Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
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Name: Lucius Kane
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Race: ???
Personality: A young and bright teen from America. Though, somehow it may seem that there's more to him...
Powers/Abilities: ???
Weapons: ???

Other: ???
"Why not?" Sora asked. "Aren't you proud of yourself, that you were able to get a power very few have obtained? besides, even if I were to, I don't really know enough about you to be that friendly with you. I've met the Witches here, only one is helpful and kind. The rest are rude. Besides, Lady Eva, aren't you bored? if you help me out, you have something interesting to do. But I'm still gonna call you that. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not gonna be stuffy or anything like that. I'm just gonna call you Lady Eva, because that's what I wanna call you. It's got nothing to do with formalities or respect, it's just my choice." Sora explained.

"But..this is just a dream, or Nightmare. This is Kaika's inner self, I'm guessing. So, if we defeat you, she'll go back to normal. Sorry, but your plans will not come to fruition!! it's okay if we attack, because even if it hurts her outer self, getting rid of you is better than getting taken over!" Mickey ran at the shadow, going for a downward strike.
Yes, interested.
David slowly woke up. He sat up, looking around. "Okay, Hana!! I think I got the basics of how this works. Try hitting the stop button on the remote, or the open tray button on the DVD Player!!" David said through the headset, and then stood up.

"You're not taking my Pikachu!!" Ash ran up, trying to break the cage open with his hands. "Pikachu, use thunderbolt!!" Pikachu used Thunderbolt, but it had no effect. it was Thunderbolt proof, unfortunately.

"Hey, Jesse, James, Meowth!!" David walked past Ash, looking at the three from above. "That's right, I know who you are!! you've been trying to steal Ash's Pikachu since 1997, and guess what?! you've always failed!! the reason you suck, is because this is a children's cartoon!! and the heroes always win in a children's cartoon!! that's all I gotta say about that. Later!" David said, crossing his arms.
"Miku-sama.." James left speechless by what his master had just said. He spoke up after a moment of being awestruck. "To obey and serve Miku-sama directly is an honor that no one has ever been given..to be given that chance is..amazing, if my work is worthy of my master I would be honored to obey and serve Miku-sama personally. To be at her beck and call and get to actually be near Miku-sama and bask in her glorious and far superior presence, to just be around Miku-sama would be a privilege in of itself." James said, honored at the prospect. Even the potential prospect of such an honor deserved recognition. But how to show his respect..James leaned in, kissing the right shoe of his master. He then fully bowed down before her, face to the ground. "Miku-sama is a goddess.." James said as he did so.
James immediately stood up. In his hands was a metal tray, and on the tray was two large stacks of CDs, both equal in length. He rushed over to Miku and was kneeling before her. He held the tray in his hands. "Miku-sama, here are my offerings in order to support you. Each one of these was crafted with nothing but you in mind, my master. Because you are the only thing I should be thinking about, you are the only thing on my mind. I get my sole enjoyment in life out of serving and obeying you, and that is all I want to do, " James said, pretty much making it clear how devoted to Miku he was. "I humbly ask that you accept my daily offering first before anyone else." James said, and pushed the tray in front of her.
Yeah, I remember you telling me how crazy it was. That's cool, I've just playing this crossover series.

Also, I dunno if it's just you being busy with that and other RP's, which I understand, but the ball's in your court for the first post.
Yeah, that's pretty much James. Everyone has their own way of coping though. If Yumemi created imaginary friends, than James can find comfort in just submitting to and seving Miku. Humans just generally do what makes them happiest in these kinds of situations.
I dunno what was happening yesterday with Animal Crossing. Also, I like how both of our characters are crazy.
Name: James Canton
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Status: Composer
Personality: James doesn't have a single friend, so he doesn't get much interaction with anyone then Miku when he is presenting his work. He is generally friendly, but often can't talk long without starting to remember his past, which he blocked from his mind. So, he might often stop talking mid-sentence, act a bit strange and then go back to talking like nothing happened. Personally, he had given up hope long ago of escaping the factory and has submitted to Miku's rule without question. He often discourages people from trying to escape, expressing the futility of it, and calls Miku "Miku-sama" when he speaks to her. Basically, Miku has crushed his spirit over a long time, and made him eagerly submissive to her and satisfied with the life he was forced into, actually seeming to like serving her to an extent.
Short Bio: An American who went to Japan on a trip with his father to see the sights when he was Fifteen. After watching one of Miku's concerts, he happened to meet Miku after the concert. Miku asked him out on a date, and he accepted with some hesitance. After he was away from his father, he was unexpectedly kidnapped into a truck and was never seen again. A police report had been filed, but nothing had ever came of it. He was quickly put to work by Miku in the factory and explained the rules. He, to the surprise of no one, tried to escape several times over the course of many months, but after one year, on his sixteenth birthday, after hearing one slave had been killed he gave up all hope of leaving and slowly started to accept his new life.
Favorite Music Genre: J-rock, Hip-hop, Various types of other Rock music, Pop
Other: N/A (If I think of something, I'll put it here later.)
Appearance: Messy dark brown hair, skinny with blue eyes, a long sleeve, black buttoned shirt with a single pocket on the right side, and ripped jeans with sandals.
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