Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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Mickey went up to the door and opened it.

"We were younger then. So much happier. But happiness has this way of slipping away from you when you need it most. Sometimes, I wish people were just good people. What's the point in being bad, anyway? people say life has no real meaning, which is why we make that meaning. So why be bad? I don't get it." Sora said, sighing. "I make about just as much enemies as I do friends. The people who took me away from what I was doing, probably don't want to be friends. If I had someone that could tell me why I'm here, maybe I'd know what I have to do here." Sora said.
Mickey only followed the butterfly quietly, not much to say.

"Maaaan..come on, can't anybody help me here? this is getting annoying." Sora laid back on the grass with his arms crossed behind his back. He was silent for a moment. "I have these good friends of mine. And I used to lay back just like this by the ocean, and just watch the tide go in and out, at sun rise or sunset." he said, remembering back when life was much simpler for the three of them.
Mickey headed out of the door after a moment, and saw it. "Okay, here it is. Let's go, Riku." Mickey said.

"Oh, okay. That's cool I guess." Sora said casually, not really getting it but it didn't really matter much to him. "Do you think that this friend of yours, Lady Beatrice, is the one that made us get lost? because I don't know really anything about this place. None of my old friends are here. I mean, that Kaika girl and her friend are my friends now, but..I don't really know them at all. I wish someone could just answer me straight out, right now and tell me why I'm here.." Sora said with a sigh, sitting on the grass.
"I know, I know. Neither do I, but at least we're getting somewhere." Mickey looked at the letter in his hand. "Okay, so it's addressed to a "Virgilia" woman I assume. She said there's supposed to be a butterfly around here something.." Mickey said, and looked around the room.

"Aww, that's pretty sad." Sora said, looking at the rose. "You're doing a good job though, keep it up. So, could you tell me where I am? me and some new friends I just made were taken to this place, and we need to get back to the worlds we were on because we have really important things we need to do. If you understand that, anyway. We're lost, basically." Sora said to simplify, not knowing if this little girl knew about other worlds.
"i guess that sounds simple enough. We'll do it." Mickey nodded in agreement to the task. I hope she doesn't betray my expectations like I think she will.. Mickey thought to himself, having a bit of doubt in her.

As Sora continued to walk and look around he saw a little girl. He then breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, finally finding someone not hostile and seemingly friendly to get answers from. He walked up to the girl, and gently squatted down right next to her. "Hi. Whacha' doing?" Sora asked with curiosity as he stared at the rose the little girl was taking care of.
"Alright, tell me and I'll think about it." Mickey said, nodding in agreement.

Sora still hadn't found anything. He sighed. "I wonder how the others are doing. Hopefully they've done better then me." he kept on walking.
"All we want is our friend back. Nothing more. All that we ne- ahem, I mean all that we request of you is, if you direct us to the ones who have actually done what they have done with Sora. You see, there is a battle that will be happening in the near future that is very important. Seven lights and thirteen darkness's will go into battle, the latter being lead by an insane man named Master Xehanort, who wants to start a war between his group and ours. His goal, is to create a weapon called the X-blade, a weapon that will open the door to a place called Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a place of great power and wisdom, and can be seen as the heart of everything. If he gets his hands on that place, he'll be unstoppable, no world, not even ones like this will be safe from him." Mickey explained.

Sora continued to walk and looked out for anything strange or out of the ordinary.
"Wait!" Mickey had a lot more questions, but it was too late. "Darn.." Mickey sighed. "Wait...what she said. Maybe, it's not just bringing him here that's it. It's him being here that's it, as well as us. Sora probably shouldn't be here, like she said to buzz off. Let me try this then. Perhaps they have an awareness of what happens here." Mickey said, clearing his throat. "Whoever Witch is involved in this place that has no relation Sora, our friend being here, accept our apology for being here, however he was taken against his will to this place. I would prefer a peaceful diplomatic solution to this. If you accept and hear my terms, please bring us to your domain, that is all I ask." Mickey requested to the enigmatic "Master" of the girl from earlier.

Sora slowed his pace after a bit of distance and walked normally. He looked as he walked for anything strange.
"You're lying, you hesitated! what do you want from us?" Mickey exclaimed. "Let me tell you something. I am a King who fights alongside his friends, and for them. If you think I won't hurt you to get information, you're wrong. I came with the intention of diplomacy, but it seems your master has every intention of making this difficult. So, I'll do whatever it takes to get answers, not because I want to, but because it's for a friend's sake. Unlike you, who I can tell fights because your told to. That's why we win, all the time. People like you lack discipline, and a good cause." Mickey explained.

"Well, I hate to say it, but let's split up and look around then. I'll go forward, you two go in opposite directions." Sora said, and then took off in that said direction.
"Well, you kind of just let us know you guys have hostile intent, when you're the ones who took our friend away in the first place. What do you want with Sora, why is he important to the witches?" Mickey said, pressing for answers.

Sora sliced open the next wall and found himself a bit blinded by the sun, but he smiled happily. "Finally, some fresh air. It was getting pretty stale in there." Sora said, stepping out and stretching.
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