Name: Jackdawl
Race: Unknown
Age: Approximately 130
Gender: Unknown
Profession/Role/Position: Freelance Terrorist
Equipment: An assortment of Assault Rifles, Pistols, Light Machine Guns, Explosives, etc. suited with different types of ammunition and enchantment for a variety of situations. Jackdawl carries many daggers and knives on his person at all times.
Implants: Several implants in his arms and legs triple Jackdawl's speed and strength
Magic: Darkfire
Description: Darkfire allows Jackdawl to create, manipulate, and control a specific purple fire, one that cannot be extinguished by wind or water. This magic can have the effects of a solid attack, and can be casted through various parts of Jackdawl's body, such as his arms, and can be manipulated, taking the form of bullets or beams. Jackdawl has the ability to engulf his entire body with this type of fire, creating an armor like substance that makes him immune to damage from an assortment of things such as bullets and melee weapons, but to an extent.
Magic: Astral Projection
Description: Astral Projection allows the one's spirit to leave the body, and assume the form of an astral body. Jackdawl, however, takes the actual form of a spirit, and enters an astral plane of existence. He cannot physically harm or touch anything, but may move through any type of surface, and convert his body back to his physical form as he pleases, but cannot remain in the astral plane for too long, otherwise his physical body will fade from existence. While in the form of a spirit, Jackdawl may enter the mind of another and control their body. The weaker the minds will, the more control Jackdawl will have, if the body somehow dies Jackdawl's spirit will merely be ejected and sent back into the astral plane. There is some speculation that Jackdawl himself isn't human, but a spirit with the ability to take physical form.
Personality: Jackdawl is an anarchist. He has his own agenda, his own morals and his own rules and way of thinking, he lives his life by his standards. He's remarkably persuasive, the type of person that can amass a cult of followers and convince them all to commit suicide for the greater good, the type of person that believes fear and power is the most efficient method for progress. He believes destruction is necessary, so he chooses to be the essence of it. Murder, theft, terrorism, no crime is beyond Jackdawl. he comes off as heartless and takes joy in the suffering of those that deserve it, or at least those that deserve it in his mind. Although his actions are very criminal and frowned upon Jackdawl is not necessarily evil, never targeting those that are innocent in his mind. Jackdawl's actions have not been for the sake of wealth or fame, only the belief that destruction, terrorism and anarchy are necessary in the cycle of life, but these beliefs do not necessarily justify his actions. Jackdawl believes he is serving justice to the selfish, weak, cowards of the world. Even so, he has a sadistic sense of humor and a demented state of mind, but despite this image Jackdawl is kind and rewarding to those that may assist him in his goal for anarchy. He can be very encouraging, giving hope and purpose to those who seek it. Jackdawl is highly intelligent as well, how he came to be is unknown but he's had quite the amount of time to educate himself in a variety of subjects and professions. Everything Jackdawl does, every move and action, every word he speaks, is all apart of some plan in his head. For unknown reasons he has a particular soft spot for elves.
Bio: The date and origin of Jackdawl's birth is unknown but sightings and photographs of him wearing his mask, the oldest occurring during the early 1920's, most of the photos had Jackdawl involved with the criminal organizations that spawned during the prohibition era, rising through the ranks of the American Mafia. It's rumored that he was caught and arrested in a brewery and sent to Alcatraz, but after two weeks of serving time he disappeared from his cell. At the end of the prohibition era these sightings came to an end, but resurfaced in the during the 60's in China, as they were going through a cultural revolution. Since then, Jackdawl's face and name, even the destruction caused by his magic came up in numerous parts of the world, basically anywhere violence, war, controversy, crime and anarchy could be found. Starting in the 70's and spreading well through the 80's Jackdawl's fame sky rocketed, mostly in the United States and parts of Europe, his signature mask and name becoming a symbol for anarchy and crime. All over the world in different cities and different countries Jackdawl would amass followers consisting mostly of local criminals or generally bad members of society, and transform them into his own private militia, causing destruction and mayhem every way possible through gang violence and rioting.
As the 80's came to a close Jackdawl was on several most wanted lists in numerous countries, his face on thousands of wanted posters in countless different languages. He peaked at number 4 on America's most wanted list and number 8 on the UK's. At the end of the 80's Jackdawl sightings came to a complete halt when he went into hiding and was presumed dead. Decades later he was nothing more than an internet phenomenon, policemen joked about him and criminals looked up to him. This all came to an end in 2021, when Jackdawl returned in London, and brought the city to it's knees. He completely revolutionized and dominated the criminal empire in the city, becoming a Kingpin and using this power and status to drive fear into the people with acts of terrorism. In less than a year of his return Jackdawl reached number one on America's Most Wanted list and remained at that spot for three years. London was in a state of panic for months as criminals took over and practically ran the city, until one day Jackdawl simply vanished overnight, claiming that his work was finished. Since than he's been spotted by locals and policemen from various countries such as Russia, Egypt, Japan and Colombia.
Company/Organization: The Jack Dahlia
Followers of Jackdawl and members of his own private militia. Founded during Jackdawl's criminal reign over London, there were approximately 100 members, each recruited specifically by Jackdawl himself over the years. The races are varied but the most common types of members are Halflings, Orcs, and Vampire. They range from the likes of criminals and murderers to mental patients and drug abusers and all claim that Jackdawl has saved them, and has given their lives purpose. There is no racism of any kind, each member follows Jackdawl's morals, beliefs and ideals. They live only to serve Jackdawl, and are willing to die in the process. After Jackdawl disappeared from London without a trace, he simply ordered his followers to prepare for war. But, without the guidance of their leader, The Jack Dahlia eventually disbanded, some sticking together, some going their own way, but all of them hoping and waiting for their leaders return, which came nine years later. Jackdawl spent months tracking down the members and recruiting new ones, but even so the amount dropped from 100 to around 30. They are now based on the North-West outskirts of Houston, in an old factory transformed into a criminal hideout, awaiting Jackdawl's orders.