Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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Ok, huh? so what's going on here? who's taking what here, exactly? why should Enalias move, why is it such a big deal he took the landmass there? if he's even allowed to switch now is up to Gummi. We're just starting the RP now 4 posts in, and we're still doing constant map changes. That means we have to restrict ourselves and can't interact with those factions because of that.

Is this some type of planned thing we all don't know about?

Can I have an explanation in clear terms I understand?
[Outer Heaven Island, MSF Central Headquarters]

"Boss, it's been awhile since we settled into this place. We're going to have to make contact and relations sooner or later. We can't just sit here twiddling our thumbs anymore. Everything is ready, so come on Snake." Kazuhira Miller, second in command of the MSF said.

He took a puff of his cigar, turning around in his leather office chair. An official looking wooden desk was between them. "What type?" Kazuhira questioned. "Cuban, imported. I found them." He opened up the blinds in the dark room, lighting the light in.

Big Boss stuck the cigar between a side his lips. He went and looked out one of the windows, observing soldiers doing training exercises or talking, as well looking at the various facilities and vehicles in the distance, pilots and drivers do checks on the equipment. Metal Gear ZEKE's hangar wasn't too far away, Huey and the R&D team were probably making sure the parts were in order right now.

"I know, Kaz. There are plenty of opportunities, like the island to the North East. Nothing changes. MSF is a business, we try to stay neutral unless it involves a job. Simple as that. We stay disconnected, no nation or ideology." Big Boss said, taking a puff. "Besides, we have ZEKE to back us up if anyone we run across gets hostile."

"I know, that's why we should just send some type of scout party out, see if anyone is interested in building some long-term relationship. We offer our wet-work, they supply us with things. That's the thing about our guerrilla tactics, Boss. They may work, but the less theft and unnecessary bloodshed, the better. Like you said, neutrality. Keeping us and our soldiers independent. Remember, we're away from our world's CIA or anything that could threaten us there. It's a whole new playing field out there, Snake." Kazuhira pointed out.

Big Boss grunted, Miller had a point. "..Fine. Just do what you always do. Don't get us killed, because of a misstep." Miller nodded in agreement. "Right, no unnecessary risks, I get that. I'll do just that, I won't let you down then Boss." Miller left the room,.

Big Boss sat down in his chair, turning back around. He took a puff of his cigar. "This is good, isn't it?" he said to no one in particular.
ActRaiserTheReturned said
I am officially the weakest faction out there.

Doesn't necessarily mean you'll immediately get attacked. Alliances are a common thing.
Enalais said
Faction Sheet:Image: Name:Hive Fleet KrakenOriginated From:Warhammer 40kLeader: The hivelord is the driving force behind the Swarmlord but the Swarmlord is his will made manifest.Notable Members: Notable Weapons/Strengths: Also I would like the southern part of the world where the Half moon bay is.

It's not very informative. What is the leader like? what type of weapons do they use specifically? there is a character sheet specifically for leaders, I dunno if you missed it. Such ambiguity leads to confusion and some people use this confusion to their advantage because the Game Master knows nothing about the universe. I'd ask to please give us more details, but it's up to Gummi.
Yeah, I'm deciding on a piece of land to take. How about that land mass right below the one guy took. The small island I marked here.

Sora grumbled a bit. He looked at his hands. "Stupid dream, making me look young.......I wonder why I still look like this, anyway..is it because of..?" Sora went silent for a moment, then clenched his fist. "I guess so.." he said vaguely, coming to a realization about something. "So, anyways..where was I? right, I want to find a place where other like-minded, high-ranking Witches gather..but only Beatrice knows. I chewed her out the last time I saw her." Sora sighed, suddenly in a bad mood. Then, there was a shift in atmosphere. Something like something flapping. He turned to the door, seeing a red blur and white. Sora walked to the door and took a peek out. There was no one there, but there was a a single scroll on the ground. Sora picked it up. He brought it back inside. "Thought I saw someone..anyways, I found this." Sora held up the scroll.

Mickey attempted to cut down the middle of it's arm as it tried to do so.
"And you don't have to be. Listen, all I'm trying to say is, don't you think those guys will try to step all over you? I don't know you as well as I'd like to, but you know what most of the Witches are like, right? you have to..assert yourself, is all I'm trying to say, Lady Eva." Sora said, crossing his arms. "Although, saying that kind of looks silly when I look like a kid, huh.." Sora chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Mickey, without hesitation ran towards his respective shadow. As they were both in front of each other, both about to attack, he attempted to slice the shadow in half first.
"Hello there, my name is Lucius Kane. I have come from America on the behest of a Mr. Yagami looking to put together a Task Force to combat the recent threat "Kira". I was told by Mr. Yagami, who seems to be doing his own personal work at the moment, to come to this address on his orders alone, since he is the head of the KTF." Lucius explained in a hushed tone, his accent showing as he spoke Japanese. "May I come in, miss? I would like to get started as soon as possible." Lucius politely asked with the same pleasant smile from earlier to match.

Light listened closely to what Lucius was saying, and then a thought went through his mind: was Lucius a better Detective mind than Bernkastel? to find out where he was, was quite the feat indeed. His back story on how he got the address was fake, since Light was right here, just acting as another person. How could this "Lucius" know about his personality change, then? he couldn't see the boy, but he knew something was already odd about him.

Though Light would have to play along with the act, it was eerie how it all fell into place with his story. Considering the situation, it was true. Nothing could contradict it, at least for the moment.
"You may feel how you like about it, Bernkastel. It is simply a possibility I can not ignore." "Aito" simply said. He nodded to all of them, accepting each one's aliases without any comment or complaint. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Three times knock, no more no less. Aito silently turned his head to Dlanor expectantly.

Lucius stood at the door, he knocked three times and then waited. He knew there were hidden cameras or wiretaps, so he said nothing. There was only a mysterious smile on the American's face, as if he knew something others didn't.
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