Avatar of Reyna
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 6 yrs ago
  • Posts: 63 (0.03 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Reyna 4 yrs ago
    2. ██████████████ 6 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current So go on and be unpredictable...Shatter the glass when it's half full
2 yrs ago
o.o; why mash fruit on faces at all?
2 yrs ago
Why bananas?
2 yrs ago
Happy Momma's Day
1 like
2 yrs ago
Had a really good night despite changed plans. I hope everyone else's day/night was good too ^.^


Ugh, this is just about as bad as introducing yourself on the first day of class. Hi, my name's Jess. I like dogs. And potatoes.

I'm a female about to exit her twenties and would prefer my rp buddies to be at least 18+, though 21+ would be even more preferrable. I would only make an exception to <18 if there is a group roleplay going on and all ages are invited to join. ^.^

I usually reply from my cellphone. That being said - I will do my best to match the effort you give. Giving you ten paragraphs from my cell is just probably not gonna happen (unless I'm really inspired and you don't mind waiting awhile for my reply.) However, whatever appropriate length is agreed on, I will always do my best to meet or exceed.

Annnnnnnnd now my interests:
-1x1 preferred
-PM or Discord also preferred
-I'm open to any combination of gender pairing but typically MxF is my go-to.
-I don't like to do fandom rps (I'm always worried I'm not going to do the characters justice so I just avoid altogether)
-I didn't realize there was a stigma around anthro roleplays, but I don't mind doing them.
-Mythology is my jam. Specifically Greek.
-Literally any genre/time period is ok with me.
-I love world-building and character development.
-I love love and all that it entails (the good and the bad) so I want it in my roleplays.
-Also danger and adventure. Lots of it. Plots twists, close calls, anticipationnnn GIMME ALL OF IT!

***Brownie points to anyone who knows what a Dark-Hunter is or who Sherrilyn Kenyon is!***

Most Recent Posts

We appreciate the help, @King Tai! I personally hadn't thought about giants and elementals, so it was a welcomed suggestion! ^_^
Works for me :D
^.^ I certainly am. While we wait for him - a quick question.
Who do we apprehend? Anyone/anything that is causing trouble?
I told him he better come choose what he wants to be before we start getting creative 😂😂
A unicorn! 😂😝
Human for me :D
Human is fine with me ^.^
Are we human? Or interracial?
Whoops, get to bed then! 😂
And I like that idea. ^.^
I think Baby called it an early night. Do either of you have any ideas you'd like to add?
It would seem we are doing a medieval fantasy.
What type of coalition are we? Do we have a leader/headquarters type thing or did we form the group ourselves?
Maybe we could brainstorm a bit and give her something to come back to. ^_^
@RockStar86 @EldarionI
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