As the storm raged on, Gyran set off toward Elf Haven. He was welcome there, but couldn't very well use his bike. Anyone knows that riding your bike in the rain without the proper cover could be painful. Gyran was wearing a sleeveless tank top after all. I guess I should have checked the weather report. Good thing I didn't run into this storm when I was on my bike. That wouldn't have been pleasant. He thought to himself. Despite the torrential downpour, he turned his head upwards as he made his way down the abandoned sidewalk. He could always feel that, the loneliness that his sort of commitment brought, forced to speak in mostly coded messages, putting on a façade of a completely different person.
Still, a sense of anxiety always washes over him when he gives orders. They're not the best way to communicate but it certainly kept them out of the limelight, though their work was sometimes exposed. Operation Freedom has no where near the budget of the Our Father's Fathers terrorist organization. They were definitely a threat, escalated violence makes it worse for the real freedom fighters. No doubt Operation Freedom had done some bombings in the past, but they were against government buildings with very low to no occupancy. The casualties were minimal, and it was not about destroying lives, but making a point. The government isn't invincible, but if you push too hard then you'll make real change impossible. You have to put just enough pressure, and you need the people on your side. No body except for the die-hard, red blooded, trigger happy Texans would accept this sort of armed rebellion. Gyran thought to himself on that lonely walk towards Elf Haven.
After a good trek he finally had made his way to Elf Haven, completely drenched by that point. Within a few minutes he found himself at the end of the sidewalk, standing right beside a bus stop where two men were resting. Gyran couldn't help but glance at them for a moment, before the drenched Elf would stuff his hands into his pockets, and walk across the street towards the Lotuswich Shoppe. He didn't make a habit of swinging by too often, but the food was alright. As he crossed the street he also caught eyes with Leaf for just a moment. No doubt the two had seen eachother's face in passing, as Gyran was a regular at the Underhill Motorcycle Club. He always stayed low profile but it was just a matter of time before Leaf confronted him; or perhaps he thought that the Elf was simply a loner.
Disregarding the thought, Gyran entered the sandwich shop and looked over, glancing past one strange man sitting in the corner, to another more young man in a suit. He probably caught some looks because of how wet he was, but he couldn't help but flash a smile to the man known as Ethan. Gyran knew his name, but it's likely Ethan knew only Gyran's alias, Ozy, or Ozymandias. They had never met face-to-face, but Gyran occasionally helped leak things through him, and Ethan was also rather useful himself to the cause, but identities had to be protected. Ethan probably knew some lower level Operation Freedom members, but very few knew of Ozy's actual identity, even from deep within the organization.
After that brief glance, Gyran made his way to a seat near the middle of the establishment and sat down. He didn't even notice the other two girls in the shop, only Lillium. He yawned for a moment and slouched back. Being wet didn't bother him much. He seemed very relaxed, simply waiting for his order to be taken, he didn't seem to mind waiting.