Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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Mickey turned around and blocked the metal stake, summoning his Keyblade. "Hmm...I see. So where are the people you work for? I don't have time to play games with you right now, so if you point us in the right direction, you won't get hurt."

"Yeah, I guess so." Sora nodded, going up to the next wall and cutting through it. He stepped through, wondering how much longer they would have to go.
Mickey's ear twitched, and he stopped walking. "What is that noise, and where is it coming from?" he asked, looking around a bit curious.

"Hopefully, this will take forever otherwise. I'm beginning to think the people in this world, or wherever we are, aren't the most normal or friendly people. I could be wrong, but if that girl was the first person we met, and she's got backup, it seems like people here are very violent. I hope we don't have to go through any of that when we get outside." Sora said, slashing a hole through the next wall. "So, hopefully we'll get outside soon..."
Mickey started to speed up, figuring if they went faster they could get around easier.

Sora went down the way he came, then stopped at the first hole he made. He went through it, and then motioned for the two of them to follow. He then went up to the second hole and went through it. He went up to the third wall, slicing a hole through it with his Keyblade once again. Sora sighed. "Even if this is quicker, it's getting repetitive. At least I won't have to do this for long, though." he commented, going through the third hole.
"I guess, but maybe we've been misled somehow. It might not be as simple as we think is going on." Mickey said. "You never know. There could be a reason this place is so empty." Mickey pointed out.

"I'll help out. There! Cure!" Sora said, casting the healing spell on Sota. "Alright, if we're done here, we need to make our way outside now. The more time we spend in here, the more time we waste. If that girl comes back with reinforcements, we'll be in for a tougher fight. So let's get going." Sora said. Wasting no time, he took off back to where they were earlier.
"It seems like this place was designed quite unefficiently." Mickey noted. "Too many hallways, I don't think even in the Castle it's very hard to maneuver around like this, the people who live here could get lost." Mickey said as he walked.

"You're pretty confident in your abilities. But, if that arm blade and metal form thing are the only tricks you got, then you're kinda like..a two-trick pony. I only gotta keep casting Thunder or Stop, and you're down. I guess your fast, but so am I." Sora said, seemingly disinterested and unconcerned, once again casting the Thunder spell at her as she wildly flew at them.
Mickey stood up, unaffected from the fall. "Let's get going, the witches should be lingering arouhd here somewhere if I'm not mistaken." he said, and then started to walk.

Clashing his Keyblade with her purple energy blade, Sora only had a grin on his face. "Targets, huh? you know, you might be wrong. We were taken here, against our will by somebody. And, if that's the case that somebody is going want us alive, right? so why don't you take a deep breath, and calm down and be reasonable, huh?"
"Well, no point in standing here. Let's go, haha!" Mickey jumped down into the rift below. "whoaaaaaaaa!"

Quickly keeping up with Kaika, Sora jumped from wall to wall until he saw what Kaika was worrying about. "Okay, I think I heard someone say once that metal is an electricity conductor or something, so whatever this thing is It'll have to stop! Thunder!" Sora said, casting the Thunder Spell at the metal stake.
Mickey went to the Third District, ans saw the gaping rift in the pavement. "So this is it, I see..a big blue rift. I wonder, who is the Witch who caused this?" Mickey pondered to himself as he waited for Riku.

"Alright, then there's no reason to stick around here then. Let's start making shortcuts!" Sora said. Turning to a wall, he sliced it open with his Keyblade. On the other side was another hallway. He stepped through, and went up to the next wall. He repeated this process once again. "C'mon, we'll make quicker progress this way. Eventually we'll hit an outside wall."
"Yeah." Mickey nodded in affirmation. He made his way up into the tower and walked up to the sleeping Sora. "Good luck, you two." Yen Sid said. Mickey nodded, he then dived into Sora's dream world, knowing Riku would follow suit. He reached Traverse Town.

"Well, we can only make guesses until we find something. What's with all of these hallways, anyway? why would someone waste so much time putting up these hallways? unless, the people who designed this place never leave one room. Maybe that's it." Sora turned into an upcoming hallway on the right. "There has to be some rooms around here somewhere, or something. Do you have any special abilities or something? like, can you sense people? It'd help in finding people."
"Don't worry, you won't be kept in the dark. Well, as Yen Sid must of explained, Witches, are well, Witches. But not like what you would normally expect. They're enigmatic beings, almost godlike for the power they hold. In fact, they can go to a level that is considered a god. But we won't talk about them, especially..her if we don't have to. Anyway, we usually don't talk about them unless we have to, which is the case. They rarely appear before normal people, like what you guys were before everything was set into motion by Xehanort. From what I'm guessing, Sora has caught there interest. They need no reason, they simply do as they wish. But, this is different. Sora is needed, so as a King and representative of Master Yen Sid, we will go and diplomatically take him back. We cannot show hostility, in order to gain favor we have to be calm and show respect, despite what has been done." Mickey explained. They landed back at Mysterious Tower.

"Yeah, I was. No clue why though. Obviously they need us for something, though I don't get if they want something from us, they're making us go through all of this." Sora said while walking.
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