Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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(I can see that, haha good choice.)

"Oh, well..yes, I could still use more people on my side, even if you can't necessarily help me in those ways." Sora said nodding. "Please lend me your assistance, Lady Eva." Sora said, bowing his head in respect.

"What exactly were you doing to her body, whoever or whatever you are? and what did you just take, what is that exactly?" Mickey asked, peering at the shard.
"Sora, I'm from the Destiny Islands, nice to meet you Eva." Sora said, nodding. "So, you succeeded Beatrice? I had no idea she would need a successor. Then again, yeah she wasn't much help, and she wasn't willing either. Also, even if I could become a Witch, it's not like that's my goal. I want to leave, but I also can't leave this situation alone, it doesn't sit right with me. So I have to train with Virgilia, BUT, I'm kind of..sleeping so I don't even know if I could become a Witchin this state. This isn't the real me." Sora explained.

"NOW!!" Mickey exclaimed, and his beam of light blasted right at Kaika.
"Fine, I never said you had to be perfect, but I don't appreciate being kept in the dark for no reason," Sora said, in an annoyed but at least tame tone. "I apologize for yelling, Teacher, but my friends are very important to me, more then anything in the entire world." Sora said, and then walked up to the mystery Witch. "I would give my life to save anyone in in true need, especially my friends...and maybe you can help us, ma'am." Sora said. "If you know Lady Virgilia and Maria here, please hear me out. I've been brought here against my will, and I don't understand why. All I want, is answers. I was in the middle of training for something very important. Please, you're my last hope. Lady Virgilia may not be capable of bringing to me to such a place, but maybe YOU can, or..you ARE the supreme and most powerful Witch, I don't know!! all I want is to be able to explain myself to whoever Witches answer to, that's why I asked if there was such a place where you Witches all met, somewhere in the universe. Please ma'am, if you can help me in any of those ways, I'll be in your debt." Sora said.

"Alright, come on Riku. We'll do it together this time." Mickey said, started to gather light into Keyblade.
"Hold on, now I'm confused here. This girl, right here is a Witch? and she visits the mansion and this place? because I've already been to this room, remember Maria? we were just here not too long when we came to talk to Beatrice, and this girl wasn't here earlier." Sora said. "I specifically asked for a place where Witches, and I mean, many many many of them, meet-up, perhaps that place would be where the powerful Witches reside. I asked for a place, where MANY Witches go to meet-up. Because it can be assumed you have superiors, right? how is this room I've been to anything like I described?" Sora asked. "When we first met, we talked. I asked a few questions, and so did you. First, you acknowledged that you were Virgilia. Then, you knew that Bernkastel and Lambdadelta were responsible somehow of luring us here from our worlds. You also then acknowledged that you recognized me in the group somehow. I really wonder, Lady Virgilia...with the existence of a previously unknown Witch that you two only seem to know, it hadn't occurred to you, in the slightest to direct my friends to this Witch?! because, I'm just gonna guess that's why they were starting to fight Lambdadelta, correct? like I said earlier, and I'm sure they also, we NEED answers. So why?! why would you just give my friends a send-off and let them go fight someone who could potentially destroy them?! if this Witch CAN HELP, AND EVERYBODY KNEW, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME OR REMOTELY DO THE SIMPLE THINGS I ASKED OF THEM?!?!" Sora said, getting angry that his friends could potentially be dead.

Mickey cautiously approached Kaika. Pointing his Keyblade at her, he tried to use some Light to dis spell the darkness around her.
"Right, then let's head there right now, there's no time to waste." Sora said with a clenched fist. "Uh...how do we get there? is it like, a dream world or something? do I have to dive there? then again, even though I'm still in my dream form I don't seem to have the ability to dive out of here." Sora said, confused. "I don't suppose you can make gates or pathways, can you?" Sora asked.

"Right, we'll keep that in mind," Mickey nodded and then dived into Kaika's nightmare.
A drop of sweat went down Sora's forehead. He didn't have much in the way to counter the attack, as he knew this was going to be powerful. "I may be at a disadvantage in my dreams, but don't count me out yet!!" Sora "dived" into the ground, in a dark pocket dimension, Sora and Riku combined two keyblades, Nightmare Break and Mirage Split into one gigantic Keyblade. They both dived out, unleashing many devastating slashes that were super fast, then one final slash, which immediately sliced the knight and horse in half, and they both disappeared. Riku's image immediately disappeared after the attack finished, and Sora sighed in relief. "Man, that wasn't an easy fight, that last attack took a lot out of me. It's gonna be hard, training in my Dream Form like this...Lady Virgilia, I want to try this again. I don't want to have to fight if I don't have to. Is there a place that you have to go sometimes, to meet up with other Witches? just like in the Organization, they had meetings sometimes in this big hall. Like a, committee, or some higher group that you answer to? maybe, if you take me to this place, if there is one, and I simply talk to all of these powerful Witches and explain my situation to them, maybe I can get all this cleared up, and this Bernkastel will HAVE to answer," Sora said, basically describing the Senate of Witches, in an optimistic tone that was slightly unrealistic to his current desperate situation.

"Hmmm..." Mickey went up, and felt Kaika's head. "She seems to be having some nightmare, alright. You said you'd seen Sora with Virgilia, but she seems to be in a serious state. You said "not again", so I'm gonna guess this happens a lot then, Sota." Mickey said, noticing her current mental state wasn't exactly great as she slept right now, noticeably sweating. "Alright, Riku. This might be weird, but we're gonna dive into Kaika's nightmare while still inside the Dream World." Mickey suddenly deciding this was important enough to investigate.
(Right, so Iris and Professor Oak and Ash's Mom will be coming over soon because of the storm. Anyone out of those you want to play as?)

"Wh-what the-!" Ash didn't have any time to react, and the cage snatched up Pikachu right inside the cage. "Pikachu!!" "Pika, piiiii!" Ash quickly ran up, and tried to pull the cage apart, but he didn't have the strength to do so. "Hey, who are you guys?!! can't you see this guy needs help back here?!! why would you cage my Pikachu like this?! you better let him go, right now!!" Ash and Pikachu both looked at the mysterious people dressed in black angrily. Meanwhile, David was still unconscious, but the rumbling from the nearby storm cloud had stirred him a bit.
(Ok, then)

Water splashed on Ash, making them both blink. In a comical fashion, Ash chuckled nervously and then they shook all the water off them. Ash scratched his head. "What the heck was that, Pikachu? do you think that was a person?" Pikachu nodded. No Pokemon they knew had ever screamed like that, after all. "Yeah, it was! I wonder what makes someone fall out of the sky like that..maybe they fell off his Pokemon?! oh no, we should help!!" Suddenly, the unconscious body of David floated up, visible. "Gyaaaaaahh!!' Ash looked at the body, panicked, he got on his knees and grabbed his arm, then picked him up and dragged him onto the harbor. Ash's head slightly turned around, and he noticed something. Three people, in black trenchcoats, glasses and hats were standing on the dock, just a bit further away from him. "Hey!! come help, I think this guy just fell off his Pokemon in the sky, do any of you know CPR?" Ash said.
(So, who do you want to play as for this? there's no telling what could happen, soooooo)
"Pokemon, right..let me see what I can find.." David went over to the closet, opened it and started to dig inside. After a few moments of digging, David found something Pokemon related. It was a black box with no cover over the usual clear space reserved for such a thing, in magic marker was the only indication of what it was on the box, which David spoke aloud was "Pokemon Black & White, Season 1, Episodes 1 through 12..this seems okay." David said, uneasy. Opening it up as he came over to the DVD Player, the disc was obviously a burnt disc that simply read "Pokemon Black & White" in black marker. He turned on the DVD Player, then hit the "Open" button, and the tray came sliding out automatically, he put the disc in, closed the tray and then turned on the TV. Strangely, the time on the DVD Player read "00:00" and hadn't changed from the moment he had turned the TV on. They both waited in silence. It was the standard Pokemon introduction, with the same narrator from the newer seasons excitedly talking about the world of Pokemon world. Then, the never-aging Protagonist came up, Ash Ketchum. They were going on a vacation to the Unova region, and after a bit of dialogue, they were off. Then, it transitioned to the Team Rocket trio, who were in black this time, speaking to Giovanni about Team Rocket's goal.

After a bit of vague dialogue from Giovanni about a mysterious Organization in Unova, it went back to Ash and the gang on a plane now. After a bit of talking, from Team Rocket and Ash, the kid-friendly and inspirational opening played. After the opening played, the had reached and then landed on the water, the plane bore a resemblance to a Wailmer (or Wailord), then Professor Oak and Ash's mom walked off. Pikachu saw a new fish Pokemon, Alomomola, and Ash excitedly went to go look at it. "Alright, it's now or never. While this usual segment with Team Rocket showing up is about to happen, I'll just...head in, I guess. Wish me luck, Hana." David said. He took a few steps back. Then, after a bit of hesitation, David ran up, and..his entire body slid through the screen. David was falling. All he could see around him was Black, but he was sure he was falling. Then, he was in the sky. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" David was now falling out of the sky, from the clouds. Then, he fell into the ocean, scaring off the Alomomola, since he landed in the water pretty close to the dock, also possibly splashing Ash and Pikachu with water from the huge fall.
David sighed, his voice shaky, he was as calm as he would ever be in a situation as unbelievable as this. "O-ok, if we are to believe what the voice said, we really should do a test run first to get an understanding of how this all works. Let's do the DVD Player. Pick a TV series, animated or real, nothing with violence, that you know of that we could use for a test-run. I'll go dig in the closet and see if we have it available." David said, then reached over, putting on the headset earpiece. "I'll be doing the test-run, you stay behind this time and guide me through it. It'll be good to cover each other's faults and for us to gain knowledge of things one of us may know, but not the other. It depends on how the list plays out if you get to go next time. In short, you'll be watching my actions through the television and guiding me through, you'll be my eye in the sky, my unseen back-up. Then, when I'm done we'll just put it back and go back to it when we need to. It sounds ridiculous, but anyone willing to hurt our families for this obviously isn't playing around." David concluded. He tried to act as brave as he could, but his arms were shaking.

There were dark and depressing shows as well as games. The thought that he and her would have to go through some of those made his stomach churn, he felt like he was going to throw up. What type of sick person would call this a "game"? it was like something you'd see in fiction, not real life, or a more ridiculous and unbelievable version of the SAW movies. And why them, why were they special or important enough to be selected for this? they were just a couple of average teenagers. What exactly could you expect from the two of them? nothing. Absolutely nothing at all.
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