Avatar of Rilla


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7 yrs ago
Current It turns out that you can, if you message your friendly neighborhood moderator.
9 yrs ago
Working, essentially, second shift blows. I hate getting home after midnight. xD
9 yrs ago
Any day now, I'll have my first kid. Mini Rilla. #Awesome


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If you enter, I will. Hahaha.
@Enki Probably about a week depending on how fast they come in.
If you lot don't mind, you can look in my signature at my deposit for some character of relevant strength since I usually specialize in mid tier. For some others, this varies by where they plied their arena trade before coming here.

This should have been added in, but I was writing, as I usually do, on the fly. And ad more questions come in I can narrow.doen what needs to be added and all.
No, Ayz is not unusuable.
You got it, boss. But if you're attempting to make a character specifically to subvert gun usfage, I'll deny it out right.
oObhug messaged Liaison on Snapchat, all parties have agreed to an addendum to allow up to Modern Fantasy.
You missed something there in the rules, hoss.
Way of the Warrior

Welcome to the return of the popular Way of the Warrior tournament, a guild exclusive Arena Tournament, that has introduced several prominent characters, from OOC and IC, to the Guild Arena.

The tournament is a single elimination event that features a varied range of arenas and characters, as well as a futuristic Lobby that allows for non-competing characters to develop stories based off the events and outcomes of matches. Often, these are characters who hold some considerable influence over their own (hyper) universes, defined as a massive universe that houses others.

The Lobby is headed up by a mysterious figure named Liaison, who fancies himself a middleman, and has connections to a fair few top players among the hyper universes. The Lobby is of his own creation, having called in chips with leaders of magical and technological worlds to facilitate it's manufacture. It contains healing chambers, rest areas, viewing areas, and a teleportation room to get players to and from the battlegrounds.

There have been several iterations of this tournament both on and off-screen, leading to branching stories that have had wide effects on the Arena. Some classic participants include Lyzan, Alphonse, and Sigurd. This version is being held at the behest of Feyerli Obhug, President-Elect of the fourth largest known Hyper universe, the KyTrey Universe. The universe is constantly a war, and so have extended their efforts to find a universe outside of their system to aid in their eternal efforts. Feyerli accepted all sides proposal to venture outside their own hyper universes to find more soldiers.


  • General RoleplayerGuild rules apply
  • Obviously all accepted Arena Rules apply(No Godmodding, Metagaming, or Batmanning)
  • Players have two days after opponents post to reply, longer if given acceptable reasoning
  • Character Sheets are to be PM'd to me, and any Co-GM I choose, to be reviewed. I have final say but do take into account their, if any, opinions.
  • Any sabotages done in the Lobby must be dealt with before going to battle, or else stated effects will apply(This can be nixed if enough people wish it so)
  • Non combatants are to enter and remain in the upper viewing area to watch and wager on bouts there.
  • Follow all conditions of stated battle arenas, if any.
  • Due to KyTrey Hyper Universe rules of engagement, Feyerli has requested all characters be representative of medieval fantasy settings. His words were, translated, "Keep that unholy futuristic crap in the other worlds"
  • Characters should be mid tier or below.
  • Extra Rules as needed


Way of the Warrior was inspired by Roleplaygateway tournament Grassroots hosted by TwilightShade, a tournament I placed fourth in. Winner of WOTW is allowed one favor from Liaison, assuming it doesn't cost him his life, he's all about self preservation until he achieves his goal.

There is no stated character sheet, so feel free to use your own.
@DJAtomika Won't happen.i only make the same mistake 5 times.
@LeeRoy poor quality, harsh effects.
@DJAtomika he'll dick punch you.
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