Avatar of Frog Dog


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7 mos ago
Current Yes, I called the cops. Fight my character why don't you. I'll run away and call again.
7 mos ago
Yes, I called the cops. Fight my character.


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I’m in Discord already for rpguild
<Snipped quote by Frog Dog>

Jump in the Discord. Duh. :)

I be there. No see this. ):
Nah, my brother came back home this week and we went fishing today.
Banned for cutoff signature for posting at the same time as me
@Frog Dog We need more of a progressive post unless you want our people to just kind of ignore your dude chilling at the front of the alley way, which is fine. If that's the case than we can just skip you and go onto sandstorm.

Already up. <3
Didn't have to tell him twice to leave. Sonny left, back into the shop.

If the cops wanted to talk with him they could do it in there where he could ease his nerves over another cup. He watched the line for coffee diffuse and the workers stalled in their workflows.

He sat there in silence behind the ambience of people startled and struck by the bystander phenomenon. The alley was too close for them all not to hear the gunshot.

Sonny just sat in silence.

It's the supermarket all over again except I wasn't being attacked this time, he thought, I can only hope someone saved them like I was saved. Hopefully no one is dead. It was a lofty want.

See: Rufus doesn't know he's a prophet. Because of that gift, he's just a regular person who sometimes gets strange inklings through dreams and waking moments. They can be small hints of things, or, they can be full on messages. He initially thought he was schizophrenic until those inklings and messages came to be with higher and higher frequency. So often they were not saying something that was supposed to happen immediately. There was a delay that seemed whimsical. However, it was those immediate messages that freaked him out the most.

He recently came back to faith. In the Book named Corinthians it states that in the nearing end times, which we all already live in from the moment The Revelation made certain to clarify we are, prophets would become common. The Gift of Tongues and the Gift of Prophecy, in Corinthians, is stated to be for the faithful and the faithful servants. Tongues was for evangelism --- spreading the word to save. Prophecy was to bring certainty to the future with God --- to bring clarity as to what will be happening and why. Together, Prophecy and Tongues awaken the soul from its blind slumber in the body it is bound to.

With that said, just because you have the gifts doesn't mean you're some magical authority. They don't belong to you, they belong to God, and if you use those gifts outside of God's work --- God's need --- then your soul is still asleep while the body is spewing both like an alarm clock that won't be shut off until the soul gets up.

Do YOU do God's work, or, are you being used by God so work can be done? Can you tell the difference between being used and being possessed by a demon whose task from Satan is to appear like a monolithic deity like God itself? Are you a wolf in sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolf's clothing? Sonny couldn't answer the questions on his own. He wanted to believe that he knew which from that, and, that from which.

Because of the gunshot the staff wasn't making more coffee. He left for his apartment. He should have known they weren't going to commit to work, that'd be crazy especially if someone died.
<Snipped quote by wanderingwolf>

Option 2 seems like a good balance, keeping the story going while still allowing time for responses :)

I vote for Option 2 also.
I'll be posting the journal entry soon. In the journal entry angelborne =/= angel born. It's a term to describe what angels and demons were before betraying or committing to God.
for me, emo is a state of being. not just a way to dress or act.

Pain and depression are my life. always and forever.

This is the way.
My dog is always forever the baby.
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