Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
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"I know, I know." Mickey went up to the room Virgilia was in earlier, and opened the door. "Lady Virgilia, I think we will require your assistance. I find myself in an unfamiliar territory, and I feel if you help us, we will not be played for a fool anymore. It seems your friend Beatrice thinks of us as nothing, when I have explained to her there is a dire matter at hand. I do not know if you are aware of the place, but a man named Master Xehanort wants to start a second Keyblade war, and open the door to Kingdom Hearts. Then, he wants to shift the balance of light and darkness and plunge all worlds into darkness. Despite that, and how horrible it will be, she acts as if it is not her problem." Mickey said, crossing his arms.

Sora stepped inside the room, unsure of who would be in there and what they would look like.
"Okay, no need to worry. Let's simply go find that Virgilia lady again, and we'll go ask for her help. At least now I know better than to put my trust into that woman. I guess we should look out for that girl in pink then, too. If she's a friend of hers, who know's what she's like then." Mickey said with a sigh, heading out the door. "My patience is starting to be tested here, Riku."

Sora only followed Maria, not having a lot to say at the moment.
"I see. Tell me, this..Bernkastel woman. Just out of curiosity, you wouldn't have happened to have been told by her to, I don't know, have outsiders attacked? the reason why is, when I was talking with Virgilia, I noticed two things. There was a girl there, wearing the same outfit as one that attacked us. This first girl mentioned "orders" when attacking us. And she also disappeared into butterflies, like you. So do you know what that tells me? it tells me that you are directly involved in this, and were told by this Witch "Bernkastel" to attack any outsiders, weren't you? that Virgilia Witch, the reason your servant didn't attack us when she was in the room was because she's the only decent one here, am I wrong?" Mickey summoned his Keyblade to his hand, but kept a calm composure, not attacking or anything. "We made a deal. No more playing around with me. We can either do two things in this situation. You can either bring this Bernkastel to us, or I will find a way myself. Either way, I will not attack you, or hate you for this." Mickey said, laying down two options for her, now seeing she thought he was a joke or something.

"Alright, we have our two prime suspects. Lambd..a..delta, Lambdadelta," Sora said, struggling with the name at first, "and Bernkastel. Maria, the gang's all here so, do your thing and lead the way please!" Sora said enthusiastically, ready to go and confront this Beatrice woman.
Mickey only eyed the girl in the pink dress with a bit of suspicion. He was at a severe disadvantage, not knowing who a lot of these Witches were personally, there was only one he was specifically told never to speak of, and for some reason saying her name gave him the chills. "Yes, it was quite easy, thank you very much. I fulfilled our deal. So, please keep up your end and tell us what you know." Mickey said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah sure, we have to wait for Sota first and then we'll go. HEY, SOTA! we're over here, FOLLOW THE SOUND OF MY VOICE!" Sora yelled out to Sota, cupping his hands around his mouth to yell louder.
"Yeah, I know. Nothing to worry about." Mickey said with a nod. He then made his way down the hallway, following the butterfly, and then went into the room that they had went in earlier.

"Ever since we got here. I mentioned it before, remembered? I said that there was these metal spiky things that were actually girls." Sora said, bringing up what he had explained to Maria earlier. "One attacked us in the beginning, then later attacked Sota." Sora said. "So, let's put this together. Maria's master, Beatrice, is being influenced by a woman named Bernkastel to attack us, and yet it was probably her in the first place." Sora said, summing it up. "Hey, Maria. Do you know where Beatrice usually goes to sit down, whenever she wants to do so? like a room or something. We could probably go ask her there." Sora asked, having an idea to go and ask Beatrice directly.
Mickey only followed the butterfly, not having much to say. "Hopefully, she won't break my trust, though. I think we're pretty close to getting him back, but we're very far also. But, I do know one thing. Sora's fine, wherever he is. You guys always seem to make it out okay of these types of situations." Mickey said, knowing in his heart Sora was fine.

"Oh, hey Kaika. Yeah, me too. I met this girl, and she helped me out. Apparently it's a Witch or something named Bernkastel who's probably responsible. This girl right here is an apprentice of a Witch named Beatrice, and she was pretty helpful. This place is called the MetaWorld, something like a higher plane of existence or something, I didn't get it, really. By the way, what's your name, I forgot to ask?" Sora asked the girl. It was like everything Sora was told didn't really bother him that much at all.
"Well, even if she is involved somehow there's nothing we can do about it, for now. My deal involves information, and out of good will I won't break it just because I think she may be involved somehow. It was nice talking to you, but we have to get going." Mickey said. Mickey headed for the door.

"Okay, I can understand that. I guess it's like how I call Master Yen Sid "Master", I get it. But, wait. If this Bernkastel woman is so scary, why give her respect like that at all? you don't know her, and she might be the cause of what happened to me, like you said." Sora said. "I can understand your own master who's teaching you, but why her? what do you owe to her, if you've never met her?" Sora asked.
"Well, I'm assuming it was one of you Witches. Though I'm not sure who. Somebody took Sora from the Realm of Dreams, in the World of Traverse Town. A big blue rift is open in the ground. That's the only clue we have. Also, a girl just like the one with you attacked us earlier, I think your friend Beatrice may have something to do with this more then I think, I'm not sure how I missed it, it was pretty tell-tale with the golden butterfly's. Apparently the girl had orders to attack anyone not from here. That's rather oddly specific. I wonder who's setting this whole thing up.." Mickey said, pondering.

"Okay, thanks, I'll remember her name. And don't worry about me. I've fought and defeated some pretty bad people, so no worry's. Nothing I can't handle. Hey, how come when you say those two's names, you keep adding "Lady" at the beginning? do you forget that they're girls or something? it's kind of weird." Sora asked.
"Yes, I was asked to deliver it to you in exchange for a deal. My friend Sora seems to have been taken here against his will. I'm trying to find out why, and I'd like to not have to get any pain or suffering involved, as I've heard seems to happen a lot around Witches." Mickey said, crossing his arms.

"Really?!" Sora shot up like a kid who got something from the story, giddy, his eyes sparkling. "Alright, c'mon then. Please tell me. If you help me, you help save the fate of the world's." Sora said.
Mickey held out his letter. "I have this letter. And since it was important enough for her to have this written up, I will assume the addressed is obviously not you." Mickey said to the girl. Mickey walked up to the woman in the dark blue dress, handing her the letter. "I believe this is for you. I am King Mickey. The boy with me is named Riku, he is a Keyblade Master who is accompanying me. We are at your service, Witch Virgilia. It is an honor to meet you, and we mean no disrespect to come up to the next realm of existence, as I realize I or my friend is nowhere near ready. However, we had no choice." Mickey said.

"Well, it all started just a little while ago. Master Yen Sid taught me that, there is a entirely different realm or something, in dreams. So, I'm actually much older then I look. 16, to be exact. This is just my dream self, not my real body. So anyways, I was training on a sleeping world named Traverse Town. Traverse Town is a pretty big world, it had a bunch of districts and houses and shops. When I was training there, in the square I saw a really pretty blue butterfly. I wondered if butterfly's could dream too. So, I chased after it. But then, when I finally caught up to it, it disappeared and the ground tore apart into this blue giant hole thing. Then I ended up in these confusing hallways for some reason. After that, I eventually met Kaika, a girl who was fighting this metal spiky thing. I used my Stop spell to freeze it in time, and then we ran away. Eventually, we got the idea to make shortcuts by cutting holes through the walls. So we did, but we had to go save her friend, a boy, and we figured out the spiky rod was actually a girl. She really wanted to hurt us, for no reason really, other then some orders or something. But I beat her by using my Thunder spell, so she left. We didn't really get much answers from her. Eventually we all got here, to the rose garden. Then we split up. And here we are now." Sora explained.
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