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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Status: (Trash or Composer)
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: James Canton
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Status: Composer
Personality: James doesn't have a single friend, so he doesn't get much interaction with anyone then Miku when he is presenting his work. He is generally friendly, but often can't talk long without starting to remember his past, which he blocked from his mind. So, he might often stop talking mid-sentence, act a bit strange and then go back to talking like nothing happened. Personally, he had given up hope long ago of escaping the factory and has submitted to Miku's rule without question. He often discourages people from trying to escape, expressing the futility of it, and calls Miku "Miku-sama" when he speaks to her. Basically, Miku has crushed his spirit over a long time, and made him eagerly submissive to her and satisfied with the life he was forced into, actually seeming to like serving her to an extent.
Short Bio: An American who went to Japan on a trip with his father to see the sights when he was Fifteen. After watching one of Miku's concerts, he happened to meet Miku after the concert. Miku asked him out on a date, and he accepted with some hesitance. After he was away from his father, he was unexpectedly kidnapped into a truck and was never seen again. A police report had been filed, but nothing had ever came of it. He was quickly put to work by Miku in the factory and explained the rules. He, to the surprise of no one, tried to escape several times over the course of many months, but after one year, on his sixteenth birthday, after hearing one slave had been killed he gave up all hope of leaving and slowly started to accept his new life.
Favorite Music Genre: J-rock, Hip-hop, Various types of other Rock music, Pop
Other: N/A (If I think of something, I'll put it here later.)
Appearance: Messy dark brown hair, skinny with blue eyes, a long sleeve, black buttoned shirt with a single pocket on the right side, and ripped jeans with sandals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Yumemi Momoka
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Status: Trash
Personality: Yumemi always loved to share her thoughts to close others, but had a self-confidence issue that restrained her from being open to new people. Her kind of personality makes it easy for her to fool. This could be referenced to when she had thought that Miku was truly the bright and lovable digital diva that she had helped to develop for the different kinds of Vocaloids, only to be shocked to find out about this darker side of the innocent Vocaloid. Despite all of the hardships she has to face, Yumemi tries to keep herself together by giving herself false hope that she would be able to live a normal life, if there was a point in time where all of this would end despite how hopeless it seems as times goes on. This develops rather out of control, where Yumemi would constantly talk to herself as if she were another person herself. Seeing as no one trapped in the factory with her would give her any sign of comfort, Yumemi started to make a lot of "imaginary friends" in her head as her only comfort, developing a Multiple Personality disorder and mentally unstable.
Short Bio: Yumemi was a part of the development team that focused on creating the digital diva that would be a part of the many Vocaloids their company has developed, named Hatsune Miku. Being the only female programmer of the team, Yumemi actually has gotten to relate with the Vocaloid, but yet was not able to figure out about the strange spikes in the Vocaloid's emotional state. She never realized this until her development team had reported to her about the strange behavior of Miku, hesitating but reluctantly agreed to decommission Miku for her own good. Though, it was already too late as Miku had figured that this action would occur soon, and abruptly, Yumemi lost consciousness, presumably knocked out by Miku. When she later regained consciousness, she saw that she was in some underground factory, and was witnessed to see the remains of her development team, they were dead. Miku told her that since Yumemi was probably going to be a use for her due to being the only person on that development team to show appreciation for her "innocent" self, Yumemi was forced to work at this music factory, being one of the first humans to be captured and enslaved by the twisted Vocaloid. As time went on, Yumemi's mental state started to decay as she learned that one slave was killed while attempting to escape, that Miku was sorely and somewhat her fault for not realizing this before it was too late, that all of this was happening, and most of the slaves would refer to Yumemi as the "old nutjob" by how Yumemi would always talk to herself and how she was quite unable to even do any work in the music factory. As much as Miku really doesn't appreciate how Yumemi never does any work, the Vocaloid only (but annoyingly) tolerates this as Yumemi is one of the few people left that keeps the technology in her factory in check.
Favorite Music Genre: Acoustic, Classical, Orchestral.
Other: Yumemi can't compose any music that would please Miku, but she is only left alive to keep the technology in check in the factory.
Appearance: Ruffled black hair that is long up to her elbows, green eyes, wears her white (but stained and dirty) labcoat over her tattered black work dress, and wears worn out sneakers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I dunno what was happening yesterday with Animal Crossing. Also, I like how both of our characters are crazy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Honestly, I wasn't sure what was the problem. >.<

Anyways, our characters are crazy for sure. James is like a mindless servant of Miku and doesn't actually think for himself. Yumemi is devastated to what she contributed to and is pretty much giving herself imaginary friends to give her comfort in the factory. Wouldn't really be a surprise as this is a very sadistic music factory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yeah, that's pretty much James. Everyone has their own way of coping though. If Yumemi created imaginary friends, than James can find comfort in just submitting to and seving Miku. Humans just generally do what makes them happiest in these kinds of situations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

In other words, everyone there most likely has a dark side.

Also, I've been busy with Corpse Party Book of Shadows lately, and geez it's pretty fucking messed up. It's what got me to make a roleplay based on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yeah, I remember you telling me how crazy it was. That's cool, I've just playing this crossover series.

Also, I dunno if it's just you being busy with that and other RP's, which I understand, but the ball's in your court for the first post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alright, there's the first post down, expanding a bit on the whole situation within the factory under Miku's control and having some imaginary friend talk with Yumemi.
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