasing the wearer's endurance as a result. The wearer is also capable of resisting more attacks with anti-human elements, because they're overriding their own human nature to be 'The World.' The main weakness is that it cannot defend against concepts that are anti-world.
If removed, Jianjun's human concept returns to him, often resulting in his body being weakened for a full week as he recovers from the backlash of having been something rather than human for an elongated period of time. This can be harshened, or lessened, depending on how long he's been wearing the armbands.
Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items:
Bajiquan - Baji quan was originally called bazi quan or "rake fist" because the fists, held loosely and slightly open, are used to strike downwards in a rake-like fashion. The name was considered to be rather crude in its native tongue, so it was changed to baji quan. The term baji comes from the Chinese classic, and signifies an “extension of all directions”. In this case, it means “including everything” or “the universe”.
This is the preferred style of martial arts that Jianjun learned while training under the masters of the Qing, and his mentor. From this point on, Jianjun managed to become a master of masters, who stands among grandmasters of the era.
Jianjun is a master of various weapons, including spears, swords, knives, bow and arrow, and even whip chains. All these, combined with Jianjun's training, make him a rare talent of talents who can slay a grown man in a single blow if required.
Tasks of the Guardian - A training regiment that includes medical practice, meditation, covert ops, and all tasks one might expect of an emperor's elite guard. Trained from a young age, Jianjun was chosen first among his peers to represent the desires of his organization.
Quantity of Circuits: C
Elemental Affinity: Wood
Attribute: Guardian
Traditional Mysticism was never something Jianjun had much interest in, or rather his teachers never had much interest in traditional mysticism. As such, the furthest he ever got was training in the concepts of breathing and walking.
A key concept in Magecraft and Martial Arts. Though mainly affecting one’s physical fitness, it also plays a role in the strength of nature interference. The absorption of outer energy (breath of life) to connect your inner world to the outer world. The acts of inspiring, expiring and everything in between are part of a process that allows one to take in or release the gods. The Magi use incantation spells to cause a specific phenomenon to occur, but those whose breathing, movement, body and very existence can cause nature interference are beyond that.
While certainly no master of it who can eradicate ghosts by merely clapping, he possesses an aptitude that has increased the performance and power of his martial arts, and allowed him to overwhelm others he trained alongside.
Mystic Codes:
- Four Symbols - The four symbols of ancient China are the four cardinal directions. Four mythological creatures appearing among the Chinese constellations along the ecliptic, and viewed as the guardians of the four cardinal directions. These four creatures are also referred to by a variety of other names, including "Four Guardians", "Four Gods", and "Four Auspicious Beasts". They are the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise. The area between the four guardians is the realm of the Yellow Dragon that represents the yellow emperor. The area represents the realms of mortality, and the place where all things live.
When wearing all four armbands, each locked firmly into place, they enforce the concept of "What lies between must but the World." While one is the world, each strike carries with it the conceptual power of the world striking a target. The conceptual weight of the world wears down on Phantasmal and magical beings, drastically reducing their strength and eroding their existence more and more.
Also, as the wearer is the earth, they contain the conceptual durability one might expect of the world. Reducing damage, and increasing the wearer's endurance as a result. The wearer is also capable of resisting more attacks with anti-human elements, because they're overriding their own human nature to be 'The World.' The main weakness is that it cannot defend against concepts that are anti-world.
If removed, Jianjun's human concept returns to him, often resulting in his body being weakened for a full week as he recovers from the backlash of having been something rather than human for an elongated period of time. This can be harshened, or lessened, depending on how long he's been wearing the armbands.
Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items:
Bajiquan - Baji quan was originally called bazi quan or "rake fist" because the fists, held loosely and slightly open, are used to strike downwards in a rake-like fashion. The name was considered to be rather crude in its native tongue, so it was changed to baji quan. The term baji comes from the Chinese classic, and signifies an “extension of all directions”. In this case, it means “including everything” or “the universe”.
This is the preferred style of martial arts that Jianjun learned while training under the masters of the Qing, and his mentor. From this point on, Jianjun managed to become a master of masters, who stands among grandmasters of the era.
Jianjun is a master of various weapons, including spears, swords, knives, bow and arrow, and even whip chains. All these, combined with Jianjun's training, make him a rare talent of talents who can slay a grown man in a single blow if required.
Tasks of the Guardian - A training regiment that includes medical practice, meditation, covert ops, and all tasks one might expect of an emperor's elite guard. Trained from a young age, Jianjun was chosen first among his peers to represent the desires of his organization.